MRP: William Dallison Justice of Common Pleas will
William Dallison Justice of Common Pleas will
IN THE NAME OF GOD OUR LORD JESUS CHRISTand our onely Savo:r and Redeemer XXX The nynth day of January the yere of our Lord god one thousand fyve hunderth XXXX I William Dalyson one of our soveraigne Lady the gracious Ma:ties Justice of the pleas before her ?peer to be ?holden being being in perfect mynd and health thanks be unto almightie god
But consydering the mortalitie of man and howe he is borne to dye the tyme XXXX and XXXX is onely XXXX to goode Judgement
And p:ring daly gods ?plays before my own XXX for the punishment of our synnes as by?extreme ánd strange sycknes diseases and suden deathes do by the grace and sufferance of god my onely Redeemer and Saviour ordeyn constitute and make this my last Will and Testament in forme as followeth
FFIRST I will and bequeath my soule unto god almightie my onely Savio:r and Redeemer
By the merytts of whose death and passcon ánd by his greatt m:ry I trust to be saved and to be amember of his ??flocke in the Kingdom of heaven
And I will that yf god call me to his m:ry át any place XXXX the Citie of Lyncoln as XXXXing the Close of the Cathedral Church of Lyncoln, or wythin the Countie of Lyncoln being no further from the parryshe of Langston in Lyncoln than xxij:? myles that my body shalbe caryed to Langston ánd to be buryed under the alter in the chappell in the church of Langston where my father and my brother George lyeth and my body then ?to lye in a Tombe or ?TrXXX of stone ?carried about w:th a xxxxx graven uppon the same stone my XXXXX w:th my XXXton ?Robeis and ?Coyf ?in ?view as I sytt in Jugement and all the XXXX of the same stone to be engraved w:th ?ffoure ?lines w:th my name w:th the day and yere of my death and I will and bequeath for and towards the making therof Tenn pounds in money w:ch ?lyme and stone and
I will that the charge of my buryall w:th maxxx dxxxxx blacke ligth and expenses be paid ordeyned and done for me XXX the said Cathedrall Churche of Lincoln and at Langston aforesaid or ells where where yt shall please god to have me buryed as by the discrecon of my executors shalbe thought ?mete and convenyent having a respecte to my subtance myn estate and ?dyn:e and the XXXXXXX fynding and bringing upp ofmy poor children
And I will that theire shalbe no XXXXXX gyven for me
But I will that money shalbe gyven spent and distributed ámonge the poore people át Lyncoln Langston or ells as where as is aforesaid where most ?need shall requyre the Summ of Tenne pounds by the distcreion of my executo:rs haveing a respect as aforesaid
ITEM I will to the paryshe ?churche of Langston áforesaid and ?desireth of XXXXX XXXXX and ymbrodered to be XXXX and ??anyone uppon the said ?divers ??under the w:ch I am appoynted my body to be buryed and x:li in money towards the reparacons of the same church
And to the cathedrall church of lyncoln towards the Reparacons therof els
And to ?any ?M:r of the cathedrall church being in Resydence at the day of my death one old Angell apeece
Desyring theym to be good maisters to my wife ánd to my poore children XXXX as they have beene to me in my lyfe tyme
And I will to the ?church of ?XXXXings x:li and to the church of Greetwell x:li
And further I will and my mynd is
That my brother George will and Testament be pformed in every point áccording to the trewe meaninge ánd intente thereof
And that every one of my said brothers daughters lyving at the day of my death shall have of my gyft and bequest Twenty XXX apeece over and besydes that threescore therteene pounds Tenne shillings they XXX ?dispose ??therby my said brothers will being then unpaid as paid
And I will to John Dalyson sonne of my said brother Twentye pound
And to Thomas Dalyson brother to the said John other twentye pound
So that they be then lyving át the tyme of my death
And the said legacy and bequeste to be delyvered to theym the said sonns and daughters upon the specall chXXXXXXX of all XXXX ptes ?duties and porcions ás apply wth to all the said daughters and sonnes by my said brothers will and in and for the discharge of my xxxsyons
And I will and bequeth to my Nephe William Dalyson sonne and heire to my said Brother George Dalyson in full recompense of such things as I have obteyned or XXXXX of his and that was to hym bequested by his said father my ?leasse interest terme and estate that I have in the man of Nettelton that I have by my said brothers leasse ánd my chamber in Langston aforesaid all my goods ymplements and cattalls that I have in the same chambers at Langston aforesaid The XXXXs of leade and XXXX of leade ?them
Around chest and one of the sXXXX chests there onely except and for?pXXX
And he my said Nephw to have the same delyvered uppon his acquaintance as is aforesaid
So that alwayes and uppon the condicon also that he make further assurance to his two younger brothers John ánd Thomas of and uppon the lands and Tenements to theym bequethed by his said father for their liffe as by theire learned counsel shalbe thought ?meate and convenient
And also to assure my brother Roger Dalyson of foure pound yerely during his lyfe
According to my fathers last Will and Testament or other ?wyse my mynd is
That my said Nephw Willm Dalyson shall XXXX or have no ?comodity or profitt by this my last will and Testament but onely to be XXXXXXXX and answered of such pcells ás is XXXXX and to hym bequethed by his said fathers will and Testament and none otherwyse
ITEM I will and bequeth to everyone of my daughters Elizabeth Joys Barbara and Mary at their full and sewall age or ages of twenty yeres as at the daye of their sewall marriages or marriage three hundred markes apeece wythout any defalcacon or denying thereof
And yf anyone of theym dye before her full age of twentye yeres or marriage then I will and my mynd is
That her pte so dying shall come and be to the others of my said daughters then lyving to be delyvered as is aforesaid
And yf all of my said daughters saving only one of theym dye before the said age or marriage
Then I will and bequethe to that my daughter xx lyving three hundred pounds and forte pounds on and besydes for and towards her apparrell towards her said marriage and towards her fynding and bringing upp to be delyvered and paid to her ás is aforesaid
And yf the said daughter lyving dye before her said age or marriage
Then I will and my mynd is That the said three hundred and fortie pounds shalbe gyven and delyvered to my three sonns Willm Robert and Thomas that is to saye To every one of theym one hundreth pounds and twenty mks apeece át the daye of theire sewall age of xxj:t yeres and every one of theym to be others xxx and successor therof yf any one of theym dye before the said age of xxj:t yeres
And I will and bequeth to Willm Dalyson my sonne all my books wyth my bookes of the lawes of this Realme and my best salte wyth around all gilt and adosen of silver Spoons called ?shipps of my beste and ?gudest and my basen and Ewer of ?sylver pcell gilt wyth my rest (OR, nest) of bowles wyth the XXX all gylt togethere wyth one silver spoone all gilte
To hym gyven by my lady Margrett Taylboys át his Christening
??ITEM I will and bequeth to my said sonne Willi:m Dalyson my fferme ??yeres interest and estate that I have in the man Lordship and psonage of Cristwill and to my sonn Robert Dalyson I will and bequeath my fferme estate and terme of yeres that I have of and in the psonage or grannge of MessuXXXX
And to my sonne Thomas Dalysom I will and bequeath my interest XXXXX and estate that I have of and in the psonage of ??Wotton wyth the ??shepgate in ??Watton and XXXXX and my fferme and interest in Coxill and XXXXXXXX wythall my stock and store there XXXXX being in Thomas ?Wentworth hands and possession for yeres yet enduring
?Second I will and bequeath unto my wellbeloved wife Elizabeth Dalyson all her apparell and Jewells that apperteynth to her body and my greatt BXXXX XX arounde all silver pcell gilt two small gobletts royte aron pcell gilte two Saltes all gilte the one is XXXX that I hadof Thomas Henneage Esquire and the other that is daly occupyed XX arounde XXXX thXXXXX and theotehr all which went aron and two dosen of Spoons such as she will XXXX