MRP: HCA 23/19

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HCA 23/19

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HCA 23/19 Interrogatories 1658-64


Double paged image showing document is "No: 4"

Document Number: 4: Case: XXXX: Date: XXXX


//Interria ministrat et ministrand ex parte et per partem Illustris
Sini principis Jacobi DXXX Eboras et Albanne xr Dm : mag in
Admiralli Angli testis, quibustung, ex parte et per partem
MXXthatlis dreist, Samuelis Poplot et seriord quoad Navem the
Nativity, of Johis Eastman et al pro bonis in eadem seizit pro
Durt, sen producend sequirit.

1. Let every wittnesse bee asked whether hee was in the shippe
The Nativity when shee began her last voyage and from
What port was shee sett out when she was bound for Oporto Port
& what Lading did shee carry thither & to whence was itt
Delivered, And howe long hath the said wittnesse belonged to
The said shippe, and what Office had hee in her, Ad interr
Con:m et dX:m ar de quolibet

2. I :m interrr, Whether was hee in the shippe, when shee was seized
(as is prtended) by one Captaine ?Colarte, and was hee alsoe in the said
Shippe, when shee was stayed neere ffalmouth, or howe long
Since, and att or neere what place did hee leave the said shippe
And lett him declare upon his Oath when and whenre hee last sawe
The said shippe and howe hee doth knowe her to bee the same
That belonged (as is p:rtended) to Michael ?Alweist, Samuel RXXXX
And Company, And lett itt bee done as above.

3. Lett him bee asked, whether hee the said witnesse had any parte
Or share in the said shippe the Nativity or in any part of the
Goods or lading, and whether Michael Dweist a witnesse pro
Duced in this Cause bee the same partie where in this Cause
Is a Clayment of parte of the shippe Et fiat ut sup:r

4. Itmm: interr. When had the Claymers or the mittnesse first
Notice that the shippe Nativitywas stayed neere ffalmouth
Howe long time was there betweene the seizure made by Colarte
And the saty of the said shippe made neere ffalmouth and
Whether in that time, was nott the said shippe used and imploy
Ed as a shippe of Warre by those that had her then in possession
And whether one Michell and his Company did nott with the
Said shippe Nativity take and seize some other shippes and
Goods , and XXXX many shippes and what sorts or quantities of
Goods Et fiat at sup:X

5. Itmm: interr. Howe sooth hee knowe that the said Michael
Dweist and the other Clayments are Owners of the said shippe
Did they build itt, or buy itt, When and where was itt bought
& paid for, Is the wittnesse in the cause a witnesse to the
Bill of sale made of the said shippe or was p:rsent att the
Buying, or howe else doth hee knowe the Propreto:rs. Ex parte
His Reason. Et fiat ut sup:a//


//6. Itmm : interr. Whether did the partie that prormed the GXXX
Or deputy of S:t Manes Castle, or did any other on his behalfe
Agree with the said Governo:r or deputy to give him satisfact
Tion for his paines & Charges that hee should nee att, as
Stay of the said shippe, And what satisfaction hath been
Given or is promised for the same; Et fiat at sup:a.

7. Itmm:interr, Whether Before the said shippe Nativity
was stayed neere ffalmouth had nott they whoe were in
possession of her beene by the space of 1. 3. 5. Or more monthes
weeks, or daies sailing and ?roaving up and ddowne in the
English Channell and used and imployed the said shippe as
a Man of warre to take pXXXXX, And within that time in
and with the said shippe had nott Michell p:rtending hm
-selfe Captaine thereof, and the Company of the said shuppe
taken & dubdued & gott into theire possession some other shippe
or shippes & goods , and spoiled the Right Owners thereof
att least had indeavoured soe to doe, and were aiding abetting
or assistant to the Commander & Company of some other shippe
whoe seized and made spoile as aforesaid Et fiat ut supp.

8. Itmm: interr Whether Immediately before the said shippe was
tayed neere ffalmouth was shee nott chased by a dutch man
of Warre or some other shippe upon the seas neere the Coast
of Cornwall on the West of ffalmouth and Pendennis, or S:t
Manes Castle, And did nott the shippe Nativity flee from the
Said other shippe, and in her flight might shee nott have made
Pendennis or S:t Manes Castle or ffalmouth harbo:r her Refuge
And have beene there surrXXed XX the Commander and Comp
-any of the Nativity had beene true men & friends, And yett did
They nott shun and avoide the said Castle & harbo:r and run their
Shippe aground a league or thereabouts to the Eastward of the
Said castle, And lett itt bee done as above.

9. Itmm: interr. Whether when the said shippe was soe stayed neere
Ffalmouth, was nott the said Michell or hee that was the then re
Puted Commander of the shippe Nativity and his Company or
Some of them examined howe they came by the said shippe &
The goods in her and howe long they had beene in possession
Thereof or to such effect, and did they nott then answeare that
The same were taken att Sea from a dutchman or hollander
Some monethes or weekes then next before, and doe nott you knowe
That the said Michell & Company did nott, nor cold then pro-
-duce any Commission to warrant the taking of the said shippe
Or goods, And lett itt bee done as above.

10. Itmm Lett him bee asked Whether att the time when the said Nativity
Was stayed neere ffalmouth and seized to the use of his Royall
Highness the Lord High Admirall aforesaid by his Officers and//


//Ministers and whilest they remayned aboard the said shippe, did
nott the Commander and Company of the said shippe designe &
contrive and indeavo:r to blowe the said shippe up with Gunpowder
and were there nott severall Barrells of Gunpowder n the said
shippe, opened & prepareed by the Commander & Company of
her for that purpose, And have yo:u nott heard & beleeve that they
would have soe done if they had nott beene timely discovered
and prevented, Et fiat ut sup:a

11. Itmm interr. What Colo;es did Captaine Colartes shippe weare
att the time when (as itt is p:rtended) shee seized the Nativity
did shee weare the Swedish, or hwat other Colo:es and did nott
the shippe the Nativity ware the Holland Colo:es or what
colo:es did she ware or had shee nott the holland colo:es
aboard her declare the trueth, Et fiat ut sup:a

12. Itmm. Interr. Whether the sd shippe the Nativity when (as itt
is p:rtended) shee was seized by Captaine Colarte was nott
she seized in the English Channell and in sight of land, Et
fiat ut sup:a

Document Number: 6: Case: XXXX: Date: XXXX


//N:° 6//


//Interrogatoryes on the behalfe of John Absolon
to be admibistered to whatever prdsed wutnesses
produced or to bee produced on the behalfe of
Nicholas Payne as followeth,

1 Imprimis Interrogot:r quilet testis to what shippe hee belonged
and how hee commeth to be a witnes in this cause whether
hee doth not well know that the Sjipp the Swanne of
which the said Absolon was master commeing from New-
castle upon or about the seaventeenth of may last 1660
about 10 or 11 of the clock in the morneing sett saile
from or neare Newcastle with her ladeing of coales
and whether the shippe the Prospous (sic) of Bright Hampton
did not follow next after the Swanne and y:t they turned
about the bill poynt, Whether the Prospous had not
the greater wynd & did becalme the Swanne & whether
the Maste or some other of the Company of the Swanne
did not call out to the company of the Prosperous to
loare (sic) theire top sailes or else they would come
foule of them, & whether some of y:e Prosperous did not
heare & make answeare that they would warrant that
they would bee foule of them or to that effect, or what
did they say, And let each bee asked joyntly sewally
and of each particular,

2 Item Let each bee asked whether they of the Prospous
did not refuse to loare theire top sailes & soe ranne
wilfully upon the Swanne with a fresh gale and
whether the Prospous had not a great way & might
easily have escaped & gone by the Swanne if they
had loared theire top sailes, & whether theProspous
did not runne her ?bolt spritt betweene the misson
mast & misson shrowdes of the Swanne on the star board
quarter? & whether the Prospous did not ranne w:th
such a force & violence upon the Swanne that day//


//what her company could they forced the Swanne ?a
shoare & whether the comp:a of the Swanne did
cast out theire anchor & doe what they could to
helpe it, & whether the Prospous did not goe XXX
and leave the Swanne without takeing any ?care
of her and giveing her the least assistance XX
let each bee asked as aforesaid,

3 Item Let each bee asked whether the company XX
Swanne did not get about twenty five XXX
helpe them to have gott off the said Shippe XXX
but they could not & whether the said Shipp XX
not bilged in the sea & whether that disaster XX
not occationed by the wilfulnes & carelesnes of XX
Prospous and her company, & whether Thomas
Mitchell the cheife mate of the said Shippe was
on board when the said Shippe was soe runne XX
and whether hee was not an able & an ?expierenced
person to looke to a shippe & one that tooke
much care as if John Absolon himselfe had ?been
on board the said shippe himselfe, & let each be
asked as aforesaid//

Document Number: 6: Case: XXXX: Date: XXXX


//N:° 8//


ffurther Interrogatories ministred and to bee ministred on behalfe of
his Royall Highness the Grastious Prince, James Duke of Yorke &
Albanie Lord High Admirall of England to whatsoever wittnesses
produced or to bee produced on behalf of S:r John Strangewayes
Knight and Baronett doe followe.

1 Imprimis interroget:r Howe long did hee knowe the right hon:ble George
Duke of Buckingham, and the right hono:ble the Earle of
Suffolk before theire death, what was the name of him that
was deputy ?Proadmirall or what was the name of him that
Marshall of the Viceadmiralty of Dorsett in that time when
the said Suke was L:d Admiralll & the said Earle XXXXad
mirall of Doresett & in what yeeres of the Lord were they XXX
At inter con:mm ez d:m at de qXXlet

2 Itmm if any wittnesse interre_r to depose to the Contentes of the
4:th or 5:th Articles of the Allegacon interroget:r Whether the
said Duke or earle gaave the orders or Instructions therein men
-tioned by word of mouth or writing, Att what place and in
what yeere moneth or day of the moneth were they given XXX
what occasion was the said wittnesse then and there p:rsent
Was hee sent for to bee a wittnesse or did hee come XXXX
& whoe brought into thep:rsence of the said XXXX XX the XXXX
and whoe was then p:rsent besides the said witnesse, XXX
theOrder allegate given by the Duke or by the Earle and
by which of the, And howe many writings or XXXXX wince
then produced before the said Duke or Earle and did they
themselves pusse and examine them, or whome did they a
point for thet purpose name him; Et fiat ut supra.

Examine him also
upon the former

Verso & Recto


Document Number: 11: Cse: XXXX: Date: XXXX


//4:° Decembris 1660

Johannes Ferney &
Johannes Robinson jurati
coram dre ?Leolini Jenkins


Ex pte Patrick Angus

N:° 11

Interreies X Patrick Angus for
a losse in the Providence of
Stockholme. Jn:° Robinson M:R

Exhi:t 3 dec 1660.//


Interrogatories to be administred unto witnesses
produced and sworne for and on the behalfe of
Patrick Angus of Burnt (OR, Bunnt) Island in Scotland
Mariner Concerning a losse in the Providence of

1. Imp:r did you know the good shipp or vessell called y:e Providence
of Stockholme whereof John Robertson was M:r at such time as
she was last at Stockholme aforesaid? When was the said shipp
last there was shee not then from thence bound on a voyage
to this port of London? were you one of the Company of the said
Shipp in her said voyage? what was your office or imployment
in her? declare the trueth.

2 Doe you not know Patrick Angus of Burnt Island on
Scotland Mariner & how long have you knowne thim? and doe
you not know that whilst the said shipp was at Stockholme
aforesaid, there was a quantity of Iron, and other goods ladena
and put on board her there for the sole and proper accompt of
him the said Patrick Angus, which was to be brought in the said
Shipp to London? declare the quantity of Iron & other goods w:ch
were then aand laden aboard the said shipp for his accomp, who
laded the same, and render a Reason oy yo:r knowledge in the p:rmisses

3. Doe you not alsoe know that he the said Patrick Angus was
alsoe a part owner and proprietor of the said Shipp her tackle
& furniture at the time of her departure from Stockholme afoesaid
on her said voyag? and alsoe at the time of her taking and
suprizall? what part share or interest had he therein? declare
the trueth & Render a Reason XX

4 When departed the said shipp from Stockholme on her said
voyage? doe you not know that in prosecucon of her said
voyage the said shipp having the said Iron XX on board
her was surprized and taken at sea by enemies, and by them
carryed into Ostend and thence made prize? Declare when, wjere,
& by whome the said shipp XX was soo taken & surprized, & whither
shee was carryed, and the particular day when shee was carryed into
Ostend. Was not the interest & propriety of the said Patrick
Angus both on shipp & goods wholy lost unto him by meanes of the
said surprizall report any restitucon satisfaccon for the same?
declare the trueth XXXX.//

Document Number: 10: Case: XXXX: Date: XXXX



Interria ministrata et ministranda ex parte et XX partem XXX
triimm Principis Jacobi ?Duris Eboras Dmm magXX AdmXXXX
Anglios testibus quibusrungh ex parte et per partem Bal?in
Mathews et ?Sellin Ollard (quoad Navem the Constance
de fflushen (ruiXX Clais Sootling nuy brat magr) et
Bona in eadem prips Pembrey in Com
dependit) product XXX producend seguunt?

1. Imp:rm interroget:r Whether hee the said wittness were
one of the Company of the said shipp when shee was
lost and cast away. Howe many men belonged to her
and howe many of them were drowned & howe many
saved, And what is become of the other men
that were p:rserved, At interr con:ny di:ny at de gXXXlet

2 Itmm. interroget:r Howe farre from the shoare was
the said shippe splitt or sunke or cast away, By which
meanes & prervem:t were the goods that are
mentioned in the schedule annexed to the Allegacon
upon which hee is examined What men & howe many &
what horses or other Cattle or Carts or XXarries were
imployed in ?weighling upp or drawing or other
Carriage of the goods, Were they nott imployed or sett
on work by the Viceadmirall or other Officers of
the Admiralty in those parts and have nott they paid
or are liable to pay the imployed & to what summe as
the said wittnesse estimath theire Labo:r and the
Charge of Warehouse ?Rome & Carriage, and other
expenses in p:rserving & curing what is saved
At fiat ut sup:r.

3 Itmm. interr. Whether the Corps of some of those that
were drowned were nott taken out of the Sea or cast
ashoare and afterwards buried, & who paid for the
buriall of them. Et fiat ut sup:a

4 Itmm. interr. Whether did nott the Viceadmirall
or some other Officers or Ministers of the Admiraltie
furnish the men that were saved with meat drinke
Clothes or mony or money worth and to what summe
or value, Et fiat ut sup:a//


5 Itmm interr, To what Port did the shipp nelong and
where did shee begin her outward voyage, ?What
lading did she carry out in her and for whose XXX
and are the goods that are nowe claymed the ?ProXXX
of the outward Lading, and were the same parties
whoe were Own:rs of the shipp Owners ?alsoe
of the goods that were laden in her, and whoe besides
the said Baldwin Mathews & ?Sellin )OR, Gellin) Ollard XX
any share in the said shippe or outward or homeward
lading Et fiat ut sup:a

6 Itm~ interr. Att what Ports beyond the Seas hath
the said shippe traded this voyage, Putt him in
minde of his oath and lett him declare whether ?some
of the goods that are nowe claymed did not com from some
English Plantacon beyond the Sea, and Whether the ship
since shee went from fflushen was nott att some
English Plantacon, Et fiat ut sup:a~.

7 Itm~ interroget;r Whether was the said Baldwin
Mathews & ?Gellin Ollard att the Port or Ports
where the homeward Lading was received, Dod
they lade the goods or whoe did, or howe doeth the
witthesse knowe that they were laden for theire Account
Et fiat ut supa~.

8 Itm~. interr, Att what time, name the moneth or day
of the moneth when the said shippe was lost and cas
away, and whether hee doeth nott knowe or hath heard
& beleeveth that about the same time some other shipp
or shippes were cast away or lost neere the same place
Et fiat ut supa~.

9 Itm~. interr. Whether hee hath XXX the Guns and
other goods mentioned in the schedule aforesaid since
they were XXX & howe doeth hee knowe that they
are the same that were in the shippe the Constance
before shee was cast away Et fiat ut sup:a~//

End of these interrogatories

Document Number: 13: Case: XXXX: Date: XXXX



INTERRIA ministrata et ministranda ex parte
et p partem Johis Bland testibus omnibus et
singulis ex parte et p partem


Document Number: 37: Case: ex Parte Thoma Breton Abrahami Sayon Johis Godschall Edidy Thomas: Date: XXXX


//INTERROGATORIA ministrand a ex
Parte Thoma Breton[1] Abrahami Sayon[2]
Johis Godschall[3] Edidy
Thomas, et seriorum M:rcatorum Anglirosa
Quoad bona in navem quandum corat the
Oporto M:chant (?Cujus Elias drew fuit
Madd) XXXXta jup quibus p:tunt testes
Examinat ad perpetuain XXXmoriam
Sequintur vizt.

1. IMPRIMIS Interr quitebet whether doe you know
Or have seene the said shippe called the Oporto
Merchant, whether doe you not know or howe heared
That the said Elias Drew was the Master of
The said shippe and the Owners of the said
Shippe were, and are English men and subjects
Of our Soveraigne Lord King Charles the second
And that the said shippe in the monethes of
Jan:ry and ffeb:ry 1662 (English style) and for
Some time before and after and at the time of
The seizing of the said shippe and her lading by
The subjects of the King of Spaine doe
Belong unto the port of Londona nd that the said
Shippe was upon and at the time of her departure
From this Port of London upon the voyage to
Lizboa of the Burthen of one hundred and eighty
Tunnes or thereabouts declare what you know
Beleive or have heard to this purpose Et interr
XXXX divs et de quolibel.

2. ITEM Interr quilibel whether doe you XXX know or
Have heard that the said Thomas Breton
Abraham Sayon John Godschall


//and Giles Travers or some of them did by Charter party
25:th of ffeby 1661 take the said shippe the Oporto Merchant
To freight of John ?Pill and Rowland XXXX
M:rchants owners of the said shippe for a voyage to be
Made with the said shippe from this port
To Lisboa and from thence to the XXXX
Or any other place within the straights of Gibraltar
Being in ffriendshipp with the King of England
In such manner as XX the Charter parties
For the said voyage is conteined declared and
Know beleive or have heard to this purpose

3. ITEM Interr quilibet whether doe you XX knowe

Document Number: 37: Case: XXXX: Document: Charterparty for Opporto Merchant of London: Date: XXXX


IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN this Charterparty indented of a freightment made the Eight &
Our soveraigne Lord Charles the second by the grace of God King of England and Scotland ffrance and Ireland defender
Merchants owners of the good ship called the OPPORTO MERCHANT OF LONDON of the burthen of one hundred and Eight
Thames within the port of the Citty of London (of which ship Elias ?Drew Mariner is Master)
Breton Abrham Sayon Andrew Midleton John ?Goosthall GilesXXavervband Nichols Vanaker of London
The said owners have granted and letten to freight the said ship unto the said Merchants by the
Certaine from the departure of the said ship from Gravesend outwards
At and for the rate and price of one hundred and thirty and eight
The Calendar and for such and solongtime after the said
Factors or assignes to keepe the said ship in their service
Of England p month and soeafter the
And hired the same ship for a voyage with her to be made by Gods blessing in manner and forme following (that is to say
Administrators doe covenant grant and free to and with the said merchants theri executors and administrators by the
And next faire winds and weather that God shall send after ffoure and twenty houres notice given to the master
Gravesend with such goods and merchandizes as the said merchants their factors or assigne sof XXXX
May reasonably carry and ?store in her over & above her victuall tackle and apparell after her arrivall there shall after she shall be cleared at Gravesend & y;e XXXX with the first fair XXXX weather then XXXX happens
The perils and dangers of the seas excepted saile unto Lisboa in the Kingdom of Portugall there to discharge the goods and merchandizes carried
In her thither and being then dispatched shall directly saile from thence to the ?Madera Islands XX
The straights of Gibraltar being in league of friendship with the King of England here she may
Directed by the said merchants to their factors and assignes to saile unto to receive & take into her her freight
Said merchants thero factors ?or assignes shall lade & put aboard her so as she may reasonably XXX
Apparell as aforesaid and being XXXX from her last port of employment abroad shall by Gods
& the perills & dangers of the setting XXX saile is XXX & come backe into the said port of the XXX
Arrive thereat an anchor to make discharge and and of her said intended voyage AND the said
Doe iointly and severally covenant grant & agree to and with y:e said owners to
And directtion to the master of the sd ship for
The streights of Gibraktar inamity with England where she may safely arrive

Document Number: 51: Case: Willia, Curtis, Thomas Hussey, Samuel Harvar(d): Date: XXXX


William Curtis Testibus oibus, et
singulis ex pte Thoma Hussey[4],
Samuelis Harwar[5] et serior con en
utruq:r p:rduct et p:ducent Sequuntur

1. IMPRIMIS Exponatur Civitibi Testi perXXculu
et prba Testis falsdii, et tum inter de XX atate,
sonducone mora et orta XXXX, Et quamdin novit ptes
in humoi Caa litigands Et Interr Con:m div:m et de

2. ITEM Inter quilibi Whether were you any of
the Company of the Shipp the May fflower[6]
mencconed on the Allegaccon whereupon you are
examined, if yea whether were you areofficer of
the said shipp or a Common marriner if an
officer what office did you beare in the said
Shippe Et fiat et supra.

2. Item Inter quilibi Whether doe you not know,
beleive, or have credibly heard reported That at the
tyme of the makeinge of the Charter Partie mencconed
in the Allegaccon whereupon you are examined
and alsoe some tyme before and at the tyme That
the said Willm Curtis was by the said Thomas
Hussex William HaXXXXard and Companie
appointed master and Commander of the said shipp
the May fflower, the said Thomas Hussey,
William Harvard and Companie or some of them
did know, and take notice of, That the said William
Curtis was ymployed by and in the Service of the
East India Company & that he was untertXXXXX


//into and in the Service of the East India
Companie before he was master of the sd
Shipp the May fflower & that the said XX
Hussey, Samuel Harward and Companie XX
soe much at the tyme of the said makeing of y:e
said Charter Partie nor did take any off
exception at all to the same but were content
therewith. Declare what you know, beleive, and
heard to this purpose: Et fiat et sapra.

4. Item Inter Quilibi Whether doe you ?know
have credibly heard what daie of the moneth
what yeare of our Lord the said Shipp the May
fflower was dispatched and cleared at Madras ?by
factors and Agents of the East=India Companie XX
Madras upon her voyage homewards for England if
yea, expressed the precise day of the moneth and
what yeare of our Lord it was, whoe by name
the Cheife ffactor and Agent of the East India
Companie at Madras the tyme when the XXX
was dispatched from thence and had the CXXXX
Cheife of the officers of the East India Companie
Et fiat ut supra.

5. ITEM Interr quilib Whether doe you
What pXXXX and Custome XX
the moneth and in what yeare of our Lord XX
shipp Mary Gold mencconed in the sd XXX
whereupon you are examined did depart and
saile from Madras if yea expresse the XXXX
day of the moneth and what yeare the sd
Mary Gold sett saile from Madras. WhXXXXXX//


6. ITEM Inter quilibi Whether doe you not
know, beleive, or have Credibly heard That from, &
continually after the tyme that the said shipp
the Mary Gold did saile from Madras the
voyage in Question untill the 29:th day of
January 1659 about XXXX the wind was
sent XXXdly and the Streame did constantly
comme to XXX Northward, soe as both the wind &
Streame duringe the said tyme were both
contrary to the said shipp the Mary Gold,
to her Comeinge for England & that she did
not nor could duringe the said tyme advance, or
make any proresse ?foward in her course for
England, and that two daies after her departinge
from Madras she was seene off from thence and
observed to have made noe advance or progresse for
England. Declare what you know, beleive, or have
heard to this purpose Et fiat ut surpra.

7. Item Interr quilibi Whether doe you not know,
beleive, or have Credibly heard reported. That
Thomas Chamber[7] whoe was Cheife Agent
for the East India Company at Madras in, &
dureinge the monethes of December and
January 1659 and for some tyme before and
after did not, did not, nor would dispatch the
said Captaine Curtis from thence ?give him
his dispatched soe as he might be in a
Capacity to sett saile from thence untill the
29:th of January 1659//






//the same were and are and soe usually have
beene Accustomed to be carried aboard the
Shipps there in the Service of the East
India Companie by the boates of the
County there. Declare what you
know beleive or have heard to this purpose. Et
fiat ut supra

12. Item Inter quilibt Whether doe you not
know, beleive, or have heard reported That
by the meanes and default of the said Agent
and for want of the said boates some of the
said provisions were not, nor could be gott
aboard the said shipp untill the 28:th of
January 1659 and that upon the 24:th and 25:th
of january 1659 there was not water and
other provisions aboard the said Shipp
sufficient for the companie of the said Shipp
in her voyage for England & that without
the same the said Shipp could not, nor was
in a Capacity to saile if the wind had beene
then faire as in truth it was not. Declare
what you know, beleive, or have heard to this
purpose. Et fiat ut supra.

14. Item Inter quilib Whether doe you not


//know beleive, or have heard reported that the
May fflower before her arrivall at Madras
the voyage in Question did Come fromMeslepatan for Madras & that being XX
with goods she was dispatched from XXXX
for madras by W;m Johnson Cheife XXXX
for the East India Companie there, upon y:e
14:th of January 1659 and not before & XX
soe soome as ever the said Shipp was XXX
from thence the said 14:th of January 1659
the said Captaine Curtis did upn the
14:th of January 1659 sett saile with y:e
said Shipp from Mesloputan for Madras
and arrived there with the said Shipp &
goods in her upon the 25:th of January 1659
then the said Goods brought thither in the
said Shipp were unladed out of her XX
expedicionne That the said Captaine Curtis &
his Company Could make or that the Agent XX
the Company there Could prmitt & XXX
sent the boates for the same the XXXX
were with all Diligence unladed out of the
said Shipp & that it was the 24:th or 25:th of
January 1659 before the last of the goods//


//there were unladed out of the said Shipp
and whether were not you the wittnesse
ymployedd in the unladinge of the said goods
out of the said shipp there, and did your
diligence therein. Et fiat ut supra.

15. Item Inter quilibi Whether did not the
said Captaine Curtis after his dispatch
at Mesloputan make all spaces he could
from thence for Madras & that the said
voyage from Meslepatan to Madras was
furnished in in, and with the said Shipp
May fflower in as soone a tyme as wind &
weather did, or could prmitt from her
departure from Mesleputan for Madras
aforesaid & that there was noe default at all
in the said Captaine Curtis therein &
whether have not you the wittnesse said, &
affirmed soe much. Et fiat ut supra

16. Item Inter quilibi Whether doe you not
know, beleive, or have heard reported that
after the arrivall of the said shipp at Madras
from Mesleputain as aforesaid the said Capt
Curtis did by himselfe and other sby him
ymployed write, p:suafe and importance the


//said Thomas Chamber the said Agent
of the said Companie at Madras to XXX
away the said Shipp form thence &
he the said Captaine Curtis used all his Diligence therein & that he
was in noe default at all therein & XXX
notwithstandinge he could not procure
obtaine his disptaches from the sad
Agent untlll the 29:th of January 1659
whether hand not you the wittnesse before
examined as a wittnesse touchinge this pXXX
and have XXXed upo youre oath that the
Agents if the East India Company XXX
Mesleputan and Madras were in default
that the said Shipp was not sooner XXX
at Mesleputan and Madras and that XXX
deteyned and kept thereby by the Agent of
the said Companies, & she saith Cap:t XXX
was in noe default at all therein. Discover
what you know, beleive or have heard to the
purpose. Et fiat ut supra.

17. ITEM Interr Quilibb Whether XXX
not know, beleive, or have heard XXX
That upon the 29:th of January 1658 x:r
as the wind came fXXXX a sett to XXX XXX//


//after the said Captaine Curtis had recd
his dispatches at Madras from the said
Thomas Chamber the Agent there, he
the said William Curtis did not upon the
29:th of january 1659 in the eveninge of the
said day, the wind then & not before next
after his said dispatches cominge faire, did
sett saile with the said shipp from Madras
for England & did proceed upon his voyage
homeward for England and did not deviate at
all but used the best meanes he couldand as the
wind and weather would pmitt to steere &
keep the course of the said shipp for
England. Declare the truth herein. Et fiat ut

18. Item Inter quilibi Whether did you not
know That in the course of the said shipp
homewards and upon, or about the 12:th of
Aprill 16660 the M:r and Companie of the
said shipp or some of them did ?espye the
Land of Cape La Gulis beinge about 60, or 70
Leagues ti the Eastward of it. Declare the
truth herein.  ?Ut fiat et supra

19. Item Interr quilibi whether doe you not


//know that the course of the said shipp
from Madras for England thesaid XXX
mett with severall violent stormes and
Tempests viz:t one violent storm, or
Tempest the 23:th of ffebruary 1659 at ?a
Latitude about eight degrees and 44 minutes
Another great and violent storme or
Tempest upon the 10:th of Aprill 1660 thXX
blowinge then at Northwest, & that the last
named storme was a most furious and XXX
storme, & that the fury and violence of it
continued for about 48 houres togeather
that within an houre, or some short tyme
next after the beginning thereof the
shipp was brought from a Top Gallan XX
to a maXXXX course two thirds of the XXX
high & that by the violence of storme and
Tempest the ?knee of the said shippe XX
was loose, & that the shipp did there XXX
three great seas & that by some of the XX
some one of the companie were washed
overboard. Declare what you know beleive, &
have heard to this purpose. Et fiat ?ut
20. Item//


//20. Item Inter quilib Whether doe you not
know, beleiv, or have heard reported That
the said shipp the May fflower was
at her goeinge out of England upon the said
voyage in question an old shipp being about
the Age of thirteen or fourteen yeers old
and that by the said stormes and Tempests
and especially by the said storme which
happened upon the said 13:th of Aprill 1660
the said shipp was soe shakena & beaten,
& that duringe the tyme of the said last
mentioned storme the M:r and companie
were all likely to have perished in the sea
togeather with the said shipp and her
laddinge and that did use all their best
uttmost endeavours to p:rserve the said shipp
and her ladeinge, & that by Gods Blessinge
upon their enddavours (sic), the said shipp
and her ladeinge were then preserved. declare the
truth herein. Et fiat ut supra.

21. Item Inter quilib Whether during the
tyme of the said last mencconed storme
doid not the M:r and Companie of the said
shipp in order, and at the most probable way




//to preserve the said shipp and her
Ladeinge, and their lives which otherwise
were in manifest and apparent danger ?to
be lost, resolve to, and accordingly XXX
from the weather which the said ship
for the Island of S:t Laurance with XXXof the storme continued as it did to goe ?to
Laurance or otherwise if the storme XXXX
to play homeward for England. Declare what
you know beleive, or have heard to this purpose
Et fiat ?ut supra.

22. Item Interr quilib Whether foe you XX
know that the said storme which began
upon the said 13:th of Aprill did XXX
more, or lesse untill beyond the first day
of May next following, & that upon the 23:th of April
the said storme beganne to be very fXXX
violent againe, & that by meanes of the ?said
storme?s the said shipp was soe XX
and broken as that she was not able, XXX
to come to England, & that she was XXX
adjudged and deemed to be by the ?Companie
of the said shipp, & that the ?Companie
of the said shipp did not, nor ?would


//venter their lives in the
said shipp home for England that
condiccon she then was in, & whether were
not you one of them whoe did judge & deeme
the said shipp unfitt and unable to come
for England after the said stormes had
happened unto her as aforesaid. Declare
what you know, beleive, or have heard to
this purpose. Et fiat ut supra.

23. ITem Interr quilibi Whether after the
said stormes had happened as aforesaid
did not the said Cap:t Curtis out of a
desire that he might doe that which might
be most advantagious for the owners of
the shipp and for the preservinge of
the said shipp and Ladinge, and lives
of the company, and ?make to severall
consultacons aboard the said shipp viz:t
The one the 29:th of Aprill 1660 and the
other the fifth day of may 1660 & whether
by a Generall Agreement and request of
all officers and Companie of the said
shipp was it not agreed upon the ?fifth of may


//1660 upon mature deliberaccon That the
shipp should beare away for S:t ?Lawrence
as beinge the most convenoent and XXX
way and the best and most expedient XXX
that could be taken for the preservation
of the said shipp and leadeinge & the
lives of the Master and company XX
Et fiat ut supra.

24. Item Interr Quilib Whether is XX
first schedule hereunto annexed the XXX
soe taken aboard the said shipp the
29:th of Aorill 1660 and the said first of
May 1660, & whether the severall ?subscriptions
of the names of Willm Curtis, John XXXX,
John Stratford, John Martin ffXXXX
barrett and John Willett severally XX
subscribed thereunto were not, and are
severally and respectively subscribed XX
the prXy hand writinge of the said ?Willm
Curtis master and commander of the
shipp, John PXXte Cheife mate of the
said shipp, John Stratford Purser of
the said shipp, John Martin MXXXX


//mate and Gunner of the said shipp
ffrancis Barrett Carpenter of the said
shipp, John Willett Boatswaine of the
said shipp & whether is not your name
subscribed thereunto and are not you one of
the psons whose name is subscribed thereunto
And whether were not and are the
Contents of the said schedule true & whether
were not the said severall subscriptions wrote
at, or about the tyme and tymes of the
schedules dates severally named in the
said first schedule aboard the said shipp.
Et fiat ut supra.

25. ITEM Inter quilibi Whether was not &
is the second second (sic) schedule hereunto
annexed ?severally subscribed with the
hands and marks of all the Companie of
the said shipp and whether was not the
same severally subscribed aboard the said
shipp by the severall psons thereunder
names at, or about the tyme of the date of
the said second schedule beinge the 20:th of


//May 1660, & whwther did you the ?witnesse
then putt your name thereunto. Et fiat ?ut

26. Item Inter quilibi Whether doe you
know beleive, or have heard reported That the
shipp the Mary Gold named in the AXXX
whereupon you are examined was in the
monethes of January and ffebruary 1660
at the tyme when the said stormes XX
named happened a tight and strong ?shipp
and that the said shipp the Mary Gold
was in the said stormes which happened
to the said shipp the May fflower XX
the storme that happened upon the said
thirteenth of April 1660 and that the XX
shipp the Mary Gold beinge a strong
stXXXX, and new shipp was better able to
indure the said storme than the said XXX
the May fflower was Declare what you XXX
beleive, or have heard to this purpose Et
fiat ut supra.

27. Item Inter quilibi whether doe you


//beleive, or have heard reported that duringe
the tyme the said shipp the may fflower
was in India the voyage in Question &
before she came to Madras, upon her
voyage homeward bound the said
shipp to be fower tymes graXXed viz:t at
Gombroone, Mesleputan, Achein, and Mesleputan againe & all charges that
were needfull to be donne unto her as to
repairinge, or otherwise to be amended
that he did not omitt any thinge therein
that belonge unto his place as M:r of the
said shipp. Declare the truth herein. Et
fiat it supra.

28. Item Inter quilibi et pra?fertim Johes
harte Whether doe you not know That the
said shipp the May fflower at the tyme
of her cominge from Madras for England
the voyage in question was full of the goods
of the East India Companie in the hold
and whether did not you the wittnesse helpe
to store the same and whether did not the


//said William Curtis receive all such goods XX
the said shipp as the XXX of the said
Companie would and did lade there Declare
the trith herein. Et fiat ut supra.

25. Item Inter quilibi Whether after the
arrivall of the said shipp at S:t Lawrance
being the 29:th of may 1660 did not the
Master and Companie of the said XXX
during the tyme of the said Shippes being
there did imploye themselves in
cuttinge of wood and timber for, and makeinge ?provision
for the said shipp and did not stay XX
any longer than they were necessarily XXX
thereunto, & that the same was the best and
fittest place for the said shipp to stay
and most convenient for the Owners XXX
Cheapnesse untill the said shipp ?mXXXX
fitted for Surratt, Beefe being XXX
of S:t Laurence for XX
Copper ware of little, or noe vallue, and
beinge at other places where the said ?Shipp
must have Victualled, sold sold (sic) for XXX


//money, and at deare rates, & that as
soone as the season was fitt to goe to Surratt
the said shipp did sett saile from thence
and did not staye there any tyme longer
?then was fitt and convenient. Declare
the truth herein. t fiat ut supra.

30 Item Inter quilibi Whether doe you not
know That at the tyme mencconed in the
15:th Arle of the said Allegaccon, That the piggs of silver and goods mencconed in
the said Arle to be putt aboard the said
shipp Mayflower the same were brought and fetched by John ?hart the Masters mate
and John Stratford the purser of the
said shipp and after ward brought onboard y:e sd ship by Cap:t ffisher and that by their advice &
the advise of the said Hart and Stratford & y:e rest of the officers
of the said shipp the same were taken
aboard the said shipp under the notion, &
hope that the Agents and frors of the
East India Companye at Surratt would upon the
arrivall of the said shipp there be
willinge and helpfull in the repairinge
and amendinge the said shipp and fitting
her for England, and whether when the

NOTE: Four untranscribed short lines in LH margin. Unclear where they should be inserted: "XX ?backside...XX Island where...XXX were landed...XXX away"//


//same were taken aboard thesaid XXX
was not the said shipp altogeather XX
come for England, & that upon the XXX
and greement of all the Companie
pticularly of you the wittnesse the said
Shipp was then bound for Surratt
being the most convenient place XX
procure the said shipp to be amended
and reparied Declare the truth herein, Et
fiat ut supra.

21. Item Inter quilibi Whether XXX
the arrivall of the said shipp at
Surratt the voyage in question did not XX
president of the East India Companoe
and their Officers on shoare yimployed and
the Natives there whome the said CapXX
Curtis had lived and ymployed for the XX
of a docke in order to pcure if he could by all
meanes gett money or Creditt therein XX
shipp to be repaired and would not XXX
said Captaine Curtis have the use and
ymployment of the said Natives soe XXX
meanes thereof the said Shipp was XXX


Could be gott into a socke there untill the
26:th of November 1660, & that after she
was gott into the Docke she could not be
reparired under the space or tyme of three
monethes, or 11, or 12 weekes at the least
and whether have not you the wittnesse
upon your oath deposed the contents of
this Interrogatory or some pte of it, or
which parte to be true. Et fiat ut supra.

32. Item Inter Quilibi Whether did not the
said shipp at her goeinge from Johanna
to Suarratt arrive at Surratt in as short a
tame as other shipps usually doe
and in such tyme as wind and weather
would pmitt and that the said shipp
came to Surratt at such tyme and season
of the yeare as is usuall for shipps to come
thither & before that tyme, or season of
the yeare that she came thither shipps
did not, nor doe, nor canne come thither.
declare the truth herein. Et fiat ut supra.

33. Item Interr quilibi whether doe you not
know that the said shipp after her


//arrivall at Surratt coukd not be repaired
untill she was gott into a docke there &
whether doe you not know that the sd
Captaine Curtis soe soone as ?possible
he could after the arrivall and XXX
of the said shipp at Surratt did XXX
her defect to be viewed, & that three
English Carpenters there viz:t John BowXXX
henry Evans and ffrancis Barrett XX
the 14:th of November 1660 XXX
said shipp soe much as then XX
be viewed of her she then not beinge ?in
the docke, & did give their Judgemnebts XX
the same shipp could not be reparied XX
three moneths space from the putting XX
the said shipp into a Docke without XX
the same shipp cpuld not berepaired
Declare what you know, beleive, or have heard to
this purpose. Et fiat ut supra.

34. Item Interr quilibi Whether dow you
not know, beleive, or ave heard reported, XX
patly after the cominge in, and unladeinge of
the said shipp at Surratt the said XXX
Curtis did make his ?Applicacon//


//there, to Mathew Andrewes President of the
East India Companie there and his Counsell
and desired and importuned him & them to favour &
assist him in the repairinge of the said
shipp, and to furnish and lend hin monyes
& to farther him therein by helpinge
him to Carpenters, or to that effect, But
the said President and Counsell, did not, nor
would at all assist at all the said Capt Curtis
therein, or lend him any mony to repaire
the said shipp but hindred him therein
and tooke away such carpenters of the Natives
there and other English Carpenters being Capt ffishers Carpter as he had spoken unto, and desired to
imploy therein, and would not suffer them
to be imployed by the said Captaine Curtis
therein. declare the truth herein. Et fiat ut

35. Item Inter Quilibi Whether at the
same tyme when the said shipp was
at Surratt weer not the Kinge of the
Country his Junks there and the same beinge
out of reparie were not many Carpenters
ymployed therein, & that by that XXXX


//through the refusall of the said President
and Companye to assist the saidCapXX
Curtis with monies and Carpenters and the hindring him XX &
want of monies and tyme the said ship
could not be nor was repaired, & if the said XXX
had beene after her cominge into th
Dicke putt in reparinge she would not XXXX
been fitted and amended to come th?at
yeare for England & whether hanXXXX
the witnesse sworne the Contents of XX
Interrogatory or some pt of them upon XX
oath to be true And where and befXXX
Et fiat ut supra.

36 ITEM Inter quilibi et presertmm XXX
part whether duringe the tyme that ?the
said shipp was at Surratt did CCCC
said Captaine Curtis desire & demand of XX
to lend some money towards the
repairnge of the said shipp and XX
did not you refuse to lend and did not
nor would lend any money therein Et
fiat it supra.

37 Item Inter quilibi et presertmm XXXX


//part. Whether he doeth not know, or
?beleive in his conscience That if the
said Captaine Curtis could have
pcured money, materialls and Carpenters
to have repaired the said shipp & that
the same could have beene donne in tyme
to fitt the said shipp for England
that yeare he would not have repaired the
said shipp and whether doth not he
beleive in his Conscienec it would have
beene more for the benefitt of the said
Captaine Curtis to have had the said
shipp repaired & to hae come home with
her greight in her than to have disposed
of the said shipp
there. Et fiat ut supra.

38 ITEM Inter quilibi Whether doe you
not know That while the shipp was
at Surratt the yoyage in Question the
said Mathew Andrewes the President &


John Lambton his second there and
Captaine ffisher and Captaine pXXXX
and severall others beinge advised XXX
the XXX Captaine Curtis that in
reagard he could not gett the sXXX
shipp to be repaired, what was XXXX
done with the said Shipp, did fXXX
best benefitt of his owners advise
the best way for the benefitt of his XXX
was to sell her there at Surratt, & XXX
did not you the wittnesse know that ?the
said President and Lambton did XXX
their hands give their advise to the XXX
aforesaid. Et fiat ut supra.

39 Ite, Inter quilibi Whether XXXX
know the said Captaine Curtis not XX
able to pcure the said shipp to be XX
didcause the said shipp to be valued XX
or about the 12:th day of December 1660 XX
one Robt ffisher Comander of the
Smyrna merchant and that he did XXX


//and apprize the said shipp Tackle,
Apparrell and ffurniture and provisions, at
the simme of vallue of 920:li Ster, & that
the said shipp, tackle, Apparrell &
ffurniture was not worth more
than the said summe of 910:li Ster
Whether was not and is the ?said Robt
ffisher a son of good report, and of
approved honesty and integrity and such a pson
who would not falsly or for reward, or
otherwise vallue the said shipp at a
lesse vallue than the same was worth or
Could be sold for in the arts where she
then was. Et fiat ut supra.

40 ITEM Interr quilibi et praXXtum
Johes Hart Whether were you not
imployed in the sale of the
said Shipp, & whether did, co Could you
gett, or was any more offered unto you for
the said Shipp tackle Apparrell, ffurniture


and provisions the 885:li Sterl in the XX
thereof. Declare the truth herein. Et fiat XX

41 Ztem Interr quilibi Whether did you
know the said Shipp, Mayflower tackle, Apparrell
and ffurniture before her departure for
England the yoyage in Question to East
India, & whether did you not know, XXX
or have heard reported That the said XX
at her retourne from an East India Voyage
next before the voyage in question being
about six monethes next before her goeing XX
the voyage in question to East India was valued and
appraized in the River of Thames by XX
of the then Owners of her and was then
valued but at 1000:li Sterl, and that XX
had as many Gunns and more and XXX XXX
Apparrell and ffurniture belonging unto
her than she had st the tyme of her
sellinge in East India. Declare the XX
herein. Et fiat ut supra.

42 Item Interr quilibi whether doe you


//the said Captaine Robt ffisher,
whither did you know what pvisions , tackle
and ffurniture did belonge unto the said
Shipp when she was sould in ndia, &
whether is not the third schedule hereunto
annexed a trew ?Invyof the said Shipps
Tackle, Apparrell and ffurniture savinge of
some few things amountinge to about some
15:li . 02. 20:d which Captaine Price had & is
brought in Accompt to the Owners & whwther
was not and is the said third schedule
subscribed with the prop hadnwritinge of
the said Robt ffisher as you know, or
beleive. Et fiat ut supra-

43 Item Inter quilibi whether doe you not know, or beleive in your Conscience that the
said Shipp the May fflower Tackle,
Apparrell and ffurniture and pvisions were
not, nor could be sold for more than the
summe of 910:li & that the most was
made there of that could be made
thereof. declare the truth herein. Et
ponit ut supra.

44 Item//


33 Item Inter quilibt et prXXXXX
Stratford Whether you bee XXXXX
the said W:m Curtis the Master of the
Shipp the May fflower dureing all XX
tyme of the voyage in question did XXX
XXXXX himselfe as a carefull abd
provident Master & that he did nXX
tyme dureinge the said voyage neglect XX
service and imployment of the said Onwers
of the said Shipp. Et fiat ut supra

45 Item Inter quilibi Whether doe you
know That in Case any Captaine, M:r XX
Comander of ay Shipp in the Service of
the East India Companie or in the service
of any other Companie or ffreighters, XXX
master, Gunner, Boatswaine, or other
office rof any such shipp doth have XXXX
??Sabbins and ?disacomodate themselves to XX
passing with the same, That the XXXX
which sich passengers did or doth pay, XXXX
for such Cabbin did and doth belonge ?unto ?the
Captaine, Master, Gunner, Purser and


//Officer who did and doth disacomodate themselves
and leave his cabbin, and not to the owners
and ffreighters of the said Shipp, &
that the Captaine, Comander and other
officer is not to leave and forsake his Cabbin
to the benefutt of an other for the benefitt
of any pson but himselfe. Declare the truth
herein. Et fiat ut supra.

46 Item Inter quilibi Whether duringe the
tyme that the said Shipp was in the voyage
in question, was she not in the service &
imployment of the East India Companie
and by them freighted and that whatsoever
was earned the said Shipp for freight
of good, or psons did not belonge to the
Owners of the said Shipp. Et fiat ut

47 ITEM Interr quilibi whether
did not the Embassador and Merchants
whoe went in the said Shipp and voyage
in question pay unto Nicholas ?Buckeridge the


fror of the East India Companie or to XX
of their frors the freight of the psons XX
goods for the said voyage they were XX
in the said Shipp & that they of ?some
of them did declare soe much & whether XX
not you subscribe your hand to the said
Acknowledgement that they had paid XX
the freight to the said frors on shoare. Et fiat
ut supra.

48 Item Interr Quinlini Whether doe you
not know, beleive, or have heard report
That since the sale of the said Shipp
in or about December 1661 the differences &
Controversies moved and ?accon between
Governour and Companies of Merchants XX
LOôndon tradinge to the East India of the ?one
part and the said Thomas ?Xlsey Esq:r,
Samuel Harwar
on the other arte Concerninge the said ?shipp
the May fflower and ?breach of the XXX
Covenants conteyned in the said Charter pty
were by all the said pties referred to the XXXX
finall hearinge and arbitrment of John XXXX


//Edward Diggs, James Astrey, and Thomas
Mullmona & that they did heare, and
finally determine the said businesse & that
by the award of the said Arbitrators the said
Governour and Companie did arbitrate &
award unto the said Thomas Hussey and
Samuel Harwar
in full of all dues and damages what soever
for or concerninge the said Shipp & breach
of Covenants Conteyned in the said
Charter ptie the summe of 4400:li or some other greate summe, & what & that
the said Hussey and Harwar have submitted
to the said award and have recd one halfe of the said said monies
and are to receive the rest & that beside the
said money they had 400:li more of the
said last Companie when the Shipp went first
out the voyage in question and that notwithstandinge the said
Hussey and Harwarre doe by this Suite
question and sue the said Captaine Curtis for
that which the said Arbitrators have
arbitrated and ordered and to XXXX XXXXXXXX
the said XXX and Harwar have submitted
Declare what


you know, beleeve, or have heard to this
purpose. Et fiat ut supra

49 Utem nterr Quilibt whether did nit XX
said M:r Hussey and Harwar the pties to
this Suite abXXX the said Captaine XXX
Curtis and marriners the Company of XX
said Shipp the May fflower nine
monethes wages of their wages for the voyage
in question. Et fiat ut supra.

50 Item Interr Quilibi Whether have XX
not beene promissed to receive, or act to XXX
all your wages notwithsatndinge the said
Abatement or more than other of the Companie
had and what wages have you recd of the
said M:r Hussey & M:r Harwar and Company for your
wages furinge the voyage in question? Rt XXX
ut supra-

51 ITEM whether have you not beene XXX
or some tyme examined upon your oath in XX
Chancery or some other Court, of XXXXX
some affedavit or affedavits wherein you XX
sworne and deposed that the said XXX//


was deteyned in India, and her voyage
homeward lost by meanes of the frors and
Agents of the East India Companye
there, & that the said Captaine Curtis
was in nooe default therein, or to that effect, &
whether was not the said affedavitts made at
the request?s of the said M:r Hussey &
M:r Harwar or one of them, of some of their
Companie and of whome, and were pduced and
shewed to the said Arbitrators. DEclare the
truth herein, & in whose Custody the said
affedavitts now are or lately were. Et fiat ut supra.

52 Item Inter quilibi whether have not you
assisted and advised the psequccon of this
Suite and whether have you not had some
Communiccaon with some psons concerninge this
Suite & to what effect. Et fiat ut supra.

53 Item Inter quilibi whether are you of kinne
to the parties pducent or any of them, or had, or
have any relaccon unto, or dependence upon them, or
any of them, if yea in what nature. Et fiat ut




Document Number: 58: Date: XXXXX

M:r Hussey, Harwar and Companie or some of ?them
in this Suite against the said Captaine Curtis who ther if it were in your power would xou XXX
the Victory in this Cause to the said M:r Harwar
Hussey and Companie, if yea expresse XXXXXXX
fiat ut supra.

Item Inter druis XXXX et quilibi alXXXX
veris causis sXXXX sua x:r


Some unreadable text (obscured in centre of fold, written at 90 degrees
probably the short title of the case


INTERRIA ministranda ex pte
Willm Curtis Testibus oibus, et
singulis ex pte Thomas Hussey
Samuelis Harwar et XXXX rendX
utra XX pduct et producend sequuntu:r

IMPRIMIS Inter quilibi et prasertum Captanens
Johes Price Whether while the Shipp the
May fflower was in East India the voyage in
question and after the Cominge to Surratt did
not Captaine Curtis the M:r of the said Shipp
advise with the said Captaine John Price what
was most fitt and Convenient to be done with
the said Shipp for the good and benefitt of
the owners thereof, & whether did not the said
Price advice the said Curtis, That the best way
in the Judgement of the said Captaine Price
was that the said Shipp should bee sold & that
the sale thereof would turne most to the benefitt
and advantage of the Owners thereof, or to that
effect. Et inter quilibi Con:XX di:m et de quilibi.

2 Item Interr drus Johes Price Whether did you
not know, or beleive in your Conscience That the
said William Curtis was and is an honest, able &
sufficient Sea-man, and for such Comonly
accompted, & whether after the tyme of the Shipp


//May-fflower her Cominge to Surratt the XX
in question did not the said William Curtis XXX
your observaccon carry and XXXXX himselfe XX
provident Carefull and discreet M:r, & that XXX
accordinge to the best of his Judgement and XX
acct for the good and benefitt of his owners
ut supra.

3 Item Interr drus Johes Price. Whether XX
the said Shipp the May fflower was sold in XXX
India the voyage in question, did not you the
Captaine Price approve of the Judgement XX
discreccon of the said Captaine Curtis in the XX
thereof as beinge most advantagious for his XXX
and did write a letter unto him dated upon XXX
the fourteenth of December 1660 wherein you XXX
write unto him That you were glad That he XXX
parted with, or sold the said Shipp the May
fflower, or to that effect. Et fiate supra.

4 Item Interr Johes Miller et ?Diggs XXX WhetherXXX
heretofore an Arbitrator
touchinge the said


//the May fflower or some differences thereabouts
if yea? between whome? & for & by whome were you
named or Chosen an Arbitrate? Et fiat ut supra.

5 Item Interr drus Johes Miller et Diggs Ar Whether
duringe the tyme you wer an arbitrator in the
said businesse did not the owners of the said
Shipp, or some on theor nehalfe, or some other
produce affedavitts, writings, or other TestimXXes
or proofe before you and the rest of the
Arbitrators wherein it did appeare, or at
least you, and the rest of the Arbitrators were
XXXXly satisfied That the Breach of Charter
pte touchinge the voyage in question was not
to be Charged upon the Accompt of him the said
William Curtis, & that the said Willm Curtis
was guiltlesse of the same, or to that effect, Et
fiat ut supra.

6 Item Interr drus Johes Miller et Diggs Ar Whether
did not the Owners of the said Shipp charge
the East India Companie with Breach of
Charter-partie of the said voyage in question &
the stayinge and deteyninge of the said Willm


//Curtis at Madras before you the said M:r XX
and the rest of the Arbitrators, & with the
Consequences arisinge thereupon. Et fiat XX

7 Item Interr drus Miller et Diggs Ar Whether before
goeinge zpp the Arbitraccon by you the said
Miller and therest of the Arbitrators XX
there was by you and the rest of the XXX
allotted the summe of 4400:li to the said ?owners
was it not debated and discussed and XXXX
you the Arbitrators on whome the breach of XX
Charter partie for the voyage in question XX
the damages thereupon was to be caste, & XX
was in the fault thereof, & whether there XX
was not in that matter eard before D:r XXX
both D:rs of lawe, & the matter opened & XX
before them, & whether did not they gie XX
opinion /the said D:r Turner beinge for the XX
of the said Shipp, & the said ?S:r Walter XXX
for the east India Companie) That the XXX
of the said Charter partie aforesaid and XXX
Consequents thereof were to be charged upon XX
East India Companie and not upon the ?said
Captaine Curtis, & whether thereupon XXX XXX//



Inter ministranda ex parte
Willm Curtis JohX Miller et
Edward Diggs restibus ex parte
Samuelis Harwar, et Thoma
Hussey XX XXX XX XX utXXXX oducr, et
Quoad Sequuntur. XXX

IMPRIMIS XXX diX testes whether doe you not knowe that
upon a debate to XX XXX the breach of the Charter ptie, and
the matters XXX in question, concerninge the voyage in
question, had
XXX Sir Walter Walker, ad Dr Turner referXXX Drs of
lawe last XXXXXXX XXXX if the said Charter ptie the 29:th of January 1659 was by them
XXXX XXX to be, in, and ?reste upon the East India
Companie, and that there upon the Arbitrators touchinge
XX bzsines whicherof you the said John Miller, and
Edward Diggs were XX) did alloXX XXXXXX XXX e:d
XXXXX and a farre greater sume f money therreupon to
XXX XX that was, and M:r Hussex & Company theXX XXof
would ?have doXXXX A XXXX XXXX dXXXX et dXX

Ib, inter quilibi whether is noe XX XXX schedulat hereunto annexed
whereof XX XX XXX by the Arbitrators aforesaid. Et
fiat ut supra//




//and the rest of the Arbitrator Charge the same
upon the East India Companie, & thereupon ordered
and awarded the east India Companie to pay
the said summe of 4400:li to the said owners
Declare the truth herein. Et fiat ut supra.

5 Item Inter Capitanes Johes Price Whether
did you not know That one M:r Trott one of the
owners of the Shipp the May fflower since
this suit beganne and in Aprill 1662 or therabouts
meetinge with the said W:m Curtis asked him
about the businesse, or this Suite & advised him to
give some money to the owners of the said Shipp
to maje amend whereunto Capt Curtis answered
to this effect How canne they (speaking of
the said owners), how canne they expect money
from me & that thereupon M:r Trott replyed
That Captaine Curtis must pay for his XXXX
& that he had an estate & that they speakinge
of the said Owners expected parte of it, or to
that effect. Ex XXX ut supra.

9 Item Inter quilibi et presertum XXXX
Johes Price Whether doe not you know,
beleive, or have credibly heard reported That in
the yeare 1657 The said Shipp May fflower


beinge then at Madras and cominge from XX
upon the 29:th of January 1657 (sic) (not XXXX
with violent stormes and Tempests) XXX
voyage for and arrived in England about XXX
followinge And that the said Capt XXXX
sett saile from Madras with the said XXX
29:th January 1659 for England & did XX
his Course for England directly, & that XX
said Shipp did meet with great and XXX
stormes and Tempests on her Course for XX
between Madras and the Cape BXXX XX
Esperance which forced the said Captaine XXX
and Companie with the said Shipp for XX
East India & that if the said Shipp had XX
mett with such stormes The said Captaine XX
in all probability might and had arrived XX
the said Shippp in England in or about
September or October 1660. Declare the truth
et fiat et supar.

10 Item Interr Johes Hill Whether XXX XX
you and Arbitrator elected by M:r Hussex , XX
and Companie, or some of them to arbitrare
and the differences now in question and XX
matters charged thi sSuite by them XX
said Captaine Curtis, Whether did not XX


//Harwar, Hussey and Companie, or some of them
order and direct you That you should make noe
end of the businessse under a certaine summe of
mony or Conditions by them proposed & given in
Charge unto you if yea, expresse soe much &
what were the said Conditions? Et fiat ut supra.

11 Item Inter drus Johes Hill Whether in case
he had as an Arbitrator determined this
businesse and putt a finall end to the same
accordinge to such Condicons as had been ?enioyed
him he was not to have had some gratuitie, or
reqard from the said Harwar, Hussey &
Companie or some of them & that they were to
gratifie him in holdinge a parte of a Shipp
where Hill is M:r, if yea to what vallue? Et
fiat ut supra.

12 Item In case the said John Hill shall depose
of any words or Confession Charged in the Allon
whereupon he is examined to have been spoken by the
said Captaine Curtis, when viz:t what day of the
weeke or moneth & in what yeare of our Lord was
it, in what house, or place was it, what were the ?very
prXXX and formall words spoken by the said Captaine
Curtis, & who were there & then put Et fiat ut supra

13 Item Interr drus ?Hall Whether have you not advised
directed and by Counsell, an otherwise assisted the said



Document Number: 70: Date: XXXX


//No:° 71 [Crossed out]
N:° 79





Tertio loro

?Product 19: Marty 1661
Exam;m M:r Hart
XX negatio.

INTERRA ministranda ex pte Willim
Curtis Testibus oibus, et singulis
ex pte Hussey x:r
Harwar et serXXXX con en pduct, et
pducend sequuntur.

IMPRIMIS Inter quilibi Whether were you
at Surratt or any other parts in east India in
the yeare 1659 and more thes therein concerning
and more especiallie in the monethes of October,
November, December, January & ffeburary 1659
at such tyme as the Shipp May fflower was there
at Surratt, if yea, Whether doe you not know
or have Credibly heard That monies that were
then lent at Surratt to be paid againe in
Englan, or to be trans=mitted thither againe, were
usually lett at, and after the rate of 50, or 40:li
p Centa, or more and that monies could not be
pcured to be there lent the tyme aforesaid
under the rate of 50 or 40:li p Cent, & whether
did not you pay soe much for money your
selfe there; & at and after what rates were
monies there lent as you know, or beleive. Et
fiat ut supra.

2 ITEM Inter quilibi Whether doe you not knowe
and beleive That if the said Captaine Curtis
could have pcured any monies there,
?to upon creditt at such tyme as the Shopp
was at Surratt he must have paid at and after


//the rate of 50, or 40:li p Centa for the said XX
besides the principall And that under that XXX
monies could not be then there had upon creditt Rt XXX
ut supra.//



Document number: 72: Case: Joseph XXXX Duell con XXXX: Date: XXXX



INTERRIA ministranda ex pte
Humphridi Dewell Tetibut
oibus et singulis ex pte Dui
William Warrern militis, Johns
Shorter, Vincenij Russlett et
XXXXX Condens utuu pduct et
pducend sequuntur viz:t

1. IMPRIMIS Exponatur Cuilibi Testi prXXX
perXXXXX XXXXet XXXX Testis falsici. Ut tuns
inter de XXXX alate, Conditione, mora et arXXtu
fuit, et quandin novit ptes in humoi Caa
Litigan. Ut inter Con:?m divij et dequolebi

2 ITEM Inter quilibi Whether were you
any of the Companie of the Shipp the Joseph
the voyage in question, & whether were you in the
said Shipp all the tyme that the said Shipp
was Oratava the voyage in question if yea,
expresse soe much. Et fiat ut supra.

3 ITEM Inter quilibi Whether doe you know
the port of Oratava mencconed in the Allon
whereupon you are examined if yea, when
were you last there. Et fiat ut supra.

4 ITEM Inter quilibi Whether doe you know
what day of the moneth yn in what yere the
Shipp the said S:t Joseph did arrive in the port
of Oratava the voyage in question? how many daies
did the said Shipp stay in the said Port of
Orazava after the first arrivall there before she
went out from thence. Et fiat ut supra.//


5 ITEM Inter quilibi Whether duringe the XX
That the said Shipp the S:t Joseph XX
Island of the Canaries the voyage in question XX
not the said Shipp lye and Anchor for XX
saies and how many dayes as you XX
beleive, or have heard at a Port or Road XXX
Rambles, or by some other name & not at XXX
and did at the said Port (being not XXX
the port of Oratava) take in severall goods XX
How farre distant is the said Port called XX
or by some other name and Oratava distant XX
the said Port of Oratava. Declare the truth XX
herein. Et fiat ut supra.

6 ITEM Inter Quilibi Xin facXit exXXXX
sup tertio Arle allnis Whether in case the
said Shipp the Joseph was putt of XXX
moreings after her Arrivall in the port of
Oratava the voyage in question how longe XXX
after her first Arrivall in the said Port or
Road of Oratava the said voyage in question XX
how long was it before the said Shipp XX
retourne againe unto the said Port of London
rata va. Et fiat ut supra.

7 ITEM Inter quilibi Whether doe you not XXX
That the said Shipp the Joseph did XXX
voyage in question stay, or abide at the Port of
Oratava about sixteen, eighteen or twenty XXX
at the most? Et fiat ut supra.//


//8 ITEM Inter quilibi Whether doe you
not know That after the said Shipp had
been at Ortava the voyage by
the space of sixteen, eighteen, or twenty
daies at the most and before the said Shipp
had stayed there by the space of two and
twenty daies the said Vincent Russlett
the then M:r of the said Shipp did
sett saile with the said Shipp from the
Port of Oratava and never retourned thither
againe the voyage in question. Et fiat ut

9 ITEM Interr quilibi Whether canne you
Certainly sweare and depose That the
said Shipp did lye in the Port of Oratava the
voyage in question 45 daies after her first arrivall there if you Cannott expresse soe
much, & if you Canne whether did you take
noticve what days the said Shipp arrived first
in the said Port the voyage in question & what
tyme she sett saile from thence, if you did
when did you take the said notice and where, &
whether in writinge, or not. Et fiat ut supra.

10 ITEM Interr Quilibi Whether doe you not
know That while the said Shipp the Joseph
was at the Canary Islands the voyage in question
there were two other Shipps there the one
called the Golden Budge or by some other name//


//and the other a Shipp whereof one called XX
or some other name was M:r & the said Ship
were both shipps of very good fXXXX & XXXX
they were both bound for London & were XX
to depart from thence at or about the tyme of
the said Vincent Russlett came with his
Shipp the Joseph from thence & that if XX
staidd (sic) by the space of 45 daies at Oratava XX
he ought to have donne, r indeed but two XXX
daies more than he did he might have in XX
with the said Shipps both which Shipps XX
safely arrive in London & that if he had ?soe
donne he might and would have been XXX
from being taken by the manne, or Shipp of
warre by which the Joseph is pretended to XX
taken. Declare what you know, beleive, or have
heard to this purpose. Et foat ut supra.

11 ITEM Inter quilibi Whether doe you XX
know, beleive, or have heard that the said
Shipps mencconed in the next precedent XX
in Companie of whom the said Vincent Russlett
might have come with his said Shipp the
Joseph if he would or one of them did in the
passage of the said Shippes, or one of them
from the Islands of the Canaryes to XXXX


meet with the said Shipp, or manne of
warre by which it is pretended the Joseph
and her ladeinge were taken & the said
Shipp, or manne of warre in regard the
said Shipp or Shipps, were Shipps, or a
Shipp of ?force did not, nor durst attempt
the takinge or surprizinge of them. How many
Gunns did the said Shipp, or Shipps carry
& of what force were they & either of them as
you know and beleive? Et fiat ut supra.

12 ITEM Inter quilibi Whether doe you not
know, beleive, or have heard That the said
Vincent Russlett might if he would have ?hindered
and prevented the takinge of the said Shipp
the S:t Joseph and her ladinge by the said
manne of warre, & that the Joseph was two
Glasses off the sight of the manne of warre
And that the said Shipp the Joseph of the
said Vincent Russlett would  ?might have
easily have escaped the manne of warre. Et fiat
ut supra.

13 ITEM Inter quilibi Whether doe you not know
beleive, or have heard reported That before the
takinge of the said Shipp the S:t Joseph by


//the said manne of warre, & when the said manne
of warre was espied some of the Company of
the said Shipp and pticularly one John ffXXX
beinge then in the said Shipps Companie XX
for the preservaccon of the XX
Shipps Companie and her ladeinge, XXX
desire the said Vincent Russlett to saile with XX
said Shipp back againe to the Canary Islands
some road there where divers Shipps did lye XX
Another & that were bound for London, And XX
the said Vincent Russlett might have soe done
but he would not goe, sayinge what should ?he
goe for, or to that effect. Et fiat ut supra.

14 ITEM Inter quilibi Whether did not the XX
Vincent Russlett cause a Lanthorne with a
lighted Candle to be hanged out in the Joseph
therby to discover to the said manne of warre
the said Shipp the S:t Joseph, or at least XX
Cause of the said Shipp the S:t Joseph &
said Shipp the S:t Joseph by the said XXX
was discovered to the said manne of warre. Et XX
ut supra.

15 ITEM Inter quilibi Whether was not the XX
the S:t Joseph alone and in Companie of noe XX
Shipp when the said lighted Candle was XXX//


//out, and whither was & is it not an unusuall
thinge for a single Shipp especially in a place
where there is any danger or apposition of menne
of warre to hang out a light and Contrary to the
Carriage of all knowinge Masters of Shipps that
have the Conduct of Shipps. Declare what you
know, beleive, or have heard to this purpose. Et fiat
ut supra.

16 ITEM Inter quilibi How longe after the
arrivall of the said Shipp the S:t Joseph in the
Port of Oratava were the thirteen pypes of
wine laden aboard the said Shipp the Joseph by
the ffor of the said Humphrey Dewell & how
long next after the ladeinge thereof did the said Shipp depart from the said Port of Oratava
Declare the truth herein as you know, or beleive. Et
fiat et supra.

17 ITEM Inter quilibi Whether doe you not
know, or have heard That the said Vincent
Russlett did upon a Sunday morninge hwen the
people were at Church takinge his Opportunitye &
without givinge notice to the ffor of the said
Humphry Dewell secretly sett saile from Oratava
with his said Shipp without signinge of bills
of ladeinge for the same. Et fiat ut supra.

18 ITEM Inter quilibi Of what trade Condicon
or qualitye of life are you, where & in how


//many places have you lived for these four
yeares last past what are you worth youX XXX
paid whether have you any any relaccon unto ?or
Dependenc upon the parties producent , XX
of them; or were or are indebted to them, XXX
them if yea to what summe= Et fiat XXXX

19 Item Interr quilibi Whether have you
any CXXXcon with any pson touching XX
deposiccomn to be made in this cause of ye XX
whome & to what effect & by whose meanes XXX
doe you come to be exammed in this cause
fiat et supra.

20: Item Inter quilibi de cere XXXXX XX



Document Number: 77: Date: XXXX


//N:° 77//


//INMTEROGATORIES to the administracon
?on the parte , and behalfe of Micheal
Dibbs, Richard ?Hicks, and companie
Englishmen, and subjects of the Comon
wealth of England owners of a certaine
shippe called the ffredericke (whereof Samuel
Stanton was Captaine) and Comander
and of the tackle, apparell, and furniture
unto the same belonginge, and of Samuel
Mico, Daniel Skynner, and others
merchants, and subjects of the Comon
wealth of England owners of the
ladeinge of the said shippe whereupon
they desire wittneses to be examined
followe XXX

IMPRIMIS Lett very wittness be asked whether
doe you knowe the said shipes called the ffredericke
(whereof the saw Samuel Stanton was Captaine
and Comander) if yiôu , whether doe you not
know that the said skipper, and the tackle apparrell,
and furniture through belongine did and doth
belonge and appertenance unto the said Michael
Dibbs Richard Hicks , and Companie beinge all
Englishmen, and subiects of the Comonwealth
of England, if you expresse soe much, And lett that
wittnes be asked iointly, and severally of the
premisses, and XXX of every parte thereof
Item lett every wittnesse be asked whether was
not the said skipper in or above the monethes


//of January or ffebruary 1656 (accordinge to
the English stile) lett to fraight by the said XXX
or some of them unto the said Samuel Mico, Daniel
Skynner, and other Companie in some of them for XXX
to be made with the said shippe from this port of London
to Bantam or other parts in East India there to XXX
pepper or other goods, and merchandizes for the ?accompt
of the said Samuel Mico, Daniel Skynner, and XX
the fraighters, and ymployers of the said shippe, and
to bringe the same for XXXXX. Declare what you
knowe beleeveth or have heard to this purpose XX
lett the wittnesse be asked as above

3. Item lett everyy wittnesse be asked whether did XX
he saw Captaine Samuel Stanton, and XXX
of marriners sett saile in and with the said ship
and some goods in her from the Downes in or about
the moneth of February 1656 (accordinge to the
English stile) for Bantam and in or about the moneth of
July followinge arrived in and XXX the said
XXXX XXX of the land of Java in East InXXXX
whether was you any of the Companie of XXX
said shipes, and if soe, exprese soe much, and
XXXX you and brXXX in the said shippe. And XXX
wittnesse be asked as above

4 Item lett every wittnesse be asked whether upon XX
arrivall of the said shippe the ffredericke in the XXX
East India aforesaid, and while she was in XXX
for Bantam,a nd about fiftie miles XXXX


//with two Dutch shippes of warre in the immediate
service, and ymployment of the Dutch
East India Companie hath the said shipe the
ffredericke ? whether did not the Comander, a
Captaines of the said two men of warre, or the
Companies thereof ?in (OR, or) some of them comande
of the said Captaine Stanton and his company
whether the said shipes the ffrederick was bound.
what answeare did the said Captaine Stanton or
his companie make therunto. whether did not
the said Captaine Stanton and his companie asome or
some of them conXXXX that the said shipp the
ffrederick was bound for Bantam and that the
said shipp was an English shippe, and XXXbelonge into Englishmen Subiects of the Comonwealth
of England, or to that effecct Decéare what you
knowe or have heard to that purpose

Item lett every wittnesse be asked whether XXXX
XXX the said two Dutch shipes sett out by the
Dutch East India Companie, and in their service
on purpose to XXXX the XXXXX from haveinge any
XXXXX with Bantam, the Inhabitants
thereof, and to take and suprize XX XXX XXX
shippes as she XXXX XX Bantam and
XXXX and not the Captaine, and XXXX
XXXX said two Dutch shipes and companies
XXXX XXXX of them XXX XXX , and


//were the names of the said two Dutch shipps
and the Captaines a comanders thereof and
the wittnesse be asked as above

6. Item lett every wittnesse be asled whether did XX
not the comanders of the said two Dutch menn of
warre XXX the answeare made by the said Captaine
Stanton or some of his companie, that the said
shippe the ffrederick was bound for bantam XX
said Captaine Stanton, that he mXXst not goe
his said shipe for Bantam, who he did not
Captaines of the said two Dutch shipes to XXXX
aske the said Captaine Stanton to come on board
the sad Dutch shipes or one of them, whether XXX
not he tell them that he and the XXX of the sd
shipes under his comand, and thXX he might XX
goe out of his owne shipes, what her XXXXXXXXXX
XXXX said two Dutch Captaines the Comanders of the
said two Dutch Shipes did sevally mXXXX the XXXX
shipes boates, and came forh with aboard thXXX
Captaine Stantons shipe called the ffedericke XXX
XXX you know, or have credibly heard to the XXX

7 Item lett every wittnesse be aske, what her XXX
after the XXXXX of the said two Dutch?Captaines
on board the said shipe the ffrederick did not
?said two Ducth Captaines
or one of them till the said Captaine XXXX
that they were comanded to beXXXX all ?English
shipes that they should meete w:th to the XXX
XXXX at the ?North East end of XX
Island called XXly Paniau. Declare what
you knowe, or have heard to this purpose. And
lett the wittnesse be asked XXX


Poor quality digital image

//Item lett every wittnesse be asked whether did
XX the said two Dutch men of warre saile w:th
the said shipe the ffredericke, and XXX her inder their
comand untill they had brought her under the comand
a their admirall XXXXX a Dutch shipp lyeinge
XXX XXXX othe Dutch shippes (XXX XXX Ducth shippes


//did not sevall ?barks laden w:th XXXX
and bXXXX, and fishXXX vessells usually and
frequently goe in, and out to, and from
Bantam XX XXX XXXX in and out to and
from Bantam what XXX goods, XXX XXX
XXX pcuring they XXXXX, and that the said
Dutch shippes did not nor XXXX, nor went XXXX
power of XXX courts to hXXX hindered them and
that the said Dutch shippes were soe farre from
makeing any share of a XXXXX XXXX XXX
as XXX XX Dutch XXX not any are man in
armes upon & XXXX as must XX XXX XX
nor durst they land any men out of themXXX
to goe to or XXXX BaXXX , and XXX
they XXXX had or pretended to have XXX
hips or possibility of taking XXXX XXX
that they possessed soe ?much, and that XX XXXX
of the Dutch ship XXX to keep & XXXXXX XXX
?moreings to Bautam, and to XXXXX
whole trade of & comodities of Bantam
& XXXX thereunto belong ing unto
themselves, and to exclude &
XXXX from XXXXXX trade or XX
them, and eher doe you XXX know
in your
shipes XXX


Poor quality digital image


//12 Item lett every wittnesse be asked whether
doe you not knowe, or have hear dthat XXX
Cittie of Bantam did and dooth stand XX
a XXXXX Island called Java Maior, and XXXX
thesaid Island is a very greate Islan, and
forsuch comonly accompted, of where exXXXX
or ?iusuit was, and is the said Island XXXX
you did knowe, or have credibly head, why
hath yoz XXXX any thXXX or mapps of
said Island XXXX and XXXXX
that or mapps hereunto annexed a true XX
or mapp of the said Citties and of pte of the said Island and
by XXXX of the Dutch east India Company
XXX XXXX to be and XXXXX in
XXXXXX XXX XXX & hath and XXXX in and
above X sais island and Cittie, and that
perXXXX of the said Cutie XX XXXXXX
lye and stand in such manner of the XXX
XXXX XXX are expressed in the said Cort or
?Mappe XXX the truth herein. And XX
& wittnes of her XXXX





Document Number: 77: Case: XXXX: Date: XXX


1. INTERRIA ex pte Simonis Delboe John Willmott
et socior Testibus quibusdam prdis ex parte
Dm Regis quod nonnulla bona in nave the
Peahen p Cap:m Lightfoote UtXXng seizit
pduct XXX pducend sequuntur ministrat

IMPRIMIS Interrogat:r quilet Whether hee was in the
Voyadge wherein the Logwood in question was brought
whether hee was p_rsent at the buying of or paying for
the same whether hee was p:rsent at the ladeing of such
goods as were putt on board the said shipp Peahen
by John Willmott or his Agents, and in case hee did see
any laden yet how doth hee know hee did see all the
goods that were putt on bord by him the said voyadge
and how doth hee know what was laden back for him
and Company and of what quality & value was the same
and how doth hee know the same; Et interroget:r quilet
con:m div:m et da quolet.

2 Item Interrogat:r quilet Whether hee doth very well
know Captaine Francisco Moraly that was y:e Command:r
of the said shippe the Peahen, whether hee doth beleive
hee is a pson that will speake trueth & is to bee beleived
upon his word or is hee not, doth hee beleive the said
Capt Moraly doth make conscience of what hee saith
or doth, or doth hee not beleive hee maketh any
conscience of saying or swearing any thing what
religion doth hee vbeleeve the said Moraly was of when
hee was heere in the yeares 1659: and 1666: & what
religion is hee the said witnes of. Et interrogatur ut

Item Interrogat:r quilet whether hee the said writing
doth make conscience of an oath or not & whether hee
doth conceive hee could have any disponcacon from any
person to sweare falsely and, if hee say hee doth make
conscience and doth conceive prejury amortall sinne
doth hee not beleeve the said cap:t Moraly doth make
conscience of an oath as well as hee, and if hee hath
bin sworne & examinedin this Court doth hee beleeve


//hee hath perjured himselfe, or hath sworne that XX
Et interrogeter ut supra,

4. Item Interrogetur quilet whether hee was proXXX
teh said Capt Moralis and M:r Delboe in the XXX
Dover else where when thwere wsas any con?ference
about the Logwood in question or any such made XXX
or any contrivance about it & when & where
else was thre & there p:rsent & upon what occasion
they meete or doth hee only speake of heare XX
conjecture or hath hee heard Capt Moralis XX
and in case hee shall say hee hath at any tyme
Capt Moralis say any thing to the effect ?allonis
in the 8:th ale where was the said Moralis & XXX
was hee doeing & whoe was p:rsent, was hee XX
some alehowse or taverne or other place XX
and angry that hee could not have money from XX
said M:r Delboe or M:r Willmott as hee XXX
that purpose? et interr ut supra,

5 Item Interroget:r quilet by whose meanes hee XXX
bee examined as a witnes in this busines what hee
received or doth expect to receive for his paynes XX
hee to have some share or pt of the proceed of XX
Logwood in controversie if it can bee gotten from XXX
Delboe and company and how is it intended XX
shared doth not hee & also M:r Gazman another XXX
the said prsed witneses use theire utmost endeavour
to gett the proceed of this Logwood in controversy XX
the said M:r Delboe & Company or to have it XXX
that they may gett shares of it or to that effect XX
doth hee live and subsist in the world and gett XXX
and how hath hee lived for these seaven yeares last
and what is hee worth of his owne estate Et XXX
ut supra,

6 Item Interroget:r quilet whether hee doth not XXX XX
heard that the said M:r Gazman did doe busines for//


//Captaine Moralis and keepe company with him as
his assistance in his busines and had severall
summes of money or other gratuityes from him, and what
or how much had hee as you know beleive or have
hread, and did not the said M:r Gazman demand
more money or satisfaccon from the said Capt Moralis
than hee had given or payd unto him, and when hee
was denyed (or not complyed with did not hee threaten
the said Moralis that hee would bee revenged of him
or doe him prejudice or that effect as you know
or hath heard, Et interrogetur ut supra,

Document Number: 84: Case: XXXX: Date: XXXX


//N:° 84//



INTERROGATORIA ministrat et ministrand ex parte et
Johis ffenn Testibus quibusuXXX product et producens
in quadan Causa conceenen fferid et
fferrea vasa onerate XXXX the S:t Andrew
cuius Lucas Magares est magijster niter Johem
ffenn ex una pte, et Georgia gaye et Bernardum
Sykes ex altera pte.

IMP:rs interrogetur who by name bought the 413 Iron Potts, 300 bundles
of Rod Iron, and 170 Iron Kettles laden on board the shipp the S:t
Andrew arrested by Authority of this High Court of Ad:lty as you
know, beleive, or habe heard. Et interrogetur co:m div:m et de quolet

XX Item interroget:r of whom were the sayd Goods bought, and whether was
James Yard Junior an English ffactor in ?Dort then p:rsent when the same
were bought by his Order, and whether did he pay or undertake for the
payment of the Mony for which the same goods were sold? Declare the
truth as far as you know, beleive, or have credibly heard. Et fiat et

XX Item let it be interrogated who brought or caused the sayd goods to be
laden on board the sayd Shipp, and for whose Account were the same
laden on board the same vessell= Declare the truth as far as you know,
beleive, or have credibly heard. Et fiat et supra.

XXX Item let it be interrogated doe you know, beleive, or have credibly heard
that the sayd goods were laden on board the sayd vessell by the Order
of the sayd James YardJunior as bought by him for the Account of
M:r John ffenn London Merchant? Et fiat ut supra.

XX Item let it be interrogated whether dow you know the sayd James Yard
Junior, and had you any discourse with him touching the lading on board
the sayd Shopp, the sayd goods? Did he at any time tell you that the
sayd goods were bought by him, and laden, or to be laden on board the
sayd vessell for the Account of the sayd John ffenn? Et fiat ut supra.

XX Item let it be interrogated whether doe you know, beleive, or have
heard that the sayd james Yard Jun with his owne hand writing
filled up the Bill of lading of the sayd goods and did insert therein the
sewall pticulars thereof? Et fiat ut supra.

XX Item let it be interrogated have you heard the sayd james Yard say
at any time that he was ffactor for the sayd John ffenn, and was he
at any time p:rsent with Ralph Brassey when the sayd goods were Laden
or appointed to be laden on board the sayd vessell. Et fiat ut supra

XX Item let it be interrogated whether have you received or have been
promised any summ of Mony or other reqward by any place or psons
(and by whom?) to certify and declare that the sayd goods were
laden on board the sayd bessell by the sayd Brasrey, and not
by the sayd Yard for the Accomt of George Gay and Berbard
Sykes, and not for the Account of the sayd John ffenn, or to that
effect? Et fiat ut supra.//








//Interrogatories on the behalfe of ?Ingle
ffrith M:r of the Shippe the Orange Tree
to be administred to whatsoever apused witness
produced or to bee produced on the behalfe
of Saniel Atkyns as followeth.

Imprimis Let each the ?other what relaccom hee
hath to Daniel Atkyns and how & by what
meanes he cometh to bee sworne in this busines whether
he was p:rsent at the XXvoyage making for the sayd
cordage & other this XXXX for in this cause
when & where






//Interria ministrata et ministranda ex
pte sieve per pXXX XXXXsd Johis Welsh oibus
et singularis testibus plusis ex pte siXve per
ptem Dmm Feorgij Smith imilitis Lura Lucye
Nathanielis Letten Andrea Duran Johis Page et XXXX utXXXss pduct XXX pducend
sequuntr vizt

IMPRIMIS exponate piclur piXXX et pana falsindin testis
et XXX intetrth dXXX quit whether he such witnesse
be of any degree of kindred unto all or any and
to which of the partyes in this Suite and in
what degree or what other relaccom hath he to
them or any of them Et interth con:m et dic:m
et de quold.

2. ITEM aske every witnesse whether he knoweth
who was M:r of the Shippe the Love als
the Charity in question




Document Number: 257: Case: XXXX: Date: XXXX


// INTERRIA Ministranda ex parte
ad partes Guinea wexXXXX sup quibus
Testes prtunt examinati sequuntur

1 IMPRIMIS Interr quilibi Whether doe you
know a certaine Shipp called the Providence
whereof Thomas Cheves was master and Comander,
if yea expresse so much, and whether doe you not know
that the said shippe was lately and when bound out
in the service of the Rocyall Company of Mrchants
of England trading for Africa, and did arrive
in the Rode of Comando in Affrica in or about
September 1663 if yea expresse somuch et
XXXX XXX et XXXquelibet

2 Item Interr quilibel whether did not the said shipp
carry out severall goods from the port of London to
bee bartard (sic) and traded away there for the Accompt
of the said Royal Company, and whether did not
the said Thomas Cheevers the master of the said
shippe for and on the behalfe of the said Royall
Company offer to trade with severall Negroes of the
said place for bartering away of the Comodities
carried out in the said shippe for Merchandizes and
Commodities of the said Countrey, and whether did
not severall Negroes of the said place with XXX
canoes come to the side of the said shippe the
Providence and were in actuall trade with the
Master of the said shippe if yea expresse so much//


//et fiat ut supra

3 Item Interr quilibet Whether was there not a XXX
shippe in the said port of about the XXX when of one hundred Tonnes belonging to the Affica XXX
of the Unired Provinces, whether did
the Master and Company of the said shippe XXX
and obstruct the said Cheavers in the said ?trade
and did hinder and oppose the said Cheavers and
Company from going ashoare with theire Boates
there and that the said XXXX Company of the
said dutch shippe finding the said Cheavers said
Company resolute, and resolved to goe on with the
Trade, and fearing or dounting that they XXX
not bee able by force to restraine him, did sXXX
another dutch shippe belonging to the Affrica Company
of the United Provinces to come from Castle del XXX
to Comodo to hinder the said Cheavers from ?riding
there with the said shippe the Providence declare
the trith herein Et fiat ut supra

4 Item Interr quilibel Whether some short XXXXX
how long after the said dutch shippe was sent for ?did
the said dutch shippe being a vessell of 400 Tonnes
mounted with 36 Gunnes or thereabouts and
manned with about an hundred men did come XXX
Castle del mine unto the Road of Comendo XXXX
come thither, did hold the shippe the Providence//


//Asked the Master and Company thereof whence the
shippe was and whither bound or to that effect, and
whether did not the Master and Company of the said
shippe the Providence or some of them make answer
therunto that the shippe the Providence was of
London, and belonged to the Royall Company
of English Merchants tradeing for Africa, and was come
to trade for them upon the Coast of Affrica or to that
effect Et fiat ut supra

5 Item Interr quilibet Whether upon the next day after the
premisses or thereabouts did not the Captaine of the
said greate dutch shippe send some of his Company
and Merchants aboard the said shippe the Providence
to demand of the said Cheavers a view of his papers and
cocquetts and by what authority hee came to trade there
and whether did not the said Cheavers after there a
coming aboard the shippe shew them his papers and
cocquetts and made it appeare to them that the said
shippe was in the service of the said Royall Company
and was by them sent thither to trade for the said
Company Et fiat ut super

6 Item Interr quilibet whether shortly after the premisses
and how long did not the master and Company of


Poor quality digital image


//round the Legg of one of one William
?frost being one of the Company of the Providence
who opposed them therein, and XXXXX off the ?said
Canoe and afterward did not nor owuld suffer or
permitt any negroes to come to or Trade with the
said Cheavers, but by force hindred them so to doe
and thre being a Canoe sent by the Agent of the
said Royall Company or some of them to come to
the said Shippe the Providence with severall English
men in her, the said men in the said dutch Boares
would not suffer them to come to, or near the Shippe
Providence, nor suffer them, or any of them to speak
with the said Cheavers or any of his Company or
they with him and by force and violence hindred
them therein Et fiat ut supra

7 Item Interr quilibet Whether did not the said
Thomas Cheavers or his Company or some of them
by his order aske those in the said dutch Boate what their
XXXXing was in forceing away the said
Canoes and hindring of his Trade or to that effect
whether did not they thereupon in Contempt of him
show him theire ARMES, as if that were theire


//Authority, and that after the said greate dutch ?ship
came into the said Road the Master and Company
thereof did not nor would at all suffer or XXXX
said Cheavers or his Company to have any trade
with the Negroes there, ir they with them nor XXXX
them to come at or neare one another, or to hold XXX
Communication or Correspondence together, and XXXX
and violence did hinder them from tradeing with the
other declare the truth herein Ez fiat ut supra

8 Item Interr quilibet whether doe you know beleive or
have heard that the Generall or other Comander XX
Cheife of the dutch Affrican Company at Cape
?Minine or theire Councell theire did send order
to the Captaine and Company of the said great ?dutch
Shippe and the other dutch shippe at Comodo XX
suffer the said shippe Providence to have and trade
there, but by force and violence to ?hinder them
And whether whie the said Shippe was az Comodo did
not some of the Companies of the said dutch shippe
or some of them, and which of them tekk the said XXXX
and Company or some of them, that ther was
from the Dutch Generall at Castke ?demine XXXX//

//said Cheaver should not goe on shoare with
his Boates to Trade ?thence or to that effect declare
the truth herein Et fiat ut supra

9Item Interr quilibet whether did not the said Cheavers
and his Company being hindred in his said trade
as aforesaid, and not suffer to trade at Comodo by
the said Dutch shippes and theire Company were
forced to depart from thence to another place Et fiat
ut supra

10 ITEM Interr quilibet devXXX Casis frieulia sua y:r.//

Document Number: 242: Case: XXXX: Date: XXXX


//N:° 241//
Verso (at back of the document)

Recto (at front of the document)

Interries to be administrated on the
behalfe of o:r Soveraigne Lord the
Kinge to the Wittnesses produced
on the behalfe of S:r Martin Noell
in the Cawse (sic) wherein our Lord the
Kinge is sette against the said S:r
Martin Noell, of which it is
desired that the said Wittnesses
may be secretly and severally
examined viz:t.

1. IMPRIMIS. lett every Wittnes be asked
whether he was at any time p:rsent
and did see any money paid by s:r
Martin Noell (then M:r Martin Noell)
or any on his behalfe to the late
Commissioners or Collectors for prize
goods or any on their behalfe, If he
did not see any such money paid, let
him say soe; If he did see any such
money paid, let him sett downe upon
his oath howe much he did soe see paid,
and by whome it was paid, and for
what it was paid, and to whome it
was paid, and what receipt was given
for it, and under whose hand, and the
times hwen; Et Interrogetur con;ny
dip:ny et do quelet.

2 Item Interrogetive whether he was not
in the yeares 1650. 1651. 1652. 1653. 1654.
1655. 1656. 1657: (or when) an Officer or
Clarke to or under the then Collectors
or Commissioners of Prize goods; And XXX//


have you not had the sight or prosXXX
the Bookes of sales of prize goods, and of
other Bookes of Retornes and other XXXX
of prize goods; And have you not there
knowne and zjaz it cleerly appeared to
you that severall prize goods and XXXXX
salte and shipps were bought at
Portsmouth and Dover before the ?2X
of July 1659 by John Day for or XXX
were transferred to the said M:r
Martin Noell was to pay and did XX XXXX
security to pay for; And more XXXX
these following viz:t soe bought by XX
said John Day at Dover in. 1652:
the respective prizes following.

Out of the prize shipp Turke
165 2/5 of Spanish salt at 60:s)
per Weigh for 586:li 4:s or)
coming to in sterling money)

586:li - XXX - XX

Out of the Shipp Rob als
Blackfish for 134 1720 Weigh)
of Spanish salt at 65:s p Weigh)

435 - 13 - XX

Ou of the Shipp Unities)
lading for 91 Caske of Brandy wine)

147 - 19 - XX

Out of the same for 10. ?Scaynes)
of XXXX Containing. 11 1/2 at 9:d p:li)

000- 08 - XX

Out of the Shipp Red-Mill for)
23. pipes amd 21. hhdds of)
Portugall Oyle)

565 - XX- XX

Out of the Shipp Unities)
lading for Brasse and Copper)
kettle and Basons)

042 - XX- XX

Out of the Shipp Young Cooke)
for 112 13/20 Weigh of ffrench salt)
at 43:s 4:d p Weih)

244 - XX - XX//





debtor for the same; and is not soe much
cleere and Evident unto you by what you
have observed and seene


6. Item Interrogetur whether the schedule
beginning London The 9:th 1653: and saying
in these words- Gent:t
pleased to declare or cawse pray to be XXXX
unto M:r Martin Noell or his Order XX
Shipp called the 3. Blackmores which
bought of yo:r Worpps the 14:th May, ?his
giveing a discharge unto yo:r Office and
that I may have creditt for the XXX
you will oblidge yo:r servant John ?day

To the Wo:ll Comissioners for prize goods
The Shipp doth come to 053:li - XXX
Whether the same were not reall XX
true, and truely subscribed with the
propp hand of the said John Day
and the Shipp soe delivered to the
said M:r martin Noell (now S:r
martin Noell) the nowe defender
and whether the said Defendant M:r
Martin (nowe S:r Martin Noell) XXX
and did not become debtor for the XX
Shipp, and was soe Entred debtor in
the prize goods, and the pson that XX
bona fide ought to pay for the said
shipp the 3. Blackmores aforesaid
declare yo:r full knowledge.

7. Item Interrogatur Whether the schedule
beginning A y:e 28:th May 1653.
be pleased to deliver or cawse to be
delivered unto M:r Martin Moell
or his Assignes. 100. hhdds of French Wines, e:r and subscribed yo:r serv:t John XXX//


and directed thus. To the Wor:ll Com:rs
for prize goods, be not reall and true
and subscribed with the propp hand of the
said John Day, and the said 100. hhdds
of ffrench wines thereby transferred
to the nowe Defte S:r Martine Noell then
M:r Martine Noell, and whether he
doe not stand, and was entred dentor
for the said prize ffrench wines, and
be the pson that ought to answere
and pay for the same: XXXX (a 29 c)

Item Interrogetur whether the schedule
beginning M:r Rich: Hill, M:r Samuell Wilson
and running thus; 8:XX I pray be
pleased z^to give Oders unto this
Bearer Anthony Guy Wine-Cooper to
receive Twelve Butts of Sweet Oyles
bought by John Day for my Accompt
which is all at p:rsent from yo:r
humble serv:t Martin Noell
XXcend. 20:th 1652.

Whether the same be not reall & true
and subscribed by the said nowe Def:te
then M:r martin Noell (nowe S:r
Martine Noell) and whether he be
not dentor for the said Twelve
Butts of sweet Oyles, and spe Entred
and that he be the pson that oight tobe charged therewith and to pay for
the same.

Item Interrogatur Whether the schedule
nowe shewed running this.



//16 whether is it no true That ?the
said Defte M:r martine Noell (now
S:r martine Noell) or those that XXX
Noates or Accompts for him, have by XX
reckoned as paid by ghim the XXXX
summes serveall times, and demanded
allowanes twice over for the same
summes, and yet not truely sett down XX
many summes chrageable for prizes
upon the said nowe Defte, and XXX
he oughte to paye, soe that they XX
made theIR Reckonings and accompts
untrue both in the Charge and
discharge, not setting down XX
summes, that the said M:r Martin
Noell ought to paye, and demaning
allowances twice over, of what XXX
paid but once, if at all.//



Document Number: 237: Case: XXXX: Date: XXXX


//N:° 237//


Interria ministrata et ministranda ex parte
et parte, Dmm Willmi Ryder (sic) Militis Willimi Cutler[8]
et Gregij Cock testis quiXXXXung ex parte et per ptem
Johis Herman Wymakert et seies, Johannem Vanhatten
Egidin Puisiem et Jacobu Kordt utungh product
sXX producteand seguut:r

1 Imprimis interr. Whether doeth hee knowe ?Godfrey deleau named
in the allegacon on which hee is examined? howe long
hath hee knowne him; and in what place hath the said Deleau
lived these 3. yeeres last: At interr con:m et di:m at de quelibet

2. Itmm interr Whether the bill of Lading heere
unto annexed bee nott the originall bill of lading for the
Iron nowe in controversie, And whether the name Joachim
Wymeyer bee not written with the prop handwriting of
him the said Joachim, At fiat ut supra.

3. Itmm interroget:r In what moneth and on what day of the
moneth came the said shippe the Stockholme from the Port
where the Iron in controbersie and her other lading was
received aboard. At fiat ut supra.

4 Itmm interr. Whether before the shippe Stockholme came from
Stockholme, and before the Iron in controversie was Laden
aboard, was itt nott commonly and generally reported
that the said Godfrey Deleau was bankrupt or failed in
his estate and in what moneth did the said wittnesse first
heare that the said deleau was failed. Et fiat ut supra.//





XX van Beeck

In oossanen 11 Octob. 1663:



Verso (back of P1100942)

This is the previously folded outer wrapper of the document inside

//?Ersame discloed
S:r Elias van Neeck
In ?Bottleloon XXX


pre pXXX tag



//XX Johem nidri Meyen vam Stockholm Schipper naeft God von mijnen
XX Scheppe genamet Stockholm als nu'ter tijdt gereet liggende voor, de stadt Stockho
XXom mettern ersten goeden wint die God berleenen fal te zeylen na London in englant
Xal war mijn rechte onladinge zijn fal, or conde ende kenne dat ick ontfanghen hebbe onder den over-
loop ban mijn voofz Schip van Sr jan Cornelissen te werten:
961 staven schampeljoen ijsex;- W: 201 schipw

al drooge ende wet geconditioneert enn gemerck met dit voorstaende merck. Alhet welcke ick be-
love te leveren (indien mijn God behouden reyfe verleent) met mijn vorfz. fschip tot LONDEN
TOT OSSAEND. ofteaen fijnen Facteur ofte Gedeputeerden, mits my betalende vor mijn vracht
van dit voorfz goet VANDA 12 SCHIPLL PU LAST 7 XX UP A 4XX 6 PENO

BA LAST A 113 VOONT CAPLACKIN ende de averye na der ufantien
van der zee. Ende om dit te voldoen dat voorfz is, verbinde ick, mijn felven en alle mijn goet, ende
mijn vorfz Schip met alle fyn toebehooren. In kenniffe der warheyt, fo hebbe ick drie Connoffemen-
ten hier af ondertekent met mijnen name, of mine schrijvent van mijnent wegen, al van eender inhout
her eene voldaen, de ander van heener weerden. Gefschreven in STOCKH den 20 dach AUGUSTO
Anno 1663

JASING NJNMNINEY [His signature]

Verso and Recto

Document Number: 229: Case: XXXX: Date: XXXX


The 18:th of June 16XXX
Andrew Pope XXX


This was written
here by mistake and should hae XX
or the Interries of Summons, XX

N:° 229

Poseys his Oath
Interogatorys ffor
M:r Pope


//Interrogatory's on the part /& behalf off James
Powys[9] ffor a Loss in y:e S:t James
Doe you know ffrancis summers[10] off London m:rchant: did he
ever p:rsent to you a policy off assurance to bee assured off or
uppon y:e S:t James one Claeson M:r. how much would hee
have had you to end:rwrite & did he not their declare to you
that hee had insurred one James Powys one hundred pounds
on y:e said ship & that it was a good assurance. therffore
goe a share with him in his afforesaid assurance to James Powys
& what ffurther arguments did he use to you in relation to
obtein y:r subscription; viz as concerning the ship & her being
in y:e sound & y:e other shipps that saw her declare the ?ffact
& y:e whole truth concerning it & how & what time this ?policy
was p:rsented and what or how ?may did you goe ptn:r with him in
this policy or how were you ingaged.
did not M:r Summers indeavour to obteine some money ffrom y:e
that you would assure him 50:li on y:e afforesaid policy and XX
he not produce you a note in writing as hee p:rtende wXX
by that XXXX to iustiffy his right to demand y:e money XX
& procure a note to y:e contrary off that note you did XXX
beffore and y:e same wtnes hand declare you y:e ttruth XX
or whether y:e wtnes did express himselfe by words or XX
it was ?

did not summers & you put this defference off subscriptiXX
this policy to arbitration & uppon what accompt were you XXX
XX ells are you not cleared or have you paid summes XX

did not summers then plead when the policy was put to
arbitration that hee had assured James Powys & he may
oay ye said Powys or ells the said Powys would resXXXX
it off him by Law what more you know herein declare
or what were ye words summers did their say & what time or

times was this put to arbitration.//
  1. Thoma Breton. Thomas Breton, London merchant (b. ?, d. ca. 1687 or 1688) PROB 11/392 Exton 87-130 Will of Thomas Breton, Merchant of London 4th February 1688
  2. Abraham Sayon. Abraham Sayon (b. ?, d. ca. 1667), London merchant ( PROB 11/324 Carr 59-116 Will of Abraham Sayon of Merchant 26 June 1667)
  3. Johis Godschall. Possibly John Godschall (b. ?, d. ca. 1693), London merchant (PROB 11/416 Will of John Godschall, Merchant of London 30 October 1693 Coker 134-174)
  4. Thomas Hussey. Possibly Thomas Hussey (b. ?, d. ca. 1671), London grocer, resident of Hampstead in 1664 and 1666. In 1666 the Hampstead house was rated at 15 hearths. The VCH, Middx, vol. 9 states that Thomas Hussey, a London grocer, lived in a house on the west side of Hampstead on the medieval customary holding of Slyes. The house was assessed at 14 hearths in 1664 and in 1675 was occupied by William, Lord Paget (PROB 11/336 Duke 54-101 Will of Thomas Hussey of Hampstead, Middlesex 13 May 1671; 'Hampstead town' in C R Elrington (ed.), 'Hampstead: Hampstead Town', A History of the County of Middlesex: Volume 9: Hampstead, Paddington (London, 1989), pp. 15-33, viewed 10/03/12))
  5. Samuel Harwar. Possibly Samuel Harwar (b. ?, d. ca. 1690), London grocer (PROB 11/398 Will of Samuel Harwar, Grocer of London 10 March 1690 Dyke 1-44)
  6. The Mayflower was employed by the English East India Company in 1658 under its commander William Curtis to go and lade pepper at the island of Sumatra. At Acheine (Achine) a boat was sent to the Mayflower carrying pepper, but was seized by Balthasar Bort, commander of three Dutch ships at Acheine road in the immediate service of the Dutch East Indai company, who forbad any further attempts to load pepper on board the Mayflower. ('Mayflower, A.D. 1659' in 'An account of the depradations committed by the Dutch upon the English delivered to the Dutch embassador by the committee, 11. Octob. 1659', p. 761
  7. Thomas Chamber took over as chief agent in Madras in 1659, after the death of William Greenhill (Possibly PROB 11/408 Will of Sir Thomas Chamber of Hanworth, Middlesex 15 March 1692 Fane 1-48
  8. Willimi Cutler. William Cutler (b. ?, d. ca. XX), London merchant ( PROB 11/339 Eure 55-107 Will of William Cutler, Merchant of London 01 July 1672)
  9. James Powys. Possibly James Powys (b. ?, d. ca. 1667), London merchant (PROB 11/325 Will of James Powys, Merchant of London 11 December 1667 Carr 117-176)
  10. ffrancis Summers. Possibly Francis Summers (b. ?, d. ca. 1665), merchant (PROB 11/316 Will of Francis Summers, Merchant 14 January 1665 Hyde 1-56)