MRP: Richard Hill will

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Richard Hill will

PROB 11/284 Wootton 627-673 Will of Richard Hill, Merchant of City of London 26 November 1658

Editorial history

08/12/11, CSG: Created page & posted transcription to wiki

Abstract & context

This will, proved in 1658, is not a match to Alderman Richard Hill, identified by Robert Brenner as a major "new merchant" associated with William Pennoyer.

Suggested links

To do

(1) Check Robert Brenner references to Richard and XXX Hill

(2) Is this will the correct match for the merchant described by Robert brenner? Is he not too young?


This transcription has been completed, but needs checking

IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN thje ffifth day of October in the yeare of our Lord One thousand six hundred ffiftie and Eight I Richard Hill of the Cittie of London marchant being sicke in bodie butof sounde minde and disposing memory (oraised be God) do make and ordaine this my last Will and testament in manner and forme following (that is to say)

FFIRST and above all I bequeath my soule to God that gave it desiring for ever to blesse his name for Jesus Christ and for the hopes of eterenall life through his meritts to mee a sinner having this confidence that my vile bodie shall be made like unto his glorious body att my XXXXX XXXXX appearing

And as for the Temporall Estate which God hath lent mee I dispose of it as followeth (videlict)

ITEM I give unto my deare and loving ffather Master Nathaniell Hill Two hundred and ffifty pounds of lawfull monie of England to be paid in manner and forme following (that is to say) Two hundred pounds thereof within one moneth next after my decease and the other ffiftie pounds within one yeare after

ITEM I give unto my Sister Mary Sainsbury the now Wife of William Sainsbury of Markett Lavington in the Countie of Wilts Gentleman the summe of One hundred and ffiftie pounds of lawfull monie of England to be paid unto her or her assignes within one moneth after mydecease Alsoe I give unto my said brother and sister Sainsbury Twenty pounds to buy them mourning

ITEM I give unto my nephew William Sainsbury my said sisters sonne the summe of threescore pounds And to my Neece Sarah sainsbury my said sisters Daughter the summe of forty pounds both which last before recyted Legacies my will is that they and wither of them shall be paid within one yeare next after my decease I give unto my brother Nathaniell Hill the summe of ffowerscore pounds for the futire comfortable subsistance of him and his former Wayes and for future to make a better improvement of his tyme and Talent Alsoe I give unto his three children Nathaniell George and Samuell the forty pounds a peece to be paid att or upon the five and Twentieth day of March which shall be in the yeare of our Lord One thousand six hundred sixtie one after the daie hereof to be Then putt out or otherwise imployed for theire best advantage accordinge to the discretion of my Executors hereafter mencioned And my will further is that if anie or either of them dye before they accomplish the age of one and twenty yeares or marry that then his or theire Legacie or Legacies soe dying shall be and remaine to the Survivour or Survivours of them or either or any of them And further my will alsoe is that the aforesaid my said brother Nathaniell shall imploy the same in his trade for the childrens benefit XX the saod Nathaniell forsz given security for the said monie to my Executors hereafter mentioned such as they shall like and approve of or if my executors thinke fitt without giveing security, but not otherwise Provided alwaies that my Executors hereafter mentioned shall (if they see cause disburse some part of the principall mony soe given unto the said Three


CHILDREN as aforesaid for and towards the placeing them anie or either of them to trades or otherwise for theire advantage

ITEM I give unto my brother Samuell Hill ffower hundred and ffifty pounds of lawfull mony of England whereof Three hundred pounds to be paid within one moneth after my decease and the other one hundred and ffiftie pounds in ony yeare neyt after

ITEM I gove unto my sister Ann Hill ffower hundred pounds of lawfull monie of England Two hundred pounds thereof my Will is shall be paid unto her within one moneth after my decease and the other Two hundred pounds to be paid unto her att or upon the Twentie ffif day of March which shall be in the yeare of our Lord One Thousand six hundred sixtie and one after the date hereof

ITEM I give into my sister Millicent Hill the summe of Three hundred and fiftie pounds of lawfull monie of England Two hundred pounds whereof my will is shall be payd unto her within one moneth after my decease and the other hundred and ffiftie pounds to be paid her as her Sister Anne before mentioned

ITEM I give unto Epiphanie Hill my Brother now in the Island of Barbados ffower hundred and ffiftie pounds Two hundred pounds whereof my will is shall be presentlie putt out of otherwise imployed for his best advantage by Brother Sainsbury before mentioned and the other Two hundred and ffiftie pounds to be paid him as his sister Anns and Millecents Alsoe my further will is that if either or anie of my Brothers and Sisters before mentioned die before they are married or accomplish the age of one and Twentie years That then his her or theire Legacie or Legacies soe dying shall be and remaine to the Survivour or Survivours of them anie or either of them

ITEM I give unto my Uncle James West and his Wife five pounds a peece to buy them rings and to all his Children Rings of Tenn shillings a peece

ITEM I give unto Anthonie Sadler of the Cittie of London Marchant and his Wife Twenty pounds to buy them mourning and to theire sonn Montague Sadler my Godson Thirty pounds

ITEM I give unto Millicent Hill the daughter of my Uncle Richard Hill deceased Tenn pounds to be imployed by my ffather for her best advantage till he seeth occasion for her to have and manage the same

ITEM I give unto my honored freind Master Samuell Wells Minister of Gods word in Banbury five pounds desiring him to preach my ffunerall Sermon

ITEM I give unto the said Samuell Wells Clerke Nathaniell Hill my ffather my Uncle James West and Master Thomas Holland Alderman of Banbury aforesaid the summe of Thirtie pounds to be by them or the major part of them or the Survivous of them imployed and disposed of for and towards the reparation of the now decayed Almeshouse in Banbury aforesaid or otherwise to dispose of the said summe of monie to such Godlie poore people of the Inhabitants of Banbury aforesaid as the aforementioned Trustees or the major part of them shall thinke fitt whether of the said Two before mentioned after they have paid my ffunerall expences debts and that part of my egacies I have appoynted them presently to pay shall alsoe pay all such money as shall afterwards remaine in theire hands unto the severall Legatees before mentioned that have not received theire full Legacies Which said monies if anie be shall be equally devided betweene the said legatees for and towards the full payment of theire severall Legacies Alsoe And my ffurther Will alsoe is that my ffathers ffiftie pounds before mentioned to be paid unto him in onbe yeare after my decease shall be paid unto him presently if my Executors hereafter mentioned shall have anie monies in theire hands to pay the same

ITEM I give unto my Loving ffreind and Partner Master John ?Horne now resident in Barbadoes my said Legacies debts ffunerall expences and the proveing of this my Will being first payd All and singular my


HOUSES Lands Tenements hereditaments whatsoever mortgages debts Goods chattells and all other my Estate whatsoever in the before mentioned Island of Barbadoes or any part of the World whatsoever To have and to hould the before mentioned Premisses with Thappurtenances except before excepted unto the said John Horne his heires and assignes for ever and to his and thwire only propper use and uses

And lastly I doe make ordaine and appoynte my said brother William Sainsbury and Anthony Sadler before mentioned my executors in trust of this my last Will and testan:t to see the same duelie and truly performed according to the true intent and meaning hereof

IN WITNESSE whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale the day and yeare first in these presents mentioned:

Rich Hill

Sealed and published in the presence of us Edward Robins Joane Morris the marke of ?Peitents Bradshaw

MEMORANDUM That theise words following (videlict) Or any opart of the World whatsoever written betweene the sixth and seaventh Lines of this leafe were interlined before the sealing and publishing hereon

Edward Robins the marke of Joane Merry marke of Patients Bradshawe

SINCE The sealing and publishing of my Will and Testament I have thought fitt zpon serious and weightie consideration to add thereunto as followeth: It is my Will that an abatement of one hundred thirtie and seaven pounds be made out of the monies therein bequeathed Which said summe of one hindred thirty and seaven pounds shall be deducted out of every Legacie proportionable Alsoe my will is that the said summe of one hundred thirtie and seaven pounds be paid unto my loving ffreind Anthonie sadler Gentleman one of my executors to be disposed of according to private instructions

Witnesse my hand and seale This Twentieth day of October One thousand six hundred ffiftie and Eight

Rich: Hill

Sealed and delivered in the presence of us Samuell ??Wolins Edward Robins

THIS WILL was proved att LONDON Y:E Twentie sixt day of the Moneth of November in the yeare of our Lord God One Thousand Six hundred ffiftie and Eight before the Judges for probate of Wills and graunting Administrations lawfully authorized by the oath of William sainsbury one of the Executors named in the above written Will To whome Administration of all and singular the goods chattells and debts of the said deceased was graunted and committed he being forst legally sworne truly and faythfully to administer the same Anthony sadler the other Executor having renounced ex:r



The inhabitants of London, 1638[1]

"MS. p. 89.
Fanchurch St.

John Bennet 40 30

Valentine Markeham 40 30

MS. p. 89a.

Roger Vivien 60 45

Francis Tryon 30 22

Thomas Turgis 60 45

Samuel Barnard 35 26"

Richard Hill of Moreton, including his inventory[2]

"86. RICHARD HILL OF MORETON (IV., p. 49, par. 19). Some further notes supplementary to my remarks on Richard Hill in the April number of this magazine, may prove interesting to the reader, especially as many of them have never before been published.

A statement, first printed in the lifetime of Hill's elder sons, identifies him as a descendant of the Hills of Shilston, an ancient Devon family tracing their ancestry back to Richard II. 's reign. It occurs in an early edition of Guillim's Heraldry, in Hasted's History of Kent, and in Vivian's Visitations of Cornwall, and alleges him to have been the son of a Richard Hill of Truro, who registered his Shilsten descent in the Visitation of 1620, and whose son Richard was six months old at that time. It is obvious, however, that an individual born in 1619 could not have been a married man and a freeman of London in 1632 ; moreover, as Richard Hill of Moreton definitely mentions "Thomas Hill my father" in an inventory which he drew up in 1633, the assertion of his Truro parentage must be absolutely wrong. I mention this legend because it has several times appeared in print without correction, and also because Hill's sons used the arms of the Shilston family apparently in good faith, and believing themselves to be entitled to them.

The inventory above-mentioned is preserved in the British Museum (Add. MS. 5488), and throws a very interesting light upon the business of a general merchant in those times. It begins:- "An Inventory of all the Ready Mony, Goodes, Debtes and Creditors, appertayning unto me Richard Hill of London, Merchant, taken the 30:th daie of June, Anno Domini 1633." Hill seems to have had a large business connection in the West Country, and the following name occur in his record of transactions. The greater number of his friends were Plymouth men, such as George, Lawrence and Philip Andrews, Henry Barnes, Nicholas Bennet, Abraham Biggs, Nicholas Bonnett, Robert Braye (clothier), Hugh Cornish, John Edgcombe, Robert Gawde, Humphry Gayer, Nicholas Harris, Elize Hele Abraham and Ambrose Jennings, Samuel Macey Robert Mase, Thomas Meade, Bartholomew Nicholds, George Paynter, Justynian Peard, Wm. Rowe of Stonehouse, Robert Trelawney, and Philip Tyncombe (marryner). Also Marke Hawkings and John Newman, of Dartmouth; Henry Downe, carryer of Exon ; Allen Bartlett, of Totnis; and William Whiddon, of Chagford, gent. In Cornwall, he had several clients at Fowey Jonathan Rashley, Esq., Thomas Rose, Henry Stephens, Henry Costen, Raphe, Tom and George Bird, William Baker, Diggory Gordge, and John Mayowe. Besides these John Keigwin, of Mousehole; Peter Hallemoor and Anthony Munday, of Penryn; William Trevethan, of Helston; William Cliffton, of Flushing; Tobias Browne, of Maryzion ; William Stacy, of Saltash; and William Burrowes, of Looe. Many ships are mentioned, with the ports to which they belonged, such as the Centuryon, Darling, Elizabeth, Fortune and Hester, Mayflower, William, William and John, all of Plymouth ; the Bernard, of Foye ; Alice Bona, of Dartmouth; Joane Anne, of Swannidge; Virgin and Jane, of Chichester; Mary and Barbara, of Portsmouth; Mary, of Brighthemstone; Experience, Happie Entrance, Hopewell, Successe and Alathia, all of London; the Concord, of Millbrooke; and the Starre, of Amsterdam. Hill also mentions his father Thomas, brother William, father-in-law Thomas Trewolla, Cyprian Sawdy, of Moreton, Thomas Trewolla, of Trewroe, and William Vincent, brothers-in-law, mostly with reference to cash debts. There is a curious entry which may be quoted at length : " Sr Richard Carnsewe Kt. per his bill dated the last of February 1628 payable to Anne Trewolla now my wife on the daie of her marryage - £2. The inventory is altogether a most interesting document, and shews the great variety of Hill's dealings in different kinds of goods, such as Zeres Sacke, Malliga Wynes, White Sugar, St. Christopher's Tobacco, Barrillia, Spanish Iron, Ropes, Sweet Oyle, Rozen, Newfoundland Trayne Oyle, Ginger, Napkening and Tabling, Dyaper and Damaske, Corke, Wheate, Raisons Solis, Pitch, and the building of a ship at Shoreham, &c. It must have been a satisfaction to him to find a balance in his favour of £588 3s. 2d. when he had made up his accounts.

The inventory drawn up in 1660 for probate purposes, which was referred to in the previous article, shews that the Alderman's house in Lime Street was a fairly spacious building, containing nine bedrooms, two garrets, two dining rooms, a gallery, a parlour, counting house, and the usual offices. Among the host of items mentioned we may particularly notice a billyard table, 607 ounces of plate at 5s. the ounce, an iron bath, a leaden cistern worth £5, old tapestry hangings, three musketts, one pike, two payre of pistolls, and a parcell of old armour. It is worth noting that this is seven years earlier than the reference to a "billyard table" in Dr. Murray's great English Dictionary, which is dated 1667. Besides tapestry hangings, there were others of "white dymithy wrought," East India callicoe, greene perpetuana, "redde Searge with gilded leather, and fine East India stuffe lyned with callicoe." The total value of the Alderman's effects amounted to £1,073.

The following "Perticular of plate, 21 Feb. 1659," is no doubt a list of that referred to in the inventory. It includes:- "One bason and ewer, a standing cupp with a cover, two cupps rounde with covers, two salt cellars with feet, six small salt cellars, a sugar dish flatt, a small sugar dish, three tankards, a candlestick and snuffers, four porrengers, two dozen spoones, two tumblers, a caudle cupp, two tobacco boxes, and an aqua vitae bottle."

Though much of his sons' correspondence in later years is still in existence, only one private letter from the Alderman's pen is at present known, and that is only a rough draft signed with his initials, without the name of the person to whom it was sent. It will be found in Add. MS. 5501, which also contains many of Hill's official papers, and it runs as follows:-

My deare Friend.

Sr. At ye earnest request of that noble Gent Capta Wm. Parsons so much in distresse by his very great losses many years past by the bloudy rebells in Ireland, I begg of you in his behalf to tender this peticone of his to ye Committee of Gouldsmyths hall, and to assist him what you can in his just demaund, wch is I think but equall, that thareby by your meanes he may have some support, without wch I am assured his condicon may be sad. Herein you will doe a courtesie to an honest Gentleman, and I suppose a Charitable world.

I leave it with you, he will attend you tomorrow at 2 of the Clock at ye late house of Lords, if you thinke not well of it, be pleased to returne it me in ye morning, retaining this . . . yourself that I am always Sr.

Yours in all Love R.H.

Limestreete London I3th D:ber 1649.

From his son's papers in the British Museum I give the following items of Hill's effects, which shew that he left his family well provided for. His wealth eventually descended to the children of his brother William, a merchant of Falmouth, as the Alderman's line became extinct in 1736.


£ s. d.
In Cash the I5th January 1659 (1660) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 676 16 7

The Lease of a Tenement at Mevagessy in Cornwall during
two Lives and 31 years after : yielding £17 6s. 4d.
per annum ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 225 0 0

One-eight part of the Shipp Society and one-quarter pte of
the stock in the Masters hand ... ... ... ... .... .... ... ... ... 780 0 0

One one-sixteenth part of the Shipp Jonathan ... ... ... 50 0 0

One-eight part of the Shipp Olive branch ... ... ... ... ... 340 0 0

A Subscription of £2000 in the United Joint Stock of ye
E. India Comp:a

A Subscription of £2000 in the present stock whereof paid in 2000 0 0
Adventure of one-sixteenth pte of the Tho and William
£527 10s., whereof received £100 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 427 10 0

Tyn ii Barrells sent to Smirna ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 328 7 4

Hounscott sayes 100 ps at Legorne ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 280 14 10

The Household Stuffe as p. appraizm:t ... ... ... ... ... ... 598 1 0

Adventure of £100 in ye Jonathan ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 20 0 0

Resting upon an adventure in ye Allan friggat for one-
sixteenth part ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 15 15 7

Upon account of one-twelfth part of ye Morning Starr ... 112 13 4

Upon account of one-sixteenth part of ye 3 Brothers ... 3 10 0

The Lease of a Tenem:t in Limestreet for 27 yeares or
thereabouts, 50 p. annum received ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 450 0 0

Due upon a Mortgage from Jn Trewolla ye 5th July 1658 990 0 0
After these items there follow the names of twenty-nine
debtors, among whom occur William, John, Andrew and
Hillary Hill, brothers of the deceased; William Blunden,
an apprentice ; Thomas Spoore, of Looe; George Rescorla;
the Commissioners of Prize Goods; and the Levant
Company. R. H. ERNEST HILL."

Captain Walter Maynard

"Captain Walter Maynard of Knight's Place, Limehouse..."[3]

East Indies trade

"The year for which the present Committees were chosen having expired, it is resolved to make a fresh election of fifteen men, and the following are chosen: William Cokayne, Andrew Riccard, Thomas Andrew, Maurice Thomson, Samuel Moyer, Richard Hill, William Pennoyer, Hugh Wood, William Vincent, Nathaniel Wyche, Anthony Bateman, Captain William Ryder, Jeremy Blackman, James Edwards and Aaron Baker."[4]

"A list of the adventurers is read and William Cokayne, Andrew Riccard, Maurice Thomson, Thomas Andrew, William Pennoyer, Samuel Moyer, Richard Hill, Captain William Ryder, Hugh Wood, William Vincent, George Smyth, Nathaniel Wyche, Edward Wood, Anthony Bateman and John Nelson are chosen as the fifteen Committees to whom, or to any seven of whom, the management of the affairs of this Stock for the ensuing year is to be left."[5]


Possible primary sources


BL, Add. 4156 f. 45 Hill (Richard). Commissioner for Prizes. Letter to J. Thurloe 1654.


PROB 11/213 Pembroke 110-156 Will of Richard Hill, Merchant of London 23 September 1650
PROB 11/284 Wootton 627-673 Will of Richard Hill, Merchant of City of London 26 November 1658
PROB 11/297 Nabbs 1-51 Will of Richard Hill of Saint Dionis Backchurch, City of London 14 March 1660
PROB 11/319 Mico 1-46 Will of Richard Hill, Haberdasher of London 15 January 1666
PROB 11/363 Bath 60-123 Will of Richard Hill, Grocer of London 24 September 1680

Possible secondary sources

Farnell, J.E., 'The Navigation Act of 1651, the First Dutch War, and the London Merchant Community', The Economic History Review, vol. 16, issue 3, pages 439–454, April 1964
Kupp, Jan, Calendar to Amsterdam and Rotterdam notarial acts relating to the Virginia tobacco trade (Online, Year?)
- Covers period 1621-1653 [Presumably the English Navigation Act of 1651 ended the use of Dutch ships in the Virginia tobacco trade]

- Transcriptions and English translations of calendar entries are available in the Special Collections of the Library of Victoria, B.C., Canada
  1. T.C. Dale (ed.),'Inhabitants of London in 1638: St. Dionis Backchurch', The inhabitants of London in 1638 (1931), pp. 47-48. URL: Date accessed: 08 December 2011
  2. 'Richard Hill of Moreton' in Devon Notes and Queries, vol. IV, pt. V, January 1907 (Exeter, 1907), pp. 145-148
  3. 'Growth of Stepney and Eastern Suburby, 1550-1660' in Norman George Brett-James, The growth of Stuart London (London, 1935), p. 211
  4. 'A General Court of Election of the Adventurers in the United Joint Stock', August 14, 1655 {Court Book, vol. xxiii, p. 449) in Ethel Bruce Sainsbury (ed.), A calendar of the court minutes, etc. of the East India Company, 1655-1659 (Oxford, 1916), p. 51
  5. 'A General Court of Election for the United Joint Stock', August 13, 1657 (Court Book, vol. xxiii, p. 587) in Ethel Bruce Sainsbury (ed.), A calendar of the court minutes, etc. of the East India Company, 1655-1659 (Oxford, 1916), p. 158