HCA 13/73 f.607v Annotate

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This page is for the annotation of HCA 13/73 f.607v.

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HCA 13/73 f.607v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Current Transcription

Account of the producents Englishmen aforesaid and were
(as this deponit verily belieaveth) the producents of their goods
soo sent from Lisbone to Brazoole. Et X ad [GUTTER]
arlate noscrit deponed ./
Ad 10 et 11n diciit that after the lading and putting the said
sugars and other goods on board the Experience at Lisbone
Brazoole she departed there with bound for Lisbone
to unlade the same for the producents account, and he
the King of Portugall his customs out of them; and she
in her passage towards Lisbone, her captaine and [GUTTER]
Captain Kingsman and Company did on as about [GUTTER]
seaven and twentieth day of May last (being Sunday
in the morning about breake of say in fight of X
of Lisbone espy three sayle of ships making towards the
Experience, which ships afterwards proved to be three Dutch [GUTTER]
of warre; but sayth that it was too early in the morning
when the captain and company of the Experience first discovered
them, that they could not discern whether they were
enemies as friends , suddens caos X sud ut [GUTTER]
AD 12n dicit that the Rese ad mis all of the said Dutch ships
called the Zelandia (whereof one Tyson Quarts was
of the weather side, without ever hayling her, which
is contrary to the custom of friends when they meet at
sea: And that there upon Captain Kingsman in the Experience
got up upon the poope of his ship and did in this depon
profenne and hearing hayle the Zelandia, severall himes and with
her captaine to fall to Leeward, but the said Zealandina
made no anser at all thereunto, but continued her
course still to windwards of the Experience as an enemie
35 hereupon Captain Kingsman commended his deputy to make
A shot from the Experience which this deponit did) other
the Zelandia’s foot which shot he sayth did not [GUTTER]
the Zelandia, nor was intended soo to doo, but only
give her captaine warning to fall to Leewards of
Experience, not with standing all which premises her sayth
the said Captain Quarts would not nor id come to the leewards
of the Experience, but kept on his course to windwards of her
Ad/ 3n deponit et dicit that during all the said time, the
ship the Experience had up and say lef with the England
X and the captain and company of the Zelandia and the companies of the other two dutch ships did
and might very well see and X the same. And he
verily beleaveth they all know her to be an English ship
et ate noscrit./
Ad 14n dicit that when Captain Quarts came up near the Experience
he never hayled her at all but X fired a broad side [GUTTER]
her, and thereby did much damage to her masts rigging ad furniture.

<series>HCA 13/73</series>
<first-transcriber>Bethan Reynolds</first-transcriber>