MRP: C10/99/70 f. 1

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C10/99/70 f. 1



//The Joynt and severall Answers of S:r George Smith S:r William Rider knights Edward ??Wood and Mauirce Thompson ESq:r fowre of the defd:ts to the Bill of Complaaynt of//
//the Governor and Companie of Merchants of London tradinge to the East Indies in XXXXXXXXX//

//These defendants now & att all times hereafter saveinge & referringe to themselves all & all manner of Advantages of Exception to the manifest & apparent incertaintyes & insufficiencies in the said Bill of Complaint//

//conteyned for a full & perfect answere thereunto or soe much thereof as any wayes concerneth ?this ?or these defendants or any of them to  ?make answers unto, doe for themselves Joyntly & severally ?say XXX? //

//And first these defendants say that they doe beleive that the said shipp called the Royall James & Henry was about the tyme in the Bill mencconed, to that purpose hired & lett to pXXXXX by the ?one XX XXXXX//

//unto the Comp:lts for A voyage in the said Bill expressed uppon such undertakeings & Agreements and in such manner as are therein sett forth but for XXXXXXXXXXXXX the XXXXX referrs them soe XXXXX//

//Charter ptie wherein the Agreem:t on both parties are sett downe & expressed And they say for themselves sewally & respectively that FXXXX themselves & owners of the said shipp & doe beXXXX//

//seaven hundred pounds was received & dysposed of to the use of the said defendants pteowners of the said shipp beforehand of which shipp the saidXXXX XXXXX?or had a sixteenth ?parte XXXX//

//Smith another sixteenth parte & the said Maurice Thomson another sixteenth parte on the behalfe of his sonn and that the said shipp XX is XXX XXXX by y:e XXXXXXX but yo.r XXXXX thXXX

//def:t referr the complaynants to their books concerninge the said shipp for their sattisfaccon therein And these defendants have Laden or put on board the said shipp XXXXX in XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX

//that they or any of them or any other pson or psons whatsoever to their or any of their knowledge since the said Agreements have Laden or put on board XXXXXXXXXXXXXX

//any persons or any kindes or sortes of goods uppon their or any of their private Accompts or trade or upon the accompts or private trade of any other pson or psons whatsoever to the XXXXXXX in the XXXXXX//

//to any place or places whatsoever to bee vented or sould nor doe they or any of them knowe that any goods or Merchandizes have been shipped therein otherwise the XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

//in anywise contrary to the said Agreement in the Bill mencconed other than are here after expressed And these defendants S:r George XXXXX

//respectively say & deny that they or either of them or any other by their order or private or by y:e order or privitie of either of them did hier or cause to his XXXXXXXXXXXXXX

//where for any such use end & purpose as in the Bill is surmised or that any such XXXX was ?reced by them or either of them from the ?Commander BXXX from y:e other XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

//whatsoever as in the Bill p:rtended nor doe they or either of them knowe any thinge touchinge any such transaccons & doe deny all underhand cariage in the XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

//either of them part in practise to the wronge of the said Comp:lts in any wise And all the said def:ts doe alsoe denye that they or any of them have p:retended to take no XXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

//Agreement but what they may lawfully & consienally doe if there shall bee found cause And these defendants S:r George Smith & Maurice Thomson & Edward Wood & of it XXXXXdenyeth that XXXX//

//any of them have made or caused to bee made or knowe of any assurance or assurances of any goods in the bill specified laden on board the saide shipp

//is suggested Only this defendant Edward Wood sayeth that hee hath heard att the Insurance office that sewerall pollicies of

//to the usuall custome in that behalfe registered in A Booke kept for such purpose where the comp:lts may XXXXX search

//S:r William Rider further sayeth that hee was desired by others the partowners of the said shipp to write to XXXX

//did & that there was Laden on board of A shipp called the Venice Merchant Captaine Thomas Smith master five bales conteyninge two hundred & fifty peeces of the said Leyden?aSayes five Chests of//

//the said Knives & two barrells of sheathes which the said Maurice Blackman had order to lade upon A small vessell which was to goe to Guinea in their Comp:lts but which XX the said ?Maurice Thompson

//were put on board a small shipp or on the shipp Royall James & Henry this defendant is informed & saieth that the XXXX//

knowes not but beleives they were put on board the shipp Royal XXX

//more goods putt on board the said Shipp att London for her owners Acc:t as by the shipps books appeares (viz) two hundred Pampillion Ruggs two Bayles  ??conteyninge two hundred & fourtie XXXX//

//striped & in spiritts & in Brandewyne to the vallue of fouretie pounds all which goods were sent as a Joynt stocke for the owners of the said shipp consigned to the master ??& purser of the//

//said shipp to supply her wants beyond the Seaes & if any overplus were the same was to bee retorned on the said

//said Charterpartie, and as for any other goods hee knowes none laddn on the said shipp but such as are solely for the

//before the Comittees of the said Comp:ie in one of their Courts And what this defendant hath before herein set forth

//of these Courts And as touchinge any assurance supposed to bee made by this defendant or any other to his knowledge of any

//Blackman in the Bill named leavinge severall sommes of money unpaid to severall parties for his part of settinge forth the said

//shipp might bee arested in the Downes for the same Thereupon moved & prevailed with M:r Richard Middleton of London Merchant

//said shipp which hee the said Richard Middleton, his brother & brothers servant accordingely did lend uppon Bottemry

//?securitie whereof Captaine Jeremie Blackman signed a Bill of Bottomry & the better to peruse the same on

//to bee insured of which three hundred pounds was for the Accompt aforesaid & two hundred pounds for the Accompt

//XXXXXX XXXX further sayeth that they knoweeth of noe other XXX sayes or other goods whatsoever laden laden on board the said shipp XXXX

//That the said M:r Hutchinson did shipp sayes theXXXX
