HCA 13/68 f.502r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/68 |
Folio | 502 |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 14/07/2017 | |
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IMAGE: IMG_117_07_0562.jpg | |
First transcriber | |
Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2017/07/14 | |
Editorial history | |
Edited on 05/08/2016 by Colin Greenstreet |
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Luybecke, and thereby became and evere sithence hath bene and att present
is the lawfull owner of the sayd fourth part and likewise master of the
sayd shipp. And saith that the foresayd Conrade Esser and the sayd
Guilliam van Heere who was and is a Burgher of Hamburgh and a subiect of the free state thereof and this deponent in the moneth of ffebruary
last past did att Hamburgh lade on board the sayd shipp the goods
wares and merchandizes now on board her being wheat wax
some small parcells of sugar, some Russia leather Candles, peices
of wood and some other things all for their owne accompt, the
farr greatest part being for accompt of the sayd Esser and Van Heere
all to be in the sayd shipp transported to Bayon in ffrance and
there delivered for accompt of the sayd Conrad Essser Guilliam
Van Heere and this deponent. And saith that the sayd shipp having
taken in the sayd goods att Hamburgh departed therewith from
thence about fourteene dayes since for Bayon, and about
8 dayes since arrived in the Downes (where she now remaynes
with her sayd lading) under conduct of this deponent as master
of her, and is bound and is to goe with her sayd goods to the
Port of Bayon aforesayd there to discharge the same for accompt aforesayd
and to noe other port or place nor for anyother accompt
whatsoever. And Lastly saith that noe Hollander or other subiect
of the States of the United Provinces nor ffrench man or other
subiect of the ffrench King had or hath any right title share
or interest in the sayd shipp the Angell Gabriel or her
lading, or any part thereof, nor any other person or persons
whatsoever but the sayd Conrade Esser Guilliam van Heere and this
deponent (who are all Inhabitants of Hamburgh with their wifes and familyes),
and that this deponent hath Interest onely in two small cases
of sugar, about one hundred pound weight of wax and three
hundred Cheeses part of the sayd lading, the rest wholly belonging
to the sayd Conrade Esser and Guilliam van Heer.
Hinrick Vom brock [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
The 22th day of March 1653.
On the behalfe of Peter Julius}
Coiet and others subiects of the}
Queene of Sweden touching }
certaine shipp called the}
Ongermerland of Stockhollme}
(whereof John Cornelison is Master)}
Examined upon the Interrogatories
remaining in the Registry of this Court
and given in on the behalfe of the sayd
Peter Julius Coiet and Company.
John Cornelison of Stockholme in Swethland
Mariner master of the sayd shipp the Onermerland
aged thirty yeares or thereabouts a witnes
sworne and examined
saith and deposeth as
followeth videlicet.
To the first Interrogatory This deponent saith he knoweth well the
interrate shipp the Ongermerland being master of her, which
shipp he saith belongeth to the Port of Stockhollom in Swethland
and her Owners are Peter Julius Coiel, Jan Sylvesyterne
Anthony Bruyn Abraham van Eyke and Secretary Tonghell , which