HCA 13/72 f.16r Annotate

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To the 4th article and the schedule therein mentioned and now read to him hee
saith the sayd shipp haderene at her seizure had abord her betweene decks
divers hogsheads of vineger and pipes of brandie and in her great Cabin
severall bales of goods (the contents whereof hee knoweth not but hath heard they
were paper) but the number or markes of the sayd hogsheads pipes or bales
hee remembreth not, which goods continued aboard her stowed in the same
places they here seized, untill the tyme they were delivered at Plymouth to the
officers of Prize goods belonging to this Commonwealth, this hee the better knoweth
being a Midd shipp man and imployed by the sayd Godfrey to see the sayd viniger
Brandie landed and delivered, and accordingly this deponent did see the
same delivered in to the storehouses of the Officers for prize goods there and did observe
that when the sayd Viniger and brandie was soe stowed that the hatches could not
bee opened without removeing them and therefore is the more certayne they continuing
in the same manner stowed as they were seized And further to this article
and schedule hee cannot depose./

To the 5th hee saith hee referreth him selfe to the lawe and theRegistry of
this Court and his foregoeing deposition and saving the same cannot
further depose./

To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true./

Repeated before doctor Godolphin/

Richard Magin [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


23. The nineth of July 1667.

On the behalfe of Jacob Luce and}
Charles Corsellis of London Merchants}
touching the shipp the Black horseman.}</margin>

Rp. Nevill.

John Daniel of ˹the citie of˺ London Notary publique
aged fourtie yeeres or thereabouts, Samuel
Vernon of the same citie Merchant aged 44 yeeres or thereabouts and
John Weekes of the same citie servant of Laurence
Martel of the citie afore said Merchant aged
twenty yeeres or thereabouts, sworne before
the right Worshippfull John Godolphin doctor of lawes one of the
Judges of the high Court of the Admiraltie of England
say and deposeth respectively by vertue of their oathes

That on or about the thirteenth day of June 1657 last past
they were all present at the house of Laurence Martel
situat in ffenchurch streete London, and sawe him signe seale
and for his act and deed deliver the bill of sale (now showed
unto them) of the said shipp the Black horsman, bearing
date the said thirteenth of June last, which being soe donne, they
as witnesses thereof soe their names respectivley on the back
thereof as thereon appeareth. And further that they well
know the said Laurence Martell and alsoe Jacob Luce and
Charles Corsellis to be all English men and Merchants of



Richard Magin (midshippman)

Charles Corsellis
John Daniel (notary publique, London)
Jacob Luce
Laurence Martel
Samuel Vernon (merchant, London)

John Weekes (servant of Laurence Martel, London)


Storehouses of the Officers for prize goods

ffenchurch streete London



Black Horseman


pipes of brandie



Primary sources

Charles Corsellis

C 6/62/32 Short title: Corsellis v Parker. Plaintiffs: Charles Corsellis, John Corsellis, Segar Corsellis, Anne Corsellis his wife and Joseph Alston. Defendants: Henry Parker. Subject: manor of Much Bentley, Essex. Document type: answer only. 1676

PROB 11/441/110 Will of Charles Corsellis, Gentleman of Saint Martin in the Fields, Middlesex 06 November 1697

PROB 32/37/92 Deceased: Corsellis, Charles, St. Martin in the Fields, Middx. Inventory 10 September 1697 - 30 September 1697

Additional Sources

Jacob Luce

PROB 11/390/418 Exton 1-44 Will of Jacob Lucie of Saint Katherine Coleman, City of London 12 December 1688

Laurence Martel


Samuell Vernon

PROB 11/355/324 Will of Samnell Vernon, Pewterer of London. 29 November 1677