HCA 13/69 Silver 7 f.1v Annotate

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HCA 13/69 Silver 7 f.1v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


laden as aforesayd for the sayd moneys plate and tobaccoes. And then heard
the sayd Pedro Hulee say and declare that the sayd money sylver and
goods were his owne and for his Accompt and that he was to runn the
hazard and adventure of the. And further he cannot depose.

To the third he saith that one of the bills of lading to the allegation annexed
now shewne him was and is one of the Originall bills of lading
arlate videlicet the second bill of lading having the name Christian
Cloppenbergh att the foot thereof which with two other sof the same
tenor with it this deponent saw the sayd Cloppenbergh firm att cadiz
about the day of the sate thereof with his owne hand. And hhe verily
beleiveth that the six other bills of ladeing were and are six of
bills of lading originall arlate, and that the first of the sayd
bills with the name Jan Martinsdorp att the foot thereof with two
others of the same tenor with it were signed by the sayd John Martinsdorp
and that the five remaining bills haveing att the foot of every
of them respectively the name Ottavio Jorge were signed by Pedro
da Campo Purser of the Sampson for the sylver and tobaccoes aboard the
Sampson this deponent well knowing the character and manner of
writing of the sayd persons respectively. And otherwise referring
himselfe to the Acts of this Court, and saving his subsequent depositions
he cannot depose.

To the fourth he saith that after the lading of the sayd moneys sylver and
Tobaccoes as aforesayd the sayd shipps sett sayle therewith towards Ostend
and in their course thither were surprized by some of the Parliament
shipps haveing the sayd moneys sylver and tobaccoes then aboard them which
came to the hands of the Captaines that tooke the same this deponent
being aboard the Salvador att the tyme of seizure. And further he cannot depose.

To the fifth he saith that the arlate Pedro Hulee told this deponent att Cadiz
that notwithstanding the bills of lading for the sayd moneys plate and
tobacco were in the Bills of Lading entred and drawne for the Accompt
and Risco of the arlate Charles [Unique] of Antwerpe yet the same were
really and truly for the Accompt of himselfe the sayd Pedro Hulee and
upon his sole Adventure,. And this deponent beleeveth that the same were so
laden for his use accompt and Risco being bought and procured by him
in the Indies, and by him the sayd Hulee brought from the sayd Indies
to Cadiz as aforesayd. And further he cannot depose.

To the sixth he saith that the sayd Pedro de Hulee is accounted to be a native of
Antwerp in fflanders and to be an Inhabitant of Cadiz in Spayne, and
a subiect of the King of Spaine and so accounted, And further he cannot

To the Crosse Interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING]


To the first he saith he was aboard the Salvador interrate att the tyme of the
sayd seizure, and came aboard her first as a Passenger att Cadiz in the
month of October 1652.

To the second he saith he hath knowne the interrate Pedro Hulee in the sayd Indies
and Cadiz in Spaine for theise three yeares now past, and otherwise
saving his foregoeing depositions he cannot depose.

To the 3d he saith he saw the sayd Pedro Hulee att Vadiz the tyme interrate
and saw him goe aboard the shipps whereon his goods and moneyes were
laden att the tyme of the lading thereof, and saw the moneyes sylver ane goods now
claymed att his the sayd producents ladeing att Carthahena in the West Indies
in his quiet possession, and knoweth that he came with the Spanish galleons
from the sayd Indies, and therein brought the same with him ito Cadiz And
further he cannot depose.