Semantic Markup General
Semantic Markup General
Editorial history
05/011/12: CSG, created new page
Purpose of this page
This page has been established to promote a discussion of issues around the semantic markup of HCA 13/71
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Legal and structural language of HCA 13/71
A busines of examination of wittnesses for the perpetuall remembrance of the matter about the takeing the shipp...
A business of examination of witnesses in a matter of Ensurance on the behalfe of ...
...against Mr Benjamin Bressy and the sayd John ffalkner in speciall and all others
Affidavit NAME OF PERSON touching the shipp SHIPS NAME
Examined on certain Interrogatories ministred on the behalfe of...
Examined upon an allegation on behalfe of the plaintiffes
Examined upon the sayd allegation
Examined upon the sayd libell
...for the sayd shipp and her tackle apparell and furniture taken and seized by...
Intimation touching the NAME OF SHIP
On behalfe of ...
The clayme of ...
The Examination and deposition of the person hereunder specified touching the propriety of the shipp NAME OF SHIPP ...
To the seaven parts of goods wanting in the NAME OF SHIP
Touching a losse
Structure of HCA 13/71: First 100 folios
How is HCA 13/71 structured in terms of cases, depositions, and other types of legal document?
Colin: We can not yet answer this definitively, since we have transcribed just over one third of the volume
However, inspection of the first one hundred folios gives some insight into the considerable size variation in both cases and depositions. Cases can have just one or two depositions, each of just one or two pages. Or cases can stretch to five or six depositions of ten or more pages each, and have both depositions for the plaintiff case and depositions for the defendants case.
Colin: Please look at the latest version of the Google Docs online Page Log and Planner to contextualise the following analysis:
Case: Keats Jennings and others against ffredericke Chowne and others
16 pages; 6 depositions
?Naphthalia White John Thomas and others marines of the shipp the delight of Plymouth against John Griddon master of the sayd shipp
2 pages; 2 depositions
XXXX XXXX and others against XXXX XXXX and others
13 pages (there may be some more in series of folios from f.35r to f.42v); 4 depositions
XXXX (case starts in as yet unimaged series of folios from f.35r to f.42v)
9 pages (there may be some more in series of folios from f.35r to f.42v); 5 depositions
William Wilkinson against James Warren
4 pages (1 deposition) plus 4 pages (1 deposition)
John Baker and Company owners of the shipp the ffortune (Jacob ?ast her Master) against Thomas ?Cooke
3 pages; 2 depositions
For goods in the hare in the feild
12 pages; 10 depositions ; grouped into 5 claims (J and L are the same claim)
The claim of ffrancis Lauson for his goods in the hare in the feild
(Exámined upon the allegation given on the behalfe of the said Lauson the 25 of July 1655")
The claime of Manuell Derrickson of Hamburgh for his goods in the Hare in the ffeilds (John XXX Master)
The claime of Manuell Derrickson of Hamburgh for his goods in the Hare in the ffeilds (John XXX Master) ("The claime of the said Manuel Derrickson in the Hare in the ffeilds")
The claime of Phillip Van ?Hulten of Amsterdam for his goods in the Hare in the ffeild
The claime of ffrederick Wolfe of Amsterdam in the Hare in the feild
The claime of Peter Reynolds Gilbert Van Listeren and John SwaXX? in the hare in the feild
William Williams and Company against 37 butts five Caratells and 3 quarter Rolls of Morea Currance markes as in the margent laden aboard the shipp the Cesar whereof William ffudge is Master and brought in her to this Port of London and against Thomas Rowse ffrancis ffowke and Company coming in for their Interest
Grand total: 66 pages; 6 depositions ; grouped into 2, one for plaintiff and one for defendant claims
Examined upon an arlate allegation and schedule given in on the behalfe of the sayd William Williams and Company
6 pages; 1 deposition
Examined upon an allegation given in on the behalfe of Thomas Rowse and ffrancis ffowke and company
60 pages; 5 depositions
S.11-S.19 + S.19a-S.19e) (14 pages total)
S.21-S.29 + S.29a-S.29d (13 pages total)
S.31-S.39 " S.39a-S.39b (11 pages total)
S.41-S.49 + S.49a-S.49g (16 pages total)
S.51-S.56 (6 pages total)
?Piles and company against Andrewes ("Examined upon an allegation given in on behalfe of the said Andrewes")
3 pages; 1 deposition
On behalfe of Mr ffernandez touching the White fflower de Lun
2 pages; 2 depositions
Smith and company against Page Ingram Body and Kendall
10 pages; 3 depositions
On the behalfe of John kep? of london Marchant in a cafse of Mxxxxxxx
2 pages; 2 depositions
The claime of Cornelius Van Stirht for the shipp Magdalena of which Hendrick Vander Berck was Master
2 pages; 1 depositions
The Lord Protector against a certaine shipp called the fortune whereof Daniel Ryertson is Master taken with wynes, and against the Carle of Charott and others Owners of a shipp of warr called the golden Eagle of Callice and against the said Carle of Charrott and other owners of the Royal Marye a shipp of warr and against all others
14 pages; 5 depositions
Occupational analysis of witnesses in HCA 13/71
List of separate witnesses (deponents and other witnesses)
Listed in order of first appearance by folio number, and sorted by occupations
Witnesses appearing multiple times are listed multiple times
2. Aton Estes of Deale in kent Mariner aged 24 yeeres
1. Michael Batten of Wapping in the County of Middlesex Mariner, aged 38 yeeres (Signature of "Michael Batten" at end of deposition
2. John Harford of Wapping in the County of Middlesex Mariner, aged 48 yeeres (The marke of "John harford" at the end of the deposition)
3. John Page of the parish of Saint Mary Magdalen Bermondsey in the County of Surrey Mariner, aged about 36 yeares
4. David Bayly of the parish of Saint Mary Magdalen Bermondsey in Southwarke Mariner aged forty yeares
2. Francis Roys of fflushing mariner aged 34 yeeres
Robert Allyson of the Cittie of Bristoll and County of Somerset mariner aged 33 yeares (The marke of Robert Allyson at end of deposition)
1. William Johnson of Shipton in the County of dorset Mariner aged 30 yeares (Signature of "William Johnson" at end of deposition)
2. George Shep?ock of Birdport in dorsetshire Mariner aged 25 yeares (The marke of George Ship?icke" at end of deposition)
3. Charles le Pine of London Merchant aged 25 yeares
3. Richard Langford of Poplar Mariner aged 55 (Signature of "Richard Langford" at bottom of deposition)
1. William Rubois of dover Mariner late purser of the Galliote the Black dogg, aged 43 yeares
1. Jurian Hanton of ffoy in Cornwall Mariner aged 38 yeares (Signature of "XXX ?Hoaten" at end of deposition)
2. John Downes of London Mariner aged 33 yeares (Signature of "John Downes" at end of deposition)
1. Francis Rois of fflushing Mariner, aged 36 yeares (Signature of "francis rooijs" at end of deposition)
Christian Johnson of fflushing Mariner aged 32 yeeres (Signed "Christens ?Jansij" at end of deposition)
Jacob de keyser of fflushing Mariner, aged 30 yeeres (Signature of "Jacob Da keiiser" at end of depostion)
5. George Phillips of Shadwell in the County of Middlesex Mariner, aged 52 yeeres
1. George Browne of Limehouse in the County of Middlesex Mariner aged 60 yeares
2. John de vos of dover late Gunner of the shipp Galliot the hound or Black dogg (derrick hendrickson Commander) aged 38 yeeres
2. Manoel Perera of London Merchant aged 21 yeeres (Signature of "Manoel perrera" at end of deposition)
1. John Scot of London Merchant aged 23 yeares (Signature of "John Schott" at end of deposition)
Isaac Warren of Ilford in the County of Essex Merchant ...aged 31 yeeres
3. John Chaworth of London Merchant aged 33 yeeres
1. William Rubois of dover Mariner late purser of the Galliote the Black dogg, aged 43 yeares
Rope merchant
2. Henry Hughes of Depford in the County of Kent Rope merchant aged twenty four years (Signature of "HHughes" at end of deposition
William Steward of Shadwell in the County of Middlesex Late Steward of the shipp the XXXXX in the service of this commonwealth aged 28 yeares (blank entry; name has been crosshatched)
1. Isaac Mayers of horsey downe shipwright aged 24 yeeres (Signed "Isaac Maior" at end of deposition)