HCA 13/73 f.646v Annotate

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Annotate HCA 13/65 Volume Page
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Annotate HCA 13/69 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/70 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/71 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/72 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/73 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/74 Volume Page
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HCA 13/73 f.646v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window



That the said ship Constantinople Merchant was betweene
Vingorla and Goa met with by severall Dutch ships whereof
Peter de Beeter was Vice Admirall who would not suffer or permitt
the said Constantinople Merchant to goe to Goa, whether shee was then
sailing. And that hee the said De Beeter did send severall
of his Captaines and others on board the said shipp Constantinople
Merchant who broke open her hold and tooke out there
and carried onboard the said Dutch ships by order of the
said De Better 1982 Granadoe shells or thereabouts three
brassemorter Peeces with their Carriage and 59 peeces
of Iron Ordinance, and keepe and detaine the same, and
forced the said ship to depart thence without goeing into

To the 14th 15th and 16th hee saith that by the ketters papers and writings of
the said English Company hee is credibly informed, that the
foresaid 1982 granado shells weighed about 126896 lb weight
and that the said Company were advised that a Contract
was made by one Collonel Henry Raynsford with the Prince
of Brampore to deliver him the said Prince two Thousand
Granado shells at Rajapore for which the said Prince was to pay
38 Rupees per [?mannd] which is about 2 s 6 d Per pound at which
Price the said shells amount unto 15862 li or neere thereart
upon which said Advice this deponent verily beleeveth the said
English East India Company were induced to lade the
same, And as hee is likewise Informed the said three
brasse morter peeces weighed about 1691 lb and were
herevallued at 126 li 6 s 6 d and were worth as much or
neere thereabouts, and the three Varriages for them were
here worth 57 li. And the foresaid 59 Iron Ordinance did
weigh 609 hundred weight 3:9' 6 lb and were here worth 609 li 16 s. But
what the said Morter Peetes Varriages, and Ordinance
were worth in East India hee cannot Estimate. But verily
beleeveth that if the same had bin invested there in good
property for sale here (as ths deponenent verily beleeveth they
had not the same bin taken away by the Dutch as aforesaid
and the same goods brought into England they would
here have yeilded and produced double the vallue [?after]
charges deducted, or thereabouts./