HCA 13/70 f.558v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.558v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 20th of december 1655/ [CENTRE HEADING]

Joseph Tilley Adrian Vanderpost and Company}
Owners of the ffortune against Thomas Brunning}
and Rober Brunning Suckley Clements}

Examined on an allegation on the behalfe of
the sayd Joseph Tilley and Company./

Rp. .j.

James Wilson of London Merchant aged
34 yeares or thereabouts a wittnes sworne and
examined saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet./

To the 4th article of the sayd allegation hee saith that hee this deponent
being resident in Cales at such tyme as the shipp the ffortune came
to an Anchor there well knoweth that shee came to an Anchor on
the Back side of Cales and rode very neere the shoare in great danger
to be lost this hee the better knoweth for that hee saw her soe ride
there And further to this article hee cannot depose/

To the 5tyh hee saith that it is customary for Masters in such cases
as is arlate to hange forth colours and shoote a gunne or gunns
that help may come to them but this deponent saith hee neither
sawe any coulour set out or heard any gunnes shott off from the
sayd shipp when she soe rode at an anchor as aforesayd And further
to this article hee cannot depose./

To the 6th article of the sayd allegation hee saith that hee this deponent
being in his howse at Cadiz the arlate Thomas and Robert Browning
came to this deponent and told him they and their company
had left the shipp the ffortune at an Anchor on the back side of
Cales and desyred this deponent that hee would bee assistant to them
in procureing helpe to bringe her into Cadiz, and with all delivered
this deponent some gold and ambergreece which they brought from on board in
their pocketts (the value or quantitie of it hee remembreth not but
referreth himselfe to the Accompts hee hath given to the Owners
master and supracargoe of the sayd shipp touching the same, whereupon
this deponent did furnish the sayd Thomas and Robert Browning and company
with [?XXX] and the necessaries to fetch in the sayd shipps and ladeing and saith that while
they were goeing soe to doe the Governor of Cadiz his officers had
seized upon the sayd shipp and her ladeing and brought the same almost to
the harbour, before the sayd Brownin and Company Could get on board
her, and hee saith the Governours officers having found her with noe body on
board pretended shee was a wrack by which meanes this deponent
well knoweth it cost the Owners of the sayd shipp and goods tenn thousand
sixe hundred and nynty Rialls Spanish plate which at 4 s - 6 d peece of
eight makes the summe of two hundred nyne pounds sixe shillings [?XXX]
which was disbursed by this deponent, And moreover hee this deponent saith
hee hath delivered to the sayd Thomas and Robert Browning seaven thousand