HCA 13/72 f.140v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/72 |
Folio | 140 |
Side | Verso |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 11/03/2013 | |
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IMAGE: IMG_121_11_4608.JPG | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2015/03/11 | |
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Edited on 12/05/2013 by Colin Greenstreet |
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pounds a moneth accounting thirty dayes to the moneth And further
to those articles hee cannot depose/
To the 5th and 6th articles of the sayd allegation hee saith that hee this deponent
being one of the Company of the sayd shipp the Christopher the voyage
in question knoweth that there was a factor or Supra cargo put aboard
the sayd shipp by the sayd Trevill, which Supracargo went in the sayd shipp the whole voyage
till her seizure and did order and direct the course of the sayd shipp
from place to place according as hee the sayd supracargo thought requisite
which hee did as hee beleeveth by the order of the sayd Trevill And
saith the sayd shipp sett sayle from Gravesend arlate (where shee entered
into Sea or whole pay (in the moneth of ffebruary one thousand sixe
hundred fifty fower English style and about the eight and twentith day
thereof And saith that from Gravesend the sayd shipp sayled to the
Isle of Wight and thense to Stoakes bay and thense to Saint Martins
Island in ffranse where shee arrived and was by the ffactors or
Agents of the sayd Trevill laden with salt to bee transported to
Mount bay in Cornwall arlate all which was as hee beleeveth
done by the order and direction of the sayd Supracargo, At which place
of Mountbay hee well remembreth the sayd Trevill him selfe mett
the sayd shipp and hee or his sayd Supracargoe then ordered the
sayd salt to be transported to Waterford in Ireland where the
same shipp safely arrived in or about the moneth of June one
thousand six hundred fifty five and unladed the sayd salt and delivered
the same to the factors or agents of the sayd Trevill there this hee deposeth
being one of the shipps company and an eye wittnesse And further to
those articles hee cannot depose/
To the 7th 8th and 9th articles of the sayd allegation hee saith That
the sayd shipp after delivery of the sayd salt did sett sayle from
Waterford to Burrowe in Wales and there tooke in a ladeing of
Coles and transported the same thense to Waxford arlate and there
unladed and delivered the same in or about the moneth of July one thousand sixe hundred fifty five to the factors or Agents of the sayd
Trevill all which was done by order of the sayd Supracargo And the
sayd coales being unladen the sayd shipp by the like order of the sayd
Supracargo did at Waxford aforesayd take in a Cargo of herrings
and hogsheads and barrell staves which shee transported to Mallega
where shee arrived with them in or about the Moneth of August
next following, but delivered them not there, but by order of the sayd
Supracargoe sett sayle with them thense to Allecant and arrived there
with them about the beginning of the moneth of September next
followinge, but delivered them not there neither, but by order of the sayd
Supracargo sett sayle with them for Leghorne arlate where shee
arrived) with the sayd herrings and other goods laden at Waxford as
aforesayd) in and about the latter end of the sayd
Moneth of September and there delivered there to the ffactors or Agents
of the sayd Trevill which being done the sayd shipp sett sayle from