HCA 13/71 f.330v Annotate

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To the 8th Article of the said Allegaton hee saith that hee this deponent
being on board the said de La Roche his shipp after the surprizall of the
shipp Endeavour and her lading as aforesaid heard some of the said La Roche
his Companie say and affirme, That they were to have gone to Portugall to
take in their necessarie provisions of wyne for their intended Voiage to
the East Indies, but that they were hindered from so doing by crosse
weather, and that thereupon they steered their course towards the Canaries
in hope to meet with some shipp or shipps laden with wynes [?wherewith GUTTER]
to furnish their said shipps, or words to that of the like effect And
further cannot depose

To the 9th Article hee saith, That immediately after the surprizall [?and ??taking GUTTER]
of the said shipp Endeavour and her lading the French Mariners under the
Command of the said de La Roche tooke and plundered from the [XXX GUTTER]
said shipp Endeavour all or the most considerable part of [?their GUTTER]
cloathes and all their Sea instruments and the private Adventures
they had on board, Which hee well knoweth for that hee was an
Eye witnesse thereof, and otherwise cannot depose:/.

To the 10th hee saith That hee this deponent caused the said shipp
Endeavour to be originally built in the River of London about
five yeares since, and that shee then cost two Thousand [XXX GUTTER]
hundred pounds sterling and was at the time of her said surprizall
really worth two Thousand five hundred pounds sterling or
thereabouts being a staunch tight and very sufficent and able shipp
of the burthen of about 200 Tonnes having on bord her
sixteen peeces of Ordnance, and all her tackle and furniture
extraordinary good, and saith that the fraight due for the said shipp
last employment according to Charterpartie five pounds per tonne
which in all amounted to 782 li: 10 s: sterling or thereabouts, and
the wages due to the said shipps Companie did and doe amount
to 400 li sterling at the rate of fifty pounds per moneth for the space
of eight moneths, and that their Cloathes Sea Instruments and
private Adventures plundered and taken away as aforesaid [?doe GUTTER]
amount unto and were in this deponants best judgement and estimate
really worth 350li sterling or thereabouts And otherwise hee
cannot depose

To the 11th hee saith, That the said wynes siezed and taken in the
said shipp Endeavour were of the very best sort of wynes that the
Canaries produced and afforded in the year 1655. but what [XXX GUTTER]
such wynes did the yield at London hee saith hee knoweth [XXX GUTTER]
for that hee was not there in the moneth of November and
December 1655 arlate and otherwise cannot depose

To the 12th hee saith, That the said Robert Oxwicke and [?Company GUTTER]
Owners of the said shipp by reason of the want of the true va[?lue GUTTER]
thereof and of the freight due for her said employment have [XXX GUTTER]



Robert Oxwicke

London merchant


Primary sources



C 5/386/121 Short title: Oxwicke v Pasfeild. Plaintiffs: Robert Oxwicke and others. Defendants: George Pasfeild and others. Subject: money matters. Document type: answer. 1651
C 5/429/21 Short title: Oxwicke v Marsham. Plaintiffs: Robert Oxwicke. Defendants: John Marsham and others. Subject: money matters, Middlesex. Document type: answer. 1650

C 6/129/199 Short title: Thompson v Oxwick. Plaintiffs: Anne Thompson widow. Defendants: Robert Oxwick , Anthony Thorold and [unknown] Sleigh . Subject: money matters, Nottinghamshire. Document type: bill, answer. SFP. 1655


PROB 11/328/190 Will of Robert Oxwicke or Oxwick, Merchant of City of London 28 October 1668

State Papers

SP 116/306 A remonstrance or narrative, by way of complaint. To the Kings most excellent Majesty, and to the Lords and Commons asembled in Parliament in behalf of Robert Oxwicke and company, owners of the ship Endeavour, and of Richard Baker and Company, proprietors of the said ships lading [etc], London, Joseph Moxon, 1660. 1660

Suggested links

HCA 13/71 Page Log & Planner
HCA 3/47 Page Log & Planner