Marke Mortimer

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Marke Mortimer biographical information
Title Firstname Lastname
Mark Mortimer
Name variants
Mark Mortimer
Marke Mortimer (signature, 1656)

Person Occupation Training Citizen Birth year Death year Birth place Res parish Res town Res county
Mark Mortimer Grocer 1622 Saint Dunstans in the East London

Evidence from HCA
Volume Date Deponent Deposition start
HCA 13/71 Mar 13 1656 Mark Mortimer HCA 13/71 f.39v

Other information

Mark Mortimer deposed in the High Court of Admiralty in March 1656.[1] He is possibly the same Mark Mortimer identified as a freighter of the Susan and Anne (Master: George Boys) returning from Barbados in another case brought in the High Court of Admiralty in March 1656.[2]

Other primary sources

PROB 11/383/35 Will of Mark Mortimer, Grocer of London 16 April 1686

  1. HCA 13/71 f.39v
  2. A Busines of Examination of witnesse touching certayne stormes which happened to the shipp called the Susan and Anne of which George Boys is Commander in her late voyage from the Barbathoes to this Port of London promoted by Captaine Edward Ellison owner of the sayd shipp against George Pa[?t]hfeild, Marke Mortimer and Mathew Goodfellow and others the freighters of the sayd shipp", HCA 13/71 f.121v