MRP: Arnold Vander Beke will

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Arnold Vander Beke will

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08/05/12, Created page

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Elias Vander Beke will

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IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I Arnold Vander Beke doe make this may last Will or testament and doe renounce all other I being as yet in good memory and reasonable health but considering that nothing is more certeine than death and nothing more uncertaine than the hower therof

FFIRST I recommend my Soule into the hands of Almighty God and my Body to be buryed

FFIRST (sic) that my debts for which I have agreed may be paid as also my new debty may be fully paid with some what more of the old debts if well can be spared although I have fully paid that which was left

SECONDLY I give to the Parish in which I live One Pound and in S:t Georges Parish both to the Poore also One Pound

SECONDLY (sic) I give to my grand daughter Tenn Pounds sterling

THIRDLY I give to my sonn Abraham Vander Beke Six Hundred Pownds Sterling viz:t
Three Hundred Pownds and the other Three Hundred Pounds after the decease of my loving wife or sooner if shee thinks good

FFOWERTH I hive unto my daughter Sarah Vander Beke ffower Hundred Pownds Two Hundred Pownds thereof after the death of my loving wife or sooner if shee thinks good The rest of the Childredn have had porrions The one more The other lesse

FFYFTHLY give unto my loving wife the rest of my Estate of all what is left as all the household stuff for to dispose thereof to the rest of the children as shee shall think good doe make my wife Executrix of all And my sonn Samuell Vanderbeke with my sonn Abraham Vander Beke overseers of this my Will-

In London the tenth of Aprill One Thousand Six Hundred and Seaventy ffower All ?athis written and subscribed with my owne hand was subscribed


PROBATUM Londini fuit Testamentum suprascriptum coram venerabili vivo Richard Lloyd Legum Doctore Surrogato: venerabilis et agregij vivi Domini Leolini Jenkins Militis Legum etiam Doctoris Curia Prarogative Cantuariensis Magistris Custodis sive commissarij legitime constituti viresimo secundo die mensis Julij Anno dmi millesimo Sepcentesimo Septuagesimo Quinto Juramento Elizabetha Vander Beke Relicta et Executricis in ?huinsinudi Testamento nominate Oni commissa fuit Administatio omnium et singularum Bonorum Juium et Creditorum dicti defuncti de bene et fideliter administrando eadem ad sancta dei Evangelia in debita Jurro form a Jurat. Exr


Variant names

Possible primary sources


PROB 11/348/295 Will of Arnold Vander Beke 22 July 1675

Possible secondary sources