HCA 13/71 f.412r Annotate

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This page is for the annotation of HCA 13/71 f.412r.

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Annotate HCA 13/64 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/65 Volume Page
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Annotate HCA 13/70 Volume Page
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The 17th of November 1656

Antonio Rodrigo Robles of London Merchant, aged 37
yeers or thereabouts, sworne before the said Judge, saith and
deposeth as followeth.

That the shipp the Black boy was freighted and hired by him this
deponent of and from his precontest Robert Gale (owner of her)
on or about June last to make a voyage to the Canarie Islands to
lade wines and other merchandizes, and to retourne therewith and to follow the freighters order
And that hee soe freighted her for account of himselfe and
other Portugeses living in this citie, and then they laded her
outwards with serges, cloth and other goods, and then at the Canaries
there were laden for their account 149 pipes of wines as by the
papers transmitted thence hether hath bin manifested to this
And saith that the said shipp coming from thence with the said
wines for the downes, was about fourteene days since cast away
by storme and fault or error of the mariners at Brooke in the Ile of Wight
as this deponent hath by letters bin informed, and thereupon he sent
one his precontest Thomas Sneath downe thither to look after
the salvage of the said wines, or what might be saved thereof,
and by him and otherwise hee hath bin advertised that there is a
small quantitie of the said wines saved, and that some of the
anchors, cables and other appurtance of the said shipp are alsoe
saved. And lastly saith the said Gale is commonly accounted (with
his company) owner of the said vessell and appurtance.

[?John ?R.] Robles [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


[GUTTER XXX] and others against the}
Stamboline aforesaid}

Rp. 6.

The 19th of November 1656

Examined upon the foresaid libell and schedule.

Nicholas [?Min]er servant and apprentice of Thomas Abrahall
of the parish of All Hallows Barking London Ship
Chandler, aged 22 yeers or thereabouts sworne and

To the second, fourth, 5th and 6th articles and the eighth schedule
annexed to the libell was showed unto him and by him perused, hee
saith and deposeth that in or about the moneth of Aprill 1659
there were delivered at and from the shopp of the said Thomas Abrahall
and by his order at the instaunce and upon the bespeaking of the libellate
John Case all and singular the goods and materiall schedulated to and for
the use and setting out of the said shipp Stamboline, which was then
outwards bound on a voyage, which hee knoweth for then hee this deponent
as servant to the said Abrahall made delivery thereof, and before
the delivery the said Master Case bespake the same, and they were sent aboard
by his order, this deponent afterwards speaking with the waterman
that carried them aboard, and heard him say they were put on board the said shipp.
And further that the said respective goods and materiall were worth the
severall and respective sumes schedulated, amounting in all to 25l 4s 5d,
and then the like goods were then commonly sold at those rates for ready money
And lastly that the said Thomas Abrahall was to the time of the said delivery
owner of the said goods. And otherwise hee cannot depose.

Nicholas Minor [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]

Suggested links

HCA 13/71 Page Log & Planner
HCA 3/47 Page Log & Planner