MRP: John Lamott will
John Lamott will
PROB 11/244 Aylett 51-106 Will of John Lamott of City of London 08 August 1655
Editorial history
04/12/11, CSG: Created page
Abstract & context
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IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN the three and twentieth day of May in the yeare of our Lord God according to the Accompt now used in England One Thousand Six hundred fiftie and five I John Lamott of the Cittie of London Esquire being att this present in health of Bodie and of sounde and perfect minde and memorie thankes beto Almightie God make and ordaine this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following that is to say
FFIRST and principally I commend my soule into the hands of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ by whose onlie pretious death and buriall and glorious resurection and ascention I hope to be saved and made an Inheritor of his glorious Kingdom and for my bodie when it shall please so God to call me out of this transitorie world I committ the same unto the Earth to be decently buried in the Parish Church of Saint Bartholomew the Little neare the Royall Exchange in London where I now inhabitt att the discretion of my Executors hereafter named and for and as concerning the disposition of such personall Estate as it hath pleased God of his goodnes to bestowe upon me in the world I give and dispose of the same personall Estate in such manner as in this my last Will is hereafter limited and appoynted (that is to say)
IMPRIMIS my will and minde is that all such debts and summes of money as I shall iujstlie and trulie owe att the time of my decease shall be fully satisfied and paid withall convenient speed and the same debts shall grow due and my will minde and meaning is that after my debts paid and funerall discharges The residue of my oersonall Estate sgall be equallie parted and devided into two iust and equall partes and for that I have heretofore fully advanced my daughter Hester Wife to Sir Thomas Honywood Knight and given her a considerable and competent portion I therefore give and bequeath the moiety or halfe parte of one of the said two partes or of the moietie of my personall Estate I give and devise to my Executors hereafter named upon Trust that they my said Executors or the Survivour of them shall from time to time dispose thereof to such person or persons and in such manner and forme as my said daughter Dame Hester Honywood by anie wrighting or wrighting under her hand be her to be subscribed in the presence of two credible Witnesses or more shall appoynte and direct and for want of such direction and appoyntment upon further trust That the said last mentioned moyetie or halfe parte of the moyetie or of one of the said two partes of my persoanll Estate or soe much thereof as shall not be soe appoynted or directed by my said daughter excepting six hundred poundes or one third parte thereof all the choyce of my two Grandchildren Thomas Honyewood and John Lamott Honywood shall be delivered unto and be imployed by Peter Honywood and Henry Honywood Esquires Uncles unto the sad Thomas and John Lamott Honywood To and for the equall use and benefitt of my said two Grandchildren and the said six hundred poundes or one third parte thereof before excepted shall likewise be delivered unto and imployed by them the said Peter Honywood Henery Honywood To and for the use and benefitt of my Granchild Elizabeth Honywood and the said shares and partes of the premisses before intended to my said two Grandchildren Thomas John Lamott Honywood to be paid unto them att theire respective ages of one and twentie yeares and the said sahre and parte thereof intended to my said Grandchild Elizabeth To be paid unto her at her age of one and Twenty yeares or day of marriage which shall first happen and if anie of my said three Grandchildren shall departe This life before The time of payment of his her or theire parte or portion before appoynted Then the said partes or portuions parts or portions of him her
OR them soe deceasing shall come and be paid to the surviving of them share and share like when and as his her and theire owne partes shall be due and payable and for and as concerning the other of the said two partes or moyetie of my personall Estate reserved to my selfe I give and dispose thereof as followeth
Mentions poore of Sandwich in Kent and the Walloone poore in Kanterburie (which is consistent with secondary source stating his father was born in Ypres, Flanders). He also mentions three poor Dutchmen sitting behind the pulpit in the Dutch church in London
Mentions Peter Johnson of Colchester
Mentions his “three washers” and his “Water Bearer”
Mentions the clerk of the Company of Weavers
Mentions his apprentice John Langley