John Bishopp

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John Bishopp
Person John Bishopp
First name John
Middle name(s)
Last name Bishopp
Spouse of
Widow of
Occupation Mariner
Secondary shorebased occupation
Mariner occupation Cooper
Associated with ship(s)
Training Not apprentice
Is apprentice of
Was apprentice of
Had apprentice(s)
Citizen Unknown
Literacy Marke
Has opening text John Bishopp
Has signoff text Cross-hatching
Signoff image
f.r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window
Language skills English language
Has interpreter
Birth street
Birth parish
Birth town
Birth county
Birth province
Birth country
Res street Limehouse
Res parish Stepney
Res town
Res county Middlesex
Res province
Res country England
Birth year 1610
Marriage year
Death year
Probate date
First deposition age 48
Primary sources
Act book start page(s)
Personal answer start page(s)
Allegation start page(s)
Interrogatories page(s)
Deposition start page(s) HCA 13/72 f.310r Annotate
Chancery start page(s)
Letter start page(s)
Miscellaneous start page(s)
Act book date(s)
Personal answer date(s)
Allegation date(s)
Interrogatories date(s)
Deposition date(s) Apr 6 1658
How complete is this biography?
Has infobox completed Yes
Has synthesis completed No
Has HCA evidence completed No
Has source comment completed No
Ship classification
Type of ship In service of Commonwealth
Silver Ship litigation in 1650s
Role in Silver Ship litigation None

Biographical synthesis

John Bishopp (b. ca. ?; d. ?). Cooper.

Cooper on the ship the Hercules, which served as a man of war in the service of the Commonwealth in September to December 1652.

He was resident in Limehouse in the parish of Stepney in 1658.

Evidence from High Court of Admiralty

Forty-eight year old John Bishopp deposed on April 6th 1658 in the High Court of Admiralty.[1]

The case involved a dispute between Captain Zachary Browne, master of the Hercules, and her company, of whom Bishopp was one. The Hercules was a large ship of war, with a burthen of 400 to 450 tons, thirty-two guns and a sizeable crew. The ship ran aground near the Dutch fleet in December 1652 near Dungness. The captain wanted to engage part of the Dutch fleet, but allegedly his crew disobeyed his commands and boarded the ship's long boat, intending to abandon ship. As a result, the Hercules was captured by the Dutch.

Comment on sources


Allegation in the High Court of Admiralty given by proctor Mr Smith on bahlf of Zachary Browne, captaine of the ship the Hercules in the immediate service of the English Commonwealth on March 31st 1658, short title of the casue is 'Browne against severall marriners'. One of the articles of the allegation lists fifty-three mariners' names, who are alleged by Browne to have deserted the ship.[2]
  1. HCA 13/72 f.310r
  2. HCA 24/113 Item 117 IMG_112_10_3574-3584