HCA 13/71 f.645v Annotate

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1. as a foresayd, and was to receyve the sayd money againe att Bahia of
2. and from the severall factor there to when the sayd negoes of
3. the portugualla were respectively consigned; And saith that the
4. sayd money was allso seized and accessed in the hands of the sayd factor
5. by the sayd minhes minster so as the sayd ffrancis Hardidge could
6. not nor did not receve the same. the premisses well knoweth
7. being att Angola and Bahia whoa the premisses happened respecitvely
8. as aforesayd being then and there Carpenter of and in the sayd shipp
9. And otherwise deposeth not.

10. To the 11th article he saith that in or about the beginning of the yeare
11. 1652. English stile there were laden and putt on board the sayd shipp
12. by the king of portugalls affaires nine hundred and forty Chops and
13. sixteene fetches or halfe Chops of sugars, which was to pay freight
14. twenty six millrees per tonne reckoning fifty four acoves to a
15. tunn, and to pay one hundred and sixty Rees at avarye for every
16. acove. And there were likewise a yeetal quantity of Tobaccoes
17. in Rolls and severall yreal plan and reXX, and pieces of jacoranda
18. wood. the cetayne quantitye whereof or freight or average he
19. knoweth not. nor can depose certainly to the value of the whole
20. freight and averidye, of the whole sugars att the rate aforesayd did
21. amount to, fourteene thousand two hundred seventy five millnes
22. or thereabouts.

23. To the 12th article he saith that of the sayd sugars seven hundred chops
24. or thereabouts were for accompt of portugeuses and the provador att
25. Bahia did receyve two millrees, per Chops for every of them making
26. in all one thousand four hundred millnes, and after that rate of this
27. deponents observation the captaines of all vessells then att Bahia did
28. rećeyve for the place of each Chost or leave to lade them aboard
29. and saith that the sayd ffrancis Hardidge should have receyved
30. the sayd 1400 millrees in case his shipp had notbene seized as aforesayd,
31. the premisses he deposeth being then att Bahia and well observing the
32. price and manner of procaring and paying for ˹places˺ XXXXXXXXX for sugars. And
33. further deposeth not.

34. To the 13th article he referreth to his foregoeing depositions and ofr that
35. cannot depose, saving he saith that by computation he findeth that the XX

36. To the 14th article of the sayd allegation he saith that the sayd kings officers
37. did seize and take away att Bahia aforesayd from William Marshall
38. pilot of the sayd shipp two and twenty negoes worth forty five millree,
39. per head one with another and five Elephants teeth worth about twelve
40. millrees and the sayd marshall was enforced of this deponents knowledge
41. to take upp 60 millrees att 30 per cent interest, for the supply of his
42. necessaries all which amounts to one thousand xixty two millrees
43. and saith that the sayd 1062 millrees were and are well worth
44. 6 per cent per anno from the tyme of the sayd seizure which was
45. on or about the seventh of ffebruary 1651. English stile. of the
46. seizure of the sayd Marshalls goods he was an eye witnes. and further
47. no forcing to his foregoeing depositions he cannot depose saving

Suggested links

HCA 13/71 Page Log & Planner
HCA 3/47 Page Log & Planner