HCA 30/636/1

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This page is the home page for volunteers working on HCA 30/636/1 materials

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IMAGE: 20211008_151042

Die Deught theught gheneucht ende vreught
is staech ziin lott.
siin loon staet vast int eerst offte lest
doort hulpe van Godt
Derrik Clement[?]o[n] Londo[n]
Anno: 1625

8t febraij 1627 [??]ted for hull
Richard P

[page break]

when \thou/ hast passed the riuer and art comme
into the land w\ch/cth. floweth w\th/ milck and
and honny and hast eaten and dronken and
art full:^\then/ Beware that thou forgett not
w\ch/ brought thee out of egipt and
freed the from the house of bondage: 1625
Agust 12: Richard Pargiter

Securus morit urqui scit se morte renuscii

11 — sth

12 — 10
26 - 12
16 — 08
54 - 10

12 |-| 10
30 |-| 00
42 - 10
14 - 17
57 - 7
37 - 10 -
20 - 00
57 - 10


IMAGE: 20211008_151053

of Iacott 285 - 10

        1394 - 2

of codde 600


meseringe 7 - 6 | 1590 ex Iaques

600 ex doorn
423 wouters


Beware the catt parrat

14 | 6
7 - 6


1678\9/ - 12

  285  - 10

1394 - 2

194 - 18 

1589 - 00

[page break]

the 20 of Ianuarÿ 1624 londra

Bought of mr Aÿmos Carsleek
for Nehemijah Walter and mr viz
1 pack whÿte denshire dozen narow 34-15-00
1 pack white denshire dozen narow. 35-00 00
1 pack white dnshire doze narow 36-00 00
6 wraper kersÿes at 3-3-4d - - 10-00 00
Summa is 114-19-00
for my part the half 057-09-06
1624 of which I payd the 1 of ffebrarij
vnto master walter - - - - 005 00 00
Rest due for me to pay bÿ bill
1625 due the 20 of Iuly 1625 to Aymes Carsleek 052-09 06
— — — — — — — ———
1624 the 19 of ffebruarÿ


IMAGE: 20211008_151104

in Amsterdam the 3rd Aprill [?XXXX]

Sould to leonart Claetzen op rebaet
In the sygne of hinlopen in the mowen dyke
1 pack densire kersye at £22 - 7 shillings - 8 pence
cost in london 26 shillinge is £447-10-00
rebated £22-7-08

payd the 14th of Aprill
rest due upon demand £425-02-08

Sould in Amsterdam the 9 of Aprill
To [?XX] Balthazar Jacott in the
warmodd street in the whyt cloth
1 pack denshire carsy at £20 on rebaet
cost 35 shillings £400-00-00
rebated 6 months £20-00-00
rest due upon demand £380-00-00

To [?XX] Isacke van halemael in the turckes
head in the calmerstraet
1 pack cost 34 shillings 6 pence at £20
rebated £20-00-00
rest due £380-00-00