HCA 13/70 f.492v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.492v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 2 3: and 4th articles of the sayd allegation hee saith that hee well knoweth
that soone after the arlate shipp the hopefull Adventure had taken in her
ladeing at Virginia shee sprung a a suddayne leake in soe much that
by meanes thereof shee tooke in into her hold at least sixe or seaven foote [?of GUTTER]
water, and saith that soe sooe as the arlate Seaverne and Wood and William
davies the Carpenter of her and others Mariners belonging to her perceived
the same they used what meanes possible they could (both by them selves
and the assistance of the company of the Charles an other shipp who laye
a little distance from her, and of divers planters whome the sayd Mariners
of the hopefull Adventure procured to come from shoare to helpe them
to cleere her againe, and did with much labour at two pumpes
night and day cleere her to about eight or tenn Inches water and
haveing soe in some measure cleered her they did by the helpe
of this deponent (who was Carpenter of the Charles) and William
davies Carpenter of the hopefull Adventure and his Mate search the
sayd shipp all over with all the diligence and care they could, but
could not finde her leake to stopp the same, by reason it was soe
farr under water as afterwards appeared, and the sayd Seaverne and
Wood and the rest of the Mariners of the hopefull Adventureseeing
they could not yet finde the same, did by the assistance aforesayd
hawle the sayd shipp ashoare to see if at a lowe water they could
finde the same, but found it not by reason it laye soe deep under water, whereupon the sayd Mariners by the assistance aforesayd did
hawle her afloate againe, and caused her goods to be unladen
intending to caareene her, that soe if possible they might finde
the sayd leake, And haveing taken out most of her goods in
hold, the sayd Seaverne and Wood and davies and other the Mariners
at worke in the hold of the sayd shipp the hopefull Adventure
about helpeing to unlade her goods, heard the water come in very
fast in hold (and as they thought about the [?wroughe] heads of the sayd
shipp, and thereupon the sayd Severne and Wood and the other Mariners
sent to this deponent to tell him that they were in good hopes to
finde the leake, for that they heard where about it came in very fast
and that they desyred this deponent to come and helpe them to stopp the same
whereupon hee this deponent came againe on board the hopefull
Adventure and helped them to search more narrowly for the
sayd leake And at length by cutting within board in hold
to finde out the same, did finde that the same was about the
R[?ouge] heads, about six or seaven feete under water, and was
an old