MRP: Sir William Broadnax will

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Sir William Broadnax will

PROB 11/344 Bunce: 1-53 Will of Sir William Brodnax of Godmersham, Kent 06 February 1674

Editorial history

29/11/11, CSG: Posted transcription to wiki

Abstract & context

Sir William Broadnax was the brother-in-law of Thomas Papillon


IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN: The five and twentieth day of August in the five and twentieth yeare of the Reigne of our Soveraigne Lord Charles the second by the grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith xr. and in the yeare of Our Lord God One Thousand Six Hundred seaventie three I William Brodnax of Godmersham in the Countie of Kent Knight being of sound and perfect mynd and memory, God be praised therefore doe hereby recall all and every former other Will and Wills, and doe make and ordaine this my last Will and Testament in manner & forme following (that is to say)

FIRST I commend my Soule to God that gave it And my Bodie to the Earth to be layd in my Vault in the Parish Church of Godmersham;

ITEM I give to the Poore of Godmersham aforesaid five pounds, to be distributed by my Executrix hereafter named within one twelve moneth after my decease;

ITEM I give unto my Brother Captaine Robert Brodnax if hee be living at my decease and settle in England the Profits of my Vineyard in Godmersham the Vineyard=house and the Feild xxxx house stands, in during his naturall life, hee allowing my Executrix soe long as shee remaines my widdowe One hogshead of the best Wine that is made from it, and deliver it to her in good order hee to be at all the Cost and charges of the Repaire of the House from time to time as need shall require, And of keeping and mainteyning the Vineyard, and making the Wine, or to allow for the said Cost and charges as my Executrix shall think fit

ITEM I give unto the oldest Sonn Lockhart fiftie Pounds, to put him out to be an Apprentice for the enabling him to get a Lively hood in the world, to be payd and placed=out at the discretion of my Executrix;

ITEM I give unto my Brother and Sister Turner Brother and Sister Papillon each five Pounds;

ITEM I give unto my daughters Jane Sarah and Anne all the Marsh=land which M:r Humphrey ??Wigstwicke nowe ?hires of mee in Burrmarsh Falcon Horse & ??Orgasweek Except the house barne yards and the peice next unto it, or the value thereof upon a due Appraisement, which my Executrix and my Sonn if then of yeares of discretion


discretion shall choose to be equally divided betweene them, and to be payd to them at their severall Ages of one and twentie yeares, And if any of them dye before they attaine the said Age, the part and portion of the deceased shall be for the increase of the Portion of the Survivour or survivours

ITEM my mynd and will is, and hereby I will and bequeath all the above said legacies that my Executrix in the first place pay all my debts which I hereby give for pxxx to doe by ?Sake of any of my Goods and Chattels or any of my Lands tenements and hereditaments which were not settled upon her on Marriage, as shall seeme best to her and afterwards to pay my Legacies with the Rents as they shall come to her hand;

ITEM I give unto my Sonn William (after my debts are payd) all my Mannors Lands Tenements and hereditaments to him and his heires forever at his Age of one and twentie yeares, and the Profits in the meane, which to be receaved by my Executrix for her maintenance, and his and his Sisters Education

ITEM I make and ordaine my deare and loving wife my full and sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament, And I nominate and appoint my abovesaid Brothers Thomas Turner esq:r and M:r Thomas Papillon merchant to be the Overseers of this my last Will, intreating them to be ayding and assisting him in the Execution of this my last Will and Testament: In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seale the day and yeare abovewritten:

W:m Brodnax.

Witness: Robert Edolph: John Johnson

PROBATUM fuit Testamentum suprascriptum apud London sexto die Mensis February Anno Domini (stylo Anglia) millisimo sexcentisimo septuagesimo tertis coram venerabili et egregio vira domino Leoline Jenkins milite Legum Doctor Curia prerogative Cantuariensis magistra custode sine Commissario legitime constituto juramento domine Maria Brodnax relicte et Executrix in hixxxxxxxxxxx Testamento nominate cujcommissa fuit Administratio omnium et singularum bonorum jurium et creditorium dicti defuncti de bene et fidelite administrando eadem ad sancta dei Evangelia vigore Comissio jurat Exl.
