MRP: Putney

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Editorial history

01/01/12, CSG: Created page

Suggested links

See Carshalton
See Oxted
See Putney
See Richmond


Map of Surrey, Richard Morton, 1704

MAP PLATE Surrey New Descrip & State Of E Morden R 1704 2ndED Betwpp72&73 DL CSG 010112 copy.PNG

Map of Putney, 1626

BOOK PLATE MAP Putney 1626 Pettiward SAC 1926 Fac P2 IArch DL CSG 220222.png


Insert Townscape

Image credits & copyright information

(1) Morden, Robert, 'Surrey', Plate, The new description and state of England, containing the maps of the counties of England and Wales, 2nd edn. (London, 1704), betw. pp. 72 & 73[1]

(2) Anon, 'Map of Putney in 1626: from the original drawing in the possession of Mr. Charles Pettiward,' in Surrey Archaeological Society, Surrey archaeological collections, vol. 37, pt. 1, (Guilford, 1926), face p. 2[2]

Town profile


A2A search: Putney, 1640-1670

East Sussex Record Office: Archives of the Frewen Family of Brickwall in Northiam (FRE/1 - FRE/1126): Family (no ref. or date): Miscellaneous early deeds: deeds of the Turner family (no ref. or date): Lease for 21 years, annual rent £20 FRE/501 1 Nov 1653
- Contents: William Wymondesold of Putney, Surrey, esq to Richard Jones of Putney, esq. New built brick house in the town of Putney between the houses and grounds there in the occupations of Mrs Yardley, widow, south and Henry White, north, with the garden, orchard, stable and coach house and 2 closes of land (9a) one (5a) abutting W on the walls of the premises and the other (4a) abutting W on the former, ranging between the road to Richmond and the common fields
Schedule of fixtures and fittings annexed

East Sussex Record Office: Archives of the Frewen Family of Brickwall in Northiam (FRE/1 - FRE/1126): Family (no ref. or date): Miscellaneous early deeds: deeds of the Turner family (no ref. or date): Assignment of leases for £400 FRE/502 25 Mar 1657
- Contents:
Richard Jones of Putney, Surrey, esq to John Turner of London, merchant
1 Property as in FRE/501
2 Messuage with the outhouses, backsides and yards, courts, garden and orchard land in the town of Putney, abutting on the one side to a tenement held by Lady Ruse and an orchard occupied by Mr Lyte, and on the other side onto a common way leading to the common field and late in the occupation of Mayor Coulsonn and near to the waterside; 1 farndle of ground lying outside and ranging with the orchard wall open to the road leading to the aforesaid field. Recites leases for 21 and 30 years respectively of the two properties from William Wymansold to Jones and he assigns the properties to Frewen for the remainders of the two terms

East Sussex Record Office: Archives of the Frewen Family of Brickwall in Northiam (FRE/1 - FRE/1126): Family (no ref. or date): Miscellaneous early deeds: deeds of the Turner family (no ref. or date):: Bond in £800 from John Turner and Richard Slany of London, merchants to Nathaniel Letton of London, merchant for them to repay £412 to Letton at his house in Buttolph Lane, London by 15 Sep next FRE/507 14 Mar 1659

Note: John Turner, merchant, was linked to the Turner family of Cold Overton

East Sussex Record Office: Archives of the Frewen Family of Brickwall in Northiam [FRE/1 - FRE/1126: Family [no ref. or date]: Letters of administration [no ref. or date]: Martha Turner as executrix of the estate of John Turner [no ref. or date]]
- Letters of administration (PCC) of the goods of John Turner of Putney, Surrey granted to his widow Martha Turner FRE/158 14 Dec 1669

East Sussex Record Office: Archives of the Frewen Family of Brickwall in Northiam [FRE/1 - FRE/1126]: Family [no ref. or date]: Letters of administration [no ref. or date]:
- Letters of administration (PCC) of the goods of Martha Turner of Putney, Surrey widow granted to her son Henry Turner FRE/159 5 Aug 1681
- Letters of administration de bonis non (PCC) of the goods of John Turner of Putney, Surrey which were left unadministered by his administratrix Martha Turner at the time of her death, granted to their son Henry Turner FRE/160 7 Oct 1681

East Sussex Record Office: Administration of the goods of John Turner of London, merchant (died 1669) [no ref. or date]
- Receipted bill for work by Edmund Pickering at the funeral of John Turner at Putney FRE/169 1669-1670
- Appointment by Henry Turner (John Turner's administrator) of his brother Richard Turner of Lincoln's Inn, esq to receive all sums of money due from the heirs of the late Edward Crispe of Barbados, merchant FRE/170 17 Jul 1696

East Sussex Record Office: Archives of the Frewen Family of Brickwall in Northiam (FRE/8198 - FRE/9713): ESTATE [no ref. or date: Leicestershire estate (no ref. or date): Correspondence: various early letters (no ref. or date)]
- Contemporary copy letters from John Pettiward written on behalf of his daughter Martha Turner to her steward William Hunt upbraiding his dishonest statements of accounts FRE/8968-8972 15 May-6 Dec 1670
- Letter to Martha Turner from her 'brother' Wymondesold concerning livestock at Cold Overton, and other estate matters FRE/8973 5 Jul 1670
- Letters to Martha Turner at her house in Putney, Surrey, from her steward Francis Pecher and from Francis Chamberlayne concerning estate matters. Details of prices of livestock purchased, payment of accounts, etc FRE/8974-8981 10 Mar 1671-13 Oct 1675
- Copy draft letters from Martha Turner at Putney to her Steward of the Cold Overton Estate, Francis Pecher giving him instructions as to management of the estate FRE/8982-8983 17 Feb 1676-14 Dec 1676
- Letter from Tyr[ingham] Stevens of [? the Registry of the Archdeaconry of] Leicester to Henry Turner at Lincoln's Inn concerning presentments to the Rectory of Sapcote, 1557-1599 FRE/8984 24 Jul 1683

Mentions of Putney in Wiki primary sources

Sir George Oxenden correspondence

See 8th March 1665/66, Letter from Thomas Chambrelan to Sir GO, Putney


PROB 5/1892 PROBY, Peter, of Putney, Surrey, merchant tailor, died in London (includes commission) [Registered will: PROB 11/378; Administration with will annexed d b n Feb 1686, Jun 1690] 1684[3]

Law suits


See Sir Thomas Chambrelan will
- "I desire that my body may be buried according to the Rules of the Church of England in the Parish Church of Putney soe neareas Conveniently may be to the place where my late deare wife was buried"

See PROB 11/378 Hare 141-180 Will of Peter Proby, Merchant Taylor of London 21 November 1684

Suggested image sources

View of Putney and Fulham, c. 1794

Anonymous artist/engraver, 'View of Putney and Fulham; View of Hackney,' pub. in The New and Complete English Traveller (XXXX, c. 1784)

- Two copper engraved antique prints on one page, left margin close trimmed (slight loss of decorative border). Size 23 x 36 cms plus margins. Ref G7110[4]

Suggested primary sources


PROB 4/13351 Turner, John, of Putney, Surrey 1670 24 Sept.
PROB 4/3128 Wymondesold, Sir Dawes, of Putney, Surrey 1675 18 Dec.

PROB 5/2124 SYMONDS alias SIMMONS, Hester, of Putney, Surrey 1666
PROB 5/1894 PETTIWARD, Roger, gent, of Putney, Surrey [Registered will: PROB 11/349] [Sentence: PROB 11/349] 1675)
PROB 5/1892 PROBY, Peter, of Putney, Surrey, merchant tailor, died in London (includes commission) [Registered will: PROB 11/378; Administration with will annexed d b n Feb 1686, Jun 1690] 1684
PROB 5/2301 Lawrence, Sir John, kt, of Putney, Surrey (includes account) 1694)
PROB 5/1257 Wymondsoll or Wymondsole, Thomas, esq, of Lambeth, Surrey, [merchant] [Registered will: PROB 11/448] 1698)

PROB 11/314 Bruce 49-96 Will of William Wymondesold of Putney, Surrey 11 June 1664
PROB 11/315 Bruce 97-143 Will of Hugh Hubbert of Putney, Surrey 14 December 1664
PROB 11/321 Mico 92-138 Will of Edith Roberts, Widow of Putney, Surrey 13 July 1666
PROB 11/328 Hone 113-166 Will of Jane Hubbert, Widow of Putney, Surrey 30 September 1668
PROB 11/334 Penn 129-184 Will of James White, Brewer of Putney, Surrey 16 December 1670
PROB 11/337 Duke 102-158 Will of Sir Thomas Chambrelan of London 07 December 1671
PROB 11/337 Duke 102-158 Will of John Pettyward or Pettiward of Putney, Surrey 11 December 1671
PROB 11/340 Eure 108-157 Will of Dame Mary Clarke, Widow of Putney, Surrey 07 December 1672
PROB 11/346 Bunce 104-150 Will of Noah Bridges of Putney, Surrey 10 November 1674
PROB 11/349 Will of Roger Pettiward, Gentleman of Putney, Surrey 09 February 1675
PROB 11/349 Dycer 106-147 Will of Sir Dawes Wymondesold of Putney, Surrey 22 February 1675
PROB 11/352 Bence 109-158 Will of William Pittman, Serjeant of His Majesty's Pivoy Buck Hounds of Putney, Surrey 06 November 1676
PROB 11/362 Bath 1-59 Will of Elizabeth White, Widow of Putney, Surrey 12 March 1680
PROB 11/366 North 48-94 Will of The Right Honorable Charles Earl of Nottingham 27 April 1681
- Charles Howard (b. 1610, d. 1681), the third Earl of Nottingham. Son of Charles Howard, 1st Earl of Nottingham, by his father's second wife, Margaret Stuart. He inherited the title of Earl of Nottingham in 1642, following the death of his half-brother, Charles Howard, 2nd Earl of Nottingham (b. 1579, d. 1641). 13 hearth house in Putney, Surrey (1664)
PROB 11/366 North 48-94 Will of Cordwell Hamond, Gentleman of Putney, Surrey 06 June 1681
PROB 11/371 Cottle 111-163 Sentence of Grace Ford, Widow of Rowhampton London 16 February 1682
PROB 11/378 Hare 141-180 Will of Peter Proby, Merchant Taylor of London 21 November 1684
PROB 11/388 Foot 90-132 Will of Sir Robert Wymondsold of Putney, Surrey 07 September 1687
PROB 11/397 Ent 139-189 Will of William Turner of Putney, Surrey 09 December 1689
PROB 11/414 Coker 47-90 Will of Jeremiah Jones, Waterman now belonging to Their Majesty's Ship Ossory of Putney, Surrey 17 March 1693
PROB 11/425 Irby 42-84 Will of Frydisweede Mascall, Widow of Putney, Surrey 27 May 1695
PROB 11/438 Pyne 89-132 Will of Walter Sysum, Mariner and now belonging to His Majesty's Ship Boyne of Putney, Surrey 14 May 1697
PROB 11/439 Pyne 133-177 Will of Daniel Belt of Putney, Surrey 08 July 1697
PROB 11/449 Pott 1-44 Will of Thomas Payne, His Majesty's Sergeant at Arms of Putney, Surrey 03 January 1699

PROB 18/7/94 Probate lawsuit Wymondesold v Wymondsold, concerning the deceased Sir Davies Wymondesold, kt of Putney, Surrey. Allegation 1675)
PROB 18/7/96 Probate lawsuit Pettyward v Pettyward, concerning the deceased Roger Pettiward, [gent] of Putney, Surrey. Allegation 1675)
PROB 18/13/52 Probate lawsuit Ford and Oveatt v Proby otherwise Ford and others, concerning the deceased Dame Grace Ford, widow of Roehampton, Surrey, relict of Sir Richard Ford kt. Allegation and interrogatory 1681

Suggested secondary sources

Guthrie, Old Houses of Putney (1870)

Ordish, T. Fairman, 'Fairfax house, Putney' in The Antiquary, vol. xv (London, 1887), pp. 49-52
- Mentions a survey of Putney in 1617

- Wimonsold family long established in Putney
  1. Morden, Robert, 'Surrey', Plate, The new description and state of England, containing the maps of the counties of England and Wales, 2nd edn. (London, 1704), betw. pp. 72 & 73
  2. Anon, 'Map of Putney in 1626: from the original drawing in the possession of Mr. Charles Pettiward,' in Surrey Archaeological Society, Surrey archaeological collections, vol. 37, pt. 1, (Guilford, 1926), face p. 2
  3. Peter Proby, merchant taylor of London and Putney; eleven hearths in Surrey hearth tax returns for Putney (PROB 11/378 Hare 141-180 Will of Peter Proby, Merchant Taylor of London 21 November 1684
  4., viewed 30/08/11