MRP: HCA 13/72
HCA 13/72 1657-1659
HCA13/72 is a bound paper manuscript volume held at the National Archives, Kew. It is one of a series of volumes, which typically cover a period of one or two years of legal cases brought in the High Court of Admiralty. The National Archives online catalogue states that HCA13/72 covers the years 1657 to 1659
Editorial history
23/11/11, CSG: Created page and sample abstracts and transcriptions
- 1 Case: Saunders & others of the Isaack against the S:t Jacob and John Clason M:r of the Smith: Examination: 5. William ?Westco?s, of St Buttolphe, Algate, London, aged 42: Date: March 31st 1658
- 2 Case: Saunders & others of the Isaack against the S:t Jacob and John Clason M:r of the Smith: Examination: 6. Robert Moulins, of S:t Margaret Lothbury. London, Pewterer, aged 30: Date: XXXt 1658
- 3 Case: On the behalfe of Caterin Kilson ag:t the XXXXX: Examination: XXXX: Date: XXXX
- 4 Case: HCA ag:t Ellis: Examination: 3. Cornelius Bringmans, of S:t Buttolpps Algate, London, Broaker, aged 40: Date: march 7th 1658
- 5 Case: XXXX: Examination: William Kiffin, of London, Merchant, aged 40: Date: June 19:th 1659
- 6 Case: The Governo:rs and Companie of English Merchants trading to East India and XXXX against the Governour and Company of Merchants of the United Netherlands: Examination: John Garrard, of Wapping, Middlesex, Mariner, aged 29: Date: November 13th 1657
P1080815 f. 271 verso
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Case: Saunders & others of the Isaack against the S:t Jacob and John Clason M:r of the Smith: Examination: 5. William ?Westco?s, of St Buttolphe, Algate, London, aged 42: Date: March 31st 1658
The 31:th of March 1658
Examined on the sayd Interrogatories
Saunders & others of the Isaack)
against the S:t Jacob and John Clason)
M:r of the Smith)
5. William ?Westcos of St Buttolphe Algate London
Pewterer aged forty two yeares or thereabouts sworne before the sayd doctor Godolphin saith
as followeth viz:t
To the first and second Interies hee saith he well knew he Isaack haveing
seene ?her severall tymes at London she bringing goods severall voyages from
Plymouth to London for this deponents accompt, And saith that hee receaved
a letter of Advice from his Agent Robert Saunders of Plymouth that
the voyage in question there were by him the sayds Saunders laden aboard
the sayd shipp the Isaack for Accompt of him this deponent thirty fower slabbs
of Tinne weighing (as by the bill of lading thereof sent in
the sayd letter of Advice doth and may appeare)
P1080816 f. 272 recto
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Case: Saunders & others of the Isaack against the S:t Jacob and John Clason M:r of the Smith: Examination: 6. Robert Moulins, of S:t Margaret Lothbury. London, Pewterer, aged 30: Date: XXXt 1658
Robert Moulins of S:t Margarett Lothbury
London Pewter aged thirty yeares or thereabouts
sworne before the sayd doc:r Godolphin saith as
followeth vizt
P1080817 f. 272 verso
Case: On the behalfe of Caterin Kilson ag:t the XXXXX: Examination: XXXX: Date: XXXX
On the behalfe of Caterin
Kilson ag:t the XXXXX
The sixth of Aprill 1658
Hezekiah Usher of Boston in New England stationer
aged 42 yeares or thereabouts sworne & XXX XXX
P108018 f. 350 recto
Case: HCA ag:t Ellis: Examination: 3. Cornelius Bringmans, of S:t Buttolpps Algate, London, Broaker, aged 40: Date: march 7th 1658
P1089819 f. 352 recto
Case: XXXX: Examination: William Kiffin, of London, Merchant, aged 40: Date: June 19:th 1659
P1080820 f. 484 recto
Case: The Governo:rs and Companie of English Merchants trading to East India and XXXX against the Governour and Company of Merchants of the United Netherlands: Examination: John Garrard, of Wapping, Middlesex, Mariner, aged 29: Date: November 13th 1657
The Governo:rs and Companie of English
Merchants trading to East India and XXXX against
the Governour and Company of Merchants
of the United Netherlands, thither trading
The Thirteenth of November 1657
Examined upon an allegacon given
in on the behalfe of the said English
East India Company on the 28:th
of November last
John Garrard of Wapping in the County
of Midd Mariner, aged twenty nine
yeeres or thereabouts, sworne and examined
saith and deposeth as followeth
To the first article of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth
that for theise nine yeeres XXX last past hee this exXXXXate as
a mariner hath XXX the trade of East India, and made three voyages
to those parts from this port of London, and in tXXX voyages hath
frequented the port of Bantam and other places whereunto the
hono:ble English East India company and thereby well knoweth in the yeeres 1655 1656 and 1657 ?use to send their shipps and
XXXX, and thereby well knoweth that
the Governour and company of the said English Merchants have
used the trade and send their shipps servants and officers to a place in Java
Major called Bantam in the said parts of East India, where hee
saith thay have for aXXXX time had and still have a settled
ffactory, and likewise to send to and to trade at Maccasser, Surat
Jambee and other parts of the said East India and thereabouts. And
saith that at Jambee and Bantam the said English company hath
and imployed from time to time severall officers and servants
in their trade and ?commerce as likewise in other places thereabouts
to and ?thence for England the goods wares and Merchandizes of
the growth manufacture and vent of those parts and places, and
that the said English company have from time to time for all the
time aforesaid XXXX traded (saving the ?ininuries hereafter
mentioned) and sent their shipps to Bantam and places aforesaid
and brought them out ?thence with ?such goods wares and merchandizes
as they XXXX ?had and ?XXX more pXXXed forXXXX, as they XXXX
(as ?all XXXXty) lawfully due, and this XXX XXX was and
is publique and XXXXX, and observed by him XXX trXXXX XX
had and donne as XXXX XXXX did ?used
To the second article hee saith and deposeth that the said East
India company of England amongst other their shipps and
vessells wch they have sent to and imployed in the said parts
East India and thereabouts, they XXXX and had there in the yeere
1656 in such ?trade XXXX and imployment the the shippe the Endymon
whereof ?Gerwase Cxxxyman was commander and wch XXX
dXXX next commanded XXXX did XXXX, who wholely XX
Captaine CXXyman XXXX was his mate the XXX voyage. The
Marygold, the Golden Cock, the Olive BXXXX & the
Jonathon, all wch shipps this deponent saw in East India
P1080821 f. 484 verso
[1656, written in LH margin]
in the said yeere 1656, and saith that neither the said shipp the Endymion
nor any other company offered any asswalt, iniury or ??provocacion
to any dutch shipp or shipps that were there at that time, or times ?or
the commanders or company of any of them, All XXXXXXXXXXX
being first Mate and afterwards new commander of XXX the said XXX
Nor did as XXXXXXXly and of the said other English shipps ?o ?any
of their company offer any iniury whatsoever to the dutch there
To the third article hee saith that in the month of August XXX
the said shipp the Endymion (supposeth this deponent and their masters
mate) in XXX voyage from England for Bantam coming into the
Straits of Sunda, did on or about the ??seventh day of the said
month (old stile) meet in the said Straight a single shipp
appertaining to the dutch company tXX and againe, wch said dutch
shipp ?sailed along with the Endymion till the next day, XXX
dutch shipps hee XXX were riding, all w:ch upon ?sight of
the Endymion and the ?said other shipps seized and XXXX to XXX
and when they were come neere, there came one of their XXXX ?abord
the Endymion with command brought by one that was ?therein, that
the Endymion should come to an anchor by their Generall who
was still riding at Pullapanjou, wch the Commander and
Company of the Endymion obeyed and sailed along with them and
?soe came to an anchor neere their said Generall; but the Dutch
pretending that the Endymion rode too farr off them, XXX
and commanded the Endymion to be burXXX to an XXXX
nearer to their Generall, and this XXX conceiveth they did to
show their ?honer and greatuos; upon XXX ??command, the
Captaine and company of the Endymion obeying, bXXXX XXX
XX XXXX yet nearer to the said Generall; All wch hee
knoweth because hee was person in the Endymion and heard and
?saw the XXXXses XX donne
P1080821 f. ? verso
P1080822 f. 485 recto
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P1080824 f. 486 recto