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Revision as of 06:36, November 16, 2013 by ColinGreenstreet (Talk | contribs)

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Editorial history

16/11/13: CSG, created page

Purpose of page

  • XXX

Adding footnotes

  • Go into edit mode

  • Insert immediately after the sentence or phrase you wish to annotate the following macro:

<ref>This is the footnote text</ref>

  • Replace 'This is the footnote text' with the footnote you wish to add, using the format: first name, surname, title, (place of publication, date of publication), page or folio number

  • Save the page

Creating an electronic link within the footnote to a digital source

  • Using the link icon in the top RH menu bar in your open window, highlight the footnote text which you wish to become the clickable link. This will place square brackets round the text, within the existing curved brackets

e.g. <ref>[Electronic link to a digital source]</ref>

  • Insert the URL of the digital source IN FRONT of the existing text, but still within the square brackets, leaving one space between the end of the URL and the start of the footnote text

e.g. <ref>[http://XXXXX Electronic link to a digital source]</ref>

  • Save the page, and the footnote text will now show 'Electronic link to a digital source' as a clickable link, which, when clicked, will go to 'http://XXXXX'


- HCA 13/71 f.XXXX Case: XXXX; Deposition: XXXX; Date: XXXX. Transcribed by XXXX[1]

Suggested links

Body parts



  • "Whereupon this deponent shortly after went home to the

sayd Ritchmond his howse in Barking aforesayd and required the sayd
warrant of him who answereth that hee had throwne the same into the
fyre and burnt it and that hee cared not a pinne for the sayd warrant
nor would obey the same And the sayd Ritchmond doth
still Continue such his contempt and deteyneth this deponents sayd
Anchor" (HCA 13/72 f.227v)


Primary sources

Secondary sources

  1. Electronic link to a digital source