HCA 13/71 f.526v Annotate

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This page is for the annotation of HCA 13/71 f.526v.

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Annotate HCA 13/64 Volume Page
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1. backs And this being done and all things portable hidd and putt out of the GUTTER
2. way as well as they could, the Manne of warr aforesayd came neere and
3. haled the sayd dutch shipp shee having then her dutch Colours upon her
4. Mast, and asked whense shee was ˹and with what laden and whether bound˺ and was answered by the Master of her
5. that shee belonged to Rotterdam and that her ladeing was oyle and whale bone
6. and that shee was bound for Roane, which notwithstanding the sayd
7. Captaine of the sayd man of warr coammanded the Master of the sayd
8. dutch vessell to hoyste out his owne boate and come on board the mann
9. of warr and bring his papers with ˹him˺ which the Master accordingly did.
10. And being come on board the man of warr they kept him aboXX there GUTTER
11. some tyme, and in the meane tyme sent two ˹or three˺ of the man of warrs
12. company in the dutch shipps boate aboard the dutch shipp and they
13. being aboard her went into the ˹masters˺ Cabbin and downe into the hold and
14. searched up and downe the shipp to soe whether what goods shee had,
15. and after the sayd Mr ffownes and others aboard the sayd shipp whome
16. and what they were, and having spent some tyme in thus doeing and
17. thereby hindred and interrupted the sayd dutch shipp in the Course
18. of her voyage they carried away some ˹few˺ utensells belonging to the
19. sayd dutch shipp ˹as a scoope and a mapp˺ pretending that they wanted such but the particulars
20. of them hee XXXXXXXXX not, And these premisses hee deposeth of
21. his sight and knowledge being aboard the sayd dutch shipp And saith
22. that the Master ˹of the dutch shipp˺ afterwards coming againe aboard his owne shipp
23. sayd, that while hee was on board the mann of warr, although
24. hee had made it appeare by his writings that his shipp and
25. goods did not belonge to any enymies of the King of Spaine but
26. ought by the league aforesayd to bee free, yet some of the Company
27. of the man of warr did put their hands into his pocketts and tooke out
28. his knife and would have kept it, but upon his Complainte to the
29. Captaine of the man of warr hee caused them to restore it to him
30. againe, And the sayd Master alsoe told this deponent that
31. Mann of warr being gone the Master of the dutch shipp ˹and some of the mariners˺ told this
32. deponent and the sayd Mr Le Thieulieur and Mr ffownes that they
33. feared the sayd Man of warr would not leave the sayd dutch shipp
34. soe, but would come againe at night whereupon this deponent and
35. the sayd Thieulieur and ffownes and one Mr Edward Slaughter a
36. passenger in the sayd dutch shipp went in a fisherman that theX
37. laye hard by on shoare at Mitsout a smale village betwixt Boloigne GUTTER
38. and Callise and tooke their Portmantuaes alonge with them And soe
39. left the sayd shipp./
40. To the 5th hee saith hee cannot of his certayne Knowledge depose any
41. thing to this article but saith that the arlate Nathaniell Denew (whome this
42. deponent knoweth to bee a merchant of London) told this deponent
43. that about November last hee the sayd Denew having shipped
44. him selfe at Rotterdam to come thense for Colchester and that
45. the sayd shipp was mett with by a man of warr belonging to
46. Dunkirk or Ostend and to subiects of the King of Spaine and that they

Suggested links

HCA 13/71 Page Log & Planner
HCA 3/47 Page Log & Planner