HCA 13/72 f.406r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.406r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 5th article and the bill of ladeing therein mentioned hee saith
that upon perusall of the bill of ladeing arlate hee well remembreth
that the greatest part of the pipes of wine laden aboard the Mary and
Joyce at Oratava as aforesayd for Accompt of the sayd Thomas and
William Warren (which were in all 190 pipes or thereabouts) were
marked with the first marke in the margent of the sayd bill of ladeing, and others
of them with the second marke in the margent of the sayd bill, And saith
hee is welll acquainted with the hand writeings both of the arlate
William Warren and Phillipp Stafford and verily beleeveth that the filling
up of the sayd bill is the proper hand writing of the sayd William
Warren, And that the firme or signeing of the sayd bill was and
is the proper hand writing of the sayd Phillipp Stafford And alsoe
saith that hee well remembreth that among the sayd 190 pipes or thereabouts
laden as aforesayd there was one pipe marked with the first marke
in the margent of this fifth article of the allegation videlicet H and an other
of them marked with the second marke in the margent of the sayd
fifth article videlicet TB And further hee cannot depose./

To the 6th article of the sayd allegation hee saith hee cannot depose
for that hee knoweth not what goods the arlate William Warren had
aboard the Mary and Joyce the voyage in question either for his owne
proper Accompt or for Accompt of the arlate Walker Wigg
Trevenion Carpenter hayward or holder to barter and buy wines
with the sayd voyage./

To the 7th 8th 9th and 10th articles of the sayd allegation hee saith
that the sayd shipp the Mary and Joyce having taken aboard her in the
Roade of Oratava the sayd 190 pipes of Canarie wine or thereabouts and other
her ladeing, sett sayle therewith thence bound for London and in
her course thitherward shee was surprized with the sayd wines and
other her ladeing aboard her by two shipps of warr bearing the
Spanish colours and Commissionated (as their Captaines and
Companyes gave out) by the King of Spaine for surprizing the shipps
and goods of the subiects of the Commonwealth of England, which
shipps (as Jacob Bolart the Commander or at least pretended Commander
of one of them, and John Van Sluce the Commander or at least pretended
Commander of the other of them and their Companyes gave out) did
belonge to dunkirke, which Captaines carried the sayd shipp Mary
and Joyce and the sayd wines and all other her ladeing into the Groyne in
Galisia and carried this dep[onent and the sayd William Warren the Supra=
cargo and the Master and Company of the sayd shipp prisoners thither
And further to those articles hee cannot depose for that hee stayed in the