HCA 13/72 f.411v Annotate

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To the 5th and 6th hee cannot answere . knowing nothing touching the
contents thereof./

To the 7th and 8th hee cannot answere knowing nothing not having heard
anything touching the contents of them./

To the 9th hee cannot answere knowing nothing touching the contents

To the 10th hee saith hee knoweth neither of the parties Interrogate and
therefore cannot answere./

To the last hee saith hee favoureth all parties in this suite alike and
desyreth right may prevaile therein And to the rest negatively

Repeated in Court before both Judges./



The same day [CENTRE HEADING]

Examined upon the sayd allegation


Arthur Ingram of London Merchant aged
42 yeares or thereabouts a wittnesse sworne and
examined saith as followeth videlicet./

To first and 2 articles of the sayd allegation hee saith hee this deponent
being a Merchant of London and a Correspondent of the arlate
don Christovall da Alvorado living the tyme arlate and before and since
in the Island of Teneriff one of the Canarie Islands, did by order
of the arlate John Woods send some effects from London in or about the
moneth of November 1657 in a shipp whereof one Tyson was
Master (her name at present hee remembreth not) to the sayd don
Christovall da Alvarado for Accompt of the sayd Woods and desyred
him to invest the same in wines for Accompt of the sayd Woods
and send them for London consigned to this deponent to be delivered
by this deponent to the sayd John Woods And saith the sayd don Christovall
did in or about the moneth of January last
1657 old style advise this deponent that hee had receaved the sayd
effects and that hee would in returne thereof send two pipes
of wyne by the Mary and Joyce then at Teneriff aforesayd and
afterwards receaved an other letter of advise to this deponent
expresseing that hee had laden them aboard the sayd shipp,
and referred this deponent as touching larger advise of
the marke and cost of the sayd wynes to a letter hee had
written and sent by the sayd shipp Mary and Joyce with a bill of ladeing inclosed
which letter and bill of ladeing never came to this deponents
hands the same being as his precontests Phillip Stafford and William
Warren told this deponent seized in the sayd shipp shee being
withall her ladeing and papers seized in her course from