MRP: 22nd March 1662/63, Letter from Thomas Winter to Sir GO, London, Nick Millett’s house

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22nd March 1662/63, Letter from Thomas Winter to Sir GO, London, Nick Millett’s house

BL, MS. XX,XXX f. 35

Editorial history

22/05/09, CSG: Completed transcription
14/12/11, CSG: Created page & posted transcription to wiki

Abstract & context

Suggested links

See 25th September 1663, Letter from Nicholas Millett, Loyalll Merchant, Surat Road

To do

(1) Check transcription against physical manuscript at BL


This transcription has been completed, but requires checking

[BL, MS. XX,XXX f. 35]

Hon:d S:r

In hope y:t these will find you in safety I make bold to give you y:e Trouble to take care y:t y:e Inclosed may be delivered unto those pties to whome they are directed, If my Service may Steed you inthese pts , you may Assure yo:r Selfe y:t none Shalbe more willing & ready to Obey p y:r Com:ds than my Selfe

I hope there is a freindly correspondence betweene you & my Bro:r Edw:d y:e continuance thereof undoubtedly wilbe both for benefitt of yo:r selves, y:e Comp:a & Infinett Joy to him who is

Yo:r ffaithfull Freind & very
humble Servant
Thomas Winter

London March y:e 22:th 1662/3

At Nick Milletts house where
yo: health is a drincking
