HCA 13/71 f.140v Annotate

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The same day Examined upon the sayd Libell


Isaac Jacquett of Wapping in the County of Middlesex Mariner
Late one of the Company of the sayd shipp the Anne, aged
34 yeares or thereabouts a witnesse sworne ánd examined
saith as followeth.

To the first second ánd third articles of the sayd Libell This deponent saith that in
ffebruary last was twelve month the sayd John Carey sayled in the sayd shipp Anne
as master of her from this port on a voyage for Guinny whither hee
therewith safely att Guinny and about or not long before Midsummer
last did there sell to the sayd Gilbert Christopher master of the
Peter and James for a good quantity of the sayd Copper barrs of good value
which he this deponent being one of the Company of the Anne
in the delivery thereof. And hee did heare at Guinny the tyme
aforesayd that the sayd Gilbert gave the sayd John Carey a Bill for the
paying for the sayd Copper barrs, ánd did see then and there a certayne
writing in the hands of the sayd Carey which the sayd was the sayd
Gilbert Christophers bill for the paying for the sayd barrs. And further
not knowing the value of the sayd Copper barrs nor what they were
so sold for nor being positively able to sweare that the Bill
now sworne him was or is the originall true bill aforesayd, he
cannot depose.

To the 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. and 9th articles of the sayd Libell hee saith, that the sayd
Mary Carey was the wife and is the widdow ánd he hath heard that the sayd Gilbert
Christopher is deceased, and that the arrest in this cause is in order to
recover the moneyes for which the sayd Copp barrs were sold. And
that the sayd sale and delivery of the sayd barrs was and is knowne
to his precontest Walter Elton and Richard Daynes who whereof
ánd belonging to the sayd shipp Ann the voyage aforesayd, And
lastly that he hath deposed the truth And otherwise cánnot depose.

To the Crosse Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first Interrogsatory hee saith he did know the partyes interrte. vizt the sayd
John Carey from the beginning of the sayd voyage. and the sayd Gilbert
in June 1655, And that hee favoureth the truth in this cause wishing
that those who were true Owners of the sayd Copper barrs so sold
may have their moneyes due for the same. And further otherwise
than negatively hee cannot answer.

To the second he saith he hath not any interest in this cause nor is concerned
otherwise than to speake the truth according to his Oath. And saith he saw
five Chests of Copper barrs delivered to the sayd Gilbert Christopher att Guiny
but knoweth not their value, nor how they were disposed of, onely saith
he is well assured that the sayd Christopher could not have made this voyage
had he not bene furnished with the sayd barrs. And lastly saith he saw not the
sayd bills signed sealed or delivered, nor was he a witnesse thereto. And
further or otherwise he cannot depose or Answer

Repeated with his two precontests before Doctor Godolphin./


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