MRP: Letter from Charles Tripp to Richard Oxinden

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Letter from Charles Tripp to Richard Oxinden


I hartely saluet you. Uppon the receipt of your letter with as much haste as with convenience I might I bought your glasses according to your directions and have sent them downe in a basket packed upp, by White, the Cant. post, with what charge I cold for theyr safe Cariage; your 6 dozen of glasse plates and 6 bowles cost me 33s. with the basket, allso your hampers you shall receive by the post of Sandwich accordinge to your letter, being about the price you writt to me of. I have taken what care my buisines and leasure will afoord in theis thinges; I wish they may be to your contentment, soe pray lett my good entention excuse me from blame though my acctions deserve them.

I have allso payd your rent to the receivers for your holy bread land, and for the same have sent you an acquittance, so as I hope you and your tenant wilbe for your tyme at quiett for that land. For your sute against Tibold I will make all the speed I can therein. His day to appeare here is one Saturday next, at what tyme we shall knowe whether he entends to stand out with you or noe. Sir I ame in some hast, therefore ame enforced to be short, with my best wishes and kind commendations I give you a harty farewell.

Your loving frend


Middle Temple London, this 9th November: 1608