MRP: Thomas Nurse will

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Thomas Nurse will

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17/03/12, CSG: Created page

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IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I Thomas Nurse being well both in mind and body make my last wull and testament as followeth. Revoakeing any former will if any be found AND bequeath all that Estate which God hath blessed me withall, And this ?wicked world hath left me as followeth

FIRST I give to my sonne George ffive pounds and noe more besides what hee hath already had

ITEM I give to my sonne Walter besides what I have already given him Three hundred and ffifty pouns

ITEM to my sonne William Eight hundred and ffifty pounds

ITEM to my daughter Katherine Eight hundred and ffifty pounds

ITEM to my sonne Valentine besides what I have already given him Three hundred pounds

ITEM I give to my sonne Richard ffive hundred pounds

ITEM I give to my beloved wife Eight hundred pounds during her life which Eight hundred pounds Principall I give her power to devide amongst my Children and to XXXX else as shee shall find which of my Children most deserveth it or wants itt,

AND if shee devide it not it shall be equally devided amogst them all

ITEM I give her all the rent of my Land in Odeby in the County of Lecester dureing her life Which land after her decease I give to my sonne Walter Nurse and his heires

ITEM I give to the poore of the parish where I dye ffive pounds And the like ffive pounds to the poore of the parish where I shall be buried Which I desire may be in the Cloisters att Westminster or in S:t Paul's And that in Grave Stone by hand ?appeareth with inscriptions beginning XX FIET SPECTATER SC Being att M:r Stantons next doe to S:t Andrewes Church in Holborne for which he is paid I desire not above Twenty pounds besides the Charges of Buriall and the ground to be bestowed on my funerall, My Bookes I give to my sonne Richard

ALL THE REST of my Plate goods and personall Estate I order to be ?presed. The use of halfe of them I give to my wife dureing her life The rest equally to be devided amongst my Children

AND now Lord I beseech thee to ?shine on me att my death as thou hast soemtimes done in my life If my Debts prove not good Every Legatee shall loose Reateably Their portions shall be paid to every one att their severall accomplished ages If any dye before the portions bequeathed shall equally be devided amongst the rest

FFINALLY I make my beloved wife and sonn Walter Nurse Joynt Executors of this my last Will and Testament And beseech them to make noe Seits Amen.
march the ffirst. 1661. By me Thomas Nurse


WHEREAS I understand since the makeing of this will my sonne George was married without my knowledge or consent nay expressly against my Comand to that person And that he hath a Child by this daughter of One Winstanley, Yf that Child live to full age I doe give it the summe of ffifty pounds and noe more But if it prove contentious about my further Legacy I Revoake this and give it ffive pounds only

ITEM my will is that my sonne William and daughter Kathereine be maintayned out of their portions untill they come to age I revoke the Three hundred pounds given my sonne Walter fforI have given it him since I made this will.

December 24. 1662.

By me Th: Nurse.

Sealed and published June the 23: 1665

Willm Evalts, John Johnson Richard Thornton


Possible primary sources


PROB 4/13844 Nurse, Thomas, of St. Andrew, Holborne, London, and the Borough of Leicester Doctor in Phisick 1668 1 Sept. (1667)

PROB 18/11/11 Probate lawsuit Nurse (by guardian) v Nurse and Franklin, concerning the deceased Susanna Nurse, widow of Dr Thomas Nurse of [St Dunstan in the West, London]. Allegation 1679

PROB 20/1927 Nurse, Susanna: 1678

PROB 36/3 Name of deceased: Nurse Susannah St Dunstan in the East, London Case title and other data: Nurse con Nurse 1679