HCA 13/63 f.60v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/63 |
Folio | 60 |
Side | Verso |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 03/03/2016 | |
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IMAGE: IMG_113_02_5866.jpg | |
First transcriber | |
Sam Watson | |
First transcribed | |
2016/03/03 | |
Editorial history | |
Edited on 09/11/2016 by Colin Greenstreet |
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Marine Lives Tools
eadem die.
Ex parte fforth pred./
et Neborne
Hugh Oldrive of Lymehouse in
the parish of stepney in the County
of Middlesex Mariner aged 31 yeares or
thereabouts sworne and examined as
aforesaid saith by virtue of his oath
as followeth videlicet.
To the said Interrogatories hee saith and deposeth that hee
this deponent well knoweth the shippe the
Dispatch of London whereof his precontestent John Southen
was master, and was masters mate abord her dureing her last
voyage, which shee made from this Port of London att
or upon the ninth day of September 1648 being
bound for Plymouth, and saith that as they were
sat sayling outward bound for Plymouth the said ship
mett with contrary wind and was thereby forced upon
the Isle of Wight att which place the said Mr Suthen receaved
letters of Advice from Mr Hugh fforth theire merchant
imployer and Owner of all or the greatest part of the said
ship, thereby desireing him to make away for Portsmouth
and there take in such ladeing of Cottens and Gaules
as hee had designed to bee transported in the said shippe
to Haver de Grace in ffrance which this deponent saith
was accordingly done and the said ship came and safely
arrived with the said goods att Haver de Grace aforesaid att
or upon the sixth Day of October next following or
thereabouts; and after delivery thereof there
returned againe for Plymouth but saith that
the said ships passage for Plymouth about 5
or 6 Leagues off the Isle of Wight upon the 12th day
of October about 12 of the clock att night the said
shippe mett with an extraordinarye violent storme
and tempest which raged soe highe that without the
wonderfull providence of God the said ship and companie
abord hee had bin utterly cast away and lost, and were
thereby forced into the Road of New haven for the preservation
of the said ship and Companie from perishing in the seas
whither this deponent saith they arrived upon the fourteenth
day of the said month and finding the storme still to encrease
to such a height and the seas soe rough they were
constreyned to take in a Pilot for the better guidance
and preservation of theire said shippe, and soe continued