Tools: PROB 11/434/167 Will of Panus Calander of Saint Lawrence Poultrey, 24 September 1696

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PROB 11/434/167 Will of Panus Calander, Armenian Merchant of Saint Lawrence Poultrey, City of London 24 September 1696

(PROB 11/434 Bond 176–219 Will of Panus Calander, Armenian Merchant of Saint Lawrence Poultrey, City of London 24 September 1696)

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29/11/11, CSG: Posted transcription to wiki


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Tm Panus Calender (in LH margin at top)

IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I Panus Calander Armenian Merchant at present liveing in London in the parish of S:t Lawrence Powntney being sick and weake in body but thanks be to God of sound and perfect mind & memory doe make and declare my last Will & testament in manner following

FFIRST I recomend my Soul into the hands of Almighty God and my body to the Earth to be decently buried And as for my Estate I dispose thereeof as followeth

FFIRST I will that all my debts and funerall charges be first paid



I give to the Hospitall called S:t Thomas Hospitall in Southwarke Three Hundred pounds

ITEM I doe give to my Servant Sxxxx Ventura ffifty pounds to be paid to him over and above what I owe him

ITEM I give to my maid Betty fforty shillings besides her wages

ITEM I give to Joseph Munday fforty shillings

ITEM I doe give and bequeath All the rest and residue of my Estate both reall and personall in England and elsewhere to my three Sonns Avitie, Aguaperi, & Calander de Calander to bee equally devided amongst them, And I doe nominate for Executors of this my Will my good ffreind M:r Samuel Ongley Sen:r of London Merchant and William Barnesley of London Packer and I give to them Sixty pounds each Revoking all former Wills by mee made In Witnes whereof I have hereunto out my hand and seale the Nine and twentieth day of August one thousand six hundred ninety six the subscription of Panus Calander

Signed Sealed delivered published and declared by the Testator to be his last Will and Testament in the p:rsence of us who have signed in the presence of the said Testator Richard Babington John Paratt Anthony Wright 1696

PROBATUM fuit hunnoi Testamente apud London Coram venti Vivo Thoma Lane Legum Dottore Surrogate venblio et equerri Vivi Pud Richard Rainer Militis Legum etiam Dottorie Curia Praerogativa Cantuariensio Munster Custodis Sive Commissarii legitime Constituti Viresimo Quarto die mensis Septembris Anno Pud Millimo Sexresimo Monagemo Sevro Juramentis Samuel Ongley et Willimi Barnsesley Extarum indicter Testamento nominat Tui Comissa fuit Administratio omnium Administrand eadem Ads:ta Dei Evangelia Jurati Eg:



People mentioned by testator:

William Barnesley

William Barnesley is identified as a packer by the testator. Joint executor of Panus Calender's will.

Samuel Ongley Senior

Mr Samuel Ongley Senior i sidentifed as freind and merchant of London by testator. Joint executor of Panus Calender's will.

Other people of possible relevance:

Edmond Callender

"Edmond Callender, in Tower Street"[1]

Jacob Callender, 1664/65

"Jonne Belly the Armenian is arrived and gone for Persia, with our letters for settling him in the wine office according to your order. Jacob Callender the Armenian, whom you advise to have paid you there for his passage and 2 barrells amber, we have dismissed without any further demands."[2]


Places mentioned by testator:

Parish of Saint Lawrence Powntney

Possible primary sources


PROB 11/434 Bond 176–219 Will of Panus Calander, Armenian Merchant of Saint Lawrence Poultrey, City of London 24 September 1696

Possible secondary sources

  1. John Camden Hotten, The Little London directlory (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 19/01/13
  2. '71. George Oxinden, John Goodier and Gerald Aungier at Swally to Company in London, 12 March 1664/65', G/36/86 Extract from f. 181, in Vahé Baladouni, Margaret Makepeace, Armenian merchants (Philadelphia, 1998), p. 58