HCA 13/68 f.206r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/68 |
Folio | 206 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2017/09/08 |
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The same day [CENTRE HEADING]
The Clayme of John denholme of Edinburgh}
in Scotland merchant for twelve bales of}
Lynnen cloath and an hundred bagges of}
wheate without marke seized in the}
three kinges of Hamborough by the Saphir}
ffriggott Suckley Budd}
Joachim Beane afforesaid examyned in
this Court likewise deposeth as followeth
To the first second third and fowreth articles of the said allegation and to
the schedule therein mentioned being shewen unto him att the time of his
examination hee sayeth and Deposeth That hee this deponent hath beene
Skipper of the Shipp the three Kinges of Hamborough arlate for theis
eight-monethes last past or thereabouts which hee sayeth hee this deponent bought
att Middleborough in Zealand for the accompt of ffrans Sloyer and him
this deponent And sayeth That the said Shipp in or about the moneth
of August last past lyeing att Saint Malloes as arlate the producent John
denholme being then there for his owne adventure and accompt did cause to be
laden aboard the said shipp twelve Bales of Lynen cloth marked as in the
margent and 100 baggs of wheate without marke and 40 baggs marked with the second marke in the margent which this deponent receaved aboard his said shipp to be therein
transported to Saint Lucar in Spayne and thereuppon did firme and signe
the Bill of Ladeing arlate exhibited in this cause which haveinge perused
diligently att the time of his examination hee acknowledgeth the same
to be firmed by and with this deponents owne hand writeing and to be
one of the three bills of the same tenor which hee this rendent firmed att
Saint Malloes uppon the Ladeing of the said Lynnen and Wheate predeposed
but sayeth That the producents name was not used nor inserted in the same
Bill of Ladeing but the name of Jan Cornelius by reason That (as the
said producent informed him this deponent) the said producent was necessitated
to use an other name instead of his owne for
some private reasons knowne onely to himselfe and
further cannot depose saveinge That hee the said producent John
denholme did imbarque himselfe aboard his this deponents said shipp
with the Lynnen and Corne predeposed for Spayne whether hee this
deponent intended his said voyage if the same had not bene hyndered
by the seizure of the said Shipp and her Lading by the Saphyr friggott
arlate And further cannot depose saving That all the forty baggs of
wheate above mentioned and marked as abovesaid were bought and Laden by
the producents order and direction yett hee sayeth they were not mentioned
in the said Bill of Ladeinge for that the said producent had promissed to
allowe him this deponent the proffitt of the said fortie baggs of wheate
att the btinging and sale thereof in Spayne
To the fifth article of the said allegation hee sayeth and deposeth That the