HCA 13/68 f.253v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/68 |
Folio | 253 |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 11/11/2016 | |
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IMAGE: IMG_117_07_0064.jpg | |
First transcriber | |
Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2016/11/11 |
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de Sarchad Santa Columba taken quiet and peaceable possession of the same
which was delivered to him by the sayd John Barens in a solemne manner
according to the Custome of Spaine in the presence of a Notary And
further that the sayd Thomas de Santa Columba was and continued in the
quiet possession of the sayd shipp att Bilboa in August September
October and November last past and in that tyme did lay out and
expend severall summes of money in fitting and repariing of her with
materialls and provisions for a voyage from Bilboa to Ostend in fflanders
to carry woolls and Iron for the accompt of himselfe and other merchants
of Spaine and flanders which he knoweth being master and Commander of
the sayd shipp and privy to the foresayd premisses. and otherwise cannot depose.
To the third article of the sayd allegation this deponent saith that upon the bying of the
sayd shipp the then master and owner of her John Barens did in the presence
of this deponent and others before one of the publike notaries of the
Royall Maiesty of Spaine residing in Bilboa make to him the said
Thomas de Santa Columba a bill of sale of the sayd shipp then called
the faithfill Souldier now the Nostra Seniora de Bigona and excerpted
aforesayd in a solemne manner after the lawes and Customes of Spaine a
true suthentick copy of which bill of sale he this deponenent, having
the same att Bilboa extracted out of the sayd Notaries protocoll confroming
in all things to its originall brought along with him aboard the sayd ship
and the same is true and the contents there of reall and so had and done
as in the same is conteyned on or about the tyme of the date thereof att Bilboa aforesaid.
And otherwise cannot depose saving that the shipp the faithfull Souldier
and Thomas Saracha Santa Columba in the sayd bill of sale mentioned and
the shipp arlate now called Nostra Senorea da Bygona whereof this depoennt
is Captaine and Thomas Saracha Santa Columba in this cause specifyed
were and are one and the very same shipp and persons and not divers.
To the fourth article of the sayd allegation he saith that after such tyme as the sayd
Thomas de Santa Columba had bought the sayd shipp as aforesayd he did fitt
out the same on a merchandizing voyage to carry woolls and Iron
upon his owne accompt and accompt of other merchants subiects of the
King of Spaine living in Spaine and fflanders from
Bilboa to Ostend, which he knoweth being Captaine of the sayd ship and
referring himselfe for the quantities, severall parcells laders and
accompt and consignataries to his bills of lading which are as hee
beleeveth in the Registry of this Court the which bills this deponent
signed att Bilboa with his owne hand and hand of his Purser att Bilboa upon or about the
respective dayes of the date thereof. And otherwise cannot depose.
To the fifth article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that the sayd Thomas
de Santa Columba owner of the sayd shipp and others partwoners of his
Company were and are all Spaniards subiects of the King of Spaine and
so accounted, and all and singular the Owners of the sayd wools and
Iron being Inhabitants of Biscay and fflanders were and are
subiects of the King of Spaine and so accounted. and otherwise
he cannot depose.
To the sixth article of the sayd allegation he saith that all and singular the bills
of lading found on board the sayd shipp were and are true and
really and truly signed [?XXX] by him this deponent part by his purser att
Bilboa on or about the tymes of the dates thereof respectiveley
and otherwise cannot depose
To the last he saith he hath deposed trly.