HCA 13/73 f.274v Annotate

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This page is for the annotation of HCA 13/73 f.274v.

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HCA 13/73 f.274v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


And there detained the same, And thereupon this Deponent
and the said Isaac Taylor and one Gesham Howard
Cheife Mate of the said ship Protested against the
said Antonio van Voorst Comander of the said ship
the Turtle Dove and all of his Imployers and having
nowe seene the first schedule annexed to the said Allegation
beginning Whereas the Queene of Ackeen
etcetera: and Ending: Dated from on board the Bantam
October the 19th 1657: and subscribed Thomas Newman
Isaac Taylor Gesham Howard. hee saith the same
was and is a true Copy of the said Originall protest
made by this deponent and the said Isaac Taylor and howard
against the said Van Voozt, and all his Imployers And
the said Originall Protest was really and truely signed
by this deponent and the said Isaac taylor and Gesham
Howard on or about, the said Nineteenth of October 1657
and the Contents thereof were and are true; And
further hee doth not depose.

To the 13th hee saith that the said Van Voorst on or about
the said Nineteenth of October 1657: Caused the said
Captaine Taylor and Company to Depart from
Indra Ponza, and sailed with the Bantam ffrigot
in her way to Bantam. neere which place arriving
the said Van Voorst, nor any other of the Dutch shipps
Lying before Bantam, soe that the Bantam
ffrigot was Constrained to goe to Battavia. And the said Van Voorst in
his ship the Turtle Dove; and alsoe the said three, other
Dutch Vessells. Sailed with her thither, and there hee
saith the said Bantam ffrigot lay under Comand of
the said Turtle Dove; and the said Three other dutch
vessells, and alsoe Under the Comand of severall other
Dutch ships there lying, alsoe in the Service of the said
Dutch East India Company. Which hee knoweth for that
hee was Carried in the said Ship Bantam from
Indra Ponza to Battavia. And further cannot depose

To the 14th and 15th hee saith that upon or about the 27th of October
1657: English Stile this Deponent, and Captaine Isaac Taylor
were Comanded to Appeare before the arlate John
Martsuijker the Generall of and for the Dutch East
India Company at Battavia w:ch they according (sic) did
And the said Generall then told this Deponent and the
said Taylor that hee had order that neither
they, nor any of the English should trade in any of the
Dominions of the Queene of Acheine, or to that effect