HCA 13/70 f.709v Annotate

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Revision as of 13:22, January 27, 2015 by ColinGreenstreet (Talk | contribs)

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This page is for the annotation of HCA 13/70 f.709v.

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HCA 13/70 f.709v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Current Transcription

<series>HCA 13/70</series>
<document-date>First cut transcription started and completed on 27/01/2015 by Colin Greenstreet</document-date>
<first-transcriber>Colin Greenstreet</first-transcriber>

betwixt his fingers and his hand burned therewith by the said dunquirkers who
endeavoured to extort a confession that they were bound for Amsterdam or
other port in the dominions of the States of the United Netherlands, which
not being confessed nor appearing the said shipp was let goe and set at
libertie with her lading, and soe shee sailed to Amsterdam and dischardged there
And further that after the premisses, the said Otto George the better to
make the Spaniards beleeve that the said shipp the Sampson
(which seemed to be of a hollands mold, and as hee
beleeveth was built in holland), belonged to some port of
the East countrey, and not to Amsterdam, having dischardged her of
a cargazon brought from Spaine at Amsterdam, carried he to hamborough
and latered her head soe that shee might seeme to be
a hamburger, and by the meanes of her soe passinge for a
hamburger, the said Otto George in severall voyages procured greate
quantities of silver to be laden in Spaine aboard his said shipp, and
got greate freights for the same. howbeit the said Otto George from
time to time sailed his said shipp to Amsterdam and not to hamborough
and unladed the silver which hee brought from Cadiz from time
to time at Amsterdam, where this deponent then dwelt as aforesaid
and sawe and tooke notice of the premisses, and soe much the rather
because hee had formerly sailed in the said shipp, and at Amsterdam
this deponent sawe and tooke notice that the said Otto George made
delivery of greate parcells of silver there to one Mr Coyman, Mr
Arian Poulson, Mr [?Webster] and Mr Banderstraten, all them living
in Amsterdam, and othe parcells to other persons there then residing.
all subiects of the States Generall of the United Netherland Provinces.
And otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the 15 and 16th articles of the said allegation hjee saith and deposeth
that hee well knoweth the shipp arlate having the
Goulden sunn' upon her sterne (whereof Peter Tam is master) and heard
that the voyage in question shee came in company of the Sampson', Salvador
and Saint George arlate from Cadiz, or within some short space before
or after them, and soe that shee met or was in their company at sea
after their said departure the said voyage from Cadiz, and came in their
company into the English channell, and that the said shipp having
the Golden sunn upon her sterne escaping and not being met withall
and intercepted by the shipps of this Commonwealth came and arrived in
Ostend, in or about the moneth of October 1652, at which
time this deponent was there and sawe her said arivall and spake
with her said master, and after such her arivall, shee unladed her
silver and delivered the same to one dwelling there in the kay straate,
this deponent being present and seeing and taking notice of the said
delivery, and hee was [?thereather] present because the said master (peter
Tam) treated with this deponent to goe with him in the said shipp
and that the said Peter Tam stayed there about tenn dayes, and
then set saile and departed with the rest of his lading for
holland, this deponent seeing him soe set saile, And saith that
in a short space after the said shipps departure thence, the said person
to whom the saud Peter Tam had delivered the aid silver, laded the
same upon severall boates for holland this deponent seeing
the same soe laden into the said boates, which carried the same
alonge the river towards Bridges, and from thence as hee was informed it
passed through land to Sluce in fflanders, and was thence carried
over to fflushing, and soe to Amsterdam, And this deponent having
speech with some of the company of the said shipp (having the Goulden
Sunn upon her sterne) at such time as they were ready to saile from