HCA 13/72 f.536r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.536r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the second 3d and 4th articles and the schedule annexed hee saith that within the foresaid time, The said
Thomas Corrall haveing need of and occasion for the severall
and respective gooods, and materialls Mentioned and set downe
in the schedule annexed to the Allegation, to furnish out a ship, whereof
hee was then Comander to sea, and sending one Tristram
his the said Corralls Brother in Lawe, to her the said Mary
Dells shopp in Saint Katherines, for the Goods schedulate Hee this
deponent in the Moneth of Aprill 16545 (being then servant to the
said Producent) did deliver the severall and respective
goods and materialls mentioned in the said shedule have
by him read over, which Goods the said Tristram received
and Carried away with him for Captaine Corrall, for the use of
the said ship, And saith that this Deponent then made
entry of the said respective goods in the Producents debt
booke, and hath lately perused the said booke and taken a Copy
of the said Particulars and findes it to agree with the said
schedule both as to the respective goods, and vallues thereof,
And saith that the said goods were carried aboard the
said ship for the said Captaine Corrall about two or three
monethes after such delivery thereof mett this deponent and told
him hee had Received them aboard the said ship saving some small Matter, which as
hee said hee beleeveth the Hoy man had Cozened him of
and saith that the said goods, were respectively worth the
severall and Respective summes mentioned in the said schedule
and were then Comonly sold at those rates. And otherwise
hee cannot depose./.

To the 5th hee saith the said Corrall hath since the Premisses
bin often requires and spoken to by this deponent on behalfe of
the said Producent, to make payment unto her, of the said
money due for the said goods, which Payment the said
Currall hath refused to make:

To the 6th hee Referreth himselfe to the Registry of this Court
and otherwise hee cannot depose./.

To the last hee saith the said Thomas Currall is a Subject of
this Commonwealth:/:

To the Interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first hee saith hee hath knowne the said Corrall for
about theise five yeeres last, and Judgeth him to be Betweene
Thirty and forty yeeres of Age, and saith hee is a middle
statured man, and browne Complexioned, and saith hee is [?XX]
[?his] Brother to the Producent, and otherwise negatively.

To the second hee saith hee Cannot Answer saving negatively
for his part.

To the third hee saith that this deponent not then knowing the
ships name entred them in the said booke, as delivered to
the said Captaine Currall for the use of his ship, and saith
they are not set downe as bespoken by or delivered to the
use of Mr Pickering and otherwise hee cannot Answer saving
as aforesaid./