HCA 3/46 f.609r Annotate

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HCA 3/46 f.609r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


and Company shalbee condemned in with expences of
sute in case hee shalbee overthrowne and to
bringe forth the said Kennett and Company
in Judgement whensoever their presence shall bee
thereunto lawfully required And unles et cetera Which
Caution the Judge receaved and decreed the
said shippe to bee released from the arrest./.


Benjamin Gifford Esquire against}
the shippe called the Saint}
Jacob of which George}
Kennett is Master and against}
the said Kennett and Company}
ffrancklin Smith}

Tuesday the 13th day of
May 1656 before Doctor
Godolphin in his chamber et cetera
Appeared the said ffrancklin
and produced for a suretie
William Hamb of Bernards
Inn gentleman whoe submittinge
himselfe et cetera obliged himselfe et cetera for
tehs aid Benjamin Gifford in the
summe of thirty pounds of lawfull money
of England to the said George Kennett to
preferato the Action in this behalfe commenced
by the said Gifford and to pay the expences
of suites in case the said Gifford shalbee
overthrowne and to bringe forth the said
Gifford in Judgement whensoever his
presence shalbee thereunto lawfully required
And unles et cetera which Caution the Judge



Primary sources

See the cause "Beniamin Gifford and Michaell Cooper owners of the shipp the Mary (whereof the sayd Michaell Cooper was Master) against a certayne shipp called the Saint Jacob (whereof George Kennett was Master) and againest the sayd George Kennett and Company Owners of the sayd shipp the Saint Jacob comming in for their interest"
- Deposing for Benjamin Gifford and Company
--Thomas Sommerland, thirty-five year old master's mate of the ship the Mary, of Harwich in Essex, deposed on November 28th 1656[1]

--John Hennent, twenty-two year old mariner, of Harwich in Essex, deposed on November 28th 1656[2] ("being on board the Mary and at her helme that the sayd Kennett and Company with the Jacob, about an hower before the dammage aforesayd happened")[3]
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