MRP: HCA 13/73

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HCA 13/73 1659-?

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01/05/12, CSG: Made 127 digital images (P1110298 to P1110425)
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28/05/12, CSG: Transcribed 37 full pages to date
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Front Cover

P1110298 recto front cover

So-so quality digital image

January 1658
March 1660//


P1110299 verso & recto

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P1110848 f. 1 recto

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Case: Luke Wood x:r ag:t the Peace and ag:t Thomas Grove: Examination: 3. Peter Bartlet, of Ratcliff, Shipwright, aged 30: Date: January 12th, 1658

The 12:th day of January 1658

Examined on the libell./

Luke Wood x:r ag:t the Pearce)
and ag:t Thomas Grove)
Cheeke; Suckley:/:)

J:ius PETER BARTLET of Ratcliff Shipwright aged
thirty eight yeares or thereabouts a wittness sworne
& examined saith & deposeth as followeth viz:t./


To the first arle hee saith that hee this deponent goeing Carpenter
of the shipp the Pearce arlate the whole voyage in question
knoweth that the arlate Thomas Grove druing all the moneths and
tyme arlate in the yeares: 1657 and 1658 arlate was Master
and Commander of the sayd shipp the Pearce and had the charge and
governmenz of her as Master of her during the sayd voyage on which
voyage shee sett sayle from Gravesend the tewnty eight day of March
1657 English style and as hee beleeveth went soe Master of her with the consent
of the arlate Vincent delabarre Thomas delavale, And for Master
of her the sayd Voyage the sayd Grove was Commonly reputed And,
further to this arle hee cannot depose./

To the second article of the sayd libell hee saith that the sayd shipp
Peace was in the Moneth of March 1657 bound from this Port of
London to ffrance and thence to Newfound Land and hence to the
Barbados and thence back againe to London And saith tha the
sayd Thomas Grove did in or about the sixteenth day of the moneth
of March 1656 lett to freight by Charterparty three eigth parts
of the sayd shipp the Pearce belonging to the arlate Vincent dela Barr
& Thomas de La Vall to the arlate Luke Wood during the voyage in
question for a valuable consideration, as the sayd Luke Wood did
affirme to this deponent and others of the sayd shipps Company
And further hee cannot depose but for more certaynty therein referreth
him selfe to the sayd Charterparty./

To the 3 arle hee saith that hee well knoweth goeing Carpenter of the
sayd shipp that the arlate John Brewer and Edward Crispe were
commonly reputed the lawfull Owners & Proprietors of the other
five eighth parts of the sayd shipp Pearce & her tackle & furniture
And knoweth that they did freight and imploy their sayd five eighth
parts upon their owne charge and Adventure as Owners & freighters
of them And (as the sayd Luke Wood did affirme to this deponent) hee
was by the sayd Brewer & Crispe intrusted to goe supracargo upon
the sayd shipp & voyage ?as well for the management of their sayd
five eighth parts as for him selfe and the manageing of the
sayd three eighth parts of the sayd shipp ?soe ?lett to him the sayd
Wood by the sayd Grove And further to this arle hee cannot depose/

To the 4:th arle hee saith that while the sayd shipp laye in the River
of Thames takeing in her provisions for the voyage in question this
deponent heard the arlate Edward Crispe aboard the sayd shipp
saye & declare that hee and the sayd Bower were to pay and beare
the voyage of their five eighth parts of the shipp Pearce and of her victualls

P1110849 f. 1 verso

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//and mens wages and that the arleat Like Wood was to doe the XXX
for the other five wight parts of the sayd shipp & of her victualing and XX
XXX wages and that the arlate Grove the Master and the Mariners
of the sayd shipp were to obey the orders of the sayd Luke Woods & to sayle
her to such places as the sayd Wood should order & direct & to follow ?&
order in the ladeing unladeing and reladeing of the sayd shipp & to go
with their boarte from tyme to tyme as the sayd Wood should appointe
and confesse And further hee cannot depose but referreth him selfe
to the schedule in this article mentioned./

To the 5:th and 6:th articles of the sayd libell hee saith that after
the sayd shipp Peace her departure upon the voyage in question hee XX
in her coarse towards ffrance shee was forced by Contrary winde to
put into ffalmouth where she lay winde bound neere about thirteene
dayes And that about the seaventeenth of Aprill 1657 the winde came
fayre whereupon the arlate Luke Wood did make all speede to sett
sayle in regard soe much tyme had bin lost & the season of the gXXXXX
was & that the sayd shipp was to stay in ffrance to take in her
ladeing of salt there And saith that the sayd Luke Woods did call
upon the sayd Thomas Grove to goe aboard & speedily sett sayle that
the shipp might ?preserate her intended voyage and the sayd Grove
& Woods did about two oclock in the afternoone of the sayd day goe
aboard togeather, this deponent goeing aboard with them at the same
tyme, and soe soone as the sayd Grove & Woods came aboard they
sent the boate a shoare to Cleere at the Castle (this deponent and the
sayd Groves Mate goeing a shoare in it) XX XXXXX XXX brought the sayd shipp to sayle & the sayd mate p:rsentley ?gott
the sayd shipp cleared, And having cleered the sayd Mate and this
deponent returned to the sayd shipp in the shipps boate, And after
they were come aboard the sayd Grove ordered to sayle the sayd shipp
over the barr and there to bring her againe to Anchor and haveing
given such order, & there being a Country boate lyeing by the shipp
side, the sayd Thomas Grove would needes goe on shoare againe
and did goe on shoare in the sayd Country boate, notwithstanding
the sayd Woods did earnestly persuade & entreate him not to goe
on shoare & told him it would be a great hinderance to the voyage
the shipp being bound upon a fishing designe & the winde being ?the
fayre for her departure as in deede it was And the sayd Grove
being soe gone on shoare some of the shipps company after they
had sayled the shipp over the barr & then brought her to an Anchor
went on shoare with the shipps boate to fetch the sayd Grove on board
which notwithstanding the sayd Grove continewed ashoare most part
of that night and came not againe on board the sayd shipp till
about two of the Clock in the morning next after and was when hee soe came
(in this deponents Judgment) much distempered with drink and began

P1110850 f. 2 recto

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//to curse and sweare and amongst other words sayd that there
were some on board thought much of his being on shoare but
hee cared not for that, and sayd that the sayd shipp should ride
longer there and accordingly did keepe her there at anchor about
an hower after such his comming on board & then gave order to
weigh Anchor, and did sett sayl, this hee deposeth of
certayne knowledge & alsoe heareing the sayd words or others to
that effect spoken, as alsoe did most of the sayd shipps company
And further to these arle hee deposeth not./

To the 7:th arle hee saith hee knoweth that after the arrivall
of the shipp Peace at Le?serne in ffrance & whilst the arlate
Luke Wood was on shoare provideing the sayd shipps ladeing of
salt and sending boates aboard her therewith the sayd Thomas
Grve did the moneth of May 1657 the certayne day hee remembe-
reth not) refuse to receave aboard the sayd shipp two boates
loaded of salt which the sayd Wood had sent to be taken
aboard her ?and ?turned the sayd boates w:th their ladeings of
salt back againe without takeing the same aboard although
this deponent & the rest of the shipps company were willing to
take it aboard and could well have taken the same aboard &
carried the same which the sayd Grove did without acquainting
the sayd Wood thereiwth but what XXXXX dammage the sayd Woods was
thereby forced to pay hee knoweth not, but knoweth hee was dama-
ged thereby And further cannot depose./

To the 8:th arle hee saith that whilst the sayd shipp remayned
at Leserue aforesayd & when shee was ready to depart thence the
arlate Luke Woods did goe ashoare with some of the shipps company
to make even his Accompts that hee might be in a readinesse to
depart and saith that the sayd Grove would needes goe on shoare
with him & did goe on shoare with the sayd Woods but as to what
words the sayd Grove spake on shoare hee cannot depose for that hee
went not on shoare with them but saith hee heard the sayd
Grove before his goeing on shoare sayd before most of the sayd
shipps Company that whosoever of them did ask any thing
for Crispe (meaning the arlate Edward Crispe one of the
Owners & Advenurers in the sayd shipp the voyage in question) hee
would ?mallise or ?hate them during the voyage, or words to that
effect & rayled against the sayd Crispe & sayd hee was a roague
and a dogg & other the like expresonsfull towards ?him further
to this arle hee cannot depose./

To the 9:th hee cannot depose.///

P1110851 f. 2 verso

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//To the 10:th and ?11:th arle hee saith that in the beginning of the Moneth
of August 1657 the weather had bin somewhat fowle & foggie
that certayne fish to the quantitie of five hundred kintalls or thereabouts
which the sayd Wood had bought & provided a shoare could not be shipped
untill a fayer day happened And saith that a fayer day happening in the sayd
moneth (the certayne day of the moneth it soe happened to be fayer he remem
breth not) the arlate Luke Woods and the arlate William Tizard (who was
Masters Mate of the Peace) called early in the morning for the Mariners of
the sayd shipp to goe a shoare with their boates to assiste in carrying
aboard & ladeing the sayd shipp with the sayd ffish And saith that thereupon the
sayd Grove the Master sent sixe men on shoare & not more to helpe to lade
the sayd ffish (whereas there were seaven & twenty men & boyes belonging
to the sayd shipp beside the Master, five & twenty whereof were under
pay off the sayd ?Merch & other the Owners above mentioned) and kept the
rest of the Mariners on board the sayd shipp & imployed them to pick OXX
and imployed this deponent being Carpenter to worke in the ?Okum
soe picked with severall plXXXX in the shipp where it would ?Okum ?W:ch
the sayd Wood would hande on shoare the weather being then fayre & XX
to lade the sayd ffish by which meanes the sayd Wood with those from thXX
the sayd Grove sent to helpe him could and did lade aboard the sayd
shipp only one hundred and twenty kintalls of the sayd three hundred
Kintalls of ffish whereas if the sayd Wood had had more helpe
on shoare to assiste in ladeing the sayd ffish aboard & that the rest of y:e
shipps Company had not bin hindred from goeing a shoare to assiste
therein by the sayd Groves employing them to pick Okum the whole three
hundred kintalls of ffish might easily have bin that day laden & put
all aboard the sayd shipp And further hee cannot depose saving hee
saith that while the sayd Woods was soe ladeing of the sayd one hundred
and twenty kintalls of ffish the sayd Grove did with three or fowre
more of the shipps Company take the shipps boate and turne to and
froe to the winde warde in the harbour for his pleasure noe way
offereing any assistance in the ladeing the sayd ffish, but what ?discourse
then passed betweene the sayd Wood & Grove as hee sayled to and froe
hee knoweth not.

To the 12:th arle hee saith that in the moneth of August 1657 (the certeyne
day hee remembreth not) the arlate Luke Wood having on shoare
sold a quantitie of salt came aboard the Peace to have it delivered
out of the said shipp and asked the Boatswaine for the sayd Grove the
Master & the Boatswaine made answere that hee was in his Cabbin
and the sayd Wood goeing into the Cabbin to desyre him (or by the sayd
Groves words afterwards appeared) to give order to his Company to ?deliver
out the sayd boates ladeings of salt the sayd Grove came out of
his Cabbin and rann upon the deck of the sayd shipp Peace and swore
that he would sinke the boate that should come for any salt there & the
sayd Wood seeing the sayd Grove rage in such a furious manner did
in a milde manner desyre and entreate the sayed Grove not doe as hee

P1110852 f. 3 recto

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//had threatned but to suffer the sayd boate to be laden with salt and
told him what a great disparagement it would be to him the sayd
Wood in his treade there if the sayd boate of ?hoymen aboard her
should be wronged whereupon the sayd Grove in an outragious manner
reviled the sayd Wood and called him old Roague and old Pedler
and old Pimpe and other the like disgracefull names and told him
the sayd Wood that if hee were not an old roague hee would drubb
him And alsoe sayd (speaking to the sayd Woods) yo:u old roague yo:u
were in the hold the other day but if ever I see yo:u in hold againe
I will ?trice yo:u up with a tackle or hee spake other menaceing speeches
to the same effect all which opporobious language & threates and
other passages were soe done & spoken on the open deck in p:rsence
& heareing of this deponent & the Boatswaine & most of the sayd
shipps company And further hee deposeth not./

To the 13:th arle hee saith that imediately after the sayd Grove
had soe threatned and reviled the sayd Wood, hee the sayd
Woods did in a civill & mylde manner demand of the sayd
Grove why he would not lett him have any salt from on board
and the sayd Grove replyed & sayd that the shipp wanted
stiffneing or ballast whereto the sayd Wood answered and sayd
to the sayd Grove why then did yo:w not a day agoe send for
more stones whereto the sayd Grove replyed and sayd hee had forgott
it & the sayd Woods then asked the sayd Grove what hee would doe
when he had more stones aboard whereto the sayd Grove replyed
and sayd that then hee would carry them on shoare againe And
these speeches passed betwixt the sayd Grove & Woods publiquely
upon the deck in p:rsence & hearing of this deponent and most of
the shipps Company the sayd Wood speakeing soe loude and with
such rage & fury that people who stood on shoare stood gazeing
and wondering to see & heare such words & behaviour proceede
from a Master of a shipp to his Supracargoe./

To the 14:th arle hee saith that the ayd Woods being discontented
with the forementioned words & actions of the sayd Grove went on
shoare leaving the arlate William Tizard one of the Mates of the
shipp aboard with the sayd Grove the master, and this deponent
went a shoare with the sayd Woods & therefore knoweth not what
words passed aboard then betwixt the sayd Tizard & Grove, but hath
heard the sayd Grove at severall other tymes (speakeing of the sayd
Tizard & this deponent & most of the Officers of the shipp who were
all ?hyred by the sayd Woods) in an anXXX manner sayd that there was a knott of them
but hee would breake them And hee saith that while this deponent
was soe on shoare with the sayd Woods the sayd Tizard came on
shoare and brought a noate from the sayd Grove & delivered the
same to the sayd Woods which noate the sayd Woods was before this
deponent & the sayd Tizard & divers other persons wherein (as the sayd
Woods read the same) is appeared that the sayd Grove had written that

P1110853 f. 3 verso

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//what salt hee wanted or would send for out of the sayd shipp
be delivered unto him And further hee cannot depose.

To the 15:th arle of the sayd libell hee saith that the sayd M:r Woods haveing receaved the
sayd noate soe XXXX to be very glad thereof and sent this deponent to M:r Ellot
& M:r Pardon & Robert Rogers & Captaine Reynolds and others Who were by contract
to have salt from aboard the sayd shipp and desyred them to send
their boates aboard the sayd shipp for the salt which the sayd Woods had
sould unto them whereto the sayd people replyed that the dievell should have
him before they would goe againe to receave salt from aboard ?him yet
notwithstanding the fishing tyme being almost spent and they being in great
want of salt they sent their boates againe aboard the sayd shipp for
salt and demanded the same but the sayd Grove would not permitt
them to receave any salt from aboard the sayd shipp by which meanes
the sayd Wood began to loose his reputation in the
sale of his salt abd was discharged amongst those to wheome hee
had sold it whereas hgee neede not soe to have bin for that there was
of this deponents knowledge then aboard the sayd shipp about thirty
tonnes of ffish and about sixty tonnes of salt abd about sixty tonnes
of stones besides great store of provisions of beefe ?pocks pease and
other provisions and the ship then rideing in the harbour of S:t ?Jones
which is the safest and best or at least as good and
safe a harbour as any is in the Newfound land soe that in ?this the
deponents Judgment the sayd Grove by such two refractory and
discontented Carriage and words & actions did intend
to overthrow the sayd shipps voyage And further hee cannot depose/

To the 16:th hee cannot depose./

To the 17:th hee cannot depose/

To the 18:th hee cannot depose/

To the 19:th hee saith that in the moneth of September 1657 (the certayne
day hee remembreth not) the Pease being come out some few dayes before
from Newfound Land the shipp the Pease & her company of espied XXXX
shipps at Sea which they thought to be some of her consorts
bound for the Barbados And the Pease bearing up to them the Master
& Company of the Pease know the shipp they came up with all to be one
that came out in Company of the Pease from Nants and thereupon
the sayd Grove the Master persuaded the sayd Woods to goe aboard the sayd shipp
which at his request hee did (though hee being accompayed with Robert ?Grove one of the sayd Masters Mates so sayd Woods were XXX unwilling soe to do
and ?hee sent the Pease her boate aboard her againe, And this being done
and the sayd Grove the Master still continewing aboard his sayd
shipp the Pease the sayd shipp the Pease by order of the sayd Grove the
Master stood off about halfe a league from the sayd other shipp that came
in her company from Nants and then stood to the winde of her and by ?this
meanes came her aboard in the quarter to the great endangereing
of the sayd shipps insoemuch that the ffrench men aboard the sayd shipp
seeing the great danger their says shipp was in gott out of her into XX XXX

P1110854 f. 4 recto

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//leaving the arlate Luke Wards in the sayd ffrench shipp who with
much danger of his life by getting hold of the ?ragles of the heads of
the Pease when they came fowle one of an other with much difficulty
came aboard the Pease with the assistance of one James Jenkins one of the Pease her company who tooke hold of RXXXX & helpeth him All which this deponent well knoweth was
soe done by the command and order of the sayd Grove the Master
notwithstanding that the Mates of the Pease & others of the
Company advised the sayd Grove the Master before hee
came within a quarter of a myle of the sayd shipp to leave up
to ne Lee ward of her or to the winde wards of her which hee might
easily have done & have avoided falling fowle of her And saith the sayd Grove was soe displeased with the sayd Jenkings for helping the sayd Woods aboard hath XX beate & abused
the sayd Jenkins afterwards during the ?whole XXXXX And further he cannot depose/

To the 20:th arle hee saith that hee well knoweth and heard the sayd
Luke Woods upon the departure of the shipp Pease from the New found
land give order to the arlate Thomas Grove to sayle the sayd shipp
directly for the Barabados And hee this deponent heard the
Mates of the sayd Shipp sayd that the sayd Thomas Grove did not
cause the sayd shipp to bee steerd a course sufficient towards the
Southwards to gaine the Barbados And knoweth that the sayd
Thomas by his steering on his owne course contrary to the advise
of his sayd Mates did misse the Island of Barbados and
came to the Island of S:t Lusea in the moneth of November 1657
And further hee cannot depose/

To the 21:th hee cannot depose/

To the 22:th hee saith hee knoweth that about the beginning of the moneth
of March 1657 there came in a KelXX into NXXXX (where the Pease
then lay) laden with ffish & other provisions whereof the arlate
Holloway was accompted Merchant & Owner And further to
this arle hee cannot depose/

To the 23:th arle hee saith that while the sayd shipp stayed at MXXX
hee heard divers of the Planters there saye that they would
have laded goods aboard the sayd ship the Pease but that they
sawe that the arlate Thomas Grove was a man of lewde
and debauched behaviour and therefore they dearst not trust
him with their goods or words to that effect for which reason
hee beleeveth that the sayd Woods was much damnified by the
sayd Groves debauched behaviour and lost much ladeing there
which otherwise hee might have had And further hee cannot depose./

To the 24:th arle hee saith that hee well knoweth that the arlate
Thomas Grove did at New found land ?stowe aboard the Gunne
deck of the Pease five casks of Oyle when as there was roome sufficient in the hold for the sayd, & XXX XXX the sayd Woods ?& to stowe it in hold, and refused soe to doe XXXX oyle of ?her

P1110855 f. 4 verso

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//this deponents knowledge did leake out and came downe
amongst the Merchants fish and much damnified the same
in soe much that when the same came to be sold at ?Mevis where
other ffish was there sold for a pound of sugar for every pound of
fish the sayd Woods was faine to sell the sayd fish soe damnified
some of it at halfe that price and some at lesse than halfe that
price, to the great dammage of the sayd Luke Woods.
This hee deposeth of certayne knowledge And farther hee cannot depose,

To the 25:th arle hee cannot depose/

To the 26:th hee saith that the arlate Luke Woods was during the ?sayd
voyage (of this deponents sight & observation) very industrious and
carefull in mannageing of the affayres of the sayd shipp the Pease
committed to his charge and in the sale & disposall of er goods and
Merchandizes & in buying & reladeing her with ithers And hee this
deponent is verily persuaded in his conscience that if the sayd
Thomas Groves had used the like diligence in performance of his
duty as Master & not behaved him selfe in such refractory and disXXXX
manner as is afore declared the sayd shipp might have dischraged
her voyage fower or five moneths sooner than shee did And further
hee cannot depose/

To the 27:th arle hee saith that in case the sayd shipp the Pease had
arrived at the Barbados whether shee was bound with her ladeing
from Newfound land the sayd Woods might in this deponents Judg
ment and as hee verily beleeveth) In all probability habe sold
& disposed there of the sayd ffish & other goods whilst the same was sounde marketX
& well conditioned, & at good valew, & made quick returne thence
to London abd quicker by at least five or sixe monethes than hee
did whereas the sayd ffish & other goods (whereof
the sayd Luke Woods had three eighth parts upon his Accompt) were
much damnified the fish growing rotten & divers Caskes of oyle
which the sayd Woods had aboard growing very leakie in soe much that many of them leaked cleare out by reason of
their lying soe long undisposed of And further hee cannot depose/

To the 28:th hee saith that in his this deponents Judgment the sayd Luke XXX
did susteyne losse & dammage in the sale of ?the three eighth parts of the
sayd shipp the Pease her ladeing of ffish & other goods more than whXXXX
hee might have made of them at the Barbados if the sayd shipp
had not missed her course thither the summe of three hundred pounds
sterling or neere thereabouts besides the losse of about fower or five
moneths tyme for which the sayd Woods payed or was to pay freight
And further hee cannot depose/

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//To the 29:th saving his forefoing deposiccon hee canot depose

To the 30:th hee saith that the shipp Peace was of the burthen of ?two [this figure appears to have been blotted out]
hundred tonnes or neere thereabouts and that of his this deponents
knowledge shee came home about halfe dead freighted for that
the arlate Luke Woods beside the dammage hee susteyned in the sale
of his three eighth parts of the sayd shipps ladeing of ffish & other
Merchandizes did suffer losse and dammage in the sayd shipps want
of ladeing home the simme of two hundred pounds sterling or
neere thereabouts in this deponents Judgement & estimate And further
hee cannot depose./

To the 31:th arle hee saith that the monethly wages of the Master
& Mariners of the shipp Peace & the victualls & provisions by them
monethly spent during the voyage in question did amount to a great
& considerable summe of money but what to estimate the same
as hee knoweth not And further cannot depose./

To the 32:th arle hee saith that in his this deponents Judgment the
shipp the Peace her voyage was overthrowne and spoiled by the
evell (sic) behaviour of the sayd Thomas Grove therein the sayd Grove behaving
him selfe in that rude and uncivill manner wheresoever hee came
during the sayd voyage that such persons as had heard of or sawe his
behaviour did not care to have anything to doe with him the sayd
Grave or the arlate Luke Woods for his sake and therefore diverse of them
did forbeare the ladeing of their goods aboard the sayd shipp of this
deponents sight (OR, right) & certayne knowledge and such the sayd Groves rude
and uncivill behaviour was generall observed and taken notice of
by the whole shipps Company and by divers who had occasion to
lade goods aboard the sayd shipp and have dealings with the sayd
Luke Woods And further hee deposeth not./

To the 33:th and 34:th arles hee saith hee well knoweth that the sayd Grove did
not only in remote parts beyond the seas behave him selfe in such
rude and disobedient manner as is before declared but alsoe after
the sayd shipp was returned to Plymouth from the voyage in question
the sayd Grove by his stubborne & refractory carriage there
and his refuseing to obey the orders of the sayd Luke Woods
was an occasion of the sayd shipps stay there a much longer tyme
than shee needed to have done by reason that seavrll Merchants who
had goods aboard the sayd shipp and which were there to be delivered
came aboard to demand their goods, and brought their bills of ladeing
and severall tymes demanded them andthe sayd Grove refused to
deliver them, and stayed there about tenn dayes whereas hee might
have there discharged all the goods hee was there to unlade in three dayes
tyme at the most & then might have had the oportunity of a fayer
winde to sayle for London which oportunitie the sayd Grove by his sayd
refractory carriage lost & the winde by his long stay there coming

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//the sayd shipp could not get there and arrive at London soe soone
as otherwise shee might have done if the sayd Grove had behaved
him selfe civilly and bin obedient to order as hee ought to have
done by a moneths tyme or thereabouts And these p:rmisses hee saith
were and are well knowne bot only to this deponent but also to the
whole shipps company & alsoe to the Merchants who soe came to demand
their goods And further hee cannot depose knowing nothing touching the
makeing of the Protests arlate./

To the 35:th arle hee saith hee well remembreth that at Mevis this deponent
& Robert Grove Cheife Mate of the Peace & William Tizard another mate of
the sayd shipp & one Robert Chipp the Gunner of her were produced as
witnesses before Captaine Morton Captaine Russell Captaine Smith
& other officers under the Governour at Mevis upon Interrogatories given
in before them against the sayd Thomas Grove the Master who was
?convened & appeared before them) touching his evell & disobedient carriage
in the sayd voyage at Newfound landX, which notwithstanding the sayd
Grove still continued his obstinate & refractory carriage and did upon
all occasions endeavour the overthrowe of the voyage in question in
manner as is before described And further hee cannot depose./

To the 36:th and 37:th arles hee saith hee referreth him selfe to the
Registery of this Court to the lawe, and to his foregoeing deposition &
further cannot depose./

To the 38:th arle hee saith hee beleevth and is verily perswaded in
his conscience that the arlate Luke Woods by reason of the sayd Thomas
Grove his sayd obstinate and refractory behaviour hath suffered losse and
dammage beside the dammage in his foregoeing deposition
mentioned, to a considerable value, but what to estimate
the same at hee knoweth not And further hee cannot depose

To the 39:th arle hee saith hee referreth him selfe to his
foregoeing deposition and to the lawe and further cannot depose./

To the 40:th hee saith the arlate Thomas Grove was & is an
Englishman & an Inhabitant of the parish of Stepney and subiect
to the Jurisdiction of this Court./

To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true

The marke of the sayd


Case: Luke Wood x:r ag:t the Peace and ag:t Thomas Grove:: Examination: 2. Richard Blake, of Ratcliffe, Stepney, Middlesex, Mariner, aged 30: Date: January 14th 1658

The 14:th of January 1658

Examined on the sayd Libell./


2:us RICHARD CLAKE of Ratcliff in the pish of Stepney
and County of Midd Mariner aged thirty yeares of
therabouts a wittnesse sworne & examined saith and
deposeth as followeth vizt

To the first arle of the sayd allegation [allegation has been crossed out] libell hee saith by reason hee
this deponent went Boat swaine of the shipp Pease the voyage in question
and was hired to serve as Boatswaine about the seaventh of March 1656 he

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//knoweth that the arlate Thomas Grove then and alsoe during
all the tyme arlate in the yeares 1657 and 1658 was Master and
Commander of the sayd shipp Pease and had the charge and government
of her as Master during the voyage in question And hee beleeveth
the sayd Thomas Grove went soe master of her the sayd voyage by the
Consent & approbation of the arlate Vincent de la barre & Thomas delavall
and the rest of the Owners of the sayd shipp And for Master of her the
sayd voyage the sayd Thomas Grove was commonly reputed And further
to this arle hee cannot depose./

To the 2 arle of the libell hee saith that the sayd shipp having at
London taken in her provisions & other necessaries did in the moneth
of March 1656 sett sayle from London to Gravesend and having cleered
?their sett sayle thence about the seaven or eight and twentieth of March
1657 English Style bound forth on a voyage from London to
ffrance and thence to Newfound land and thence to the Barbadoes
and further to this arle hee cannot depose being not privie to the
bargaine made by the sayd Grove with the arlate Luke Woods touching any parte of the sayd shipp hyred by the sayd Woods but for
more certaynety therein referreth him selfe to the Charterparty made
between them thereabout./

To the third arle hee saith hee well knoweth being Boatswaine as
aforesayd that the arlate John Brewer and Edward Crispe were
commonly reputed the lawfull Owners and Proprietors of five
eighth parts of the sayd shipp the Pease & her tackle and furniture
And knoweth that they did upon their owne charge & Adventure as
Owners & freighters freight and imploy the sayd five eighth parts
of her for their owne use And saith that hee well knoweth that
the arlate Luke Woods did goe the voyage in question absolute and
sole Supracargo & manager of the sayd shipp Pease as well for the parts that XXXXXXX
hee the sayd Woods had hyred as for the other five eighths which
was soe freighted by and belonged to the sayde Brewer and Crispe
And was soe impowered to goe Supracargo and sole manager of the sayd Brewer
& Crispe their five eighth parts by the sayde Brewer and Crispe (as
the sayd Luke Wood did affirme to this deponent & other of the sayd
shipps Company and as this deponent verily beleeveth And further
hee cannot depose/

To the 4:th arle of the sayd libell hee saith that soone after this
deponent was first shipped aboard the sayd shipp Pease as Boatswaine
the sayd Thomas Grove the Master told this deponent that although hee
the sayd Grove had hyred this deponent yet Luke Woods (meaning the
arlate Luke Woods) was to be his this deponents paymaster for
that (as the sayd Grove acknowledged & sayd) the sayd Woods was sole
supracargo of the sayd shipp as well for the sayd Brewer & Crispe
their five eighth parts of the shipp as for the other three eighth parts
of the sayd shipp, and was to pay & beare in behalfe of him selfe &
the said Brewer & Crispe all charges of victualls and
provisions and wages for the Master and Mariners of the sayd shipp

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//and hee this deponent verily beleeveth that the sayd Woods being
sole supracargo of the sayed shipp for the voyage in question both
the Master and Mariners ought to obey and observe the orders
of the sayd Luke Woods as Supracargo as touching the lading unlading
and reladeing of the sayd shipp & to goe with the shipps boate, & with the
sayd shipp from place to place according as the sayd Woods should
for his best advantage of tradeing in the sayd voyage direct and
appoint And further to this arle hee cannot depose not being p:rsent
at the writeing or signeing of the Schedule arlate

To the 5:th and 6:th arles of the sayd libell hee saith that the sayd
shipp the Pease after her departure from Gravesend being in her course
towards ffrance she was by Contrary winds put into ffalmouth where
she lay winde bound for neere about thirteene dayes And on or about
the seaventeenth of Aprill 1657 the winde came fayer & the sayd Luke
Woods & the sayd Thomas Grove being then on shoare & hee this deponent
aboard, hee knoweth not what words passed on shoare betweene them but
well knoweth that they came both aboard the sayd shipp togeather about
two of the Clock in the afternoone that day and that as soone as they
came aboard they sent Thomas Yeomans one of the Mates of the XX
with the shipps boate to cleere at the Castle, and in the meane
tyme while the sayd Mate was goeing to cleere the sayd Grove com-
manded the sayd shipp to be brought to sayle and before the
Anchors could be gott aboard & the shipp fitted to sayle, there being
a Country boate lyeing by the shipps side the sayd Thomas Grove the
master would needes goe on shoare againe in that Country boate
and did goe ashoare in it notwithstanding that the sayd Luke
Woods seeing him about soe to doe did in p:rsence of this deponent &
divers of the shipps company earnestly perswade and entreate
the sayd Thomas Grove not to goe on shoare againe and told him XX
XXX his goeing a shoare would be a great hinderance to the voyage
the shipp being bound upon a fishing designe & the season somewhat spent
allready by the shipps lying soe long winde bound as she had done
& the winde then ?seerveing gfayre for her departure (as in deede it did)
but the sayd Grove notwithstanding such perswasions went ashoare and
there stayed most part of that night ashoare and came againe
aboard the sayd shipp about two a clock in the morning, in the
shipps boate which was sent after him to attend him and bring
him aboard And hee saith the sayd Thomas grove being come againe
aboard the sayd shipp did publiquely upon the deck in p:rsence of
this deponent & divers others of the shipps company, speake in an?gry
manner and sayd thus or the like in effect there are some on board
that thinke much of my being on shoare but I care not, and
further sayd that shee (meaning the sayd shipp Pease) should ride

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//there longer yet, and soe the sayd Grove kept the sayd shipp at Anchor about an
howers space after hee soe came aboard and then after his anger
was over gave order to weigh Anchor, and soe sett sayle the
p:rmisses hee deposeth off sight (OR, right) & certayne knowledge And further hee
cannot depose./.

To the 7:th arle hee saith that after the arrivall of the shipp Pease
at S:t leforne in ffrance the sayd Luke Woods being gone on shoare
to provide salt to lade the sayd shipp and having
?sent severall boates with salt, which were receaved on board.
the sayd Woods did about the fifth or sixth of May 1657 send
fower or five boates (more than what had formerly bin taken aboard)
with salt, and they being come to the shipp side the sayd Grove the
Master being aboard turnedd two of the sayd boate loades of salt
back againe & would not receave them aboard, saying his shipp
was at her load marke with what good jee had allready receaved
aboard her, and therefore hee would take noe more salt aboard,
and thereupon tooke this deponents penn & Xuke & writt a noate
and delivered the same to one of the boatmen whose boate loads
of salt were not receaved aboard & willed him in this deponents
sight & hearing to give that noate to M:r Woods (XXXXing the foursayd
Luke Woods) the contents of the sayd noate this deponent knoweth not
but as the sayd Grove told him this deponent the contenxt thereof
was to ?Call the sayd M:r Woods knowe tha the sayd shipp was fully
laden with the goods ?she had on board & that therefore hee could noz
take those two boates of salt more aboard And darther to this arle
he cannot depose knowinhg nothing touching what dammage the sayd
Woods suffered by the sayd Groves XXXXing back the sayd salt.

To the 3:th hee saith hee knoweth that the shipp Pearce being at
Leforns aforesayd and ready to sett sayle thence the arlate Luke
Woods did with fower of the shipps company goe on shoare to make
XXXX (as hee sayd) his Accomptes that soe hee might


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//in the beginning of the moneth of August 1657 the weather for ?some
dayes continued fowle and foggie soe that ?certyne fish which the arle
Luke Woods at Newfound land provided to be laden aboard the Pease by way
of the fowle & foggie weather, (it being very preXXXXX to lade fish
aboard a shipp the unlesse in fayere & cleare weather) could not be laden And saith that upon
the fifteenth day of August 1657 the weather proveing fayre & very fitt
& convenient to lade fish aboard in, the arlate Luke Wood & M:r Tizard
called early in the morning for the marriners of the Pearse who were
aboarde (there being then ashoare only about tenn or twelve Mariners of her company
who constantly continewed a shoare there to helpe to prepare fish om a
readinesse to be laden aboard) to come on shoare with their ?boats
and assiste in ladeing the fish which was prepared in a readinesse
aboard the sayd shipp while the weather was fayer, (bit how many kintalls
wer then p:rpared hee knoweth not hee being seldome on shoare by reason
of his office of Boat swaine) And saith that the arlate Thomas Grove
did upon such the sayd Woods & Tizards calling for men to assiste them
send some men ashoare (beside those which used to XXXXXX take on shoare),
but how many hee remembreth not) And kept the ?part of the Company
aboard & imployed them to pick Okum for
the Carpenter to use about the sayd shipp And saith hee remembreth not
how many kintalls of fish were laden aboard the sayd shipp that day
but beleeveth that if more men had bin sent a shoare more fish might have bin laden aboard the sayd shipp that day than was
laden aboard her And further to these arles hee cannot depose./

To the 12:th and 13:th arles hee saith that about the one & twentieth day of August
1657 arlate the sayd Luke Woods having bin on shoare came aboard the Pearse &
brought with him two boates to fetch salt from aboard the sayd shipp
for ?foure persons who had bought the same of him and being
Come aboard


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//in Company togeather at the sayd Wood house in Newfound Land

To the 18:th hee saith hee cannot depose not being p:rsent at the tyme
and place arlate./

To the 19:th arle hee saith that about the twenty eighth day of 7:ber
1657 in the morning the Master & Company of the Pease espied three shipps
which at a distance they thought to be some shipps bound for the Barbados
as the Pease was, & bearing up to them the Master & Company of the Pease
?knew the shipp they came up with to bee a ?banXer that came out in company
with the Pease from Nants And saith that what perswasion the sayd Thomas
Grove the Master used to the effect arlate hee knoweth not but knoweth that
Luke Woods did in Company of Robert Grave one of the sayd Thomas
Groves Mates goe aboard the sayd ffrench shipp which soe came from Nants
in Company of the Pease, and then sent the boate they went in back againe
aboard the Pease, & the sayd boate being come the sayd shipp the Pease stood
away from the sayd aXXX shipp about halfe a league & then steered
and stood to the windewards of the sayd other shipp and by that meanes
came her aboard in the quarter & thereby much endangered the losse
of both the sayd shipps in soe much that the ffrench men aboard the
sayd ffrench ship sseing the sanger their shipp was in rann all (save
one that was sick aboard her) aboard the Pease to secure their lives
leaving the arlate Luke Woods aboard the sayd ffrench shipp who with
much difficulty and the helpe of one of the Company of the Pease
who caught hold of the sayd Wood (as hee hung by the head of
the Pease) to p:rserve him from falling into the Sea) gott at length
on board the Pearse All which hee saith was done by order and
Command of the sayd Thomas Grove the Master of the Pearse
although this deponent seeing him order such a coarse to be
steered XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXxx told the sayd Grove the Master when hee came XXXX at
neere the sayd ffrench shipp that hee soe by the Course that
was steered that hee the sayd Grove would come fowle in ?deede
could not goe cleere of the sayd ffrench shipp And further to this
arle hee cannot depose

To the 20:th hee saith that the sayd Shipp Pease was from the Newfound
land bound for the Barbados and saith that of ?his this
deponents observation and knowledge the sayd Grove never brought
the sayd shipp into her due XXXXX to sayle for the Barbadoes, but
by the coarse hee kept did misse the Barbados
and made S:t Lusea arlate and about the eighth
of November 1657 arrived with the shipp Pease at Mevis arlate
And further to this arle hee cannot depose not knowing what p:rticular
order the sayd Wood gave the sayd Grove the Master touching her goeing
to the Barbadoes or what discourse passed betwixt the sayd Woods and
the sayd Thomas Grove the Master & her mates touching the steering of
the Course for y:e sd Barbadoes or what answeare the sayd Groves made
them about the same./://

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//To the 21:th hee saith hee heard the sayd Luke Woods saye openly upon
the deck to the sayd Thomas Grove (while the Pease lay ar Mevis the
tyme more certaynely hee doth not remember) that the sayd Grove hath
broken his Charterpty And the sayd Grovein an angrie manner
p:rsently imployed and syd if I have broken my Charterpty then I
will ruine all & ?XXX words passed betwixt them on the deck in XXXX
of this deponent & divers others of the shipps company And further to
rhis XXX arle hee cannot depose

To the 20:th hee saith that the Pease by XXXXX missed the
Barbados as aforesayd did lye at Mevis in disposeing of her
fish & other Co?jmmodities from the eighth of November till about
the middle of June next following And hee alsoe saith that hee
well knoweth that aboaut the beginning of March 1657 there came
a ?KotXy to Mevis with fish whereof the arlate Holloway (whome
this deponent well knoweth) was Merchant, And hee saith that
the said Holloway did at Mevis tell this deponent that the sayd
Thomas Grove & hee the sayd Hollway hath there had conference
together & that the sayd Grove told him the sayd Holloway, that he
the sayd Grove would take such a course that the old roague Luke
Woods should sell noe fish there for as the sayd Holloway
sayd the sayd Grove told him that hee the sayd Grove had sold all
his owne fish, and that one pound of the sayd Hollowaies fish were
worth sixe pounds of the fish avoard the Pease And that hee the
sayd Grove XXXX helpe the sayd Holloway to sell all his fish
And further to this arle hee cannot depose./

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Case: XXXX: Examination: 3 Thomas Capell, of S:t Mary Matsellon, als Whitechappell, Cooper, aged 22: Date; January 16th (English Style), 1658


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Case: Maurice Thompson Alderman William Thompson et al., freighters of the Maydenhead vs. the VOC: Deposition: 5. William Reading, of Redriff wall, St Mary Magdalen Bermondsey, Surrey, Mariner, aged 35: Date: January 19th 1658

//The 19:th day of January 1658 English style

Maurice Thompson Alderman William Thompson)
& other freighters of the shipp the Maydenhead)
agt the Dutch East India Company in pticular and)
all other x:r X XXXXXX)

Examined on the allegation given in
XX XXX of November 1658 on behalfe of
the sayd ffreighters

5 WILLIAM READING of Rederiff wall
in the parish of S:t Mary Magdalen Bermond-
sey in the County of Surrey mariner aged
thirty five yeares or thereabouts a wittnesse
sworne & examined saith and deposeth
as followeth viz:t

To the 10:th arle of the sayd allegation hee saith that hee
this deponent was purser of the shipp the Olive Branch an
English shipp which went upon a tradeing voyage from London bound
for Bantam but at her comeing thither the sayd shipp Olive
Branch was hindred by certayne dutch shipps of warr belonging
to and being in the implyment of the dutch East India Company
by which meanes ?they wwas forced to goe to an Island in XXX
PaXXogando upon the Coast of Sumatra and there pXXXX her lading
of pepper to be brought
secretly unknowne to the dutch in XXXX or boates from
Bantam to the sayd Island of Pullegand:o where the shipp the
Olive Branch ridd And saith that hee being XXXX a foresayd Puerser
of the sayd shipp and on XXXX at Bantam during the moneths
of January ffebruary and part of March in the yeare of our
Lord 1656 while the lading of pepper which was shipped aboard
the Olive Branch was proXXXing at Bantam to be sent to
Pollegaade and takeing the weight there of and imployed in
sending the same away thaereby knoweth that in the yeare and
moneth aforesayd pepper might then have bin hard at Bantam bought
of the Chinese (sic) & was by the Chinese offered XXXXXXXXXX
there to be sold to ?sayth as would buy the same at the rate of five
and a halfe pence alright or XXXX for the parcell every parcell
being comonly accompted one hundred sixty two pounds English weight
And saith that the Olive Branch having taken in her ladeing
of pepper at ?Pulligaade XXXXX XXXXX and brought the same
to Ligorno which was according to Charterpty the Port whither
she was designed to carry the same And hee this deponent goeing
Purser in her to Ligorno knoweth that in the Moneths of ffebruary
and March 1657 in which moneths the sayd shipp Olive Branch
was & remayned in the Port of Ligorno XXXX pepper was brought in XXXX was there frequently
and commonly sold at the rate of twenty peeces of eight
per hundred English weight, and hee this deponent having some
pepper pf his owne which was brought hither in the sayd shipp
did there sell the same at som what a bove
that rate of twenty peeces of eight per hundred English weight
And further to this arle hee cannot depose.

To the rest of the articles hee is not examinat, by ?direction

WILLIAM READING [His signature]

Repetit before Dor Godolphin//

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//seized by the Commanders & Companyes of the sayd dutch
shipps soe in service of the dutch East India Company and the
sayd DEthick utterly deprived of them this hee knoweth being
on board & seeing the seizure thereof And further hee cannot depose/

JAMES BERBLOCK [His signature]

Repeated before dro. Godolphin

Case: ffrancis and John: Examination: 1. James Berblok, of Poplar, Stepney, Middlesex, Mariner, aged 51: Date:February 26th 1658

The 20:th of January 1658

//ffrancis and John:)

1.:us JAMES BERBLOCK of Poplar in the parish of
Stepney and County of Midd mariner aged
fifty one yeares or therabouts sworne before
the right Wor:ll John Godolphin doctor of Lawes
one of the Judges of the high Court of Admiralty
and examined for perpetuall remembrance of
the matter upon certayne Interries ministred
on the parte & behalfe of Thomas Rummings
and Anthony Beale two of y:e Company (vizt the
sayd Rummingsy:e XX Steward and the sayd Beale the
Carpenter) of the shipp the ffrancis & John
whereof Lawrence Bro?Xunding was Comander)
touching their clayme for their goods in the sayd
shipp saith and deposeth as followeth vizt

To the first Interr hee saith hee hath well knowne the Interr
Thomas Rummings & Anthony Beale during the whole tyme
of the voyage in question this deponent goeing Pylott of the
ffrancis & John and the sayd Rimming steward & the sayd
Beale Carpenter off her the sayd voyage and knoweth  ?they were of her company
in the qualities aforesayd at such tyme as the ffrancis & John
and her ladeing were taken & surprised by certaine shipps in the
service of the dutch East India Company./

To the second Interr hee saith hee well kniweth that the Interrogate
Thomas Rummings & Anthony Beale had each of them conside
rable quantities of white pepper, greene ginger white sugar
Casialignmum Tamerin and ?Cande but the certayne quantitie
hee canntot declare, but ?reall beleeveth and is persuaded in
his conscience that the same was worth sold in England in all five hundred
pounds sterling vizt the sayd Thomas Rummings his sayd goods worth
three hundred pounds sterling and the sayd Anthony Beales sayd goods
worth two hundred pounds of like money All which goods hee saith
were on board the sayd shipp ffrancis & John for Accompt of the sayd
Rumming and Beale at ?say tyme as the sayd shipp & her ladeing were seized
& surprized by the sayd dutch shipps in service of the dutch East India
Company and were seized by the Commanders and Companies
of the sayd dutch shipps and the sayd Rummings & Beale thereby
depXXXd of all or at least of a great part thereof XXXXX knoweth being Pylott and aboard at the seizure And further
to this Interr hee cannot depose./

JAMES BEEBLOK [His signature]

Repeated before doc:r Godolphin///

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Case: Samuel Wilson Thomas Plampioan and John Turner Merchants of London part owners of the ffrancis & John: Examination: Captaine Laurence Browning, of Ratcliffe, Stepney, Middlesex, Mariner, master or Comander of the ffrancis & John, aged 52

The 21.;th day of January 1658./.

On the behalfe of Samuel Wilson Thomas Plampian and)
John Turner Merchants of London)
ptiwners of the ship ffrancis
and John Laurence Browning Comand:r)


of Ratcliffe in the parish of Stepney
and County of Midds Mariner M:r or
Comander of the Ship the ffrancis and
John: aged 52 yeeres of thereabouts, sworne
before the right wor:ll John Godolphin D:r
of Lawes. one of the Judges of the High Vourt
of the Admiralty of England and Examined upon
certaine Interrie given in by M:r ffrancklin
on the behalfe of the Said Samuell Wilson, Thomas ?Plampian and
John Turner: saith and deposeth as followeth viz:t.

To the said Interrie hee saith and deposeth that this
depo:t very well knoweth the said Samuel Wilson, Thomas
Plampian and John Turner, who were as hee saith own:rs
of the greatest part of the said shipp the ffrancis and John
and saith that at the time of the seizure of the said ship
and her Lading, by some of the ships belonging to the
Dutch East India Company of the United Netherlands
there were aboard the said Ship ffrancis and John
two and thirty Musketts w:ch were taken by this depot for the sayd
ships use after her coming into Bantam Roade, he not daring to dispose thereof at Bantam and saith the same really and truely belonged
to the said Samuel Wilson Thomas Plampian and
John Turn?rer; and ?full the said two and thirty Musektts
(as hee saith) were seized in y:e said ship ffrancis and

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Case: XXXX ag:t Church: Examination: 4. Adam Veale, of St Mary Magdalen, Bermondsey, Shipwight, aged 48: Date: January 21st 1658


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//and saith hee last sawe the ?Consent lyeing on shoare at Redriff
about two or three moneths since & saith the last tyme hee sawe the
?shipp was to the best of his now rememberance about a yeares &
a halfe since XXXXX neere Wapping And further to ?this Interest hee XXXX
answereth not seeing the Consent at her first mooreing nor
knowing when she came ?first to moore in the River of

a halfe

To the 3 hee saith hee



Case: S:r John Dethicke John Bancks Hugh fforth, and Company: Deposition: George Dethick, of London, Merchant, aged 30: Date: January 24th 1658

//The 24:th of January 1658 English Style

A business of Examination of witnesses upon
XXXXX Interries XXXXXX XXX the part and
behalfe of S:r John Dethicke John Bancks
Hugh fforth, and Company XXXX certain
XXXXX aboard the shipp the ffrancis & John (Cap:t
of XXXXX the XXXXXXXX of the Dutch East India


GEORGE DETHICK of London Merchant
aged thirty yeares or thereabouts, a
wittnesse sworne before the right Wor:ll
John Godolphin doctor of Lawes one of
the Judges of the high Court of Admiralty
of England saith and deposeth viz:t.

To the first Interrogatorie hee saith that hee well knoweth that the
Interrogate Hugh fforth
did in the moneth of ffebruary 1656 cause to be laden and put on board
the Interrogate shipp the ffrancis & John whereof the Interrogate
Lawrence MXXXing was Master, then lyeing in the River of Thames
and bound for Bantam Interrogate two Chests conteyning sixe and
twenty Barres and sixteene XXXX
marked & numbered as in the Margent
to be transported in her for Bantam & their disposed of for his
Accompt & the proceeds thereof to be thence returned in her for his
Account XXXXXXXXX knoweth say that hee went Supracargo of the
sayd shipp the voyage in question XXXXXXXXXXXXXX And further to this Interrorie saving his
subsequent deposition hee cannot depose

To the Interrorie hee saith that hee being XXXXXX as a foresayd
knoweth that upon the ladeing of the two chests and the XXXX XXXXX XXXX

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//To the 9:th hee saith that sometimes ffacto:es at y:e
Canaryes doe marke all the wines and goods which thez
send to one Merch:t for y:e said Merchants account
with one marke: and sometimes with severall marks
to distinguish of what Vinyard they are of, and further
Cannot answer.

RICHARD CASBY [His signature]

Repeated before D:r Godolphin./
y:e 2:d of March 1668./


Case: XXXX: Examination: David Lloyd, Citizen & Cloatheworker, of London, aged 56: Date: March 8th 1658 (59)

The ?8:th of March 1658:/.

Examined on y:e said Allon./.


3:us DAVID LLOYD Citizen and Cloathworker
of London, aged 56 yeeres or thereabouts sworne
and Examined:/:

To the first articles of the said Allon hee saith hee hath knowne
y:e arlate John Casby for about fourteene yeeres last during
all w:ch space the said Casby hath bin a Merchant of great dealing
and quality, and in y:e moneth of July 1658. and ever since, and
for many moneth before y:esaid Casby hath and doth trade
from hence to the Canary Islands and from thence to this port of
London for wines and other goods: and doth send many Goods
and Merchandizes from hence on ?their ?owne account to y:e Canaryes and doth receive many pipes
of wines yeerely from y:e Canaryes on his owne acco:t and this Depo:t verily
beleeveth hee hath a ffactor at the said Islands: The premisses hee deposeth
being y:e sd producents packer, and hathe as hee beleeveth packed goods at severall times for
y:e sd producent to the vallue of above twenty Thousand pounds And further
cannot depose:/:

To the ?2:d hee saith hee Cannot depose:/.

To the 3:d hee Cannot depose, saving hee saith that English merchants
doe, (and have done since y:e warre betwixt England and Spaine)
trade at y:e Canaryes under fained and fictitious Dutch names
the better to Colo:r their goods, and p:eserved them from Spanish

To the 4:th hee saith that in January & March, 1657: there were laden on
board y:e arlate ship y:e Susan ffrigot, whereof Abraham Philliter
was M:r sixty one bales , and XXXXX of Severall goods and
Merchandizes w:ch were all for y:e account of the said M:r Casby
and Company and of this depo:ts knowledge there were three
bales or Truncks Laden aboard y:e sd ship at y:e same time, for y:e said
M:r Casbyes sole account, all w:ch were to be Carried and Transported
in y:e sd ship from hence to the Canaryes And saith hee beleeveth
that y:e said 3 bales or Trunckes, and y:e part and share w:ch the
said M:r Casby had in y:e said sixty one Bales about foure or five Thousand
CXXXXXXX, XXXX said Trade being most XX them XXX XXXX
XXXXX Cloath And further hee cannot depose.

To the 5:th and 6:th hee Cannot depose:/.

To the 7:th and 8:th hee saith thatabout y:e XXXX moneth of March Last there
were laden aboard y:e arlate ship the same XXXXXXX here in y:e
River of Thames anout XXXXXXXXXX Bales or Truncks pf Severall goods
of the first marke in y:e margent XXXXXX

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//Account of the said M:r Cosby, as this depo:t verily beleeveth for that he this
depo:t packt the said goods. and was & ?should be paid bz z:e said M:r Cosbz for y:e
same; And saith the said Goods amounted to a great vallue XX
they being XX Bayes. ?With plaine Cottons XXXX
Million ffustians. Norwich Goods. Stockings, and Kersyes, and
such like Comodityes. but the Vallue thereof hee cannot declare
and further deposeth not:/:

To the 9:th 10:th 11:th 12:th 13:th 14:th & 15:th hee cannot depose:/:

To the 16:th hee Cannot depose saving hee hath heard the said
ship y:e S:t Laurance, in her Course from y:e Canaryes to this
Port of London was taken and seized by an English mann
of Warr:/:

To the 17:th hee saith that the said M:r John Caseby is an English
man borne: and a subiect of this Comonwealth, and hath lied
about three yeeres last in this City, and before that hee did use
to live sometimes at the Canaryes, and sometimes in this City
And y:e ffathr of y:e said producent (whom this depo:t did well knowe)
was in his life time an Englishman, and subiect of this Comon
wealth; And further hee cannot depose:/.

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Case: Claim of Stephen ?Pallavacio, of Genoa, regarding silver bars: Deposition: 1. Peter Vandeput, of London, merchant, aged 47: Date: January 29th, 1658

The 27:th of January 1658
Examined upon the allon and
XXX on the behalfe of the said claime

//The claime of Stephen ?Pallavicio
of Genoa for sixe barrs of silver
in the S:t Laurence Peter BoughXXXXX
M:r taken by the Coventry frigot

1. PETER VANDEPUT of London Merchant
aged 47 yeares of therabouts sworne and

To the first and second arles of the said Allon hee saith hee hath
corresponded with the producent Stephen Pallavicino in y:e wayes of
Merchandize, and saith hee was and is comonly reputed a native
subject, & Inhabitant of the State of Genoa, and saith hee beleeveth
him to bee, having bin credibly informed that hee is a ?patrician
of the City and State of Genoa, and this depo:t hath often
received Letters from y:e said pducent dated at Genoa, as the
place of his Dwelling, and hath accordingly directed his Letters to
him there, and further hee doth not depose

To the 3:d hee saith that by the Dealings and Correspondence
w:ch this Dep:t hath for ?diverse yeeres had, and hath with the said producent XX XXXX XXX of XXXXX hee
verily beleeveth him to be a merch:t of great dealing worth
and Quality and saith hee hath and doth drive a trade &
Commerce from y:e Canaryes and y:e dominions of the King of
Spaine in, and with silver by his ffactors there resident, and
that before y:e bringing of the silver in question to this port
this depo:t hath received to the vallue of betwixt twelve and
thirteene hundred pounds for the sd products account from y:e Canaryes, the
same being Consigned unto him this depo:t & further hee deposeth

To the 4:th arle hee saith that before y:e lading of the silver
in question namely about two yeeres since and severall other times
this Depo:t received letters from severall Genoeses, and alsoe from
the said Palavacino himselfe, whereby they desired this Depo:t to
advise them whether they might not safely send silver or Bullion
to London. and without danger Consigne the same to this
depo:t or to the same effect. And this depo:t thinking. (besides
the furtherance of Trade & Comerce) that hee should doe good
service to this Comonwealth, did thereupon write to, and
encourage them to send silver thither, And for further incouragement
of the sd prodc:t this dep:t caused the Act of Parliam:t made for
importacon of Bullion, to be Translated into Spanish and ?sent
the same to him and them, and hee referreth himselfe to y:e said Act of
Parliam:t for Importaccon of silver. And further hee doth not depose

To the 5:th 6:th & 7:th arles and the Letter of Advise, and Invoice XXX
y:e sd 6:th arle mentioned, Nowe shewed unto him, hee saith & XXXX
deposeth that in or about the monethes of July or August last ?past
this depo:t received advise from the said producents ffactor
Don Luis Perez de Vittoria that hee had laded at S:ta Cruz del OzXXXXX
(being a port in y:e Island of Tenereife on of the Canary Islands) ?about
the said ship the S:t Laurence whereof Petr Bonningysent is M:r for y:e
Account of the said Stephen Palavasino, two barrs of silver, and

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//Consigned the same to be delivered to this depo:t herein XXX XXX
for the said Account of the said Provident: and afterwards this
depot received the Letter of advise and Invoice annexed from him
the said ffacto:r by the said ship S:t Laurence XXXX XXX seizure together
with the bill of Lading arlate w:ch hee hath nowe alsoe seene, And
this depo:t hath heard that the said ship belonged to the arlate M:r
fford, And further hee deposeth not, saving that the said Letter
Invoice and Bill of Lading Exhibited were and are the same
soe by him received:

To the 8:th hee saith that after the XX XXXX hee this depo:t was
advised by letters from Plymouth of the seizure of the said ship
and Lading by Captaine Aylett, and of her bringing in thither
where shee was brought (as hee saith) to this port for this depo:t
here received the said silver in question out of her, and further
deposeth not.

To the 9:th hee saith hee is well assured and verily beleeveth
that the said two barrs of silver were really and truely pvided
and laded for y:e prop and sole account of y:e sad producent and
upon his adventure, and that hee runneth the sole hazard thereof
and that noe Spaniard or other subject of the King of Spaine
had at the time of the said Lading and seizure any interest
therein w:ch hee is ?induced the more assuredly to beleeve for
y:t this depo:t by theproducents order hath and ?must make good the proceeds
thereof unto them and that amounted with him for y:e same as
will noe other, And further deposeth not

To the 10:th hee saith hee beleeveth there was peace, and Amity
betweene the Comonwealth and the State of Genoa. and their
subjects the time arlate, and further doth not depose:

To the 11:th hee saith that his foregoeing depon is true.

To the Interrogatoryes

To the first hee saith hee cometh required by M:r ffrancklin to be
pduced in this Cause, and otherwise negatively :

To the second hee saith hee was never at Genoa nor ever
sawe the pducent that hee knoweth of norknowe his ffather
or mother. and otherwise referreth himselfe to his foregoeing

To the 3:d hee saith that hee this depo:t hath had severall Letters, and
orders from y:e said producent Stephen Pallavacine touching y:e
silver now in question, and hee doth not knowe any other
person besides him XX XXXX. And further hee cannot answer, saving his
forgoeing depon to w:ch hee referreth himselfe.

To the 4:th hee saith that this depo:t hath received pt of the foresd
silver by him deposed of (not sent in y:e S:t Laurence ) in the
King David in or about XXX last, part in y:e Hope, about the
same time, and hee is sure that y:e said Pallavacino (the now
XXXXX) is the same pson for whose account the foresd pXXX
silver in question was laded and consigned to this Depo:t for y:t
this depo:t hath XX XXX made the same goods with them as aforesaid

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//To the 5:th hee saith hee doth not knowe the said Don Luis
Peroz de Vittoria the said pducents said ffactor personally. and
saith hee knoweth not that the said de Vittoria is ffactor to any
Spaniard or subject of the King of Spaine, nor hath this
Depo:t received order from any pson to claime the said silber
in Question other than the said pducent from whom hee
saith hee hath received Expresse order therein, and hath had
?procuzaccon from him alone in that be halafe, and other
wise negatively saving as aforesd, saying y:e said Don
Luis Perez de Vittoria is soe farr from having given any
order for Claiming y:e silver in question that hee Doth not as
this depot beleeveth yet knowe of the seizure tehreof

To the 6:th hee saith that upon the bringing in of the said
ship to Plymouth the bill of lading interrogated together w:th
the Letter & ffactory were amongst other paps sent there
in a packet to this depo:t as coming out of the said ship.
and this depo:t brought them into this Court.

To the 7:th hee saith hee knoweth not ought if any other bill
of Lading touching y:e said silver in Question than the said
bill soe brought into Court, and here remaining, nor of
any other Invoice than that annexed to the Allon whereupon
hee is now Examined, and otherwise hee referreth himselfe to his
foregoing depon:

PETER VANDEPUT [His signature]

Repeated before the two Judges in Court


Case: Claim of Stephen ?Pallavacio, of Genoa, regarding silver bars: Deposition: 2. Abraham Cabeljan, of London, merchant, aged 53: Date: January 27th, 1658

The same day

Examined upon y:e said Allon:

2:nd ABRAHAM CABELJAN of London merchant aged 53
yeeres or thereabouts, sworne and Examined:

To the first and second articles hee saith and deposeth that the
pducent Steven Pallavacino, was and is commonly reputed a native
of Genoa. and Inhabitant Subject of that Comonwealth, and saith
that hee this depo:t livimng with and being Book Keep. of. and for the
p:rcontests M:r Peter Vandeput merchant hath seene severall Letters
from the said product Living at Genoa sent to and received by the said M:r Vandeputt XXX Correspondent
here, and severall Letters of his directed to y:e said producent, and there
resident, And further hee deposeth not

To the 3:d arle hee saith that before y:e silver in question came & arrived
here in England, the ffactor of the said producent called don Luis
Perez de Vittoria, sent from the Iland of Teneriffe to the XXXX
M:r Vandepur, for his the said producents Accompt to the Vallue
of betwixt telve and thirteene hundred pounds sterling in silver w:ch XXX
received by the said M:r Vandeput for the account of y:e said pducent
and was soe received by the said M:r vandeput herein this XXXX
before y:e arrivall of y:e silver in question of this depo:ts sihht, who XXX
XXX receipt thereof and y:e Letters and dispacthes concerninge y:e

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//Hath placed the same to the said producent's Accompt, hee being as
aforesd & booke XXX of the said M:r Vandeput and thereby hee well knoweth
that the said Stephen Pallavacine hath and doth drive a greate trade in
silver, from the Canaryes, And further thee doth not depose

To the 4:th arle hee saith that before the Lading the silver in question
aboard the said ship the S:t Laurence severall Genoese merchants
wrote ?unto the said M:r Vandeput to London, whereby they desired him
to certifye or advise them, whether or noe they might safely send
silver and bullion to London, and consigne the same to him the said
M:r Vandeput, without danger of seizing or confiscacion of y:e same
And saith the said M:r Vandeput wrote to them that they might
doe it safely, and XXXX XXX them in such sending and sent a
Translacon in XXXXX of the Act of parliam:t in that behalfe
made for the security of such Importacons w:ch hee knoweth
having seene y:e said Letters soe received and the answeres thereof
being privy to the said M:r Vandeputs dispatches in such matters
(hee being his booke keep as aforesaid) in his affaires of moment
touching his ?Commerce.

To the 5:th 6:th and 7:th arles hee saith that before any newes of y:e
seizure of y:e ship S:t Laurence in question the said M:r Peter vandeput
receaved Letters by other?s shipping from the said Don Luiz Peroz
de Vittoria, advising him of the Lading of the two barrs of silver
(w:ch are nowe claimed) aboard the said ship the S:t Laurence and
of the Consignment thereof to him the said M:r Vandeput for y:e
said producents account to be heere delivered in this Port
And that afterwards the said M:r Vandeput received advise from
Plimouth of the bringing in of the said ship thither and received
a packet of Letters, and dispatched thence as brought thither in y:e
said shipS:t Laurence, and XXXXXX them the Letter and Invoice and XXX
to the ?allon (now shewed unto him this depo:t) and alsoe y:e bill of
Lading inder y:e hand of Peter BXXXXXX M:r of the said ship
now alsoe shewed unto him remaining in this Court, ?which he
knoweth having seene the said first Letters of advise and alsoe
these and y:e Invoice and Bill of Lading soe brought in y:e
S:t Laurence upon their first bringing to the said M:r Vandeput
and havinge now XXXX XXXX Exhibited and remaining in the
Court hee well knoweth them to be the same that were soe received
by M:r Vandeput, and pticularly by a note or marke made upon
the letter by him this depo:t, And further hee cannot depose

To the 8:th arle hee saith that the said ship the S:t Laurence being on
course from y:e Canaryes, seized and brought unto Plymouth was
afterwards brought thence to this port of London, together with the
said silver in question, ?which silver y:e said M:r Vandeput here

To the 9:th arle hee saith that by the Letters and transactions that XXXXX
the said producent XXX y:e said M:r Vandeput touching y:e said XXXXX
w:ch hee hath seene hee verily beleeveth the same to be for y:e ?sole account

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//of the said producent, and to be ?provided and laden for his Account
without that any Spaniard of subject of y:e King of Spaine XXXX
time of Lading or seizing or since ?may XXX therein whereXXXXX

To the 10:th hee saith there was the time arlate by ?Comon XXXXX
peace and Amity betwixt the Comonwealth and that if Spaine and XXX
y:e respective subjects of the said XXXXXXXXX

To the last hee saith his foregoeing ?deponent XXXX is true

To the Interres

To the first hee saith hee cometh to Testify in this Cause XX the
order of the producents proctor & otherwise negatively

To the 2:nd hee saith hee was never at Genoa nor XXXXX y:e XXXX
nor knoweth his father or mother and other wise hee cannoz ?answere
saving as aforesaid

To the 3:d hee saith hee doth not knowe any of y:e name of Stephen
Palladacino other XXXX the said producent, XXXXXX hee referreth him
to his foregoeing Depn and saving y:e same cannot further answer

To the 4:th, hee saith hee referreth himselfe to his foregoing depon &
cannot further answer saving hee knoweth that the said XXXX
XX XXXX pson for whose account the said other parcells of silver XX
XXXX & this ?inquisition) was sent to the said M:r Vandeput XXX
they XXXXfrom y:e same factor and in y:e same XXX & XXXXX
in y:e same XXXXX.

To the 5:th arle hee saith that hee doth not psonally knowe the sayd
Don Luis Perez de Vittoria the ffactor of y:e said ?Pallavacino, XXXX
what countryman nor whose subject hee is nor knoweth hee XX
beleeveth that the said Don Luiz in any of XX XXX that this XXX
hath?dwelt with the said M:r Vandeput XXX hath bin a ?Gent XXXX
yeeres last) XXXX sent aor consigned any silver to the said M:r
Vandeput for the said Don Luis his XXXX account, nor any for y:e
account of any Spaniards. And further hee cannot answer
saving as aforesaid.

To the 6:th he referreth himselfe to his foregoing depon and
further cannot answer saving negatively for his part

To the last negatively for his pt saving as aforesaid

ABRAHAM ?CABDELJAN ?Jun:r [His signature]

Deposed XXXXX two Judges in Court


Case: Claim of Stephen ?Pallavacio, of Genoa, regarding silver bars: Deposition: 3. John Lewis: Date: January 29th, 1658

//The 29:th of January 1660.

Examinat ?ex parte for XXX XXXXX.

JOHN LEWIS of the parish of S:t Dunstans XXXX East ?India
Merchant aged 47 yeeres or therabouts sworne and XXXXX

To the first second and third articles of the said allegaccon hee saith and
deposeth that hee may knoweth the producent Stephen PaXXXXXX
and hath XX XXX for a ?dozen or fourteene yeeres last or thereabouts
and XXXX XXX to XXXX XXXX by meanes of the XXXXXXX dwelling in the
citie of Genoa (the ?place of the said producents ?birth
and XXXX) and keeping house there and trading ther as a merchant
from the yeere 1644 to the yeere 1656, during w:ch tyme hee was
well acquianted w;th the said producent Stephen Pallavacino and
XXX his the said Stephens father living in the said citie. And for a

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//Genoese by birth and extraction and a subect of the stat eof XXXX XX
the said Stephen Pallavacino was and is XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
And saith that for all the said time of this deponents said dwelling in Genoa
the said producent of this deponents XXXX XXX knolwedge dwellt and ?kept
house and familie there and that hee was and is XXX of the XXXXX of XXXXX
soe commonly accompted: And saith that the said producent was and is
a merchant of very greate account and dealing and estste and of ?such
wealth that hee is estimated to be worth one ?hundred thousand pounds sterling,
and saith that the said producent was XXXXX this deoinet XX XXX XXX
because very greate quantities XXXX XXX XXX (of this deponents XXX XXXX
knowledge) for the XXXX account of the sais producen XXXXX
XXXXX of greate account and dealing in XXX, XXXXX hath XXXX
pXXXXX XXX and is commonly accompted and reputed and further
hee deposeth not


To the Interries

To the first hee saith hee was XXXX unto by M:r XXXX the XXXX
and deposed to come and XXXX what he knowes as XX XXXX, and
to the rest hee answreth XXXX XXX XX, and otherwise ?cannot answer,

To trhe second hee saith and deposeth and XXXX XXX from XXXXX XXX
December 1656, and there XXX XXXX XStephen Pallavacino XXXX before
this deponent had XXX XXXX, and this deponent did XXX XXX that
said producents XXXX. And otherwise referreth himselfe to XXX XXX
before deposed.

To the third hee saith hee knoweth and XXXXX XXX in XXXX arlate
name is alsoe Stephen Pallavacino, who alsoe was XX XXXX of XXXXX
XXXX of this deponents said dwelling there, and a XXXXXXXXXXXXX
XXXXX, and was
XXXX the XXX of the oredeposed Stephen
XXXX producent
this deponent doth not knowezj
the Merchants of that XXX

To the 4:th XXX

To the 5:th XXXX

To the last XXXX

JO LEWIS [His signature]

Repeated before


Case: XXXX: Deposition: 1. Domingo de a Seida, of London, Merchant, aged 25: Date: January 31st, 1658

The 31:th day of January 1660

Examined upon an Allon given in on the
behalfe of the said XXXX

The Claime of XXX XXXXX)
XXXX Merchant of London for)
94 pipes of Canary Wines)
& other hoods taken in y:e ship y:e)
S:t Laurence XXX XXXXX)


1. DOMINGO DE LA SEIDA of London Merch:t
aged 25 yeeres or thereabouts sworne
and Examined

To the first arle hee saith and deposeth that the arlate Anthony
Rodriguez ?RivXXXes is Comonly and generally reputed a XXXX
of ffinident in the Kingdome of Portugall, and soe his XXX
deponent beleeveth him to bee and XXXX hee XXXXX

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//To the: 2:d hee saith hee hath well knowne the said Antonio
Rodriguez Robles for theise thirteene fourteene yeeres
last past or thereabouts. and knowe him first Living att
Civill in Spaine namely for y:e first yeires of the said time
XXXX and thence hee went to the Canaryes, and soe for London
and saith that this depot hath lived in London about six yeeres
last past, during w:ch space hee hath knowne the sayd
Robles to be an Inhabitant, and to be a house keeper
in Dukes place London with his ffamily, and that this depo:t
lying in y:e same house, and beeing his booke keep
is well acquainted w:th his affaires & Transactions

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Case: Maurice Thompson, Thomas Canham, Christofer Willoughby, John Page et al v. the Dutch East India Company: Deposition: 1. Henry Dacres, of London, Merchant, aged 34: Date: January 31st, 1658


A business of examining of witnesses on the)
XXXX of Maurice Thompson, Thomas CanXXXX)
Christofer Willoughby John Page and others,)
Merchants of London, freighters of the shipp
the Jonathan, ag:t the Dutch East India)
Company in pticular and all others in genall)



The 11:th of ffeburary 1658

Examinands upon an allon given in on the
behalf of the said M:r Thompson and others

1. HENRY DACRES of London Marchant aged
34 yeeres or thereabouts sworne in the said
Court of the Admiraltie of England, saith and
deposeth as followth vizt.

To the fifth article of the said allon XXXX and deposeth that hee well
knoweth all the producents vizt Maurcie Thompson THomas
CaXtian, Cristofer Willoughby, John Page and company arlate and saith
they were the XXXX arlate of the yeere 1656 XXX others and Imployers
of the said shipp the Jonathan and XXX hee can from this XXX on a
trading voyage for sevrall parts and places of the East Indias, and
there to retourne for England on and for their proper account
w:ch hee knoweth for that hee was acquainted with and XXX XXXX at
such XXXXX XXXX and were supra cargo in thesaid shipp the said voyage

To the second article hee saith that within the foresaid time namely in
and about the moneth of January 1656 the said shipp the Jonathan
being in the parts of the East Indies and quietly trading there had aboard her
greate quantities of goods and merchandizes for the use and account of the
said Maurice Thompson and company aforesaid w:ch XXXXhad taken in
on the coast of Coromandel and w:ch they were carrying to Bantam,
for w:ch place of BantamXXX the said XXX were proper and not for
any other part or place thereabouts to be bartered away, and eben
XXXXX XXXX and provided for Bantam, where they were to be sold
and bartered away for such XXXX as were then to be head and ?procured
for the most advantage of the said producents, w:ch hee knowes for that
hee was supra cargo aforesaid and the person there ?carryed the said goods to
be taken in and was in person XXX with them in the said shipp for

To the third and 4 articles hee saith that in or about the said moneth of January
1656 (old stile) the said shipp in her course of prceeding from the
said coast for Bantam, coming neere the Island of Pulliayanjan within
five leagues or lesse distance of the Road of Bantam, was met wizj
and set upon by five XXX of dutch shipps, in the XXX XX neare of the
East India company of the United Netherlands, and that upon their haling
and demanding XXXX that shipp (Speaking of the Jonathan) over and
XXXX bound, and XXXX XXXX XXX sewall of England, came from
Cormandel bound wth XXX for Bantam, thet of the dutch shipps
XXXX and told the master and company of the Jonathan that they must
not nos could run into Bantam, and that they lay there on purpose to
oppose them or any other shipps of England that should endeavour to run into
Bantam, for w:ch (as they XXX) they had order from the Generall of the sd dutch East India
company XXXX was XXX and heard the XXX

To the fifth and sixth 7. 8 and 9:th articles hee saith that the master and company of the
Jonathan finding this XXXXX of the dutch, fairly and earnestly instructed
XXXXXX of the dutch commanders to goe in, and desired them to XXXX or
send aboard the Jonathan and XXX her assuring them XXXX XX

P1110334 verso & recto

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P1110335 f. 69 verso

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//aboard, XX XXXX of XXX the sd dutch XXXXX ?Daniell
this deponent ?fell to intreate them XXXXX to order
XXX in, telling them (as XXX truly was) that thay ?durst seek XXX
XXXX persons aboard, and XXXX greate necessitie of their ?going
XX the XXX In XXX victuakks and reXXX under for their part
and to XXX their trading XXXXX, and the dutch still suspitious
within XXXX, the Jonathan endeavoured to put in, XXXXX they of
?othr dutch shipps sett on her, and XXX XXXX the
master of the Jonathan and this deponent XX XXXX to XXX XXXX
thereXXXX to search them if they came XXX XXXXX to such XXXX
XXX this deponent (the master XXX sick) went aboard to their
Admirall and told him and ?modestly expostulated with him the XXXX



P1110336 f. 70 recto

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Case: Maurice Thompson, Thomas Canham, Christofer Willoughby, John Page et al v. the Dutch East India Company: Deposition: 2. William Stephen, of Limehouse, Marriner, formerly masters Mate of the Jonathan: Date: January 31st, 1658



2. WILLIAM STEPHEN of Limehouse Marriner late
masters mate of the shipp the Jonathan (Robert
Graves com:der) aged 28 yeares or therabouts
sworne and examined

To the first article of the said allon hee saith and deposeth that
hee well knoweth the producents Maurice Thompson, Thomas Canham
and Christofer Willoughbie and saith that they and XXX XX were the
shipp the Jonathan, and imployed and sent her out on a merchandizing
voyage from this port for the East Indies and places thereabouts for
their proper account, and they upon their account XXX XXX XX XXXXX
by her said Merchandizing imployment to this XXX, w:ch hee knoweth
being Master Mate of her the said voyage, and going the voyage

To the second article hee saith and deposeth that within the said XXXX
moneths in or about the moneth of January 1656 XX XXX XXX XXXXXX
trading in the parts of East India, and had aboard her XX XXXXXX
quantitie of goods and merchandizes w:ch were for the said account
XX XXXXX in the coast of Coromandell, and were to be transported
XXX, as were proper for Bantam trade and what ?Returne, and
XXXX to XXX ptended and XXXX with XXXXX to be XXXX to
Bantam and there delivered, and the said commander & company
XXX carrying her said goods in the said shipp for Bantam where thee
XXX were to be traded and bartered for the ?traffic an accompt
of the said Imployers of the said shipp, w:ch hee knoweth for the reason

To the third and fourth fifth and 6:th articles hee saith that XX that the said XXX

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P1110337 verso & recto

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P1110338 f. 70 verso

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//the Jonathan as aforesaid that ?then was bound for Bantam ?told
them plainly that they might XX XX should for in thither XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX And XXXX
to come to an anchor XXX the Admirall , his precontest being XXXX
wXXX aboard the dutch Admirall, and upon his retourme aboard the
Jonathan declared the XXX Admirall, and expressly forbidden and
?prohibited their going in to Bantam, and had declared that if they and XXXXXX to goe in
hee would sink them in ?that effort, and thereupon the said M:r Dacres being
supra cargo or merchant of the Jonathan under a protest against such their
hinderance by the dutch. All w:ch hee knoweth being present aboard
the Jonathan. And further deposeth not.
?9:th article of the said allon hee saith and deposeth that
the said shipp the Jonathan being XX prohinited and hindered by the dutch
from going into Bantam to w:ch hee was XX XXXX with her said XXXX
was XXX and to depose and goe to other places for w:ch ?ther goods
were not proper and to w:ch they were not designed, and there to barter
and XXXX them away, to the great losse and damage of the said
imployers in respect of what the ?prisses would have bin if thesaid goods
hath nin XXX to an delivered at Bantam accordinge as they were designed

To the tenth hee saith that by the said hinarance and prohibition of the
dutch the said Imployers have suffered greate losse and dammagem, but
the valew thereof hee cannot as hee saith estimate

W:M STEPHENS [His signature]

Repeated with his ?precontest before
Dr Godolphon.


Case: Maurice Thompson, Thomas Canham, Christofer Willoughby, John Page et al v. the Dutch East India Company: Deposition: 3. Alexander Prescott, of London, Merchant, aged 27: Date: ffebruary 17th, 1658

//The 17th of ffebruray 1658

Examined upon the fore said allegaccon

3. ALEXANDER PRESCOTT of London Marchant aged 27 yeeres or
thereabouts sworne and examined.

To the first and second articles hee saith and deposeth That hee very well
knoweth the procudents Maurice Thompsom, Thomas Canham, Christofer
Willoughby, John Page and company aclate and saith they were in and for
all the monthes arlate of the yeere 1656 XXXXX and Imployers of the
shipp the Jonathan arlate (Robert GXXXXX commander) as a trading or merchandizing voyage from England to the parts of East India in XXXXX was XX retourne for England for their use and accompt, and saith that in
January XXX was ?two ?yeers the said shipp being quietly trading in the said
parts, and having aboard her a quantitie of marchandizes consisting in XX
cottons and callicos XX XXX XXX factor XXX account taken aboard her on the coast
of Cormandel was carrying XX XXX for Bantam for w:ch place the said goods were
XXXX and were provided XXXXX to be ther XXXXXX and XXXXXXX
and not for XXXXX to be disbursed XX XXX XXXXXX nir XXX XXXX XX
XXX XX XXXX soe XXXXX to her said ?merchants as XX Bantam, w:ch hee
knoweth being burser of the said shipp and goeing the said voyage from place to
place in her, being alsoe XXXX X XXX XXX XXX XXXX of the, XX XXX

To the third and fourth articles hee saidth and deposeth that the said shipp XXXXX
XX XX her course from the said coast for Bantam and XX XXXXX Island
of Pulliaayanjan about XXX XX XXX leagues distance from Bantam XXX
XXXX XXX XXXX of dutch shipps (w:ch wer in the service and Imployment
of the dutch East India company) XXX, saving that one of them XX
them XXXX, and XXX XXXX XXX along with XXX XXXXX, and saith XXXX

P1110339 f. 71 recto

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//the Jonathan XXXXing a XXXX XXXXX under the said XXXXX XXXX XXX to goe into
Bantam the next day, the said dutch shipp XXXX XXXXX the said
other foure dutch shipps riding also neere, and the next morning the Jonathan
XXX XXXX to goe into Bantam the said dutch shipps boat ?came aboard XXXX
Bantam, for the dutch had ?warrs with the Bantamers and the said
sutch shipps lay there XXX XXXX to hinder all shipps from going in,
having order from their Generall ?intendeant, and being authorised that they
of the XXXXXX were bound to XXX in them their merchandizing designe, and therewith all
XXXX to XXX in, the skipper of the said dutch shipp aboard the Jonathan
called out to those aboard the said dutch shipp to fire at the ?Jonathan, and
they thereupon XXXX a XXX XX the Jonathan, and then the Jonathan being commanded

to come close to their Admirall,


P1110340 f. 71 verso & f. 72 recto

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Case: Lord Protector ag:t the Hope: Deposition: 5. Peter Aylward, of London, Merchant, aged 40: Date: February 21st 1658 (59)

//The 21:th of ffebruary 1658

Lord Protector ag:t. the Hope.)

5 PETER AYLWARD of London Merchant, aged 40 yeeres or
thereabouts sworne and examined as aforesaid

To the first second and third Interries hee saith and deposeth that in or about June
last was a twelve moneth M:r John Page one of the Merchants concerned in
this busines, having with his associates a designe in hand to send a shipp from
Amsterdam for the West Indies to trade for their account upon the coasts of
the Spaniards, and understanding that this deponent understood both the Spanish
and dutch tongues (besides English) and could speake them, and alsoe
understood the busines of traffique and XXXXX as a marchant treated and
agred with this deponent to goe the said voyage for five pounds per
moneth wages and XXXX for XXX goods for his owne account, wherein hee
this deponent was to give assistajce to John Lo?pes his ?precontest who was alsoe then XXX
and being XX hired this deponent was XX XXX XXXXX in a dutch shipp called the
?Mackerell bound for Amsterdam and concerned with him in the said shipp XXXXX,
perpetuanas, ?hatts, and many other particulars of goods w:ch were here ?provided by the
said M:r Page and XXXX ffernandez, M:r ?Robles, M:r Jenkin and M:r ?Painter
Merchants of this citie, to be at Amsterdam put aboard such a shipp
as could be provided for that XXXX and voyage. And YYYing to Amsterdam
the shipp the ?HoyX interrogate was by order of their said Imployers and by
their partners at Amsterdam John Tilly and John ?XXnterwell and XXX
of XXXXX (as hee tooke them to be) who XXX XXX was but XXXX XXXXXX
?expresslly reputed at Amsterdam about w:ch buying this deponent ?eyther
with the said John ?Hoyer and Patrick ?Betts (who were alsoe come over from
England in the ?same designe) were ?employed, and saith XX ?cost ?answere
XXXXXX fourXXX hundred gilders or thereabouts. And saith

P1110343 f. 72 verso & f. 73 recto

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P1110344 f. 72 verso

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//the said shipp being so bought and procured for the said voyage, the said goods
?be carried from England were laded aboard her, together with XXXXX
Wines and other goods and XXXXX provided in Holland, and this lading
being XXXXX, the said shipp departed from Amsterdam therewith in September
last was a twelve moneth bound for the West Indies, not being limited
to any particular XXX, but left to the discretion of the said John ?Lopez
with the advise of this ?deponent to manage the voyage in XXXX parte to the
best advantage of her said Imployers, of w:ch hee saith M:r Page, M:r PXXXXX
and M:r Dunkin are English men and ?Inhabitating XXXXXX of this ?citie
M:r ?Antonio ffernandez Caravajall, and M:r Antonio Rodriguez Robles alsoe
merchants of this citie and reputed Portugueses, XXX M:r ffernandez is XXX
?indenizened, John Tilly an Irishman borne but living in Amsterdam
where alsoe liveth the said John ?CXXXXXXnet, who hath formerly lived
long in London, but whose countrey man he is this deponent knoweth not-
And saith the said shipp from Amsterdam went directly to the Island of
Trinidad, and was there ?Registred and entred as a Spanish shipp, and
thereby and by presents to the Gouvernor and others (XXX w:ch XXXX goods
the Spanish XXXX in those parts, and being therewith furnished she departed
in or about November 1657 to ?Comana a coast on the terra firma and
there sold to the valew XXX XXXX of a XXX XXXX peeces of XXXX of her goods
and received the money for the XXXX and then went to ?TranXille, and
there sold ?of her said outwards cargo for about XXXXX XXX and ?peeces of
eight, and leaveing the money ?ther, XXXXXX further into the
Gulfe of Honduras and there sold and ?tucked away all the rest of
said goods, and there tooke in three hundred eightie three XXXX or thereabouts
of Indico (saving that XXX or XXXX of those XXXXXX XXXX XXXX druggs) and
eleaven XXXX of ?Indico and a XXX XXXX or XXXXXccos and two barreles of druggs
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX eleaven hundred and twelve XXXXX or thereabouts of SafsayXXXlla, and fowre
hundred seaventie six XXXes, or therabouts, w:th safXXXXXlla and hides
were the pcured of the said moneys so left ashore at TurXXXlle at the
said time of the said shipps first XXXX there, All w:ch goods she received
in a XXX InXXXX were the goods of and laded for the XXX account of
the aforenamed Imployers Antonio ffernandes Caravajall, Antonio Rodriques
Rubles, M:r Pain?ter, M:r Page, M:r Dunkin, M:r Tilly and ;:r ChamberXXXX
and provided wuth their effects, saving that of her said lading ?soe taken in
at the West Indies, twelve chests and twro thirds of a chest of the said Indico were provided by and
laded for this deponents owne account, and that hee hath ?two of his owne shipp
?chests w:ch are full of druggs for his owne account, and that of the said
SasaXXXlla sixteene XXXXX were provided by and laded by his precontest
?Toribia ffernandez for his owne account, and that this deponent ?bought ?them
afterwards of him, and that the said ?Betts hath twenty chests and a third of a chest of the fore said
Indico for his account, and his owne chest full of druggs, And
saith that this deponent is a subiect of this Commonwealth and hath
lived tenn yeares and bin married and a XXX ?lodger XXXX yeares in this
?nation, five yeeres whereof hee lived in three tunne alley neere ?Moregate
and now liveth in Leadenhall streete over againstXXXXXX, and hath
loved XXXXXXX XXXX, but is an Irish man borne, and soe
is the said Betts, who hath lived in London for all the said time of this
deponents dwelling there, and (as hee hath heard) for tenn yeered before ?and
XXXX an Apprenticeshipp here to a Mariner. And further that the said
shipp departed from TXXXille aforesaid with ?intent to come and stop at
Dover or Deale wh?ence this deponent or the said ?Loyas were XXXX XXXX to
their said Imployers in this reXXX to receive orders aXXXX diXXXXXX, But

P1110345 f. 73 recto

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//by XXX XXXX was
In ?Milford

To the fourth fifth and sixth hee saith that the said Bets XXXyed the
XXXX XXX and was by the said Imployers XXX master of the said vessell
and was so to appeare untill her comming to the West Indies, XXXX
shee met with any ffrenchmen ?outwards XX XXX, in w:ch case Jerome XXXX
a dutch man (put in purposely therefore) was to appeare master of her
but in the West Indies John Lopes was to appeare Commander and XXXX
XXXX, and XXXX to doe all for his owne account, and saith their Instructions
were verball and not in writing, saving that M:r Tilly gave them a paper
belonging to the dutch) and that she belonged to the dutch West India
Company, w:ch paper the said Jerome was to show in case of meeting
with Spaniards, and in his custody XX was and was as XXXXX written in dutch.  ?And
saith they had Invoices XXX of their outwards and XXXXwards goods XX
XXbills of lading or charterpartie, w:ch Invoices were in the XXXXXX
of here said M:r XXXXX, who (as hee supposeth) brought them to London. And
saith that while shee rode in Milford havem, being an XXXX harboure, and
a shipp appearing (whome they suspected to be an Ostender) but proved
a Dutch?man ?of ?warre) this deponent desired that the English Invoices might
be hidd, w:ch was accordingly XXXXXX, but after when appeared to
be a Rotterdammer, they were taken in and were brought XXXXX,
and XXXXX thatm hee knoweth not of any ?hat
were hided, nor knowe there any truXXX XXXXX, throwne over board or
othewise made away hat hee knoweth or beleeveth. And otherwise
negatively, saving hee XXX know the said shipp before hee mett her and
thXX EXXXXXXX he bought as aforesaid at Amsterdam.

To the 7:th hee saith there were twenty men and a boy belonging to the
said shipp when shee XX XXXXX Milford, whereof seaven were Spaniards
the said John Lopez being one of the said Spaniards, and saith three of the
said Spaniards are in London, and the rest were left abroad And
further cannot depose.

To the 8:th hee saith there were tenn guns in the said shipp shee XX
came to Milford Haven, and that shee is of about ?seaven or ?eighty ?two tonnes
burthen, and that she had aboard her in silver two XXX, one
XXXX, two XXXXXXX, seaven or eight XXXXXX, and a tobacco box
and seaven or eight peeces of eight; w:ch the said John Lopez had ashore
at Milford. And otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the last, negatively.

PETER AYLWARD [His signature] [Five pointed star immediately to right of signature, in same black ink]

Repeated before D:r Godolphin.

P1120002 f. 78 recto

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P1120004 f. 79 recto

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The Scipio



Case: XXXX: Examination: 3. James Retallick, of Wapping, Mariner, aged 35: Date: March 5th 1658 English Style

See also HCA 13/129:Personal answers of Thomas Ewens: Allegation: Humfrey ffosse, John Tucker & Charles Howgate: Date: 2nd June 1659
See also HCA 13/129: Personal answers of Humfey ffosse John Tucker Christofer Mills: Allegation: Captain Thomas Ewens: Date: XXXX

The 5:th day of March 1658 English style/

Examined on the sayd allegaccon/

3 JAMES RETALLICK of Wapping Mariner aged thirty
five yeares or thereabouts a wittnesse sworne & examined saith
and deposeth as followeth vizt./ //

P1120005 f. 79 verso

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//To the first arle hee saith that in the moneths of January ffebruary
and March 1648 and in the moneths & tyme arlate in the yeare 1649 and
1650 and untill Aprill 1651 the arlate Thomas Ewans was Master
& Commander of the arlate Shipp the Scipio and had the care & charge of
her as Master Committed to him by her Owners & for Master of her ?and
Com only reputed this hee so better knoweth being hired by the sayd XXXX
& goeing a foremast man of the sayd ship the voyage in question./

To the 2 arle hee saith that in the moneth of January 1648 the sayd ship
Scipio was bound from this port of London upon a tradeing voyage to
the Streights & other parts neere adioyning and soe to returne to this port
of London & saith in persuance of such voyage the sayd shipp about the latter
end of the sayd moneth of January 1648 fell downe to the Hope And
the sayd shipp at here goeing out had noe designe of goeing to Brazeele
or any other parts of the West Indies as this deponent beleeveth for that
the sayd Ewens hyred this deponent only to goe from London upon a tradeing
voyage to the Streights & back thence to this port of London, and made ?then
noe mention of her goeing to the Brazeele or any other pts of the West Indies
And further hee cannot depose not being privie to the hyreing of any
other of the shipps company nor knowing at what rates or upon what XX
conditions they were hyred/

To the 3: 4:th & 5:th arles of the allegation hee saith that before the goeing
forth off the shipp Scipio upon the voyage in question the arlate Humfrey
ffosse was hyred to foe & did goe Boatswaine & the arlate John TurkXX
Quartermaster & the arlate Charles ?Howgate a foremast man of
the Scipio the voyage in question but at what rates or what conditions
they were hyred hee knoweth not but saith hee this deponent was hyred
at the usuall rate of a voyage from London to the straights which was
twenty three shillings p month or twenty two & XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX And saith hee knoweth the sayd ffosse Turkes and
Howgate as alsoe this deponent & the rest of the Scipio her company
proceeded upon her voyage from London to Genoa in the Straights &
there discharged her outwards ladeing / there tooke in some goods & ?went
with them to Ligorne where fayling of their designe they there landed
the goods brought from Genoa, & went from Ligorne to Allecant and
there tooke in goods & went therewith to Lisbon & there unladed them
And further saving his subsequent deposition hee cannot depose/

To the 6:th and 7:th arles hee saith that after the Scipio had at Lisbon
discharged her ladeing brought from Allecant the sayd Thomas Ewans
the Master did take upon him a new voyage to be made from Lisbon to
Brazeele & thence to returne to Lisbon & having contracted with the
freighters for that new voyage acquainted his shipps Company
therewith, who not being hyred for any such voyage were most off ?them
unwilling to goe the same & refused to goe the same as being as ?they
?conceived an unlawfull voyage for that thereby they should XXXX the
hazard of being taken by the hollanders w:ch were then at ?differences
with the Portugueses in whose behalfe that voyage was to be made and
also be reason of the unhealthfullnesse of the voyage it being beyond ?the
lyne & to the south latitude about fifteene degrees, whereupon the sayd
Ewans seeing the unwillingnesse of the company to goe the sayd voyage
to Brazeele did publiquely upon the deck of the Scipio in p:rsuance of
this deponent & his p:rcontsts XXXXXhurst & XXgant & divers others of the
sayd shipps company to encourage them the more readily to undergoe the
sayd voyage voluntarily promised to advance his XXXXX Companyes wages
five shillings in the pound per month from that tyme during the sayd XXXX
over & above the wages hee had agreed with ?there for when ?hee shipped
at London, and to pay every of them their wages then due till

P1120006 f. 79 verso (duplicate of P1120005 f. 79 verso)

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P1120007 f. 80 recto

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//tyme according to the value agreed upon with ?them at London, which offer
the sayd shipps Company did accept & the sayd Ewens in persuance
of such his offere & promises did pay unto his sayd Company eight
moneths pay according to the first agreement made at London & did promise
& agree to pay them an addition of five shillings in the pound p moneth
for the future over & above the rates formerly agreed on which promise
of addition the Company did agree to & promised to provide on the sayd
Brazeele voyage and the sayd ffosse Tucker Howgate this deponent &
the rest of the shipps Company did thereupon proceede upon the sayd voyage
after the sayd new contract & went to Brazeele & there delivered their
outwards ladeing abd rekaded other goods & came back therewith
to Lisbon & alsoe discharged a good part thereof there in which service they continued after the sayd new agreement
abut twenty moneths, only hee saith that while they were at the Brazeele
the Portugeses in whose service the Scipio and other English shipps
were, did reXXXXX out of the Scipio the sayd Ewens the Master & the sayd
ffosse Tucker & Howgate & this deponent & divers others of the Scipio her
Company & put them aboard Portuguese shipps to serve in the homeward
Voyage & put Portugeses aboard the Scipio to serve in their ?roome, as
they did also to other English shipps that went the sayd voyage, which
they did as this deponent beleeveth to secure their goods laden aboard
the English shipps that the English might be thereby prevented of
running away with them And farther hee cannot depose./

To the 8:th and 9:th hee saith hee referreth him selfe to the Registry
of this Court & to the lawe And further cannot depose./

To the 10:th hee saith the arlate Ewens was & is a subiect of this Common
Wealth & Subiect as hee beleeveth to the authority of this Court./

To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposiccon is true./

To the Interries./

To the first Inter hee saith hee cannot answere not being p:rsent
when the persons Interr were hyred nor knoweth at what rates or upon
what conditions they were hyred/

To the 2 Interr hee saith hee was a foremast man of the Scipio the
voyage in question & saith hee was hyred as aforesayd only to goe
upon a tradeing voyage from London to the Straights & pts neere
therabouts & then back to Lodnon & not to such parts or places as
the sayd Ewens should get imployment for And farther hee
cannot answere./

To the 3 hee saith that at the tyme Interr there were five other
English shipps neside the Scipio all which as well as the Scipio
were offered & Did take imployment for Brazeele and goe thither
& returne in Company of the Scipio And saith hee beleeveth if the
sayd Ewens had not promised an Augmentation of wages the Company
of the Ship?swould not have gone the voyage to Brazeele, but saith
as afore sayd the sayd Ewans made the sayd promise voluntarily
to encourage his company to goe the sayd voyage. And farther saving
his foegoeing deposiccon hee cannot answeare/

To the 4:th hee saith hee was one of the Scipio her company when
?refused to proceed on the viyage to Brazeele unlesse his wages
first agreed upon were augmented And saith in regard hee know hee
was not at first hyred for any such voyage hee would have refused to goe
the same if the sayd Ewen had not promised an augmentation as aforesayd/ //

P1120008 f. 80 verso

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//To the 5:th hee saith that dollers did the tyme Interr & doe goe at Lisbon at the rate of
sixe shillings portuguese money but are usually paid to mariners
at the rate only of fower & sixe pence (OR, pounds) sterling and saith at that value
of fower shillings sixe pence (OR, pounds) the doller hee reced of the say Ewens
at Lisbon eight moneths pay but how many dollers that amounted to hee
remembreth not And what others recevd hee knoweth not but between
they recvd eight months pay at the like rates of fower shillings XX
pence a dollar And further hee cannot answere./

To the 6:th hee saith hee hath recvd his whd his whole pay for the voyage
in question only according to the first agreement, without any
augmentation because hee was unwilling to goe to lawe for the ?same
though it were due, & hath given a discharge of all wages soe that
hee intended noe suite thereabout whoseever doth prevaile in the
cause And to the rest negatively./

To the 7 hee saith hee cannot answere knowing nothing thereof

To the last hee saith hee cannot answere having not heare any
thing touching the matter Interrogate./

JAMES RETALLICK [His signature]

Repeated before doc:r Godolphin/ //


Case: XXXX: Examination: 4. ffrancis Mould, of Poplar, Stepney, Middlesex, Mariner, aged 64: Date: March 7:th 1658 English Style

//The 7:th day of March 1658 English Style

Examined on the sayd allegation./


4 FFRANCIS MOULD of Poplar in the pish of Stepney and
County of Midd Mariner aged thirty foower yeares
or thereabouts a wittnesse swornne & examined
saith & deposeth as followeth vizt./

To the first arle hee saith that in the moneths of december Januaary
ffebruary & March 1648 & in the moneths & tyme arlate in the yeares
1649 and 1650 and untill August 1651 the arlate Thomas Ewans was
Master & Commander of the arlate Shipp the Scipio, & had the care and
charge of her as Master & Commander Committed to him (as hee beleeveth)
by her Owners, and for Master & Commander of her
during the sayd tyme was Commonly reputed this hee the better knoweth being
hyred by the sayd Ewens & goeing a foresmast man of the sayd shipp thereXXX
voyage in question And further hee deposeth not./

To the second arle hee saith that withinn the tyme aforesayd and more
especially in the yeare 1648 the shipp Scipio was bound forth from the
Port of London upon a tradeing voyage to the Streights or other parts neere
?thereunto adioyning & soe to returne thence for London & in order thereto did
in the moneth of January 1648 sett sayle from London & fell downe as XX
as the Hope And the sayd shipp at such her departure from London had
noe designe of goeing to Brazeele or any other part of the West
Indies this hee deposeth for that hee knoweth that hee this deponent and
John Mi?ater a foremast man alsoe of the Scipio who was hyred XXX
only to goe upon a trading voyage from London to the Streights and parts neere
adiacent & soe back to London & were not hyred to XXX in her to Brazeele ?or
any other parts of the West Indies And further hee cannot depose not being
privie to the signeing off any other of the sayd shipps company nor knowing XXX
rates or upon what conditions they were hyred./ //

P1120009 f. 81 recto

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//To the 3 4:th and 5:th arles of the sayd allegacon hee saith that before
the goeing forth of the shipp Scipio upon the voyage in question the arlate Humfrey
ffosse was hyred to goe & did goe Boatswain & the arlate John Tucker
Quarter Master & the arlate Charles Howgate a foremast man of the Scipio
the voyage in question but at what rates or upon Conditions they
were hyred hee knoweth not but saith hee ?hee this deponent and the sayd
M?iater were hyred at the usuall rates of foremast men for a voyage to the
streights And saith hee knoweth that the sayd ffosse Tucker & Howgate
as alsoe this deponent & the sayd Minter & the rest of the Scipio her company
did proceed on her voyage from London to Genoa in the Streights and
there discharged her outward ladeing & then tooke in some goods and
went with them to Ligorno where fayling of their designe they then landed
the goods brought from Genoa & went from Ligorne to Allecant and there
tooke in goods, and went therewith to Lisbon and there unladed them
And further saving his subsequent deposition heecannot depose/

To the 6:th and 7:th arles of the sayd allegation hee saith that after the
Scipio had at Lisbon discharged her ladeing brought from Allecant
the sayd Thomas Ewans did take upon him a new voyage to be made
from Lisbon to Brazeele & thence to returne to Lisbon & having bargaine
with his freighters for that voyage hee acquainted his shipps company
therewith who were most of them unwilling to goe the same they not
being hyred as they sayd to goe any such voyage when they came from London as
alsoe because the voyage was to an unhealthyfull Country lyeing
beyond the Lyne about fourteene or fifteene degrees to the South latitude and
in service of a foreigne Nation whereupon the Whereupon the sayd Ewens seeing
the unwillingnesse of his Company to goe the sayd voyage to Brazeele
did publiquely upon the deck of the Scipio in p:rsence of this deponent
& his p:recontests Pinshurst Bryant Rolallique & most of the sayd
Shipps company to encourage them with alacrity to goe the sayd
voyage voluntarily oromise to advance every of the shipps company
their wages five shillings in the pound per moneth from that tyme
during the sayd voyage over & above the wages hee had agreed with
them for when hee shipped hence (OR, ?Then) at London, and to pay them their wages
then due till that tyme according to the rates agreed upon with them
at London which offere hee saith the Company accepted And the sayd
Ewens in persuance of such his offere & promise did pay unto his
sayd Company eight pounds pay according to the first agreement
made at London & did promise and agree for the future to pay them
an addition or augmentation of wages after the rate of five shillings
in the pounds over & above the valew formerly agreed upon at London
which promise the Company accepted & thereupon proceeded upon the
sayd voyage to Brazeele & the sayd ffosse Tucker ?Gourgate & this dep:t
& the rest of the Shipps company did thereupon proceed upon the sayd
voyage after the sayd new agreement & went & served in the sayd shipp to
Brazeele and came back to Lisbon which they soe performed in
the space of about twenty moneths after XXX their ?new agreement
& made in that tyme discharge of their ladeing at Brazeele and alsoe
at Lisbone after their returne thither, only hee saith that while the sayd shipp
was at Brazeele the Portugueses in whose service shee was did for the

P1120010 f. 81 verso

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P11200011 f. 82 recto

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Case: Swire con Church: Examination: 7. James Dixson, of Ratcliffe, Mariner, aged 30: Date: March 21st 1658



The Phoenix

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P1120016 f. 83 verso (duplicate of P1120015 f. 83 verso)

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Case: M:r Alsonso Gomez Dias for goods in the Morning Starr: Examination: 1. Claes Willems, of Middleborough, Mariner, late Master of the Morninf Starr: Date: Aprill 22:nd 1659

The 22:th of Aprill 1659:/.

The Claime of X Alfondso Gomez Dias)
for Goods in y:e Mornîng Starr)
Claes Willemson M:r=

Budd, ffrancklin)

Examined upon an Allon given in
by M:r ffrancklin on behalfe of
the said Alfonso Gomez Dias:

1. CLAES WILLEMS of Middleborough
Mariner, late M:r of the ship the Morning
Starr aged 38 yeeres or thereabouts
sworne and Examined:/:-


P1120017 f. 84 recto

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P1120018 f. 84 verso

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Case: The Claime of Cowell, Canham & others for the Thomas: Examination: 2. Thomas Yoakeley, of St Catherines neere the Tower of London, Mariner, aged 31: Date: Aprill 27th, 1659


Voyage from London to Roan
The ship the Thomas

P1120019 f. 85 recto

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Case: Christopher Malyn, Thomas Carret, Bethnel Tynck, George Southerne, Geirge Rogers, Thomas West, ffrancis Rosse, and John Robeck, late Mariners of the Ship the Anne: Examination: 1. John Atkins, Ratcliffe, Mariner, aged 32: Date: February 26th 1658


London to Yarmouth to Marsellis and other ports within the Streights

P1110346 f. 92 recto

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Case: Rowland Hill John Hill and Company own:rs of the Oporto Merchant vs. Sir James Drax et al: Deposition: 1. Thomas Chevers, of Limehouse, Stepney, Mariner, Master of the Oporto Merchant, aged 28: Date: March 9th 1658

//The 9:th day of March 1658

Rowland Hill John Hill and Company own:rs of)
the Oporto Merchant. Thomas Chevers M:r)
ag:t S:r James Drax Knight Richard ?Huggins Tho:)
?Kendall, James ?Wyck and Robert Welding)
Merchants in particular and all others in)
Generall that have or p:rtend to have any
rights, Titles, or interest in y:e goods wares and
Merchandizes lately brought in y:e sayd ship)
to this port from y:e Barbadoes in a Cause
of Damage and average. Suckley.


of Limehouse in the
parish of Stepney
Mariner, M:r of the
ship the Oporto Merchant
aged 28 yeeres or thereabouts
sworne and Examined.

To the first arle of the said Allon hee saith that hee hath well
knowne y:e arlate y:e ship the Opoto Merchant whereof this depo:t
is nowe M:r for about Twelve monethes last, and well
knoweth that y:e arlate Rowland Hill John Hill, and XX
Hopegood and Company for all y:e ?same time
were the true and lawfull owners and proprieto:rs of the
said ship and of her tackle Apparell, and furniture,
and for such being XX accounted and reputed: And further
hee cannot depose.

To the second hee saith the said ship the Oporto Merchant in
her course from Barbadoes to this port of London
?Laden with Sugars Cotton and Indico and other Comodityes
for the account of y:e arlate S:r James Drax Richard XXXXX
Thomas Kendall James Wyck Robt ?Weeking & others did meete
with neere the fflowers and Calves, on or about the
twentieth day of January last a greate and violente storme
w:ch did soe continue for about sixteene houres, the
winde being then at West, And y:e said ship running
before the sea, under ?her foresaile, the said ships ?stern
gave way, and this depo:t and Company were forced
to ?haul the said foresaile of the said ship, and lye under
a ?mizen, And saith that y:e seas being very high brake
the said ships Tiller, w:ch did much endanger y:e ?keeper the
said ships Rudder, and ?Sterne part; And at the XXXX
part (OR, port) hee saith the said ship, shipped under water w:ch came
into y:e hold of y:e sd ship, And y:e weather being very
Tempestuous, and y:e violent winde continueing, y:e said
ships ?Missen saile was blowne away, and lost, and by
Meanes of looseing y:e Misen, y:e said ship lay broad XXX
to the sea, and by reason thereof shipped a very violent sea
w:ch washed overboard And ?Sheats Anchor, and the long boate

P1110347 f. 92 verso & f. 93 recto

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P1110348 f. 92 verso

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//and skiffe: y:t were fastned to y:e sd ships Deck were XXXX
to Leeward, and with the goeing oberboard of the said XXX
w:ch hunge to the said ship by y:e Rope to it was fast was XXX
and by y:e said ships Rowlings it bilged a hole in y:e XXXX
of the said ship, through w:ch hole; and other places in y:e sd ships side w:ch were XX by violence of the XXXX
Insoemuch that there was in a short time foure foote
and a halfe of water in her hold, w:ch caused y:e said XXX
to lye dead in y:e sea; And saith that the said ships lading XXX
and Company onboard. by reason long XXXXXX of the said ?Extreme
Stormy and windy weather, were all in greate danger
of Sinking and perishing in the sea. And further ?deposeth
that this depo:t and Company on board y:e said ship did
upon good advice Consideraccon, and Consultaccon, for y:e
prservaccon of the said ship and Lading, and their owne
Lives. Cut downe y:e maine mast. by the board. and cut
away. y:e Ropes and Tackling thereto belonging,
and did stave and cast over board most
of their caskes with fresh waterm And were for y:e preservaccon of their shipp XXXX XXXto cut their foresaid XXX Anchor, and main XXX
and tackling thereto belonging, and all and singular
the Tackle Apparrell funiture and things belonging
to the said ship y:e Oporto Merchant . mentionedd and
set downe in the Schedule annexed to y:e said Allon
(now seene and read over by this depo:t) and y:e said Tackle
and things therein set downe. were at the tome of
their said Cutting and Casting away and loosing
well worth the severall summes set downe in y:e said schedule
for y:e same, amounting in y:e whole to the summe of One hundred
fourty two pounds two shillings sterling. And saith. that by
the violence of y:e said Storme y:e said mizen saile was blown
away and Lost w:ch was then worth four pounds, and y:e stern
poast Rudder and sterne of the said Shipp. were by y:e same
meanes much damnifyed to the vallue of about twenty
pounds: The premisses hee Deposeth being M:r of the said
Ship, and on board her y:e foresaid time, and an Eye witness
of the same And further hee cannot depose.

To the 4:th and 5:th (sic) hee saith that during all the time the
said Storme Continued, and after wards, this depo:t and
All his Company did Constantly keepe both the
pumpes goeing, and y:e water increasing they were CCCC
to bring y;e said Ships starboard side to the sea, and then XXX
said Ship being XXred, or turned, her spritsaile was XXX
away, by y:e violence of the said Storme, and in y:e morning of
the 21:th day of January last, y:e Said Storme abated And

P1110349 f. 93 recto

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//Depo:t and Company did with much Carepaines & Dilligence
stop the said hole made by the said ?sheat Anchor, and, freed
her of the water, w:ch shee had received in at the the said Hold
and at other places. as aforesaid. and saith that when the
said ship departed from y:e Barbadoes, and untill y:e said
storme came and happened the said ship was strong
strong and Tight, and was well fitted with all manner
of necessaryes and materialls for y:e said voyage, and was
not over laden, but was able to beare the lLading w:ch was
then on board her. and saith her ?sheath Anchor was well
and sufficiently fastened to the side of the said ship; untill
the same was washed from y:e same by the said storme,
And saith that what dammage did happen to y:e said ship
and Lading y:e said time, happened meerely by y:e said
tormy and windy weather, and not by any insufficiency
in y:e said ship, or any fault of or in this depo:t, or any of his
Company. The premises hee Deposeth for the reasons
aforesaid: And further cannot Depose.

To the 6:th hee referreth himselfe to the Registry of this Court

To the last hee saith his foregoeing depon is true.

THO CHEVERS [His signature]


Case: Rowland Hill John Hill and Company own:rs of the Oporto Merchant vs. Sir James Drax et al: Examination: 2. Richard James, of Limehouse, Boatswaine of the Oporto Merchant, aged 3?8: Date: March 10th 1658

The Tenth day of March 1658

Examined on the said Allon


2:nd RICHARD JAMES of Limehouse. Boatswaine
of the ship the Oporto Merchant aged 3?8 yeeres or
thereabouts sworne and Examined:

To the first Arle of the said Allon hee saith and deposeth that
hee verily beleeveth that the arlate M:r Rowland Hill and Company
fo:r theis twelve monethes last, have bin, and at p:rsent are
the true & awfull own:rs of the arlate ship y:e Oporto
Merchant (whereof Thomas Cheevers is M:r) and of her tackle &
furniture & things belonging unto her, and soe they are Comonly
accounted. The premises hee deposeth for that hee hath bin
boatswaine of the said ship y:e Oporto Merchant for about thirteene
monethes last, And otherwise cannot depose:

To the second hee saith that y:e said ship y:e Oporto Merchant
Coming from y:e Barbadoes Laden with Sugars, Cotton & some Indico
for y:e account of S:r James Drax. M:r Wood?ward severall other M:rchants
Bound for this Port of London; in her Course ?hether was neere y:e XXXXXXX
on or about the twentieth day of January, last, there happened and
rose a very great & violent storme; w:ch Continued very violent for
about Eight or Tenn houres, the winde being then at West, and
saith that for y:e p:rservaccon of the said ship, Lading and men on board
her, her Company ranne her before y:e sea, under her ?foreCourse
halfe mast high; and which they ranne her soe, her Sterne (OR, Stemme) gave way//

P1110350 f. 93 verso & f. 94 recto

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P1110351 f. 93 verso

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//XXXX, And XXXXXX y:e ?Master and Company of the said
ship were foreced to ?hand their foreCourse; or foresaile, and
lye under a mizen. and whXXXX shee soe lay. y:e said shipps
Tiller was broken by y.e violence of the said Storme, and did
much endanger y:e looseing of the Rudder and sterne ?poast
of the said ship, and saith that at y:e XXXX port wher
her Tiller was broken the said ship receaved much water
in her hold, And y:e said very Violent Storme; not abating
y.e said ships missen sail, was by the Violence there of XX
splitt & Torne; and blowne away, and after it was blowne
away, the said ship was by
the force and Violence of the said Storme, forced to lye
broad off, to the sea, and by that meanes, shipped a greate
sea, which washed her boate and skiffe. to Leeward
and washed her sheat Anchor over board, and it, hanging
to y:e Rope to which it was fastened, and y:e said ship Roling
two and againe y:e said Anchor bilged a hole in y:e side of the
said ship just by her Lough, through w:ch. And other places
and ?Crozes: there came such Water in hold; soe that
her hold, had & receaved in a short space some four and XXXX
halfe water, w:ch caused y:e said ship to lye in y:e Sea,
without motion; And saith that by reason of trhe Violence
and duraccon of the said Storme; both the said ship Lading
and all the Company on board her were in great
danger of persihing in y:e Sea. This hee deposeth for that
hee was Boatswaine of and on board the said ship at
y:e time when y:e sayd Storme happened, and further hee
doth not depose.

To the 3:d hee saith that fore said Thomas Cheevers, and Company
off and on board the said shipp; in y:e said Storme did XX
upon a seious Consideraccon, for y:e safeguard of the said
ship and Lading, and their owne Lives Cut the said ships
Mainmast by the board, and Cut away the saile and
Rigging, and Tackling thereto belonging, and Cut away
her Sheat Anchor, and staved most of the Caskes of water
y:t were aboard her, and therby did much Lighten the said
Shipp: And having now seene & read y:e Schedule Exhibited hee
saith that all and singular y:e Masts, sailes, tackle and
funiture & Materialls. therein set downe & Expressed
to the said Ship, were and are Uteerly lost by meanes of the said Storme and they were XX
, the time of their said Cutting away, and loosing well worth
the severall and respective summes of money, set downe in the
said schedule for y:e same, in y:e whole amounting to y:e summe
of One hundred fourty two pounds two shilllings sterl. XXX
that, besides y:e foresaid Damages, there was alsoe (by meanes
of the violence of the said Storme,) much hurt and damage//

P1110352 f. 94 recto

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//done to the said ships Rudder Sternepost and XXXXXXX; the
repaire whereof will oast the said ?Owner:es about twenty pounds
sterlins, besides hee saith that y:e ?Masson saile of y:e sd ship,
was worth about XXXX at y:e time of y;e blowing away of the same; The
premisses hee deposeth for y:e Reasons aforesaid, and for that
hee was one that helped to comprize y:e ssaid Materialle
set downe in y:e said schedule; and further hee deposeth not:

To the 4:th hee saith that for and during y:e Continuance of the
said Storme,; her Company did (when they
could stand upon the Deck) XX XXX her pumpes, and keepe
them goeing XXX Storme Continunuaeing the Company
of the said ship were forced to bring the said Ships Starboard
Syde to the Sea and the shipp being turned her Spritsaile
was blowne away, and y:e next morning about day light
the said Storme Abating the M:r and Company of the said ship
by their Great Labo:r, Care, & Dilligence, did Stop the said
ships Leake, by her Lough, and freed her of the water w:ch
shee had in her, This hee deposeth for that hee assisted
therein, And further hee cannot depose.

To the 5:th hee saith that the said Ship, at such time as shee
came from y:e Barbadoes y:e sd voyage, and untill the said
Storme and Tempest happened was a strongXXXX & Tight
Vesselle, and had very good ?decke and very well fitted with all manner of materialle
fit for such A ship, and Voyage, And was not ober Laden
the said voyage, And saith that the said sheat Anchor w:ch
was as aforesaid washed from y:e said ships side; was before
it was washed off very well and sufficiently made fast to
the said ships Sude; the stock being lashed to the Timber before
and the ff?looks Checked out, and firmely muffled and
made fast w:th the shanke painter, And saith that all such
dammage w:ch happened to y:e said ship; and that which is
happened to her Lading or any part thereof, came not nor
was occasioned by any insufficiency in y:e said ship, or any
fault, or negligence; of or in her M:r and Company, on board
her. But neerely by y:e said violent weather yeilding a reason of his knowledge as before And otherwys (sic)
Cannot depose./

To the 6:th hee referreth himselfe to the Registrey of this Court.

To the last hee saith his foregoeing ?Repon is true./:

RICHARD JAMES [His signature]//


Case: Rowland Hill John Hill and Company own:rs of the Oporto Merchant vs. Sir James Drax et al:: Examination: 3. Phillip Harvey, of Limehouse, Mariner, Carpenter of the Oporto Merchant, aged 40: Date: March 11th, 1658

//The 11:th day of March 1658

Examined upon y:e sayd Allon.


3:?ne PHILLIP HARVEY of Limehouse Mariner, Carpenter
of the ship y:e Oporto Merchant, aged 40 yeeres or
thereabouts sworne and Examined:/

P1110353 f. 94 verso & f. 95 recto

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P1110354 f. 94 verso

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//To the first arle of the said Allon hee saith hee hath knowne
y:e arlate Ship the Oporto Merchant for about two yeeres
Last, and saith y:e arlate M:r Hill, hath bin for all the said
time Comonly accounted a pt owne:r of the said Ship
and of her tackle and furniture, and further hee cannot

To the second hee saith that the sayed Ship y:e Oporto Merchant
being laden at the Barbadoes, with Sugars & Cottons &
some other merchandizes for the account of several merchants
Departed from thence bound for this Port of London and
in her Course hetherward (sic), neere y:e Islands fflowers
and Calves, being two of the Westerene Islands on XX
or about the 20:th day of January last, shee met with
a great , and violent Storme; w:ch Continued about
sixteene houres very violent, the Winde being then
at West, and y:e sd. shipp tunning before y:e Sea, for
her better preservaccon) under aforesaile, her sterne gave
way, And thereupon, her Company were forced to
hang their foresaile, and lye under a mizen, and
y:e said Ships Tiller by Violence of the said Storme
was broken, w:ch did much endanger her Rudder and
sterne post, and by meanes of y:e breaking of her Tiller
y:e said Ship, shee receaved much water in at her ?behind port ?w:ch
came into y:e said Ships hold, and y:e said Ships mizen XXX
by y:e violence & force of the said Storme was Torne in
peeces. and y:e greatest part of it blowne away, and y:e
said Ship lying broad off to y:e sea, shipped a great
Sea, w:ch washed over board her sheath Anchor, w:ch
was fastned by y:e said Ships side and washed her Boate
and Skiffe, to Leewards, and y:e said Anchor, hanging
by a Rope where with it was fastned to the said Ships
side, and y:e said Ship, Turning or rowling too and
fro, y:e said Anchor bilged a hole, neere y:e Lough of ?the
Said Ship, and made a Leake in her, through w:ch ?there
went some water, and their being as aforesaid much
water receaved ar rge XXXX Port of the said Ship, y:e said
Ship had about foure foote water in her hold, w:ch
caused y:e said Ship to lye dead in y:e Sea. And saith that
by the Violence and Duraccon of the said Storme & y:e pXXX
aforesaid, the said Ship and her Lading and Company
on board her were in Great Danger of Sinking and
Perishing in y:e Sea The prmisses hee deposeth being on board
y:e said Ship y:e said time, and Carpenter of her. And
Otherwise cannot depose.///

P1110355 f. 95 recto

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//To the 3:d arle & Schedule therein menconed hee saith that y:e M:r and Company of
and on board y:e said Ship, did upon Good Consideraccon
for y:e Safeguard of the said Shipp and Lading, and of
their owne Lives. Cut downe y:e said Ships Maine
Mast by y:e board and Cut away all the Tackling
thereto belonging, and did Stave & Cast over board most
of the Caske (OR, casks) of ffresh water, y:t y:e said Sjip might bee
Lightened. And saith that y:e said Mainemast, sheat
Anchor. and all and Singular y:e tackle Appell and
furniture of or belonging to the said Ship the Oporto Merch:
severally mentioned & set downe in y:e Schedule, were
Cast into, (and lost) in y:e sea, for y:e preservaccon of the said
Ship, and at the time of such their loosing were well
worth the severall summes mentioned, and set downe in
y:, (now read over unto him). amounting in
y:e whole to One hundred, fourty two pounds two shillings
And beside y:e sd goods & materialls hee saith y:e Missen saile Blowne
away as aforesaid, was worth about foure pounds XXXXX
And much damage done to the said Ships Rudder
sterne post, a nd sterne, the repaires whereof will Cost the
said Owne:s about twenty pounds as he beleeveth The
Premisses hee deposeth being Carpenter of the said Ship
as aforesaid. And further cannot Depose./:

To the 4:th and 5:th hee saith that During the Continuance
of the said Storme . y:e M:r and Company of the said Ship
did Constantly ply both the Pumpes of the said ship and
kept them Goeing

P1110356 f. 95 verso & f. 96 recto

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P1110357 f. 95 verso

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P1110358 f. 122 recto

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Case: John Swift John Parker John Harris and Company, Owners of the Shipp the 'Lady ffrigott vs. Hippolito Centurione of Genoa and others: Deposition: 1. Laurence Burr, of St Catherines near the Tower, Cooper of the Lady ffrigott, aged 38: Date: June 3rd, 1659


P1110359 f. 122 verso

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//The 3. of June 1659

A business of examination of witnesses for perpetauall)
remembrance of the matter, on the part and behalfe of)
John Swift John Parker John Harris and Company)
Owners of the Shipp the Lady ffrigott whereof John)
Hosier was Master, and her tackle furniture)
apparell & freight, and of Andrew Riccard one)
of the Aldermen of the Cittie of London and)
Company, the Governor and Company of)
English Merchants trading to the Mediterranian (sic))
Seas, Owner of the goods in the sayd Shipp)
against Hippolito Centurione of Genoa)
in pticular and all others in generall which)
will take upon them to ?iusifie the seizing or)
takeing of the sayd shipp the lady ffrigott)
and her ladeing: SXXXXth)

Examined on the allegation given in
on the behalfe of the sayd Swift Parker
Harris & Company and alsoe the sayd
Ricard & Company.

No. 1 LAURENCE BURR of the
p:rish of S:t Catherine neere the
Tower of London Cooper late Cooper
of the Lady ffrigott, aged thirty five
yeares or thereabouts a wittnesse
sworne and examined saith and
deposeth as followeth viz:t.

To the first arle of the sayd allegation hee saith that in the
Monethe and tyme arlate 1658 (untill the fowerteenth day of
November that yeare on which day shee was seized the arlate
John Swift John Harris John Parker and Company all English
men and subiects of the Commonwealth of England were, and
soe still ought to be the lawfull Owner & Proprietors of the
arlate Shipp the Lady ffrigott and of her tackle apparrell and
furniture and for such commonly reputed this hee so better knoweth
because hee was & went Cooper of the said shipp the voyage in
question and was on board her at her seizure.

To the 2 and 3 arles hee saith that in the yeares & monethes aforesaid the
arlate Alderman Riccard & Company Marchants of London
did hyre & take to freight and imploye the sayd shipp the Lady
ffrigott upon a tradeing voyage to XXao ?Magaliga and other
places beyond the Seas to lade Currans & other goods for their
use and Accompt & transport them to & deliver them at London
for their use this hee knoweth being Cooper aboard her the sayd
voyage And hehreby also knoweth that in the monethe & tyme
aforesayd and after the arrivall of the sayd shipp the Lady ffrigott
at ?Potrao Roade arlate the ffactors or Agents of the sayd Alderman
Ricard & Company put XXX cause to be laden a board the sayd
shipp for Account of the sayd Ricard & Company one hundred
and sixty tonne of Mahaligo Currans and also divers other
goods and a great quantitie of money to be transported therein
her for London and there delivered to them or their Agents This hee
the better knoweth for that hee helped to lade the sayd Currans and
other goods aboard her & brought some of the sayd moneye aboard &
& ?saw the rest brought aboard her And farther to these arles he cannot

To the 4:th 5:th and 6:th arles of the sayd allegation hee saith that the
sayd shipp Lady ffrigott having receaved the sayd lading & money
aboard her and being therewith rideing at Anchor in the Roade of
Perrao in a peaceable condition, there came into the sayd Roade on the
fourteenth day of November 1658 a certaine shipp of about
a hundred & fifty tonnes gaving a white Antient in her pXXXX//



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//which shipp shipp (sic) (as this deponent was afterwards informed
by XXXX XXXXX an ?Irishman & some others of her company who could speake English) was called
the S:ta Cruse and her Masters name ffrancisco ?Stale and
was a Genoa shipp and was there aXXXXdd and sett out
by Hippolito Centurione a Genoese, and came ?hence (as this
deponent was also by like men XX informed
in Company of ?two other men of warr sett out thence
also by the sayd Hippolito Centuriane, which Genoa shipp called
the S:ta Cruse presently upon her comming into the Road of Petrao
made as if she would have come to an Anchor neere the
Lady ffrigott, but when shee was come neere her the Captaine
& Company of the sayd shipp S:ta Cruse did in a violent and
hostile manner sett upon the sayd shipp the Lady ffrigott with
Swords & gunnes and other warlike Instruments and
wounded the Captaine & six or seaven men of the Company pf the
Lady ffrigott & by that meanes surprized her & her sayd ladeing
of Currans and other goods & money & dispoiled their Owners
of them & converted them to their owne use And hee farther saith
that hee this deponent was alsoe informed by a dutch man who was
gunner of the sayd shipp S:ta Cruse & an Irish man who was one of
her Company who could both speake very good English that the Captaine
of the S:ta Cruse had taken severall mariners & souldiers out
of the sayd two other shipps of warr which came in Company
of the Sta Cruse from Genoa, the better to enable them to surprise
the Lady ffrigott and her ladeing, And saith that at the tyme of
the sayd seizure hee did observe that most of the S:ta Cruse her
Company who made the seizure were Italians & Genoeses And
saith that after the says Genoeses preceived that the sayd dutch
Gunner & the french man & others of their Company coulde speake
English and had some conference with this deponent and
others of the Lady ffrigotts Company who were seized, they did
forbid them to have any discourse with the English; and put the
Lady ffrigotts Company in ?hold & kept them there in Irons And
further to these arles hee cannot depose

To the 7:th arle hee saith that hee this deponent and severall
other of the Lady ffrigotts Company were after their surprizall
?told & informed by the sayd dutch Gunner & the sayd Irish man
and some other of the S:ta Cruse her Company who could speake
English that the S:ta Cruse was sett out from Genoa by the
sayd Hippolito Centurone upon a warlike designe against the
Turkes, & has bin a great while abroad and could gett noe
prize, and had therefore taken a Spanish Commission which
was to last only for a tyme, which tyme or the says ?Gunner &
Irishman & others of the S:ta Cruse her company acknowledged
was expired two moneths before the seizure of the Lady ffrigott
& her ladeing, but withall say thd that they were resolved to take
any English shipp they could light on notwithstanding the expiration
thereof, And this deponent well remembreth that the
Captaine of the Lady ffrigott told this deponent that hee did at the tyme
of her seizure desyre the foresayd ffrancisco Stale Commander of
the S:ta Cruse to show him his Commission by virtue whereof hee
was impowered to make seizure of the Lady ffrigott being an English ship

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//but the says Stale refused to shew the same And further to this arle
hee cannot depose.

To the 3:th arle of the sayd allegation hee saith that the shipp
lady ffrigott and her tackle furniture & freight and stock and
provisions on board her at the tyme of her seizure aforesayd were
then in this deponents Judgement worth five ?thousand pounds
sterling or neere thereabouts and soe much hee beleeveth the arlate
Swift Parker and Harris were damnified by the losse of them by
reason of the surprizall aforesayd And further hee cannot depose

To 4:th arle hee saith that in her this deponents Judgement XX
hundred and fifty tonnes of Mathaligo Currans seized on board the
Lady ffrigott & belonging to the arlate Alderman Ricard & Company
were at their seizure worth two pounds tenn shillings sterling a hundred
which a mounteth being computed to a very considerable summe
but saith at p:rsent hee cannot compute the same, and saith hee is
well assured that if the sayd Currans had not bin suprized but
come safe to London they would here have yeilded the sayd Alderman
Riccard & Company two pounds tenn shillings sterling a hundred
that being the usuall market price there

To the Tenth & 11:th alre hee saith that hee this deponent being Cooper
& aborad at the seizure knoweth that the arlate Captaine Hoyser and
his Company had a board the sayd shipp the Lady ffrigott at the
tyme of her seizure in moneys & goods and Cloathes and instruments
to the value of twelve hundred pounds sterling at least all which
hee saith hee well knoweth were taken from him and them by the Captaine
and Company of the S:ta Cruse aforesays & hee & they dispoiled and
deprived of them by the sayd Captaine & Company of the sayd man of
warr called the S:ta Cruse who upon the
seizure of the sayd frigott plundered & tooke away all whatsoever
the sayd Captaine Hosier & his Company had and kept them
prisoners for some time in chaynes & afterwards turned them on XXXXX at the
Island ?Zephania to shXXX for them XXXXX without allowing ?them
either provisions or XXXXX this he knoweth being one of the Company
as aforesayd & soe kept in chaynes & after ?turned on shoare in manner
aforesayd. And further hee cannot depose

To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposicon is true

LAWRANCE BURR [His signature]


Case: John Swift John Parker John Harris and Company, Owners of the Shipp the Lady ffrigott vs. Hippolito Centurione of Genoa and others: Deposition: 2. Richard Baker of Debtford, Kent, Mariner, aged ?20 : Date: June 3rd, 1659


2. RICHARD BAKER of Debtford in Kent Mariner
aged ?twenty yeares and upwards a wittness sworne
& examined saith & deposeth as followeth viz:t

To the first arle of the allegation hee saidth that during all the moneths
& tyme arlate in the yeares 1658 happening before the fowerteenth day
of November which was the day of her seizure, the arlate John Swift
John Parker John Harris & Company All English men & subiects of
the Commonwealth of England were & still ?aught to bee the lawfull Owners
& Proprietors of the arlate shipp the lady ffrigott & her tackle apparell
& furniture And for such comonly reputed This hee knoweth being one of the sayd



P1110364 f. 123 verso

//shipps Company the voyages in question & a board her at her
seizure. And further hee deposeth not

To the 2 and 3 arles of the allegation hee saith that by ?reason hee
went the voyage in question hee knoweth the arlate Alderman Ricard
& others English Merchants of the Turkey Company did take the sayd shipp
the lady ffrigott to freight for a Merchandizing voyage to be made from
London to ?Petrai & other pts beyond the seas to lade Currans & other
goods for their Account & bring them for London & there deliver them to
them or their Agents And saith the sayd shipp arrived safely at ?Polrao
Roade where the Agents of the sayd Alderman Riccard and
Company did lade & put aboard the sayd shipp for their Account
one hundred and sixty Tonnes of Mahalaga and Petrao Currans
viz:t one hundred & thiry of M(OR, N)athaligo & thirty Tonnes of Petrao Currans
to be transported for London and there delivered to them or their Agents And
further hee cannot depose not knowing what other goods or money were
put aboard her for their sayd freighters Account, but knoweth there
were other goods beside the sayd Currans XX some bales of silke & other goods
laden aboard the sayd shipp

To the 4:th arle hee saith that whilst the shipp the lady ffrigott ?remayned in peaceable manner
at Pererao Roade with the sayd Currants & other her ladeing aboard her
viz:t the fowerteenth day of November one Thousand six hundred fifty
eight there came into the sayd Roade a shipp of warr of about one hundred
and fifty tonns and named (as be the Gunner of her & one of the Mates of
her who were both dutch men and could speake good English and by others of her
Company Italians which language alsoe this deponent can speake & understand this
deponent was informed) the S:ta Cruso ffrancisco Stale Captaine w:ch shipp hee saith had
when she came in a white Ancient in her poope and made as if she would
have Anchored neere the sayd shipp the Lady ffrigott but coming neere
the sayed ffrancisco Stale & his Company in a hostile manner with
swords & gunnes & other Instruments of warr boarded the sayd shipp
the lady ffrigott and wounded her Captaine Captaine John Hosier
& this deponent and severall others of her Company to the number of
five or sixe and surprised her and her ladeing of Currans and
other goods and dispoiled her and her ladeing of Currants and
other goods and dispoiled the Owners thereof of the same and
converted it to the use of the sayd Stale & his Company And further
saving his deposition to the subsequent arles hee cannot depose

To the 5:th and 6:th arles of the sayd allegation hee saith that hee
this deponent understanding Italian did after the sayd shipp of warr
the S:te Cruse had surprized the Lady ffrigott and her ladeing in manner
aforesayd ?heare severall of the S:ta Cruse her Company (Italians) sayd
that and acknowledge that their sayd shipp S:ta Cruse belonged to
Genoa and was XXXX & sett out thence by the arlate Hippolite Cen-
turioni who alsoe XX XXged sett out two other shipps of warr ?thence who came
thence in Company of the S:ta Cruse, and that the Commander of the
S:ta Cruse had before hee seized the lady ffrigott & her ladeing taken
some XXXers and souldiers out of the sayd two other Genoa shipps
the better to enable him to surprize the Lady ffrigott and her ladeing
And saith the greatest part of the Company of the S:ta Cruse who
made the sayd seizure were Italians and as they acknowledged belonging
to Genoa and further to these arles hee cannot depose

To the 7:th hee saith that after the seizure of the Lady ffrigott and her
ladeing hee alsoe heard severall of the S:ta Cruses Company say and
acknowledge that the S:ta Cruse was sett out from Genoa by the said
Hippolito Centuriani as a man of warr against the Turkes, and had

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//bin a great while abroad & could get no prizes, and therefore had taken
a Spanish Commission which was to last for a certayne tyme, and that the sayd
Commission was expired two moneths before the
seizure of the Lady ffrigott & her ladeing which notwithstanding (as they also
sayd & acknowledged) they were resolved to seize what English shipps and
their ladeing they could meete with under colour of that Commission And
further to this arle hee cannot depose.

To the 8:th arle hee saith that the Lady ffrigott and her tackle, ffurniture,
freight, stick, and provisions aboard her at her seizure aforesayd were
in this deponents Judgement worth fower thousand five hundred pounds
sterling or neere thereabouts and soe much the arlate Swift Packer
and Harris & Company Owners of her were by such her seizure XX damnified
in this deponents Judgement and as hee verily beleeveth.

To the 9:th arle hee saith that in his this deponents Judgement the
hundred & sixty tonnes of Mahaligo & Petrao Currans belonging
to the arlate Alderman Ricard and Company and seized on board the
Lady ffrigott were (?at the tyme of their seizure) worth fower thousand pounds sterling and
soe much in this deponents Judgement & as hee verily beleeveth they would
have yeilded the sayd Alderman Ricard & Company if he had not bin
taken by the sayd Genoa shipp of warr in manner aforesayd. And
further hee cannot depose.

To the 10:th and 11:th hee saith that the arlate Captaine Hosyer, and his
Company at the tyme of the seizure of the shipp the lady
ffrigott & her ladeing had on board the sayd shipp goods that were his
& their adventures, and moneyes cloathes and instruments worth in
this deponents Judgement fowerteene hundred pounds of lawfull English
money All which hee saith hee well knoweth (being p:rsent at the seizure)
were seized and taken from the sayd Captaine Hoyser & his company
by the Captaine & Company of the sayd Genoa man of warr called
the S:ta Cruse, & the sayd Hoyser & his Company utterly dispoiled of them
And saith that the Captaine & Company of the sayd Genoa man of
warr haveing made the sayd seizure of the lady ffrigott & her ladeing
plundered & taken away from her Captaine & her Company all that
they had., kept the most of her Company prisoners in the hold, XXXXX
for some tyme, and afterwards turned them on XXXX in the Ile of
Cephalonia to ?shift for them XXXX without allowing them wither
provisions or money And further to these arles he cannot depose

To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true.

RICHARD BAKER [His signature]

Repeated in Court before both Judges


Case: John Swift John Parker John Harris and Company, Owners of the Shipp the Lady ffrigott vs. Hippolito Centurione of Genoa and others: Deposition: 3. Gilbert Anckelly, of Debtford, Kent, Mariner, late Boatswaine of the Lady ffrigott, aged 30 : Date: June 3rd, 1659

The same day

3. GILBERT ANCKELLY of Debtford in Kent Mariner
late Boatswaine of the lady ffrigott aged thirty yeares
& upwards a wittnesse sworne & examined saith and
deposeth as followeth viz:t

To the first and second arles hee saith that during the months and tyme arlaze in
the yeare 1658 happening next before the fowerteenth day of the Month
of November the sayd yeare which was the day shee and her lading were
seized in maner hereafter specified, the arlate John Swift John Parker

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P1110367 f. 124 verso

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//John Harris & Company all English men & subiects of this Common
wealth of England were commonly reputed to be & soe still ought to be the
true lawfulll Owners and proprietors of the arlate Shipp the Lady
ffrigott & of her tackle apparell, & furniture And saith the sayd Shipp
was taken to freight by the arlate Alderman Riccard & Company
English Merchants on a trading voyage to be made from London
to Ligorne Portrai (OR, Petrao) & other places beyond the seas to lade Currans & other goods
ther for their Account & deliver them heere at London to them or their Agents

To the 3 arles of the sayd allegation hee saith that in the moneths and tyme
arlate the sayd shipp the Lady ffrigitt arriving safely at ?Polrao Road
the Agents of the sayd Alderman Riccard & Company did there & XXX
XXXXXXXXX cause to be laden and XXXX go ?nyne and sixty tonnes of Currans and divers other
goods or bales of silke, and other merchandizes and moneys for Account
of the saiyd Riccard & Company to be brought thence to London & there
delivered to them or their Agents And further hee cannot depose/

To the 4:th 5:th and 6:th arles hee saith that the sayd shipp the Lady ffrigott haveing
reced the sayd Currans & other goods & moneys aboard her lay therewitrh
and with other her ladeing in a peaceable manner at Anchor in the
Road of ?Poltrao in the moneth of November 1658 And saith that
while shee soe lay there upon the fowerteenth day of the sayd moneth
there came into the sayd Roade a shipp of warr of about a hundred and
fifty tonnes called the XXXXX XXXXXX sayd XXX XXXXX belonging (as severall of her comoany afterwards con-
fessed in this deponents heareing) to Genoa whence shee came
as they alsoe sayd under command of XXX Captaine ffrancisco
Hippolito Centurioni togeather with two other shipps which
came thence in her Company sett out alsoe by the sayd Hippolito on a Warlike designe, which shipp the Sta Cruse at her first coming
into Polrao Roade had a white flagg in her poope and made
as if shee would have anchored neere the Lady ffrigott but when
shee was gotten up neere to her the Captaine & Company of the sayd
Genoa shipp called the Sta Cruse did in a warlike manner with
swords & gunns & other instruments of warr board the Lady ffrigott
and wounded the Captaine of her & six more of her Company
and violently seized her ladeing of Currans & other goods and
money & dispoiled ?the XXXXX thereof of the same & ConXXXXed
them to their the said Captaine Stale & his Companyes use And
saith the Gunner & an other of her Company duXXXX ?boy who well
speake good English told this deponent & others of the Lady ffrigotts Company
that the Captainne of the Sta Cruse the better to enable him to seize
the Lady ffrigott and her ladeing had a little before the sizure
taken some Mariners & souldiers out of the foresayd two other Genoa
men of warr And hee saith most of the Company of the Sta Cruse
were Italians, and as they confessed belonged to Genoa And
further to theser arles hee cannot depose./

To the 7:th arle hee saith that after the seizure of the Lady ffrigott
& her ladeing severall of the Company of the Sta Cruse did confesse
that they were sett out from Genoa upon a warlike designe a:t the
Turk?s & had bin a great while abroad and Could get noe prizes
& therefore they had taken a Spanish Commission which was only
to last a certayne tyme, which tyme )as they sayd & acknowledged
was expired two monethes before they seized the Lady ffrigott and
her ladeing, but sayd alsoe that they were resolved ?although

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//it were expired yet they would take any English shipps they ?would (OR, ?could)
meete with This hee knoweth for that hee being Boatswaine of the Lady
ffrigott & seized in her heard severall of the Sta Cruse her company
speake the sayd words./

To the 8:th arle hee saith that the Lady ffrigott and her tackle and
furniture, & freight, and stock & provisions on board her at her seizure
aforesayd by the sayd Gennoa (sic) man of warr called theSta Cruse was in
his this deponents Judgment well worth five thousand pounds of lawfull
English money and soe much hee beleeveth the says Swift XXXXX &
XXXXXX & other her Owners were dammaged by her being surprized & taken
as aforesayd And further to this arle hee cannot depose/

To the 9:th arle hee saith that the hundred & sixty Tonne of
Currants aforesayd on board the Lady ffrigott belonging to the foresayd
Alderman Riccard & Company were at their surprizall worth in this
deponents Judgement and estimate ?thirteene thousand pounds of lawfull
English money and would as hee verily beleeveth have yeilded the sayd
Riccard & Company soe much of they had not bin surprized in manner
as aforesayd And further hee cannot depose/

To the 10:th and 11:th arles hee saith that the arlate Captaine Hosier and
his Company had at the tyme of the seizure of the Lady ffrigott
& her ladeing by the sayd Gen?uoa man of warr the Sta Cruse goods
which were her & their adventures and money cloathes and Instru-
ments aboard her to the value in this deponents Judgement of eight
hundred pounds of lawfull English money All which were seized and
taken from the sayd Hosier & his Company & they utterly deprXed of
them by the Captaine & Company of the sayd Gennoa man of warr
who plundered them of them and having soe done kept the Company of
the Lady ffrigott prisoners for a tyme the most of them being cheyned, and after
wards sett them on shoare in the Island of Cephalonia to shXXX
for themselves without allowing them money or provisions And
further hee cannot depose/

To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true/


Case: John Swift John Parker John Harris and Company, Owners of the Shipp the Lady ffrigott vs. Hippolito Centurione of Genoa and others: Deposition: 4. John Carrier, of Debtford, Kent, Shipwright, late Carpenters Mate of the Lady ffriggott, aged 22 : Date: June 3rd, 1659

XXXX ?verte Suckley.
The same day

Examined on the sayd allegation


4:us JOHN CARRIER of Debtford in the County of
Kent Shipwright late Carpenters Mate of the Lady
ffrigott aged twenty two yeares or thereabouts a wittnes
sworne and examined saith & deposeth as followeth vizt

To the first arles of the allegation hee saith that hee being Carpenters
Mate of her the yoyage in question knoweth that the arlate John Swift
John Parker John Harris & Company all Englishmen & subiects of
this Commonwealth of England were during the moneths & tyme arlate in
the yeare 1653 untill the fowerteenth day of November 1658 which was

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//the day when she & her lading were seized in manner hereafter
expressed) were as hee beleeveth and still ought to be the true & lawfull Owners and
Proprietors of the arlate Shipp the Lady ffrigott and of her tackle
Apparell & furniture, and for such were XXX commonly Accounted And
further hee cannot depose

To the second and third hee saith that the sayd shipp ?y:e Lady ffrigott was in the
moneths & tyme arlate taken to freight by Alderman Andrew
Riccard & Company for a tradeing voyage from London to ?Petrao
and other pts beyond the Seas to lade Currans & other goods for their
Account & bring the same for London & there deliver them to them or
their Agents In order whereto the sayd shipp hee saith did in the
moneths & tyme arlate safely arive in Petrao roade where and
at Ma?thaligo the Agents of the sayd Alderman Riccard & Company
laded one hundred & sixty tonnes of Currans of the growth of
Mathalago:s and Petrao and divers other goods & money for their
use and Accompt to be transported for London & there delivered
to them or their Agents for their use And further hee cannot depose/

To the 4:th 5:th and 6:th arles of the sayd allegation hee saith that after
the Lady ffrigott had recvd the sayd Currans & other her lading
& the sayd moneys on board her shee lay peaceably at Anchor
therewith, in the Road of Petra?s, till the fowerteenth of November
1658 on which day hee saith hee well remembreth a certayne shipp
of about one hundred & fifty tonnes burthen manned for the
most part with Italians, and called (as this deponent heard a
dutch man who was MXXXX of her & a dutch man who was gunner
of her & an ?Irishman who was of her company & ?could XXX speake English saye after the seizure of the Lady ffrigot
and her ladeing) the Sta Cruse, whereof (as they sayd) one ffrancisco
Stale was Captaine came into Petrao Road with a white flagg
on her poope and made as if shee intended peaceably to have Ancho-
red neere the Lady ffrigott but when shee came neere her the sayd
Stale & his Company instead of coming to an Anchor did in a
warlike manner with gunns swords & other Instruments of warr
violently assault and board the Lady ffrigott and wounded
the Captain of her and some of his Company (but how many
hee remembreth not) and seized the sayd shipp & her ladeing
of Currans and other goods & money & dispoile?th the Owners thereof
of them, and ?conceveth it & them to the use of them the sayd Stale
& Company And hee saith that hee this deponent heard the
sayd dutch man & Irish man acknowledge & say before this deponent
& others of the Lady ffrigotts Company that the sayd shipp Sta Cruse
belonged to Gennoa & was manned & sett out thence as alsoe
were two other shipps of warr that came thence in her Company
by the arlate Hippolito Centurioni a ?Gen?nose and that ?the
sayd Captaine Stale did for the better enableing him to seize
the Lady ffrigott, a little before his seizure of her take about thirty
mariners & souldiers out of the sayd two other Gennoa men of
warr And hee this deponent saith that most of the Sta Cruse
her Company were Italians & XX the sayd dutchman and
Irishman sayd most of them belonged to Gennoa And further
to these arles hee cannot depose./

To the 7:th arle hee saith that after the seizure of the Lady
ffrigott & her sayd ladeing and money the sayd two dutch men

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//and Irish man who were of the Company of the Sta Cruse did before
this deponent & others of the Lady ffrigotts company acknowledge & saye
that the Sta Cruse at her setting out from Gennoa went as a man of
warr against the Turkes and hath bin long abroad & gott noe
prizes, and had therefore taken a Spanish Commission which was
lymitted for a certayne tyme which tyme as the sayd dutch man and
Irish man affirmed was expired two moneths before the Sta Cruse
seized the Lady ffrigott & her ladeing which notwithstanding the Captaine
& Company of the Sta Cruse (as the sayd dutch & Irish man sayd) were
resolved to seize all English shipps & their ladeing which hee would (OR, could)
light of And further to this arle hee cannot depose./

To the 8:th arle of the sayd allegation hee saith
that in his this deponents Judgment the Lady ffrigott
and her tackle & furniture and freight & stock & provisions aboarde
her at her seizure by the sayd Gennoa shipp of warr called the
Ste Cruse was worth ?two thousand pounds of lawfull English
money And soe much hee beleeveth the sayd Swift Packer Harris
& other her Owners were damnified by her being surprized & taken as
aforesayd And further to this arle he cannot depose/

To the 9:th arle hee saith that the Currans seized aboard the Lady
ffrigott & belonginging to the arlate Alderman Riccard & Compamy
were worth at their seizure fourteene thousand pounds of lawfull
English money in this deponents Juddgment and estimate and soe
much hee verily beleeveth they would have yeilded to the sayd Alder-
man Riccard & Company if they had not bin seized in manner aforesayd
And further to this arle hee cannot depose/

To the 10:th and 11:th arles hee saith that the arlate Captaine XXXX
& his Company had on board the Lady ffrigott at her seizure by
the fooresayd Gennoa man of warr in goods which were XXX XXXXXX
their proper adventure & in money Cloathes & Instruments to the value
in this deponents Judgment of a thousand pounds of lawfull English
money all which hee well knoweth were taken from by the
sayd Captaine & Company of the sayd Genuoa man of warr who
plundered & deprived them of them and afterwards kept the Lady ffrigotts Company XXXX some
tyme prisoners in chaynes and after a while
putt them on shoare in the Island of Chephalonia (sic) and put them
XXX toXXXXX for them selves without allowing them either provisions
or momey And further hee cannot depose/

To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true/

His marke


Case: John Swift John Parker John Harris and Company, Owners of the Shipp the Lady ffrigott vs. Hippolito Centurione of Genoa and others: Examination: 5. John Gates, of Debtford, Kent, Ship Wright, one of the Carpenters of the Lady ffrigott, aged 18 : Date: June 4th, 1659

The 4:th day of June 1659

Examined on the sayd allegation/


?5:th JOHN GATES of Debtford in the County of Kent Shipps
Wright one of the Carpenters of the Lady ffrigott
aged eighteene yeares or thereabouts a witnesse
sworne and examined saith and deposeth as followeth

To the first arle of the sayd allegation hee saith hee goeing in the shipp the

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//Lady ffrigott the voyage in question and serving in her as
one of the Carpenters XXXXXX knoweth that in the monethe and tyme
arlate in the yeare 1658 happening next before the foureteenth day of
November that yeare which was the day whereon the Lady ffirgott amd her
ladeing were seized in manner hereafter declared the arlate John Swift
John Parker John Harris and Company all English men & subiects of
the Commonwealth of England were (and as hee beleeveth still ought
to be the true & lawfull Owners & Proprietors of the sayd shipp the
Lady ffrigott and of her tackle apparrell & furniture and for such
comonéy reputed./

To the 2 and 3 arle hee saith that hee knoweth that in ?Examinate & tyme arlate the sayd shipp was
?hyred and taken to freight by some of the Turkey Company
Merchants of London (but their names hee knoweth not in pticuler) to
to goe upon a Merchandising imployment from London to Petr?ao arlate
and ?Mahaligo & other places beyond the seas to lade Currans and
other goods for their use & Account & bring them for London & there
deliver them to them or their Agents and did accordingly within the
sayd tyme arrived at the Roade of Potrea and there & at Mahalago
tooke in Currans to the quantity of one hundred and threescore
Tonnes which were laden by the Agents of the sayd ffreighters to
& for the sayd ffreighters Account to be thence transported to London
& there dekivered ti the sayd ffreighters or their Agents for their use
this hee knoweth being one of the sayd shipps
Company and helping to lade the sayd Currans And further hee
cannot depose./

To the 4:th 5:th 6:th and 7:th ares hee saith that the sayd shipp the Lady
ffrigott having taken aboard her the sayd hundred & sixty ?tonnes of
Currans for the sayd ffreighters Account besides severall other quan-
tities of Currans laden aboard her for Account of Captaine Hosyer
the Captaine of her, & of his Company as their private Adventures
and lyeing in peaceable manner therewith in the Roade of Potrai
at Anchor, there came into the sayd Roade upon the fowerteenth of
November 1658 a shipp of about a hundred & fifty tonnes burthen
& having a white Ancient in her poope and made as if shee
had intended to come to Anchor by the Lady ffrigott but being come
neere her the Captaine & Company of the sayd shipp boarded the
Lady ffrigott & in a warlike manner assaulted the Captaine &
Company of the Lady ffrigott with swords & gunnes and other warlike
instruments & wounded the Captaine of the Lady ffrigott, and this
deponent and about fower more of the sayd frigotts company
& surprized & tooke the sayd shipp Lady ffrigott and her ladeing of
Currants & dispoiled the Owners thereof the same & XXX XXXXX
them to the use of them the sayd seizers, And hee saith that all or the greatest
part of the sayd shipps company that made the sayd seizure were
Italians, except one dutch man who was Master XXXXX & an other
dutchman that was gunner of her, & an Irish man who was one of
her Company, and hee further saith that after the sayd seizure the sayd
two dutch men & Irish man (who could & did speake all XXXX of them good
English) did acknowledge & confesse to this deponent & severall others
of the Lady ffrigotts Company that the sayd shipp which made the
sayd seizure was a shipp belonging to Gennoa and called the Sta
Cruse and that her Captaines name was ffrancisco Stale, and that
her Company (except thXXX three) were all or most of them GenoXses
& that shee was sett out from Gennoa together with two other ships of
warr that came thence in her Company by the arlate Hippolite Centurioni

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//and that their Captaine ffrancisco Stale had a little before hee seized
the Lady ffrigott & her ladeing taken mariners and souldiers out of
the sayd other two shipps of warr to enable him the better to take the lady
ffrigott or any English shipps they could meete with, And that the sayd shipp
the Sta Cruse was sett out from Gennoa as a man of warr against the
Turkes & hatd taken a Spanish Commission which was XXXX only for
a tyme which tyme (as the sayd dutch men & Irish man acknowledged to this
deponent & others of the Lady ffrigotts Company) was expired some moneths
before shee seized the Lady ffrigott & her ladeing, but as the sayd dutch
men and Irish man dayd the Captaine & Company did saye and affirme
that they were resolved though their sayd Spanish Commission were
expired yet they would take & were resolved to take all English shipps
& their ladeing they ?could meete with And further to these arles hee cannot

To the 8:th arle of the sayd allegation hee saith that in his this deponents
Judgment the shipp the Lady ffrigott and her tackle & furniture and
freight & stock & provisions on board her at her seizure aforesaid were well worth
two thousand pounds of lawfull English money and soe much at the least
in this deponents Judgment the arlate Swift Parker & Harris & other her Owners were damnified
by her being surprized by the sayd Gennoa man of warr in XXXX the Sta
Cruse And further hee cannot depose./

To the 9:th arle hee saith that the hundred and sixty tonne of Currans
laden aboard the Lady ffrigott for Accompt of the Turkey
Company freighters of the sayd shipp and seized in her as aforesayd
were at their seizure worth in this deponents Judgement and estimate
thirteene thousand pounds of lawfull English money, and would have yeilded
the sayd ffreighters soe much if they had not bin seized in manner afore
sayd And further hee cannot depose./

To the 10:th and 11:th arles hee saith that hee wel knoweth
being one of the Lady ffrigotts company as a foresayd & aboard at her seizure
that the arlate Captaine Hosyer and his Company of mariners had on
board the Lady ffrigott at the tyme of her seizure by the Gennoa man of
warr called the Sta Cruse goods Cloathes and instruments worth
in this deponents Judgement eighteene hundred pounds of lawfull English money all which the
Captaine & Company of the Sta Cruse aforesayd plundered and tooke
away from the sayd Hosyer Captaine of the Lady ffrigott
and his Company, and having soe done kept the sayd Hosyer and ?his
Company for some tyme prizoners in chaynes and afterwards turned
them on shoare in the Island of Chepalonia to shiXX for them selves
without allowing them either money or provisiones/

To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposiccon is true

JOHN GATES [His signature]


Case: John Swift John Parker John Harris and Company, Owners of the Shipp the Lady ffrigott vs. Hippolito Centurione of Genoa and others: Examination: 6. John Cock, of Redriff, Surrey, Mariner, late Quartermaster of the Lady ffrigott, aged 40: Date: June 4th, 1659

The same day

Examined on the sayd allegation./

6 JOHN COCK of Redriff in the County of Surrey
Mariner late Quartermaster of the Lady ffrigott aged
forty yeares or thereabouts a wittnes sworne and
examined saith and deposeth as followeth vizt./

To the first arle of the sayd allegation hee saith hee goeing Quarter
Master of the Lady ffrigott the voyage in question knoweth that the arlate John

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//Swift John Parker & other their Company all Englishmen & subiects of
this Commonwealth of England were in the moneths & tyme arlate in the
yeare 1658 untill the tyme of her seizure which was in or about the XXX
of November 1658, were commonly reputed lawfull Owners & Proprietors
of the sayd shipp Lady ffrigott & her tackle & furniture And further hee
cannot depose./

To the 2 and 3 arles hee saith that hee foeing Quarter Master the voyage in question knoweth that
the Lady ffrigott was lett to freight in the moneths & tyme arlate to certayne
English Merchants of the Maria (OR, Morea) Company tradeing for Turkey to goe from
London to Polerao & other places beyond Seas & lade Currans & other goods
for their Account & bring them for London & theire deliver them to them or their
Agents and knoweth that the sayd Ship in order to her sayed voyage sett sayle
from Gravesend in May 1658 and afterwards arrived safely at Polerao
and XXXX and at Lathalago tooke in Currans which were laden aboard
the Lady ffrigott by the Agents or ffactors of the sayd Maria Company and
did account to a hundred and sixty tonnes of Currans, and also other
goods & money for their Account but the quantitie hee knoweth not which
Currans & other goods & money were to be transported from Polera to
London for Account of the sayd Maria Company freighters of the sayd shipp &
there delivered to them or their Agents for their use, but the names of the XXXX
Company who XXXX the sayd ffreighters hee knoweth not And farther to
these arles hee cannot depose./

To the 4:th 5:th 6:th and 7:th arles hee saith that the sayd shipp the Lady
ffrigott having taken the sayd Currans and other goods & money aboard
her lay peaceably therewith at Anchor in the moneth of November
1658 in the road of Polarao And saith that while shee lay there
there came a shipp of warr into the sayd Roade of about a hundred &
fifty tonns burthen and having a white Ancient in her poope and
made as if shee intended to come to an Anchor by the lady ffrigott
& came with her Anchor ?cockbills ready to dropp downe & with only her
foresayle & mizzen abroad as if shee would have come only to Anchor
but coming neere the lady ffrigott, the Captaine & Company of the
sayd shipp boarded the Lady ffrigott and in a warlike manner sett
upion the Captaine & Company of her with swords gunnes pistills &
other warlike Instruments and wounded the Captaine of her, and
this deponent & his p:rcontest John Gales and others of the Lady ffrigotts
Company to the number in all of about eight besides the Captaine, and
tooke & surprized the sayd shipp the Lady ffrigott & her sayd ladeinge of
Currans & other goods & money and dispoiled the Owners thereof of the
same, and dispersed of it at the will & pleasure of them the sayd seizers
And saith that most of the company of the shipp that made the sayd seizure
were Italians saveing there were two dutch men the one the master &
the other the Gunner of her, & an Irishman who were of her company &
which dutch men & Irish man soake good English, and did to this deponent
and other of the Lady ffrigott's Company after the seizure aforesayd
confesse & declare that the name of the ssayd Shipp that made the seizure
was called the S:ta Cruse and her Captaines name ffrancisco
Stale, and that the sayd shipp S:t Cruse did belong to Gennoa, and
that most of her Company were Genoese that shee & two other shipps
of warr that came from Gennoa in her Company were sett out XXXX
by Hippollito Centaerioni a Gennose, and that the sayed Cap
taine Stale not long before hee seized this Lady ffrigott& her ladeing
had taken some mariners & souldiers out of the other two Gennia shipps
of warr the bettwe to enable him to seize the Lady ffrigitt And XX
the sayd shipp the S:ta Cruse was sett out from Genoa as a man of
warr against the Turcks & had bon a XXXXX while a broad & could get noe
prizes & had therefore taken a Spanish Commission which was to be
only for a tyme, which tyme as the sayd Irsihman & two dutch men XXX
war expired two moneths before the S:ta Cruse seized the Lady
ffrigott & her ladeing, but (as the sayed Irishman & dutchment alsoe say

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//the Captaine & Company of the S:ta Cruse did saye & declare that
they were resolved that though their sayd Spanish Commission were
expired yet they would take all English shipp & their ladeing which they
could light of And further to these arles hee cannot depose,/

To the 8:th arle hee saith that the Lady ffrigott and her tackle and
furniture & freight and XXXX & provisions which shee had on board
her at the tyme when shee was seized by the sayd Gennoa man of warr
named the S:ta Cruse was as this deponents Judgment worth five thiusand
pounds of lawfull English money & soe much hee beleeveth the arlate
Swifte & other her owners were damnified by reason of XXX surprizall./

To the 9:th arle hee saith that the hundred and sixty Tonnes of Currans
laden aboard the Lady ffrigitt for Account of the Moria Company aforesayd
her freighters, and aboard her at her seizure, were in hee this deponents
Judgment worth fowerteene thousand pounds of lawfull English money And,
soe much hee verily beleeveth they would have yeilded to the Owners of them
if they had not bin seized in manner aforesayd./

To the 10:th & 11:th arle hee saith that the arlate Captaine Hosyer and
his Company of Mariners had goods & cloathes & money aboard the Lady
ffrigott at the tyme of her seizure by the foresayd Gennoa man of warr
worth a very considerable value, and accounting in this deponents
Judgment to eight hundred pounds at the least of lawfull English money
all which hee saith hee well knoweth was plundered & taken away from
them by the Captaine & Company of the sayd Gennoa man of warr wXX
after they had taken the ame kept the Captaine & Company of the
Lady ffrigott for some tyme prizoners in chaynes, & at length turned
them a shoare in the Island of Chephalonia
to shifte for them selves giving them only one smale basket of
Rusks but noe money, And further hee cannot depose/

To the last hee sauth his foregoeing deposition is true./

Case: XXXX ag:t Grove: Examination: 3 Captaine John Rand, of Ratcliffe, Mariner, aged 40: Date: May 6th, 1659===

The 6:th of May 1659:

Examined on y:e sd Allon

XXXX ag:t Grove)


3:us CAPTAINE JOHN RAND of Ratcliffe Marrine:r aged
40 yeares or thereabouts sworne and Examined.

To the 9:th arle of the said Allon hee saith and Deposeth that
for that hee hath used the sea for theise Eight and twenty yeered
ast as a Master and Mariner; and used to saile to the Island
of Barbadoes, for theise Nine yeeres last as M:r thereby well knoweth
that it is a very Common, and Usuall thing for ships to miss
the Island of Barbadoes, by reason of hurricanes, w:ch put them out
of their Littitudes (sic), and saith that by reason of the said
Hurricanes this Depo:t hath missed the Island twice, & one of those
times was when y:e arlate ship y:e ?Speare (Thomas Grove M:r)
missed it, XXXXX y:e XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX as this Depo:t hath bin Credib,y Informed
severall shipps did then misse y:e sd Island of Barbadoes, and went
to y:e Leoward Islands. And further hee Cannot depose saving
what followeth

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//him to be an able honest, and skilfull seaman and M:r and soe
hee is Comonly accounted to be. And further, cannot

Upon y:e rest not Examined by direccon of the said Grove

To the Interries

To the 1:st hee saith y:e sd Grove requested this sd depo:t to come
and testify in this Cause; and saith hee favoureth both the ptyes litigant
a like, and if it were in his power. hee would give y:e Victory
to M:r Grove; and saith hee never belonged to y:e said ship, and otherwise
cannot answer./.

The second concerneth him not.

To the 3:d hee saith hee hath knowne y:e sd Luke Wood for
about 14 or 15 yeeres next before his death, and for all that time hee had the
repute of an honest and sober mann and further cannot

To the 4:th hee saith that hee doth not knowe that y:e said Grove
is accounted to be as is Interrate & Otherwise cannot answer

The 5:th Concerneth him not

To y:e 6:th. 7:th. 8:th. 9:th. 10:th. 11:th. & 12:th hee cannot Answer thereunto:7.

To the 13:th hee hath not soe deposed

To the 14:th hee cannot Answer:

To the 15:th hee saith that hee went from Nevis many Dayes before y:e Day
interrate. and therefore knoweth nothing of y:e matter Interrate

To the 16:th 17:th & 18:th he cannot answer:

To the 19:th he Cannot Answer.

To the last hee saith that hee is not allyed to y:e said Grove in any
Degree of Kindred that he knoweth of & is nowayes related unto
him: /./.

JOHN RAND [His signature]


Case: John Swift John Parker John Harris and Company, Owners of the Shipp the Lady ffrigott vs. Hippolito Centurione of Genoa and others: Deposition: 7. William Bowtell, of London, Merchant, aged 25 : Date: June 8th, 1659

The eighth of June 1659.

Swifte and others against)
CenturionX and others aforesd)

Examined upon the fore said allon given on the behalfe of
the said Swifte and other.


7 WILLIAM BOWTELL of London Marchant, aged 25 yeeres or thereabouts
sworne and examined.

To the nineth article of the said allegacon upon w:ch ?alon hee is by diXXXXX
of the prudence examined, hee saith and deposeth that twenty hundred
weight of Matyalago XXXX goe to and make a tonne of currans, And
saith that in the moneth of ffebruary last past the shipp the Virgin frigot
(Andrew CraXXX master) came and arived in this port of London laded
with XXXX Currans, for account of this deponent and John Trelgany merchant
and that the said Currans weere all here sold for the sume of three pounds and two shillings XXXX
per hundred weight one hundred w:ch XXXXX to this cont?est John Savage and company ?Citizens
of this citie of London, Xating them the market price of that commoditie in
this arle, that as this deponent heard and beleeveth good MahXXXX

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//currans were then worth tenn shillings in the hundred XXXX XXX ?Zante
currans were. And further ?that as hee was informed by lres of
advise from Zante, and hath since bin informed by the said XXXXXX XXX
the shipp the Lady frigot allegate and the said shipp the Virgin
frigat were designed and intended to come together in company to this
port, to w:ch purpose the Lady frigot was intended to come from
Morea to Zante and thence to come along with the Virgin
w:ch if shee had done, and that the Virgin, XXXX had not
XXXXXX, the said shipp the Lady frigot with her lading allegate
and in all probabilitie arrived here in ffebruary last as the XXX
frigot did. And further deposeth not.

W BOWTELL [His signature]//


Case: John Swift John Parker John Harris and Company, Owners of the Shipp the Lady ffrigott vs. Hippolito Centurione of Genoa and others: Examination: 8. John Savage, of S:t Bartholomew neere the Royal Exchange, London, Merchant, aged 32 : Date: June 4th, 1659

//The same day.

Examined upon the said allon

8: JOHN SAVAGE of the parish of S:t Bartholomew neere the Royal
Exchange London Merchant, aged 32 yeeres or thereabouts sworne
and examined.

vidXX 9:us in XXX.XX:


To the nineth arle of the said allon upon w:ch alone hee is by discretion
of the producent examined, hee saith and deposeth that twenty hundred
of ?Nathalago (OR, ?Mathalago) currans XXXX to and XXXke a XXXXX, and saith that
in and during the monethes of November December January and
ffebruary last ?Nathalago (OR, ?Mathalago) Currans were worth in this citie and
would have yeilded three pounds and tenn shillings per hundred one
hundred with another as the ordinary and XXXXX ?price for that XXXX
w:ch hee knoweth ?being a ffreeman and a ?G:rocer of ?London
and having XXXX used that trade, and thereby being well acquainted
with the condition and price or valew of that commoditie, and
further saith that in ffebruary last hee this deponent with
William Savage and Thomas ?Atterton, brought the lading of
currans of the shipp the Virgin frigot being Zante Currans of the producente William Bowtell ?as XX
agreed and paid three pounds and two shillings per ?pound
weight for the same and soe much hee saith they were worth XX
and saith that Mathalago currants were XXXXX worth twenty XX
per hundred more than Zante currants. and further ??he
deposeth not.

JOHN: SAVAGE [His signature]


Case: Wood ag:t Grove: Examination: 4. Captain Thomas Thorne, of S:t Catherines XXXX, Mariner, aged 34: Date: June 18th, 1659

The 18:th of June 1659.

Wood ag:t Grove)

Examined on Groves Allon

?d:t Grove./

Mariner aged 24 yeeres or thereabouts sworne
and Examined./.

To the 9:th arle hee saith that hee hath used y:e Barbadoes XXXXX
of a ship for about six yeeres last. and thereby knoweth that
Ships doe usually misse the Island of Barbadoes,
by reason of Greate Currants. and foule and Thicke weather
w:ch often times happens in these parts, and further cannot

To the ?13:th hee saith that hee this Depo:t on or about the first
day of January 1657: arrived at Nevis where hee ?found
that y:e Hurricanes had spoiled y:e plantaccons ?there

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//The 31:th of March 1659

The Lord Protector against the shipp the Santa)
Cruse don JoXXX XXXXX Commander XXX)
in the River of Thames. BXXXX)

JUAN FRANCESCO of MXXXX in ?Nova ?Hibernia
mariner, aged 23 yeares or thereabouts, ?sworne
and examined upon XXXX Interries
in XXXXX XXXXX Highness behalfe XXXX
prepXXXXX, deposeth as followeth.

To the first article hee saith that the said shipp the Santa Cruse belonged to the
port of VXXX CXXX in ?Nova ?Hibernia in the Dominion of the king of
Spaine, and belongeth as hee berily beleeveth to the said Captaine don JosXXXX
or JoXXXXX XXXago, who XXX and is commonly esteemed the XX XXX XXXXX
and that his dwelling (of this deponents knowledge) in XXX XXXXX aforesays

To the second hee saith that the said shipp in or about ffebruary last was a
twelvemoneth departed from XXX XXXX aforesaid for S:ta Domingo, and
arrived from VXXX CXXXXX XX two hundred thirtie two chests of sugar
and tenn chests of perfume, and six sacks of Carra ?Nuts, and eight
peeces of XXXXX, w:ch were to be carried to and delivered at Sta Domingo,
XXXXXX her desigXXXX XX to take in Spanish bullion for Jamaica. And
further hee cannot depose.

To the third hee saith that the said shipp departing from VXXX CXXXX
put in the ?harbour to victuall, and after about foure or five monethes
stay there, (occasioned by the Captaines falling sick) XXX departed to perXXXXX
her voyage for Sta Domingo, and shortly after ?such her departure namely in
or about August last XXXX, XXXX with and taken XXXX XX an English man of warr
of foure XXX and fiftie men, and saith the said lading belonged to the
said Captaine, a subiect of the king of Spaine, who laded them at
Vera CXXXX aforesaid for his owne account. And further cannot depose.

To the 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. and 13 hee saith hee was ine of the said ships company
and is alsoe a subiect of the king of Spaine and


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//Santa ?Cruse was built in CoXXXpeXye in the West Indies about foure
yeeres since, where the said Captaine Joseppo Sinnego bought her
and brought her to ?Vera Cruce wheare the said Captaine
XXXed her with goods for Havana and there tooke in other goods
and after ?some ?time of ?stay departed with her and her lading for
Sta Domingo where hs designe was to deliver the said goods and there
to embarque ?soldiers for Jamaica and XXXXX theem in the said XXX
but?running at sea in her course from Havana on the coast of the said Havana
was on or about the eight and twentieth of August last met with
and taken by an English vessell of warr of ?fXXXX gunns /the name
pf w:ch hee knoweth not, but saith her commander was called
Captaine James) and the said shipp S:ta Cruse with her
lading of two hundred thirtie two chests of sugar and two chests
of ffranjinsense, six sacks of cacoa nuts & eight pecces of
?eigth, were upon the said seizure taken by the said Captaine
James and XXXX XXX (in their said man of warr) and carried to
Bermudas, and there the said man of warr and
all her company being about 50 men saving the Captaine and one more) ?staid, and
the said Captaine and ?that other persona nd such other as they ?got
brought the said prize and lading directly for ladXXXX, XXXXX ?they
now are their dXXXXX and his precontest being brought along
in her saith the said goods were laded by and for seaparaterly
account, all w:ch hee knoweth being embarked at Vera
CXXXX to be a boy of the shipp to XXXX and doe reparires w:th
and going from


Case: XXXX: Examination: Allen Allenson, of XXXXX in Holland, Mariner, aged 40: Date: April 2nd 1659

The second of Aprill 1659

Examined upon an allon given ?in
by Suckley the 30:th of March last

The Lord Protector against a parcell of)
Virginia Tobaccoes and BarelXXXX)
brought to Plimouth in the S:t Jacob of)
Hamboro?w, and against TomXXXX and)
others. Budd. Suckly. ffrancklin)

Holland Mariner, aged fourtie yeeres
or thereabouts sworne and examined
XXXX and saith


To the first and second third and fourth articles of the said allon hee saith and deposeth


Case: S:r John Dethick Knight, Edward Bolle, John Bancks Richard ffoord, Edward Mico, William ?Pretman and Company, concerning the Bantam ffrigott: Examination: Catch Kyme, of Ratcliffe, Stepney, Middlesex, Mariner, Mate of the Bantam ffrigot, aged 26 : Date: March 24th 1658

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//The 24:th of March 1658

A business of y:e Examinacon of Witnesses on the behalfe)
of S:r John Dethick Knight, Edward Bolle, John Bancks)
Richard ffoord, Edward Mico, William ?Pretman, and)
Company concerning the seizure, and for some time)
detention and the hinderance of the trade in a Certaine)
ship called the BANTAM FFRIGOT whereof Isaac Taylor)
was M:r and Comand:r & such of the lading)
as was aboard the said Ship in ffact but unduly made)
by Antonie Van Voozst Captaine and Comander of
the ship the Turtle Dove in the Imediate Service of)
the Dutch East India Company and alsoe Concerning)
all Damages happening thereupon and ag:t one John
?Mait ?Suijker y:e now, or late Generall of the said Company)
at Battavia in y:e East Indias ag:t the said Van Voozst in pticular)
and all others y:e will take upon them the Justificaccon of the said Busines)


Examined upon
and Allegacon given
in by M:r ffrancklin
on the part and
Behalfe of the
said S:r John Dethicke
Knight Edward Bolle
John Bancks Richard
Foord, Edward Mico
William Pretman
and Company.

1. ub: CATCH KYME of Ratcliffe in the
parish of Stepney and County of Mid
Mariner Mate of the Bantam ffrigot aged 26 yeeres or thereabouts
Sworne and Examined

To the first arle of the said Allon hee saith and deposeth
that during all the monethes of September
October, November, December, January, ffebruary and March
1656: English Stil, and Continually since: the said S:r John
Dethick Knight, Edward Bolle, John Bancks Richard fford
Edward Mico and William Pretman and Company
have bin and are Comonly accounted and reputed the true
and lawfull owne:rs and proprieto:rs of the said ship the
BANTAM FRIGOT (whereof Isaac Taylor was & is M:r.) and
of the tackle Apparrell, and furniture, And soe hee verils
beleeveth they were, and at p:rsent are; And further hee
cannot depose.

To the Second hee saith that y:e said S:r John Dethick, and
Company aforesaid /who are all (as hee beleeveth) subjects of
this Comonwealth of England.) did set out the said ship from
this port of London in the sayd moneth of October 1656 (sic)
upon their owne account (as hee beleeveth) to East India. there to
Lade pepper. and other Merchandizes, and to bring the same
for ?Europe, and saith the said Isaac Taylor, was and was
M:r of the said ship y:e said voyage, and y.e arlate Thomas
Newman Supra Cargoe; w:ch hee knoweth for that hee went M:rs Mate
of y:e said ship (y:e said Voyage) and further cannot depose:

To the third hee saith y:e said Taylo, Newman, and this depo:t
the rest of the Marine:rs of the said Ship, set saile
in her from this port to ?Indria ?Ponza in y:e island of Sumatra in y:e East Indias
and there ?arriveth on or about y:e Nineth or tenth day of August 1657: w:ch hee knoweth being
then on board her and further cannot depose//

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//To the 4:th. 5:th 6:th 7:th 8:th and 9:th hee saith that about a moneth after
the Arrivall of the said ship the Bantam ffrigatt at Indra
Ponza aforesaid the said Thomas Newman, and one ?ffrancis
Griffith y:e then purser of the said ship (who is since deceased)
did goe on shore, in the sd port of Indra Ponza, to buy pepper
and did buy a great quantity of pepper there, w:ch was all
to have bin transported in the said ship to Leghorne,
for the Acco:t of Sr John Dethick and Company aforesaid
And saith a Considerable Quantity of the said pepper
was Laden on board her, w:ch did not Lade the said ship
two Third pts of what shee could have well ?carryed
and saith That while y:e Company of the said ship was lading
in y:e rest of the sd pepper w:ch y:e said Thomas Newman and
ffrancis Griffith had provided and whilest the said Newman
and Griffith were on shore, providing More pepper to ?Complete Lading
of the said ship, The arlate
Comander of the ship the Turtle Dove, whereof one Antonio van Voozt was Comander in the Service of the Dutch
East India Company, and alsoe three pinnaces in y:e Company
of the said ship Turtle Dove, which were alsoe in the service of
the Dutch East India Company, came all of them and
Anchored by y:e said Bantam ffrigot, and Imediately sent
a Boate on board the Bantam ffrigot, with a Dutch merchant
therein & two others of y:e the Turtle Doves Company w:th hom w:ho Comanded y:e said Isaac Taylor, and the said
Thomas Newman. (whereupon y:e comong of the said Dutch
Merchant & the two others on board the said ship was sent came
on board, to y:e said Dutch merchant) Not to take in any
more pepper or other Goods onboard the said Bantam ffrigott
either at the said port of Indra Ponza, or any other port or
place on that Coast, for if they did the said Captaine
van Voozt who was y:e Admirall in those pts would seize and surprize them , or to that effect
and thereupon y:e said M:r Newman went with the said Ducth
Merchant onboad the said ship Turtle Dove to speake with the
said Captaine Van Voozt and knowe of him why XXX
would not permit him the said Newman to Trade XXXX
his said Bantam ffrigot there, And saith that some XXXX
after y:e said Newman had bin gone to the said XXXX
Admirall the said Captaine Isaac Taylor sent this deponent
in the Bantam ffrigots Boate. to fetch the said M:r Newman
from on board y:e said Dutch Admirall on board the Bantam ffrigot
And this depo:t being come on board the said Dutch Admirall
hee heard the said Admirall Voozt, say and declare unto
the said M:r newman that hee the said Voozt had order?s
from the Generall of Battavia to hinder allEnglish Shipps
from Commerce and Trade in these parts, and to seize y:e XXX
if they did soe, or to that effect, and alsoe shewed the said XXX
(in the p:rsence of this depo:t his orders in writing with a Great XXXXX Given him
the said Generall, to the foresaid purpose & effect, and XXX//

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//Admirall Van Voozt Commander the said M:r Newman (in
this Depo:ts hearing) not to take in any more pepper or other goods
at Indra Ponza or any other ports or places on that Coast
and told the said Newman that if hee did soe, or offered to doe soe; hee must and
would seize and surprize his goods or to that effect, and
thereupon the said M:r Newman went with this depo:t in
the said Bantam ffrigots Boate, (w:ch this depo:t had brought
for him as aforesaid) and went on board the Bantam
ffrigot, and told the said Captaine Taylor what the said
Dutch Admirall Voozt, had declared and said, and the
next day the said Captaine Taylo:r went with this depo:t
on board y:e said Dutch Admirall, and saith that upon
the said Taylor coming on board; y:e said Taylor and
Van Voozt had a great deale of Difference together in
Dutch, (w:ch this depo:t cannot understand) and saith that
the said Voozt did shewe y:e said Taylour and after this depo:t and the said Taylor had bin XX on board y:e said XXXX came alsoe unto XXXX XXXX Dutch in y:e p:rsence of this depo:t & y:e sd Newman his foresaid
orders in writing. w:ch had a great seale affixed therto
as aforesaid, and the said Voozt delivered the same to
the said Taylo:r to read: w:ch the said Taylo:r (who well
understandeth the Dutch Language, and can write and read the same.) accordingly did read y:e same over; and after
hee had soe done hee & the said Newman went with this depo:t in the said
Bantam ffrigots Boate on board y:e Bantam ffrigot, And
y:e said Taylo:r ?there told the said Newman & this depo:t that y:e said writing that hee
soe read was a Comission from y:e Generall of Battavia
to hinder English Ships from Trade there and further hee
cannot depose; saving that the said Captaine Van Voozt, did
send one of ?his foresaid pinnaces about thirty
men therein, to lye at the Rivers mouth at Indra Ponza to hinder
and did hinder the goeing in and coming out of the Captaine
and Company of the Bantam frigot (sic), to and from Indra Ponza
and from bringing any goods from thence on board y:e said ship
Bantam ffrigot.

To the 10:th hee saith that a day or two after the said Tailo:r M:r Newman and
this depo:t had bin on board y:e said Dutch Admirall. the said
M:r Newman. (w:ch was then on shore) put a Quantity of pepper in y:e said
Bantam ffrigots Long Boate, and the said Newman himselfe
went in y:e said Boate, and intended to have come directly
to the Bantam ffrigot, and to put y:e said pepper
on board her, But the said Boate and pepper. and alsoe the
said Thomas Newman was seized by order of the said Van
Voozt and y:e said pepper y:e said Voozt caused to be tooke out of y;e Boate a& put into his owne and by him detained and further hee deposeth not

To the 11:th hee saith hee cannot depose saving as aforesaid

To the 12:th hee cannot depose; hee being then dangerously sick in his
Cabbin: saving y:e bantam ffrigot was carried by the said Van
Voozt and his Company to Battavia. and there anchored under
Comand of the said Van Voozt his said ship, and severall other Dutch//

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//To the 14:th hee saith that y:e said Thomas Newman
and Isaac Taylor were Comanded at Battavia to appeare
before John Ma?rt ?Sayler Generall of the Dutch East
India Company at Battava (sic), and further cannot depose

To the 15:th and 16:th hee cannot depose being then dangerously
sick, and was carried out of the said ship Bantam ffrigot
to a house in Battavia where hee lay sick about
five weekes.

To the 17:th & 18:th hee saith that the said ship the Bantam ffrigot
was detained and hindered by y:e said Van Voost
and the Generalll of Battavia, and their order, from
the Eleventh of October 1657: or therabouts
untill the tenth of December following, and then
the said Ship set saile from Batavia for Rurope

w:th such Pepper as shee had taken in before the said
11:th of October, shee not being pmitted to take in
any goods whatsoever afterwards in those parts that
this depo:t knoweth of, and further cannot depose
saving as aforesaid

To the 19:th hee cannot depose:

To the 20:th hee saith that the said Bantam ffrigot
was when she was in the pts aforesaid of the
Burthen of about Two hundred and tenne Tonns
and as many Tonne of pepper hee beleeveth shee
would have brought for Europe y:e said Voyage; had shee
not bin hindred interrupted and detained as aforesd. and further
cannot depose:

To the 21:th hee saith y:e said ship y:e Bantam ffrigot
after her Departure from Battavia, sayled to Leghorne
and there safely arrived on or about the 18:th day
of August 1658: and there her said pepper taken in
at Indra Ponza was delivered. but howe many
Tonns y:e same amounted to hee knoweth not, and saith
hee this depo:t was upon y:e departure of y:e said ship Bantam
ffrigot brought from shore on board her, and Carried
in her to Leghorne and further cannot depose:

To the 22:th 23:th 24:th 25:th 26:th 27:th 28:th and 19:th hee saith hee
cannot depose thereto saving as aforesaid, and saving
that the said S:r John Dethick Knight, and y:e reste of
the sd Owne:rs: and Imploy:rs of y:e said ship, have suffred
great Losse and dammage by meanes of the premisses
but saith hee cannot estimate the same,:

To the 20:th hee saith that whilest the said Shipp y:e Bantam
ffrigat was upon y:e sd Coast of Sumatra, y:e Voyage in question
and during all the space the Dutch as aforesaid had her in XXX

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//Power, and under their Command neither the said Thomas
Newman y:e Supra Cargoe of the said Ship Bantam ffrigot nor the
said Isaac Taylor y:e captaine of the said ship ?or any of
y:e of her did doe any Injury or Wrong in
any Kinde to the said Dutch or any of them. ?that this
depo:t knoweth if. but did XXXXX them selves Civily
and peaceably towards them and this hee XXXXX
being M:r Mate of y:e said ship y:e said Voyage And
further cannot depose:

To the 31:th hee Cannot depose

To the 32:th he saith his foregoeing depon is true

Repetit before D:r Godolphon

CALIB XXXXX [His signature]


Case: S:r John Dethick Knight, Edward Bolle, John Bancks Richard ffoord, Edward Mico, William ?Pretman and Company, concerning the Bantam ffrigott: Deposition: 2. Lewis Walter, of Deptford, Mariner, aged 40 : Date: March 25th 1658

The 25:th day of March 1659

Examined on the said Allon

2:us LEWIS WALTER of Deptford Mariner
aged 40 yeeres or thereabouts: sworne and Examined:/:

To the first arle of the said Allon hee saith that XX XXX monethes
of September, October, November. Decembe:r January ffeb:ry
and March 16?46. English Stile and Continually since the
arlate S:r John Dethick Knight XXXXX John Banckks Richard fford
Edward Mico & Willaim Prittman, and Company, or some
of them, (being all subjects of this Commonwealth) were
and at present are the true and lawfull owners and
Imployers of the arlate BANTAM FFRIGO:T and of her tackle
and furniture as hee verily beleeveth, and soe hee saith
they were and are Commonly accounted: And This hee
deposeth for that hee wenta ll the Voyage in question
Steward of the said Bantam ffrigot. and further cannot depose

To the second hee saith that in the said moneth of October
1656: the foresaid S:r John Dethick, John Banks; Richard
fford Edward Mico and William Prittman (who are all of
them well knowne to this Depo:t) and alsoe y:e arlate Edward
Bolle: did set out the said ship from this port of London
upon their owne account to East India there to Lade XXXX
and bring y:e same to Europe; for their Account, And
saith that the said Setters forth of the said ship did Appoint
y:e arlate Isaac Tailo:r to goe M:r of the said ship and the
arlate Thomas Newman Supra Cargoe of her the said
voyage, And the said Taylor & Newman did goe y:e said Voyage
in y:e said ship. in their said Apointed Place. The premises
he deposeth for the said S:r John Dethick and the rest of the XXX
aforesd did from XXX come on board y:e sd Shipp, before and at XXX XXXX//

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//To the 3:d hee saith that the said ship Bantam ffrigat set
saile from this port with y:e said Captaine Tayl:rs and M:r
Newman on board her, and safely arrived in Indra ponza
Road upon y:e Coast of Sumatra in or about the moneth
of August 1657: w:ch hee knoweth for that hee sailed
thither in her. And further cannot Answer./.

To the 4:th 5:th

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Case: S:r John Dethick Knight, Edward Bolle, John Bancks Richard ffoord, Edward Mico, William ?Pretman and Company, concerning the Bantam ffrigott: Deposition: 3. William Chamber, of Ratcliffe, Mariner, Gunner of the Bantam ffrigott, aged 48, Date: March 28th 1658


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Case: S:r John Dethick Knight, Edward Bolle, John Bancks Richard ffoord, Edward Mico, William ?Pretman and Company, concerning the Bantam ffrigott: Deposition: 4. Thomas Newman, of Mile End, Stepney, Merchant, late Supra cargo of the Bantam ffrigott, aged 43: Date: Aprill 16th 1658


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To the 4:th hee saith that
Indra Ponza Roade is and ought to be
a place free for the English to trade in ober w:ch place y:e Queene of Achine
(whom this depo:t well knoweth having lived with her about five yeeres)
was and is the supreame Governournesse; who did about three yeeres
since?there: and at all other of her Dominiones proclaime ffree
Trade to the English Nation; And saith hee hath a Copy of the
said Proclamacon now in his Custody. And saith that after the
arrivall of the said Ship in y:e said Road this depo:t and one
ffrancis Griffith (who is since deceased) went ashore to Indra
Ponza to buy and provide pepp to lade the said ship, and did
there buy & provide enough pepper XXX to Lade the said ship, and was
all to have bin there put on board her. and to be Carried and
Transported in her to leghorne for the Account of the said ffrancis
who hee knoweth for y:e Reasons aforesd, And further deposeth not.

To the 5:th arles of the said Allon, hee saith that in y:e monethes
of September, and October 1657, this Depo:t upon y:e Account aforesd
did Lade aboard y:e said ship y:e Bantam, shee then Lying in teh Roade
of Indra Ponza aforesaid six hundred seaventy two BXXXX of pepp

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//And that the rest of the pepper sufficient fully to lade the said
ship was then ready provided, and XXX, and was ready
to have bin put on board, and would have bin Laden Aboard
the said Ship within three or foure dayes next following, in
case y:e arlate Antonio van Voozt and Company had not
hindered them as hereafter is declared:

To the 6:th & 7:th arle of the sd Allon hee saith that on or about
the Eleveth day of October 1657: English Stile namely p:rsently after hee
this depo:t had sent out y:e foresaid 672 Bahaizes (sic) of Pepper on board the
Bantam ffrigot, this depo:t was sent for to Come on board
the Bantam, And this depo:t accordingly went on board
the Bantam, and upon his comming to her found y:e Arlate
Ship the Turtle Dove whereof y:e said Van Voozt was Comander
and alsoe three vessells with about tenne or Twelve peeces
of Ordinance a peece; Anchored neere y:e Bantam; And saith that
there came a Dutch Merchant from onboard y:e said Van Voozts
Ship. (w:ch was the Admirall in those pts.) who told this dep:t that
hee and y:e sd Taylor must come aboard their Comanders, (meaning the Turtle
Dove; w:ch this Depo:t accordingly did. but the said Taylo:r
refused soe to doe saying hee had order from his imploy:rs
not to goe out of his Ship; or to that effect, And saith that upon
this Depots Comong on board y.e said Turtle Dove, hee
Asked the said van Voozt where fore hee had sent for this
depo:t and y:e said Captaine Taylo:r to Come on board his
Ship, or to that effect whereunto the said Van Voozt made
Answer, that it was in regard the said ship the Bantam
ffrigot being an English Ship did trade there or to that effect,
And the said Van Voozt then pemptorily (sic) Charged & Comanded
this Depo:t that neither hee nor the said Isaac
Taylor nor any of y:e Bantams Company should trade there
or to that effect, And this Depo:t then told the said Van Voozt
that the ships full Lading of pepper was there ashore by him
bought, and some of it was allready Laden, and y:e rest
was provided to be laden and would within three or foure dayes
be all Laden aboard the said ship, and that hee had
money and Goods on shore; bit that hee should Dispatch all within
three or foure Dayes, and then be ready to depart with the Bantam
and her Lading on board her, or to that effect and desired
the said Van Voozt not to give him any interruption therein
But the said Antonio van Voozt then told this Depo;t that if hee
did not dept from thence with the said ship without further
trading ?There, hee would forthwith force this depo:t and y:e sd Ship
and Company thereof to Dept thence; or to that effect, All w:ch
words and XXXions passed betweene this Depo:t & y:e sd Van Voozt on

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//On board the sd Turtle Dove in the ?Molaine and English Language
but w:th Languages the said Van Voozt, and alsoe this Depo:t well spake
& understood and saith that one Kaleb ?Kime Mate of the Bantam
heard some of the said words, and further hee cannot depose,
saving that both the said Van Voozt, and y:e Turtle Dove, and
alsoe the said ther three vessells were then in the Imediate
Service of the Dutch East India Company:

To the 6:th hee saith that y:e next day after this Depo:t had bin
on board y:e Turtle Dove as aforesaid y:e said Captaine
Taylo:r went on board y:e said Dove, but what discourse or
Words passed betweene him & y:e sd Van Voozt hee knoweth
not in regard hee went not with him, And further cannot

To the 9:th 10:th 11:th & 12:th hee saith that on y:e day y:t y:e said Taylo:r Went onboard
the said Turtle Dove as aforesd or y:e next day after this depo:t and
y:e said Taylo:r did againe goe aboard y:e sd Turtle Dove, together,
And this depo:t & the said Taylor after their Coming on board her told the said
Van Voozt that besides y:e pepp that was on board the said
Bantam ffrigot hee this depo:t had laid out at Indra Ponza three Thousand
Dollars and had invested y:e same in pepper. And desired
the said Van Voozt that hee would not hinder the lading
of the same on board the said Ship y:e Bantam or to that
effect, But the said Van Voozt in a Violent and Angry manner
said that none of the said Pepper should be brought aboard
the Bantam ffrigot, and said ffurther that if any attempt
was made to bring any pepp aboard y:e said ship the
Bantam ffrigot hee would seize, and take the same, And
alsoe told this depo:t and the said Tailo:r that
all the Trade for pepp on the West Coast of Sumatra in
the Queene of ?Acheines Dominions, belonged to the Dutch
East India Company: And then this Depo:t
went on board y:e Bantam and from thence this Depo:t
went in the bantam ffrigots Boate ashore, and there
caused about a Bahaire of pepper to be put on board y:e
said Boate; and having soe done, this depo:t went him
selfe into the said Boate intending to goe directly onboard
theBantam with the said pepper. but in his passage
one of y:e said Dutch Vessells. w:ch came and Anchored
at or neere y:e Barre of y:e River of Indra Ponza, sent her
boate and alsoe another Boate well manned to seize this depo:t and y:e said Bantam
ffrogotts boate & y:e Pepper therein w:ch they accordingly did
and Carried this depo:t & y:e Said Boate and Pepper to the
said Dutch Vessell and from thence they were sent to the
said Dutch Admirall the Turtle Dove; and there the said
Pepper was by the said Van Voozt his order. taken out
of the said Boate and putt aboard y:e said Turtle Dove

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//And there detained the same, And thereupon this Depo:t
and the said Isaac taylor and one ?Gotham Howard
Cheife Mate of the said ship protested against the
said Antonio van Voozt Comander of the said ship
the Turtle Dove and all of his Imploye:rs and having
nowe seene the first schedule annexed to the sd Allon
&c: and Ending: Dated from on board y:e Bantam
October y:e 19:th 1657: and subscribed Thomas Newman
Isaac Taylo:r Gotham Howard. hee saith the same
was and is a true Copy of the said Originall protest
made by this depo:t and y:e said Isaac Taylo:r and Howard
ag:t y:e sd Van Voozt, and all his Imploye:rs And
y:e said Originall protest was really and truely signed
by this depo:t and the said Isaac taylo:r and Gotham
Howard on or about, the said Nineteenth of October 1657
and y:e Contents thereof were and are true; And
further hee doth not depose.

To the 13:th hee saith that the said Van Voozt on or about
the said Nineteenth of Octob:r 1657: Caused the sd
Captaine Taylo:r and Company to Depart from
Indra Ponza, and sailed with the Bantam ffrigot
in her way to Bantam. neere w:ch place arriving
the said Van Voozt, nor any other of the Dutch shipps
Lying before Bantam, soe that y:e Bantam
ffrigot was Constrained to goe to Battavia. And y:e said Van Voozt in
his ship the Turtle Dove; and alsoe the saidthree other
Dutch Vessells. Sailed with her thither, and there hee
saith the said Bantam ffrigot lay under Comand of
the said Turtle Dove; and y:e sd Three other dutch
vessells, and alsoe Under y:e Comand of severall other
Dutch ships there lying, alsoe in y:e Service of the said
Dutch East India Company. W:ch hee knoweth for that
hee was Carried in y:e said Ship Bantam from
Indra Ponza to Battavia. And further cannot depose

To the 14:th & 15:th hee saith that upon or about the ?7:th o October
1657: English Stile this Depo:t, and Captaine Isaac Taylo:r
were Comanded to Appeare before the arlate John
Martsuyker the Generall of and for the Dutch East
India Company at Battavia w:ch they according (sic) did
And the said Generall then told this Depo:t and y:e
said Taylo:r that hee had order that neither
they, nor any of the English should trade in any of the
Dominions of the Queene of Acheine, or to that effect

P1110400 f. 275 recto

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//But the said Generall said that hee would speake with
his Counsell there that they might be XXXXXX with a Lading
at Battavia, And promised soe to doe, But notwithstandinge
hee put on board y:e Bantam ffrigot two or three XXXX
w:ch Comtinued on board y:e said Ship Bantam, untill her
departure from Battavia, w:ch was


P111401 f. 275 verso

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//or thereabouts, During all w:ch time they or some of
them, would not suffer this Depo:t nor the said Captaine
Taylo:r nor any of the Bantam ffrigots Company
to take in any newe or other Lading on board her,
And soe this Depot and the said
Taylo:r and Company were forced to Depart with
the Bantam ffrigot from Battavia, and out of the
East Indias for Europe; with only the foresaid six hundred
Seaventy two Balarzes of pepp, w:ch were as aforesd
Laden on board the said ship, at Indra Ponza before
the said Van Voozt came and Interrupted and
hindred them as aforesaid: The premisses hee
Deposeth Goeing all the said time Supra Cargo
of the said ship as aforesaid, and further Cannot

To the 10:th hee saith that had not this depo:t and Company
bin Interrupted and hindred by the said Van
Voozt and Company and y:e Dutch?X as aforesaid, all the said
pepp that this Depo:t had bought and provided
at Indra Ponza as aforesaid would have bin Laden
onboard the Bantam ffrigot for y:e account of the said ffreighto:rs and
undoubtedly have bin brought safe for Europe for
their said Account, And this depo:t further saith that
hee heard the said Taylo:r say at Legorne that Command:XX
of ships had there received her before any of her pepper
was unladen, and had or would give an Attestaccon under
their hands that the said ship Would have Carried
Ninety five tonnes or thereabouts of pepper more than shee had on board her or to
that effect, And further hee cannot depose:

To the 19:th hee saith hee Cannot depose:

To the 20:th hee saith that yt y:e time y:e said ship was in
East India aforesaid shee was as hee beleeveth of the
Burthen of 210 Tonnes or thereabouts, And further
cannot depose

To the 21:th hee saith that after y:e Departure of the said
Bantam ffrigot from the East Indias as a foresaid shee
set saile for Legorne and there arrived on or about
the 18:th or 19:th day of August 1658: English Stile there the
said six hundred seaventy two BXXXXXX of pepper
were unladen and of the sd ship. And this
hee deposeth arriving therein her and further hee
cannot depose//

P111402 f. 276 recto

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//To the 22:th hee deposeth not:

To the 23:th hee can not depose.

To the 24:th hee cannot deose, saving that every hundred weight
of the said Pepp at the time of the unlading thereof at Lighorne did
make a quintall

To the 25:th hee daith that at the said time of unlading
the said shipp at Leghorne every Quintall was worth about
fourteene peeces of Eight cleare of al Charges (sccounting
every oeece of Eight at five shillings a pXXXX and XXXX
and about that rfate a Quintall of Copper (sic) was then and
there usually sold for. And further hee Cannot depose

To the 26:th hee saith that the said 672 Bahaizes of
pepp soe laden on board the said ship as aforesaid at
Andra (sic) Ponza, and Carried in the said ship XX XXXX did
cost at Indra Ponza XXXX thousand seaven hundred &
fifteene peeces of Eight or neere thereabouts accounting
every peece of Eight at five shillings a peece at Indra
Ponza, w:ch doth amount unto 2428:li 15:s sterl: And saith
that the provision and ?scuturage of the same doth amount
to about 375:li sterl. The p:rmisses hee deooseth being
supra Cargoe of the said ship the said voyage; and
Laid out the said peeces of Eight at Indra Ponza
And further cannot depose:

To the 28:th hee saith that the said S:r John Dethick
Knight, and the rest of the ffreighters aforesad, have abd
must pay all y;e Dead ffreight, and for the Dammage
of the said Bantam ffrigot by the Dutch aforesd
And further hee cannot depose:

To the 29:th hee saith that the said S:r John Dethick and all
the partyes in the suite; (w:ho are all Englishmen and
subjects of this Comonwealth of England) besides the
foresaid damages , have sustained great Loss; and
Damages in forbearance of their principall money.

And further cannot depose.

To the 30:th hee saith that during the time that the said
ship the Bantam ffrigot was upon y:e Coast of Sumatra
& in y:e East Indias y:e Voyage in question; this depo:t
and the said Captaine Taylor and Company of the
said Ship Did Carry and demaneane themselves very
Civilly, and peacably, and did not doe any Injury or
wrong to any of the ships, goods, or psons, of or belonging
to the said Dutch East India Company, And that in

P1110403 f. 376 verso

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//Respect of the Lading of the said Ship un the East Unias
the Generall of Battavia, and y:e said Van Voozt and
Company, Dif not Carry themselves Civilly towards
this Depo:t and y:e sd Taylo:r and Company. W:ch hee
knoweth, for y:e Reasons aforesd. And further
cannpt depose

To the 31:th hee saith that the said John Maetsuijker
the Generall of the said Dutch East India Company
at battavia Did (upon or about the 11:th
day of December 1657) at Battavia
give this Depo:t writing in the Dutch Language
subscribed w:th his owne hand. signifying. the goode
Carriage, and dilligence of this Depo:t And having
now sene the third schedule annexed to the said Allon
hee saith the same was and is the said Originall
writing soe Given to this Depo:t and by the sd Generall & XXXXX this Deps saw
the said ?Joan Mastsing subscribe the same
And further cannot depose-

To the last hee saith his foregoeing depon is true

THOMAS NEWMAN [His signture]

Repeated before D:r Godolphin

Here end proceedings in the protestors name


P1110404 f. 277 recto

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Case: The Brazill Company of Portugall concerning the Jonathan and Abigaill: Deposition: Thomas Morley: Date: June 13th 1659

//The 13:th of June 1659

The Brazill Company of Portugall ag:t)
200 Quintalls of Brazil Wood or)
therabouts brought to this port)
in the Jonathan and Abigail)[1]

(Thomas Morley M:r) and ag:t)
John Thacker)

Suckley Cheeker


Examined upon y:e Allon given
in by M:r Suckley

the ship the Jonathan & Abigail
aged 48 yeeres or thereabouts
sworne and Examined.

To the first arle of the said Allon hee saith and Deposeth
that y:e parcell of Brazil wood arlate (being two Hundred Kintalls (sic), or therabouts
was was (sic) brought to this Port in y:e said ship the Jonathan
& Abigail, as Delivered to this Depo:t out of a yard at
Lisbone, w:ch yard did belong to the Portugall XXXX ?India Company as thisDepo:t
was then and there Credibly Informed and ?soe hee verily beleeveth
And saith that one John Roles, a Portugueze (sic) Broker, whom
this Depo:t Imployed in procuring of goods to lade onboard y:e sd
ship upon freight did ?procure all y:e said Brazill Wood, and y:e said Roles
hath often times told this Depo:t, about the time of the Lading thereof that y:e said Wood was to be
transported in y:e said Ship to London for y:e Account of the
Portugall Brazil Company, and soe this Depo:te verily beleeveth it was,
And saith that the said Roles did pcure other goods for this
Depo:t y:e said time of this Depo:ts being there, and saith there
was an Agreemt made amongst divers of the Merchants that
laded goods in y:e sd Ship that there should be
a Teston upon each Chest of Sugar, and tow Ryalls upon
each pipe of Oyle, and after that proporcon, for other goods
to be Given as a Gratuity to y:e Convoy that stayed there for
the Jonathan & Abigail, and other English ships then there
And this Depo:t Demanded of the said Roles y:e like rates
for y:e said Brazill Wood and y:e other goods y:t hee
procured, and y:t were laden on board y:e said Ship, But for
the said 200 Quintalls of Brazil Wood y:e said Roles refused
to allow any thing. telling this Depo:t that y:e same did belong
to the Brazil Company, and they being a Joint Company
would beare their owne Adventures or to that effect, But
for the other goods that the sd Roles procured, y:e said Roles allowed y:e rates
aforesaid, to this Depo:t for y:e said Convoy, And soe much this
Depo:t beleeveth hee hath acknowledged to severall psons
The foresd premises hee deposeth, being M:r of the said
ship aforesaid And further Cannot depose./.

P ????????


Case: Mayflower vs. XXXX: Deposition: 2. John Stannian, of the City of London; Gentleman, aged 26: Date: September 23rd 1659

//The 23:th of September 1659
Examined upon the fore said allegaccon

2. JOHN STANNIAN of the vitie of London gent., aged 26
yeeres or thereabouts sworne & examined

To the first second and third of the articles of the said allegaccon hee saith and deposeth that hee well
remembreth, and that in or about ffebruary or March last was
XXXXXXth the Governour and Company of English Merchants trading
to East India Imployed and XXX are the said shipp from this port of London
on a trading voyage to goe and XXXX to XXXX on the coast of the Island
of Sumatra to lade pepper for the said companies account, w;ch
hee knoweth having XXXX the said Companies orders and XXXXXX XXX XXX
with XX

P1110405 f. 277 verso

//To the 2:d. hee saith that hee this Depo:t did in a former voyage
carry about three hundred Quintalls of Brazeel wood, from Lisbone
to Newhaven for y:e account as hee beleeveth of the said Brazil
Companie, and y:t wood was procured Alsoe by the said Roles
at the same BXXXXXX; And after, this Depo:te had receaved
y:e said3000 Quintalls on board his Ship y;e sd Roles brought
him bills of Lading, ready filled up; e:ch this Depo:t signed
and ?those w:ch this Depo:t signed for y:e said 200 Quintalls
of Wood now in Question; and alsoe for those other goods
which hee then procured. he brought bills of Lading to this
Depo:t, ready filled up in Portugueze, (w:ch this
Depo:t doth not well understand) and this Depo:t signed y:e same
And further cannot depose: /:

To the third hee saith that y:e arlate ffrancis Pardini is
(as this Depo:t hath heard) failed) ?in Estate, and y:e arlate
John Thacker (as this Depo:t hath also heard) is Employed
to make y:e said Pardinies Composicon with his Credito:es
And y:e said Pardini had never y:e possession of the
said wood. And further deposeth not saving hee referreth
himselfe to the sd bill of Lading.

To the last hee saith his foregoeing depon is true:/:

To the Interries.:/.

To the first he saith that y:e Bill of Lading Interrate nowe
showed unto him, is really signed by him this depot for
y:e said 200 Quintalls of Brazill, Wood and this Depo:t signed
onely two or three bills of Lading more for y:e said wood, w:ch this
DEpo:t verily beleeveth wweere of the same teno:r. and saith
hee as aforesaid beleeveth that the said goods were so laded for the account
of the Portugale Brazile company for the reasons before deposed, and
hee knoweth not XXXX did ?sen Marcos Valez da Silvera mentioned
to be the lader in the said bill, nor knoweth him to be the lader, ?more
than that that hee is so said to be in the said bill, the said XXXX being
the only person that procured and ordered the said lading, and saith the
said lading was so made at Lisbone, and upon the seizure of her
XXXXXX XXXXXX XXX XXXXXXX, and that the said bill was signed on or
about the day of the date thereof, And otherwise ?saving as aforesaid hee
cannot depose.

To the second hee saith that sometimes there are Colourable bills of
Lading made& signed for goods, and noe reall bills, but in such
Cases, the M:r of the ship hath Instrctions where and to wheom
to Deliver the goods mentioned in y:e Colourable bills./:

To the 3:d hee saith that the said three hundred Quintalls w:ch this
Depo:t Carried in his ship from Lisbone to Newhaven and w:ch as hee
beleeveth, were for y:e account of the said Portugall Brazil Companye
were mentioned in the bill of lading to be for the said
companies account or not, & further cannot answer saving as aforesd

To the 4:th hee saith, that hee doth not knowe that hee had any goods
on board y:e XXXXX Jonathan and Abigail in this her last homeward
Voyage for XXXXX of y:e sad Brazil Compa but beleeveth as aforesd, that y:e said 200 Quintalls were for their account
And further cannot Answer saving as aforesd/.

P1110406 f. 278 recto

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//To the 5:th hee saith that hee was in y:e said yard (out of w:ch y:e said
Logwood was taken & sent on board y:e said ship) whilest, some of the sd
wood was weighing, and sawe most of it sent, and brought aboard
y:e said ship, y:e said yard being neere y:e waterside & neere unto
y:e place: where his ship lay & further Cannot Answer referring
himselfe to his foregoeing Depn./

To the 6:th hee saith that y:e said John Roles is of this Depo:ts
knowledge a Comon Broker, betwixt Merchts and M:r of ships
and other Trade:?s and hath noe pticular relaccon to the said
Brazil Companz that this Depo:t knoweth of/:

To the 7:th hee saith that y:e acknowledgements & Confessions that this
Depo:t hath made touching y:e Lading of y:e said goods on board y:e
sd. shipp, were made before hee had prsed his booke
wherin he tooke Not of such things:/

To the 8:th hee saith that had there not bin a arrest laid
upon y:e said two hundred Quintalls of Brazill Wood, this depo:t
intended to have deivered, and would have delivered y:e same
to the said ffrancis Pardini, or his order. in regard they are
Consigned to him by the said Bill of Lading: And saith that
hee was & is bound by the said Bill of Lading to deliver y:e same to the
said Pardini or his order, And saith that the said Interrate Colonell hath
not showed this DEpo:t any order or power to Demand or receive
the said Goods either from the said Company or any other. pson
whatsoever, and othewise Cannot Answer/.

THOMAS MORLEY [His signature]

Repeated before D:r Godolphin.


Case: XXXX: Examination: Thomas Morley, Master of the Jonathan and Abigail, aged 48: Date: June 12th 1659

//The 13.:th day of June 1659./:

Examibed upon an Allon given in on behalfe
of the said Thacker:/.

The Brazil Companz of Portugall)
against 200 Quintalls of Brazil Wood)
brought to this Port Laded bz them)
(as is pretended) in Lisbone on board)
y:e Jonathan & Abigail, Thomas Morley)
M:r arrested by authority of this Court, &)
ag:t John Thacker coming in for his interest)
therein Suckley: Cheeke)

THOMAS MORLEY M:r of the ship the
Jonathan and Abigail: aged 48 yeeres or
thereabouts sworne and Examined:/:


To the first & second arle hee cannot Depose:/:

To the 3.:d. hee cannot depose; saving hee referreth himselfe to his answer
to the fisrt Interrie, on y:e other part,

To the 4:th y:e Bill of Lading arlate now shewed unto him
& by him prsed hee saith and deposeth that y:e same was & is really
& truely signed by him this Depo:t. & is one of the Originall bills
of Lading for y:e 200 Quintalls of Brazill wood, and to y:e rest hee
referreth himselfe to his answer made to the first Interrie on y:e
other part,

To the 5:th. 6:th 7:th 8:th 9:th 10:th. 11:th & 12:th hee Cannot Depose:

THOMAS MORLEY [His signature]

Repeated as above.

P1110407 f. 299 verso & f. 300 recto

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P1110408 f. 299 verso

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Case: Touching the Mayflower: Examination: 2. John Stannian, of the City of London, aged 26: Date: September 23rd 1659

//The 23:th of September 1659.

Examined upon the foresaid allegaccon

Touching the Mayflower)

2 JOHN STANNIAN of the citie of London gent, aged 26
yeeres or thereabouts sworne and examined.

To the first second and ?rest of the articles of the said allegaccon hee saith and deposeth that hee very
well knoweth the shipp the Mayflower arlate whereof William Curtis was
commander, and that in XXXXX ffeburary or March last was a
twelve moneth the ?Governour and Company of English Marchants trading
to East India Imployed and XX XX the said shipp from this port of London
on a trading voyage to goe and ?saile to Achean on the coast of the Island
of Sumatra to lade pepper for the said companies account, w:ch
hee knoweth having seane the said Companies orders and dispatches tXXX XXXX
they XXXX. And further
saith that hee hath seane Letters sent from the said master and factors of the said shipp
imployed in India about the said shipps trade,
purporting them upon the said shipps arrival before Acheen they XXXX
XXXXXX and had from admittance and ?license from her 9 XXXXX of Acheen
to lade her there with pepper, and in the said lre was alsoe sent the
said QuachXXX license in writing with aXXXXXXX thereof
to XXXXX and manifest to the said company her said leave to lade
pepper there, and further perporting that having got the said leave the
said factors and agents of the Company fell to ?procuring of pepper there
for her lading, and had XXXX or XXXXXX lading of pepper thXXXXX XXXX to be
laded aboard her for the said Companies use and account, containing fiftie
foure baggs of pepper w:ch weighed 3896 pounds net English weight
and then there lay there three dutch shipps belonging to the dutch
East India company whereof Balthazar ?Bert was commander and
that the said boate with the said pepper therein was by the ?men and
order of the said Balthazar Barts seized and taken away
from the Mayflowers ?helm and carried aboard the XXXXordia and
of the said dutch shipps, and that thXXX being donne, the dutch tooke ?all
the pepper and turned off the Mayflowers long boat aXXXXXX,
and would not suffer her to receive any more pepper or other goods from EXXXX but
wholly prohibited and ?dysppointed her therein, and he XXXX XXXXX the
voyage, to the greate dammage of the said English companye, and saith
that the said Captain Curtis XXXXXX said ?first XXXX and
seizure of her pepper were aboard the said XXX XXX, Balthazar Bart (as
the said XXXX XXXXX) and?expostulated the matter with him and
demanded the pepper XXXXX, but was denied and sent away without
any XXXXX, and that XXXXX hee and William Smith and John
?Shedd two of the companies factors made a protest against the XXXXX action
of the dutch and XXXX XXX XXX XX thereof to London under a ?notaries
hand and with their names thereto, w:ch XXXX this depot

P1110409 f. 300 recto

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P1110413 f. 301 recto detail

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P1110414 f. XXX verso

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Case: The Brazeele frigot vs. XXXX: Deposition: 3. Samuell Sambrooke, of London, Merchant, aged 44: Date: September 24th 1659





P1110417 f. 3XXX recto

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Case: The Brazeele frigot vs. XXXX: Deposition: 5. Samuell Sambrooke, of London, Merchant, aged 44: Date: September ?14th 1659







P1110421 f. 333 recto

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Case: The Brazeele ffrigot ag:t XXXXX: Deposition: John Cocke: Date: September 8th 1659

//The X:th day of September 1659

The Brazille ffrigot aforesd


JOHN COOKE a witnes formerly rexamined
and now againe Examined in this Cause


P1110422 f. 333 verso


//Many other othings belonging to the said Brazil ffrigot
and made her much like a XXXack - And this the
said Quares told the said ?Heath before this Depo:t.
and many others of the said Brazil ffrigotts Company $that hee would be as good as his words and give
the said ?Heath his ship againe or to that purpose
But the said Heath (seeing (sic) the said Ship
in such a Condition) refused to take her, doublesse
hee might have her in the Condition shee was
in, when Shee was taken [Possibly taken is crossed out], from him together with
the other things agreed upon, And the said Heath
having an Oportunity (sic) to goe in an English Boate
from ?Ensechecape to Surrenam, Got leave
for passage therein, w:ch the Governo:r of ?Ensecherape
hearing of, told the said Heath that if
hee would not stay and take his Ship againe in
that Condition hee would lay ?him in Irons
or to that effect, and soe the said Heath was
forced, to receave the said ffrigot in the foresd
Condition ?much the XXX a XXXXX;

All w:ch hee Deposeth being at ?Euchecheape the foresaid
time & seeing hearing & taking notice of the
premisses. And further cannot depose./.

To the 3:d hee saith y:t ?every ?MillXX Portugall money
at ?ffarnambuck in Brazil was and is worth
12:s. 6:d. Sterl. money:/

JOHN COOKE [His signature]


Case: XXXX: Depostion: 11. Thomas Wyat: Date: September 8th 1659

The same day:

D:?t Bushell

11 THOMAS WYAT a witnes formerly
Ex:d and ?now againe Examined in this
Cause, upon the foresd Allon. deposeth
as followeth by Vertue of his Oath

To the first arle of the said Allon. hee saith and deposeth
that after y:e Brazil ffrigot was carryed to EXXXXX
[the M:r of CROSSED OUT IN MANUSCRIPT] The BrazIl ffrigot and his Company did
their utmost endeavo:r to get the said Ship ffreight, and

P1110423 verso & recto f. 345 verso & f. 346 recto

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P1110424 f. ? verso

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//of this Commonwealth, And for such commonly accorded
reputed and taken. And further cannot answer./

To the 27.:th he saith he hath knowne M:r Blackborow
for these two yeares last or thereabouts, and saith he
liveth within the Burrough of Siuthwarke near London.
And beleeveth hom to be (according to common report)
an Englishman and subiect of this Commonwealth.
And this dep.:t knoweth that he the s:d Blackborowe
and one M:r Shirly doe use the trade of Timber, Balkes
masts and other commodities in Norway, and
hath credibly heard that they keep ffactors and
Agents in some parts of Norway for the trans-
porting, the goods aforementioned to this port of
London, And further cannot answere./

To the last he referreth himselfe to his foregoing

HENRY LOBERY [His signature]

Repeated before D:r. Godolphin//


Case: The Brazeele frigot vs. XXXX: Deposition: 13. William Bird, of Little St Hellens, London, Merchant, aged 31: Date: September 21st 1659

//The Brazeele frigot aforesaid

The 21:th day of September

Examined upon the first Allon
given in on behalfe of Edward
and John Bushell of London
M:rchants, containing 21 articles.

13: WILLIAM BIRD of Little S:t Ellens London
M:chant. aged 31 yeares or therr
abouts a witnes sworne and examined saith
and deposeth by vertue of his oath
as followeth viz:t

To the third article of the said Allon upon w:ch
alone he is (by dirrection from the producents Proctor)
examined, he saith that at Lisbone in or about
the moneth of May 1657 before the said ships
departure thence for the parts of Brazeele it was
by Charter partie covenanted and agreed on betwixt
Thomas Heath (Comand:r of y:e sd ship) on behalfe of M:r
Edward & M:r John Bushell; and one Man?oel AbXXX
e Mosia freighter of her the voyage in question, that

f. 326 recto

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  1. The Jonathan and Abigaill. See a later case involving the same ship. (HCA 13/76 Part One: f. 1 recto: Case: The Jonathan and Abigail vs. Daniel Edwards: Deposition: Thomas Andrews, of Wapping, in the parish of White Chappell: Date: 16:th August 1666