HCA 13/69 Silver 10 f.1r Annotate

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HCA 13/69 Silver 10 f.1r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Silver 10

The one and twentyeth day of September 1653.

The Clayme of Paulus Cobrisse merchant}
of Bridges for his moenyes in the shipp the}
Salvador whereof Christian Cloppenbergh}
is Captaine taken by some of the Parliament}
shippes. Bud Smith}

Examined upon an allegation on the behalfe
of the said Paulus Cobrisse.


John de Losa barona of Limma in the
West Indies borne att Segovia in Spaine
merchant aged forty yeares or thereabouts
a witnes sworne and examined deposeth and
saith as followeth videlicet.

[?X] Mottet dt.

To the first article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith and deposeth that
for theis eight yeares now last past He this deponent hath bene
the Correspondent and Agent for the sayd Paulus Cobrisse
and thereby knoweth that for and during all the sayd tyme he the sayd
Paulus Cobrisse hath traded to Cales Saint Lucar and the West Indies
for plate and sylver, aand hath had his factors and Agents in the sayd places
and within the same tyme hath sent to his sayd factors and Agents
severall quantities of goods and merchandizes of great valew, whereof
Returnes hath bene made to him to fflanders where he liveth in sylver
and plate. And otherwise cannot depose.

To the second article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith and deposeth that
in the moenthes of September October November and December 1652
and before and continually since the arlte Paulus Cobrisse was and att
this present is the true Owner and lawfull Proprietor of all and singular
the plate sylver and moneyes mentioned in the three schedules or bills
of lading annexed to the sayd allegation. videlicet of nyne small fardells
or packetts of fine sylver conteyning forty two peices of sylver weighing
two hundred twenty seven markes, the sayd fardells being marked with
the first marke in the margent sealed with the seale in the margent of


the bill of lading for the same expressed, and allso of two barrs of fine
sylver of the second marke in the margent weighing two hundred thirty sixe


marjes and seven ounces, and allso of ten bggs of peices of eight
coyne of Peru marked with the third marke in the margent and sealed


with the seale in the margent of the bill of lading for the same expressed, the
sayd ten baggs conteyning in the whole five thousand peices of eight
videlicet five hundred peices morer or lesse in every bagg. and allso of fowr
baggs more of peices of eight conteyning two thousad six hundred
peices of eight videlicet six hndred and fifty peices more or lesse in every bagg,
two of the sayd baggs being of the fourth marke in the margent, and two


of them of the fifth marke in the margent, and all foure sealed with
the seale in the margent of the bill of lading for the same expressed. The
premisses This deponent knoweth to be true for that he this deponent did buy
and procure all and singular the sayd plate sylever and moneyes in the
West Indies for the Accompt and with the goods of the sayd Paulus Cobrisse
and saw all the sayd barrs and peices of sylver exactly weighed and marked and
sealed, and brought all the sayd plate and moneyes from the West Indies to Cadiz
in Spaine where the same was laden aboard the sayd shipp Salvador for the
Producents Accompt. And othewise he cannot depose.