HCA 13/68 f.19v Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.19v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


of the Parliament he waved his Cutlace over his head bidding the
Advantage to Come under his Lee, and in token of Scorne clapt his hand upon
his buttock or breech, and gave order to fire upon the Advantage
which was accordingly done and the sayd Captaine and Company of
the Golden Starr in a violent and hostile manner, and to make good their
former insolencyes fought with the Advantage frigott and the
Captaine and Company thereof as an enemy and continued fight
with them upon the sayd English Seas neere the English Shoare as
aforesayd for the Space of three or four howres and killed some and
wounded others of the Company of the Advantage and endeavoured
to the uttermost of their power with their shipp The Golden Starr being
an able shipp and well armed to Sinke and destroy the sayd Advantage
frigott and the Captaine and Company fighting aboard her The premises
he this deponent saw and well observed being present in the sayd
fight and otherwise cannot depose

To the eighth article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith and deposeth that the
Master and Company of the Golden Starr after they were haled as
aforesayd caused a Redd flagg with the picture of an hand and sword
therein to be putt ont att the Main top mast head of the Golden Starr which
they so did as this deponent did then and still doth conceyve in defiance
of the sayd Advantage frigott a ship in the immediat service of this
Commonwealth as aforesaid. the premises this deponent saw and observed
and further cannot depose.

To the nineth article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that during the sayd
fight the articulate shipp the Waterhound being in the immediat service of this
Commonwealth and some other shipps in the same service all wearing the
Colours of this Commonwealth and might be well discerned and perceyved by
the Captaine or master and the Company of the Golden Starr to be in the immediat
service of this Commonwealth as men of war for the defence
thereof came in to the assistance of the Advantage frigot. And otherwise cannot depose.

To the tenth article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that the Waterhound
immediately as she came upp with the Golden Starr boarded
her. And they in the Morning Starr or Golden Starr never tooke downe
their foresaid Red flagg of defiance, but she same continued still upp
att the Maintopmast head of the Golden Starr, till the same was taken
downe by some of the Company of the Advantage or Waterhound that
subdued and took the Golden Starr, the premises this deponent knoweth
being then present aboard the Advantage frigot and further cannot

To the eleventh and twelth articles of the sayd allegation this deponent saith
he cannot depose.

To the last he saith his depositions are true

To the Cross Interrogatories

To the 1 he saith he was aboard the Advantage frigot and present att the
seizure of the Golden Starr or Morning Starr, and was one of the Company of
the said Advantage frigot.

To the 2 he saith he was present att the takeing of the Golden Starr.

To the 5 hee saith he doth certainly know that the sayd Advantage frigott
did first chase and hale the Morning Starr or Golden Starr in [XXX]

To the 4th he saith he knoweth that the Advantage frigot did first
fight with the Golden Starr before the Waterhound or any other shipps
came in.
