MRP: C6/133/9 f. 3

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C6/133/9 f. 3



//XXXX July 1652//

//The Answer of Robert Raworth Esq one of the Def:dts to the Bill of Comp:lt of S:r William Monson Kn:t//
//viscount Monson of Catlemagne Comp:lt//

//The said def:t saving to him selfe now and att all tymes hereafter all advantages and benefitts of excepcon to all and any the incertentyes in insufficiencies of and in the said Bill of Comp:lt//

//conteyned for answer unto soe much thereof as any way concerneth him this def:t to make answer unto, hee saith, true is that the said Comp:lt haveing as hee affirmed, occasion//

//to use the summe of One Thousand Seaven hundred poundes, and having, as it seemeth, heard that S:r Thomas ffetherly kn:t in the said Bill named Committee or Guardian to the//

//right ho:ble Phillipp Viscount Strangford had a considerable summe of money of the said Viscounts in his hands, entrusted this def:t to aske the said S:r Thomas, if hee would//

//lend the same uppon good security by way of mortgage, which this def:t accordingly did, and the said S:r Thomas told him, hee had about One Thousand ffive hundred pounds//

//of the said Viscount Strangfords money to dispose of, and that hee would dispose tehreof, uppon good security by way of mortgage or to that effect, whereuppon this def:t//

//told the said S:r Thomas, the said Comp:lt earnestly desired to have one Thousand seaven hundred pounds, And if the said S:r Thomas had not more than the said One thousand//

//ffive hundred pounds this def:t would lend the other Two hundred pounds to make upp the said One Thousand seaven hundred pounds and would either be ioyned in the mortgage//

//or have some declaracon made that Two hundred pounds of the said One Thousand seaven hundred pounds was his this def.ts money, or else hee would lend the said Two hundred pounds to the said S:r Thomas//

//uppon personal security, that for the compl:t if his security was good, might bee supplyed with the said whole summe of One Thousand seaven hundred pounds, whereuppon the said S:r Thomas//

//att first told this def:t -that his this def:ts said Two hundred pounds should bee secured by the security to bee given to the ffifteene hundred pounds, and the same security should bee given//

//for both or to that effect, And wished this def:t as being of Councell for the said Viscount Strangford to speake with the said Comp:lt and know what security hee would give for the said One Thousand//
