MRP: Robert Gayer will
Robert Gayer will
PROB 11/207 Will of Robert Gayer, Merchant and Fishmonger of London
PROB 11/201 Will of Humphrey Gayer, Merchant of Plymouth, Devon
Editorial history
05/12/11, CSG: Created page & posted partial transcription to wiki
Abstract & context?
This transcription requires ome more work, plus editing
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN The fyfteenth day of January Anno Dm 1648 and in the fower & twentith yeare of our Soveraigne Lord Charles by the grace of god King of England Scotland ffrance and Ireland defender of the faith x:r I Robert Gayer Marchant & Cittizen and fishmonger of London being weake in body but of pfect minde and memory (praised be god therefore) and being mindfull of the brevity & uncertainty of this temporall life doe make and ordayne this my p:rsent last will and testament in mann & forme followeing (that is to saye)
Above all things
ABOVE ALL THINGS I commend my soule into the hands of Jesus Christ my only Lord and Saviour hopeing and assuredly beleeving through his only merrits and righteosness to be made pertaker of life everlasting And my body I committ to the earth whereof it was made to be decently buried according to the discreccon of my executo:r hereafter named
And for y:e disposeing of my temporall estate w:ch god n much mercey hath given & vouchsafed me I will devise givea & bequeath the same as followeth y:t is to say
FFIRST I give & bequeath unto my beloved nephew Jn:o Gayer Esq:r theldest sonne of my dearly beloved brother S:r Jn:o Gayer k:t & Aldman of London y:e summe of one thousand pounds of lawfull money of England
ITEM I give & bequeath unto my beloved nephew M:r Robert Gayer theother sonne of y:e said S:r Jn:o Gayer one thousand pounds more of like lawfull money to be paid to other of them at their sevall ages of twenty & one yeares
ITEM I give & bequeath unto my beloved Neece M:rs Katherine Abdy wife of my beloved Cosen Robert Abdy Esq:r & eldest daughte rof the said sir Jn:o Gayer five hundred pounds of like lawfull money to be payed unto her w:thin one yeare after my decease
ITEM I give and bequeath to every one of my beloved Neeces M:rs Mary gayer M:rs Sara gayer & M:rs Elizabeth Gayer 3 other of the daughters of y:e said X:r Jn:o Gayer five hundred pounds a peece of like lawfull money to be paid unto every of them at their severall ages of twenty and one yeares or sevall daies of marriage w;ch shall first happen after my decease severally & respectively
ITEM I give & bequeath to my beloved Neece Margaret Gayer & mary Gayer the 2 daughters of my late second brother M:r Richard Gayer deceased three hundred pounds a peece of like lawfull money to be paied unt them and either of them at their severall ages of twenty and one yeares or severall dayes of marriage w:ch shall first happen after my decease severally and respectively
ITEM I givea nd bequeath unto my beloved Neece M:rs [Blank in manuscript] ?Teight wife of my cosen Lewis Tight Marchant and daughter of my late third brother Hugh Gayer deceased one hundred pounds of like lawfull monex to be payed unto her w:thin one yeare next after my decease
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my beloved Neece Prudence Gayer the other daughter of my said brother Hugh Gayer two hundred pounds of like money to be oaid unto her at her age of twenty and one yeares or day of marriage w:ch shall first happen w:thin one yeare after my decease
ITEM I give & bequeath unto my beloved newphe M:r Jojm Gayer thonly sonne of my late fowerth Brother M:r Humfry Gayer deceased five hundred pounds of like lawfull money And to every of my beloved Neeces Elizabeth Gayer margaret Gayer Alice Gayer Mary Gayer and Anne Gayer daughters of my said brother Humfry Gayer three hundred pounds a peece of like lawful money to be payed unto every of them at their severall ages of twenty & one yeares or severall daye of marriage w:ch shall first happen sevally and respectively w:thin one yeare after mey decease
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my said cosen Robert Abdye Esq:r ffyftie pounds of like lawfull money