HCA 13/68 f.219v Annotate

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This page is for the annotation of HCA 13/68 f.219v.

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HCA 13/68 f.219v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


And saith that the present Owners of the sayd shipp are
Hieronimus Reynstorp the elder, and his son Hieronimus Reynstorp who are owners of [?XXX]
and David [?Brandt]
who is owner of 1/16th part, and Abraham Eylars who is an owner of one
sixteenth part, and Lupen Nunez who is owner of 1/8th
and this deponent who was and is owner of 3/8th parts of
the sayd shipp; And saith that he this deponent bought his sayd
three eighth parts of the sayd shipp att Hamburgh about 2 yeares
and an halfe now past of the sayd Reynstorps and the widow of
the sayd Peter Bock for six thousand and odd markes [?Lubeck]
which money this deponent paid about the same tyme att Hamburgh
to the widow and Reynstorps aforesayd:- And saith the sayd david
Brandt, Abraham Eylars and Lupen Nunez did the tyme and place
aforesayd buy their sayd respective shares, by this deponent of and from
the sayd widdow and sayd Reynstorps, and the whole shipp being
valued att about 3000. Ryx dollars the sayd Brandt Eylars and Nunez kept
their respective shares thereof proportionable to their respective [?XXX]
in the sayd shipp to him this deponent who payd the same over to the sayd
widdow and Reynstorps aforesayd att Hamburgh but how much in certaine the said [?money
so by them severally paid was it be [?near] now about 2 yeares and an halfe since it was paid
he cannot att present calll to mynd. And saith the sayd Reynstorp the elder
and his said sonn and the sayd Bock were the Originall Owners of the shipp and [?XXXXX]
as he hath heard att Lubeck where the sayd shipp was built but this
deponent saw not them pay any money for the same;
And saith the foresayd persons [?and]
Owners are all Hamburghers borne att Hamburgh and there have
lived all their tymes and there have all of them att this present their
wives Children howses and familyes, and the sayd Reynstorp
the elder is one of the principall men or Aldermen of Hamburgh and
further cannot depose.

To the seventh Interrogatory This deponent saith he hath lived att Hamburgh
all his tyme. and knoweth that the sayd Eggart Bussellman [?is]
the owner of a great part of the present Cargazon videlicet. about [?fiftie]
lasts of wyne and fruit aswell by the bill of lading for the [?same]
as by the relation of the foresayd Maurice Helmars the sayd
Bussellmans wifes brother, to whom this deponent delivered a
Cargazon of the foresayd peice goods of good value for accompt of the sayd [?Busselman] and
the respective factor that did lade the other goods now aboard the
shipp did att the tyme of lading the same expressely declare and
acquaint this deponent that the goods by them respectively laden
were for the Accompt of the respective persons Inhabitants of
Hamburgh and knowne to this deponent, for whose reckoning and
risgo the same are entred in the respective bills of lading for
the same. And othewise referring himselfe to his foresayd bills of
lading which are as he beleiveth in the Registry of this Court he
saith he cannot depose.

To the eighth Interrogatory he saith there is aboard his sayd shipp about [?35]
or 36. persons of his sayd shipps Company and four Passengers. and
the sayd persons are Easterlings and not any of them a subiect of the
States of the United Provinces, and his sayd shipps Company came
all first aboard att Hamburgh, and one of the sayd Passengers
named Jurian Moller came likewise aboard att Hamburgh [?XXXX]
as this deponent taketh it some small [?parcells] of goods in the outward voyage and
some small quantity of goods now likewise aboard as by the [?XXX]
lading for the same to which he referrs himself [?may appeare ?and]



Hieronymus Reinstorp

"Born um 1580 in Hamburg
Died nach 1661 in Hamburg

Ehegatte: (1) Elisabeth van Kampe (m. ca. 1612, d. before 1628)
Ehegatee: (2) Cäcilia Winstman (b. 14.06.1607; m. 1628; d. 11.03.1679)

Vater: Hieronymus Reinstorp
Mutter: Anna Wickhorst

Kinder: Elizabeth Reinstorp (b. 1631, Hamburg; d. 1706, Hamburg)"[1]
  1. 'Hieronymus REINSTORP' in Genealogy.net: Familie databank NLF