HCA 13/73 f.194r Annotate

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To the 17th hee saith that
John Lopez hath lived here in this City for theise six yeeres last
saving such time as hee hath bin in voyages upon the Account of English
men, which hee knoweth having frequented his Company in this City for that time

[[Image(Historia_Insectorum_Generalis_J_Swammerdam_1669_Mosquito_Wikipedia_200114.jpg, thumbnail, 300, "Mosquito, from Historia Insectorum Generalis, J Swammerdam, 1669")]]

To the 18th and 19th hee saith that while the said ship hope was at
Comana the said voyage the arlate Simon Touson Bleau came on board to
the said Mr Lopez, and desired him for Gods sake to take him
on board the said ship for hee was almost starved, and eaten up
with mosquitoes, and lice, and Promised to doe what hee could; And
the said Mr Lopez seeing him in such a Condition did for pitty
Take him on board, but soone after hee was received on board
hee became a very Lewd, wicked swearing fellowe, and given
much to lying stealing and pilfering and the like, and saith that noe Credit
was or is to be given to him, and further that hee was much given to quarreling
and Put him in minde of his swearing and wickednes, the said
To[?n]ison Bleau oftentimes threatne that hee would be the Death of them that
Corrected him, And saith that after the arrivall of the said ship at
Milford haven, the said Tonison went on shore, and there bought
him a great knife, and meeting this deponent in Milford, he pulled
out his knife, and held it in his hand, and told this deponent in the
Dutch Language (which this deponent well understandeth) that that
knife should be the Death of three of the ships Company
though the next tree was his Gallowes, and about a fortnight
after this deponent Goeing on shore, met with the said Tonison Bleau
who told this deponent that in regard hee could not kill those rougues
(meaning three of the said ships Company) hee would bee
revenged of them in another KInd, for hee would Informe
and sweare that the ship and goods belonged to Spaniards though
the Divell fetched him for it, and doe them all the mischeife
that ever hee could to be revenged of them, or to that effect, And
further hee cannot depose, savin the said Tonison Bleau would
Bragg and say in the voyage that hee had robbed his ffather and mother
of all their monyes, and came away from them, and sold himselfe
to the west India Company of Zealand to goe to the west Indias,/.

To the 20th

To the 21th

To the 22th


Secondary sources

Leland O. Howard, Harrison G. Dyar, Frederick Knab, The mosquitoes of North and Central America and the West Indies, vol. 2, plates (Washington D.C., 1912)

Miscellaneous Topics

West India Company of Zealand

Het West Indisch Huys Amsterdam, 1655