HCA 13/63 f.2r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/63 |
Folio | 2 |
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Suggested links
Annotate HCA 13/64 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/65 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/68 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/69 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/70 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/71 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/72 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/73 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/74 Volume Page
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Simon [?] Testis als[?] ni cad[?] [?] atus[?] [?]
tam[?] demico[?] sup[?] alegatione arlata[?] martyr[?] [?] deponent
of [?]
The[?] [?] [?] [?] allegaitenie[?] deponent of dicit[?] that he this deponent was
one of the the[sic] shipp the [?] and [?] his[?] Company when the
[?] arlate was donne his by the shipp the ffortune[?] whereof the arlate [?]
which[?] was with[?] had sayeth truth[?] hurt or damage which[?] was donne ontu[?] this sail
Shipp the [?] and [?] on or about the [?] or day[?] arlate happened[?] when the sail Shipp the ffortune
had all his sayles upp and full and the sail Benjamin[?] and Judieth[?] ought[?] and [?]
a pappe[?] of coursue[?] and says the[?] that while the sail Shipp the Benjamyn and [?]
had his [?] sail [?] Barkstayes[?] the sail Shipp the ffortune[?] cannot [?] of
the sail Shipp the Benjamin and [?] and [?] his Etail[?] his ffreight sayl[?]
Spaine[?] and his [?] and the [?] therefor belongeith which the sail
[?] and [?] company were sayling on board this [?] [?] it and[?]
saline predepposith in that had[?] it inscriptions[?] [?] dependeing[?] it [?]
The[?] 2nd [?] deposition of [?] that with[?] his Judgement it is [?] possible for this[?] Shipp
to make[?] [?] was which[?] with his sayles as the Benjamyn & [?] [?] att the tyme
predeposed which with his [?] sayle at[?] [?] and which hee mayue[?] hath was
[?] with[?] neither did the said Shipp at
the time predepose make[?] this[?] more was then[?] of this Side[?] [?] it and [?]
which [?] deponent at [?] That the Shipp the Benjamyn and ? afforesaid at the
time arlate was [?] laden and [?] about [?] [?] water at[?] [?]
[?] that the ffortune[?] arlate was but a light Shipp bound for [?] for
[?] as hee hath heard[?]
The [?] [?] [?]
The 5th and 6th [?] [?] [?] allegations deponent at [?] That after the Shipp the ffortune
and the Benjamin and [?] were [?] one from the other the said Shipp
the ffortune about an houre after came to a place about high[?] a nice[?] distant[?]
further place where the said [?] Shipps first [?] and Sayeth That notwithout[?] and [?]
the said Shipps following [?] hath of the others wherein the said Shipp the
fortune had onley[?] his [?] [?] [?] [?] had the Sayles enough [?]
for that ship[?] made twas[?] Board and might have [?] and fast enough
from the place which [?] came on Shoare if the said Shipp had well[?]
but diligence[?] and care[?] about his it [?] [?]
The 8nd [?] [?] allegation deposith dicit[?] That if the [?] and Company of the Shipp
the fortune &[?] after She was [?] from the Shipp the Benjamin and [?]
as aforesaid had but [?] fall[[?] and [?] or had useth[?] that care about [?] and diligence[?]
with[?] they might safily[?] [?] they might have prevented the said Shippe
coming on ground and the damage that was or is [?] thereby if [?] damage
have happened more than this deponent hath predeposed [?] [?] [?]
predeposde[?] in [?] had[?] his saith [?] deposeth[?]
The 9nd[?] [?] allegation deponent That the Shipp fortune arlate was [?] one[?] fflemish
vessel and in his Judgement not most about [?] [?] []? [?] of her [?] [?] [?] [?]