MRP: HCA 13/125

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HCA 13/125

Editorial history

18/05/12, CSG: Created page

Sample transcriptions




P1110655 verso & recto


//sail to Marselles, and then to
Barbary and backe to Marselles
againe where this rendent by order
and w:th the consent of all or the
Maior part of her Owners left
her in the possession of another master
the ffreight of allw:ch voyages except
the ffreight of the yoyage wherein
the said ship was in the service of
the State; this rendent beleeveth
he receaved and hath
accounted for the same unto the
Owners of the said shipp And
otherwise for his part, he doth not
beleeve the said posicon to be true
in anie pt thereof,

To the ffowerth p:rted posicon he
answeareth and beleeveth that the
voyage from hence to Newfound
land and soe to Mallaga and hence
to London the said shipp cleered in
the whole shipp 105:li & not above
as he beleeveth, and in the next
voyage from hence to Mallaga, &
home againe 107:li & not above as
he beleeveth 14:li whereof more
than his share & Randall Crewe
receaved of under M:r Roydeon and
for the voyage in the service of//


//of the State the said shipp im