HCA 13/71 f.134v Annotate

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1. Deponents judgement really worth the summe of eight hundred pounds sterling
2. or thereabouts, shee being a new-built flye boate of XXX. The burthen of
3. 80 Tunns or thereabouts. The premisses hee deposeth, and for reason of
4. his judgement saith, hee knoweth that the said W.m Beck had been offered
5. three hundred pounds for his said shipp before hee bestowed upon her last
6. reparation or new makeing at Shoreham aforesaid, which was there generally
7. estimated at 200:li sterling more; besides her new tackle apparrell and furniture
8. and the provisions of Victualls and goods aboard her at the time of her said
9. seizure, which hee in conscience beleeveth to have been really worth three
10. hundred pounds more or thereabouts, this deponent having been Master and Owner
11. of a shipp himselfe, and having long time used navigation and thereby knowne
12. and observed what belongeth to ˹shipping˺ and whereabout the worth of ˹such˺ as shipp may be
13. And further cannot depose; saving hee beleeveth, the said W:m Beck by
14. meanes of the said seizure and detention of his said shipp, and of
15. consequently the losse of his time and employment hath beeX XXX undoubtedly been much
16. damnified, but to what value, this deponent this saith hee doeth not know
17. neither can hee estimate the same:/.
20. <margin value="Left">2:us</margin>
21. The same day Examined upon the said Allegation:-/
22. Jacob Gerard of the parish of Alhallowes Barking
23. in Tower street London Mariner aged 56. yeares or
24. thereabouts, a Wittnes sworne and examined saith
25. as followeth videlicet:
26. To the first and second articles of the said Allegation hee saith, That
27. hee this deponent ˹hath˺ knowne the shipp the Hopefull William whereof the arlate
28. William Beck was Master or Commander and reputed and generally
29. estimated the sole Owner and Proprietor of her tackle apparrell and furniture
30. ˹for about 2 yeares before her seizure hereaforeafter expressed˺ and saith, That in or about the moneth of July 1655 last past hee this
31. Deponent being at Saint Sebastians in Spaine, saw and observed the said shipp then
32. lyeing there, and being under the Command of the said William Beck,
33. And saith, That upon or about the 28. or 29th day of August next
34. ensueing the said shipp with her tackle apparrell and furniture were in the
35. said Port of Saint Sebastians seized upon stopped and deteyned by the Officers
36. or Ministers of the King of Spaine, and the said William Beck
37. turned out and utterly deprived of the same Which the premisses hee saith hee
38. well knoweth, being at Saint Sebastians at the time of the seizure aforesaid, and
39. suffereing amongst the English that then were stopped and deteyned both there
40. and in other Ports of Spaine. And further cannot depose:-
41. To the third and fowerth articles hee saith, That this deponent doeth in Conscience
42. beleeve and estimate ˹that˺ the said shipp the Hopefull William, togeather with
43. her tackle apparrell furniture provisions and goods aboard her at the
44. time of her said seizure were really worth eight hundred and eight pounds
45. (his losses and dammage by the reasons aforesaid therein comprized) And the reason
46. of this his judgement is, for that hee this deponent hath for many yeares used
47. navigation, and thereby become well acquainted and versed in the valew of
48. shipps, and saw and observed the shipp aforesaid to be a shipp of the burthen
49. of neere upon one hundred Tunns being newly rebuilt at Shoreham aforesaid
50. and provided with very good and sufficient tackle apparrell and furniture.
51. And further cannot depose:-/
52. Repeated with his precontest before
53. Doctor Godolphin:.
56. The same day Examined upon the said Allegation:- CENTER
57. <margin value="Left">Rp. .3us.</margin>
58. Henry Colequiste of Redriffe in the County of Surrey
59. Mariner aged 40. yeares or thereabouts a Wittnes
60. sworne and examined saith as followeth videlicet
61. To the first and second Articles of the said Allegation hee saith. That hee this
62. <margin value="Bottom right, under main body of text, as lead to next page">/deponent</margin>

Suggested links

HCA 13/71 Page Log & Planner
HCA 3/47 Page Log & Planner